
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-10-22 20:44:31 俊豪 經典臺詞 我要投稿
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  1、All about you is my business.(關于你的一切都是我的事。)

  2、Not you found us, we found you.(不是你找到我們,而是我們找到你。)

  3、You should be extremely afraid.(你應該非常害怕。)

  4、Eyes, lungs, pancreas... so many snacks, so little time.(眼、肺、胰臟……這么多零食,這么點時間。)

  5、We will eat both of your arms, and then both of your legs, and then we will eat your face right off your head. You will be this armless, legless, faceless thing, wont you, going down the street like a turd in the wind!(我們會吃掉你的雙臂,然后吃掉你的雙腿,然后吃掉你的臉。你會是這樣一個沒有胳膊,沒有腿,沒有臉的人,不是嗎?你會像風中的渣滓一樣沿街走下去。

  6、Outstanding! Now, lets bite off all the heads and pile them up in the corner.(太棒了!現(xiàn)在,讓我們把所有的頭咬下來,堆在角落里。)

  7、Eddie, you belong to us.(艾迪,你屬于我們。)

  8、Im venom and you are mine.(我是毒液,而你是我的。)

  9、Eddie: We cannot just hurt people. Venom: Look in my eyes, Eddie. The way I see it... we can do whatever we want. Do we have a deal?(埃迪:我們不能傷害人。毒液:看著我的眼睛,艾迪。在我看來……我們可以做任何我們想做的事。我們成交了嗎?)

  10、Everyones got their thing! Maybe its a break-up. A death. An accident. Whatever it is, you used to be one thing. Now, youre something else. We all have our own problems. Our own issues. Our own... demons!(每個人都有自己的東西!也許是分手,一個死亡,一個意外。不管是什么,你曾經是一個人。現(xiàn)在,你是另外一個人。我們都有自己的問題,自己的麻煩,自己的……惡魔!)

  11、Theres no way ahead! We have.(前面沒路了!我們還有。)

  12、I will not let you die.(我不會讓你死。)

  13、Put it down! Its embarrassing! Put it down! Put it down!(放下,這個時候舉手很丟人的,給我放下,放下。

  14、Jump? (Eddie chooses the elevator) Coward!(跳嗎?(艾迪選擇了電梯)慫包。

  15、Only the most perfect human can become my host.(只有最完美的人類能成為我的宿主。)

  16、We can do what we want. Do we have an agreement?(我們可以做我們想做的事,我們達成共識了嗎?)

  17、Youre such a loser, Eddie. But youre my loser.(你真是個失敗者,艾迪。但你是我的失敗者。)

  18、I never saw such an ugly thing.(我從來沒見過這么丑的東西。)

  19、On my planet, I was a loser like you.(在我的星球上,我是個和你一樣的失敗者。)

  20、We are Venom.(我們是毒液。)

  21、You thought you could get rid of me? You cant get rid of me. Im a part of you now.(你以為你能擺脫我?你擺脫不了我。我現(xiàn)在是你的一部分了。)

  22、Your world is so fragile. I could destroy it all with a snap of my fingers.(你們的世界太脆弱了。我動動手指就能把它全毀了。)

  23、I like this body. Its strong. Its powerful. Its... mine.(我喜歡這具身體。它很強壯。它很強大。它是……我的。)

  24、You humans are so weak. But with me, you can be strong.(你們人類太弱小了。但有了我,你可以變得強大。)

  25、Im not a bad guy. I just have a different way of doing things.(我不是壞人。我只是做事的方式不同。)

  26、The world needs a hero. And Im not it. But I can be the one to make the heroes look good.(世界需要一個英雄。我不是,但我可以成為讓英雄看起來很棒的人。)

  27、Your fear makes you stronger. Embrace it.(你的恐懼讓你更強大。接受它。)

  28、Im the one in control here. Not you.(這里由我掌控。不是你。)

  29、Were going to have so much fun together, Eddie.(我們會一起玩得很開心的,艾迪。)

  30、This is just the beginning. The world will know our name.(這只是個開始。世界會知道我們的名字。)

  31、Your life was boring before me. Admit it.(在我出現(xiàn)之前,你的生活很無聊。承認吧。)

  32、I bring chaos. And chaos is needed.(我?guī)砘靵y。而混亂是必要的。)

  33、You cant run from me. Im inside you.(你逃不出我的手掌心。我在你體內。)

  34、Im not a parasite. Im a symbiote.(我不是寄生蟲。我是共生體。)

  35、Your world has so many rules. I dont like rules.(你們的世界有太多規(guī)則。我不喜歡規(guī)則。)

  36、We are an unstoppable force.(我們是一股不可阻擋的力量。)

  37、They dont understand us. But they will.(他們不理解我們。但他們會的。)

