
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-03-03 07:48:48 祝福語 我要投稿
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  Congratulations to you! Say goodbye to the single, also said you find true love, as your friend, also really happy for you, I wish you a happy wedding, sweet tightly, happiness。

  2 、紅紅的殿堂,紅紅的喜喜字,鋪天蓋地,今天是你的大喜日子,我代表所有曾經(jīng)得到過你幫助的朋友們,在此祝福你,好人一生平安,幸?鞓返接肋h。

  Red, red "xi xi" word, blanket, it's your big day today, I represent all of the people who ever get your help, in this blessing you, the good life of peace and happiness forever。


  Brilliant speech only ornament feelings, if I am silent, doesn't mean I don't care about you, too。 The rest of your life, please come with me, the new journey, enjoy the journey is beautiful, enjoy life。

  4 、當(dāng)幸福的鐘聲響起來,一對新人面對美好的未來,獻上我最真誠的祝福,愿你倆新婚快樂!永結(jié)同心!美好的時刻直到天長地久,愛到天荒地老!

  When the happiness of the bell sound, a couple in the face of a better future, my most sincere wishes, may you two happy wedding! Knot! Wonderful moment until the everlasting, love to the glebe's old!

  5 、愿你倆用愛去纏著對方,彼此互相體諒和關(guān)懷,共同分享今后的苦與樂。敬祝百年好合永結(jié)同心,視你們永遠相爰,攜手共度美麗人生!

  May you two to tangle with love each other, each other understanding and care, to share the hardships and happiness in the future。 Merry one hundred knot tie, hence see you forever, hand in hand to enjoy beautiful life!

  6 、緣何相聚,還諾前世;聚何相愛,為惜今生;愛何相守,心心相依。天賜良緣,真愛永恒。祝福你們,鴛鴦蝴蝶,永沐愛河,新婚快樂,永遠幸福。

  Why together, also past lives; How to love, to cherish life; Love together, mutual dependency。 Grant good marriage, love forever。 Bless you, mandarin duck and butterfly wing mu love, newly married happiness, happiness forever。

  7 、只有懂得生活的人,才能領(lǐng)略鮮花的嬌艷。只有懂得愛的人,才能領(lǐng)略到心中芬芳,而你正是這樣一個人,你們正是這樣的一對,祝你有一個特別溫馨的婚禮!

  Only people understand life, to appreciate the delicate and charming of flowers。 Only understand a loving person, can enjoy the sweet in the heart, and you are such a person, you is such a couple, I wish you have a special sweet wedding!

  8 、此刻不需要太多的蜜語甜言,太多的真情才修得了你們?nèi)蘸笠黄鹜,作為朋友請讓我們一起分享這份浪漫,隨即送上朋友的真心祝愿:愿你們新婚快樂,幸福美滿!

  This moment you don't need too much honey, too much love to cultivate, got you together in the future the as a friend, please let us share this romantic then send friends sincerely wishes: wish you newly married happiness, happiness!


  Double happiness on the door, hang a smile corners of the mouth side, side of heart with tenderness and happiness accompany side, the date of the wedding, to toast to wish the couple, I wish you happy forever, one hundred good together forever。 Wedding day!

  1 0 、單身貴族今破產(chǎn),五好家庭新開張;ㄇ霸孪略S多年,如今終于見牡丹。戒掉煙酒與鬼混,老老實實去結(jié)婚。一入圍城深似海,送君幸運救生圈。祝:新婚快樂!

  Single now bankrupt, have achieved new family。 Flowers for many years, and now finally see the peony。 Quit smoking and drinking and fooling around, honestly to get married。 A marry deep as the sea, send your lucky life buoy。 I wish: happy wedding!

  1 1、別把猜疑放在心間,缺乏信任影響婚姻;千萬莫要亂發(fā)脾氣,加點體貼加點溫馨;百年修得今世良緣,愿你珍惜幸福永遠。祝新婚愉快,百年好合!

  Don't put the suspicion in heart, a lack of trust affects marriage; Never don't want to temper tantrums, add bit of considerate with a little warmth; One hundred to mend this good marriage, cherish the happiness to you forever。 Wish you a happy wedding, good luck one hundred!

  1 2、紅梅映雪開,郎騎竹馬來。喜酒宴客賓,瑞雪迎新人。嗩吶吹喜慶,鞭炮鳴吉祥。叩頭需見響,天地與高堂。冬寒洞房暖,愛情苦后甜。祝:新婚愉快!

  Hong mei snow, lang sweethearts to riding。 Tie the diners, snow orientation。 Suona is festival, blowing off firecrackers sound good luck。 Kowtow to see ring, heaven and earth and a hall with high ceiling。 After determination bridal chamber warm, love is bitter sweet。 I wish: happy marriage!

  1 3、紅荷張開并蒂花,朝陽彩鳳喜迎門,賀客滿門慶新婚,紅燭高照結(jié)姻緣,百年好合琴瑟鼓,鸞風(fēng)和鳴情意濃,祝愿愛挽君心玉人心,情系君身玉人身,新婚快樂。

  Open BingDi red lotus flower, chaoyang colourful feng celebrates its door, door, full wedding anniversary, red candle shining knot marriage, one hundred good drum or harps, luan wind offerings and cordiality thick, wish love jade wan js mi ammy, sympathised with jun jade personal, wedding day。