  38、I feel alive when Im with you, Eddie.(和你在一起時,我感覺自己活著。)

  39、Your enemies are my enemies. And I will destroy them all.(你的敵人就是我的敵人。我會把他們都消滅。)

  40、This city is ours. We can do whatever we want here.(這座城市是我們的。我們在這里可以為所欲為。)

  41、Im addicted to the rush. The feeling of power.(我沉迷于這種快感。這種力量的感覺。)

  42、Youre not alone anymore, Eddie. You have me.(你不再孤單了,艾迪。你有我。)

  43、They underestimated us. Theyll pay for that.(他們低估了我們。他們會為此付出代價的。)

  44、Im the king of this world. And youre my loyal subject.(我是這個世界的王。而你是我的忠實臣民。)

  45、Your world is full of wonders. And Im going to explore them all.(你們的世界充滿了奇跡。我要去探索這一切。)

  46、I dont care about saving the world. I just want to have fun.(我不在乎拯救世界。我只想玩得開心。)

  47、We are the perfect match. You and I.(我們是完美的組合。你和我。)

  48、Your species is weak. But together, we are strong.(你們這個物種很弱小。但在一起,我們很強大。)

  49、Im going to change the world. And youre going to help me.(我要改變世界。而你要幫我。)

  50、Im Venom. Fear me.(我是毒液。畏懼我。)

  51、You’re mine, I started to like you.(你是我的,我開始喜歡你。)

  52、I’m Venom and you are mine.(我是毒液,而你是我的。)

  53、Eddie Brock: Everyones got their thing!(埃迪·布洛克:每個人都有自己的事!)

  54、Not you found us, we found you.(不是你找到我們,而是我們找到你。)

  55、“No way ahead!” “We have.”(“前面沒路了!”“我們還有!保

  56、Besides, Im starting to like you.(另外,我開始有點喜歡你了。)

  57、I will not let you die.(有我在不會讓你死的。)

  58、Put it down! Its embarrassing! Put it down! Put it down!(放下,這個時候舉手很丟人的,給我放下,放下。

  59、We will eat your arms, then eat your legs, then eat your face.(我們會吃掉你的雙臂,然后吃掉你的雙腿,然后吃掉你的臉。)

  60、You are such a no arms, no legs, no face, isnt it? You will walk down the street like scum in the wind!(你會是這樣一個沒有胳膊,沒有腿,沒有臉的人,不是嗎?你會像風中的渣滓一樣沿街走下去。

  61、How many chances do we have to beat him? Round it off, its almost zero.(打敗他有多少概率?四舍五入等于沒有吧。)

  62、All about you is my business.(關于你的一切都是我的事。)

  63、Everyone has their own misfortune, maybe its a breakup, death, or an accident.(每個人都有自己的不幸,也許是分手、死亡、意外。)

  64、We all have our own troubles, issues, and demons.(我們都有自己的麻煩、問題和惡魔。)

  65、We have no secrets between us.(我們之間沒有隱秘。)

  66、Venom seems to like you more. I thought I couldnt care, but I can. I can feel Venom thinking about you.(毒液似乎更喜愛你,我以為我可以不在意,但不行。我能感覺到毒液在想你。)

  67、Im going to die right now… I wont let you die.(我馬上就要死了……我不會讓你死。)

  68、I like you.(我喜歡你。)

  69、Youre my steed.(你是我的坐騎。)

  70、Eddie, you belong to us.(艾迪,你屬于我們。)

  71、Cut the bullshit, what really makes you change your mind? You did it, Eddie.(少廢話,到底是什么讓你改變了主意?是你,埃迪。)

  72、Eyes, lungs, pancreas… so many snacks, so little time.(眼睛、肺、胰臟……這么多零食,這么點時間。)

  73、Wish you a happy life.(祝你一生愉快。)

  74、Never say cant easily.(不要輕易說不能。)

  75、Dont call me a parasite. Apologize!(不要叫我寄生蟲,給我道歉。

  76、We can do what we want. Have we reached a consensus?(我們可以做我們想做的事,我們達成共識了嗎?)

  77、Three of them are working extremely well.(他們中的三個人表現(xiàn)極其出色。)

  78、I have never seen such an ugly thing.(我從來沒見過這么丑的東西。)

  79、We can do whatever we want.(我們可以為所欲為。)

  80、You used to be one thing. Now, youre something else.(你曾經是一個人,現(xiàn)在你是另外一個人。)

  81、We have no secrets.(我們之間毫無秘密可言。)

  82、I can feel Venom thinking about you. It thought I didnt know, but actually I can feel everything.(我能感覺到毒液在想你,它以為我不知道,但其實我什么都能感覺到。)

  83、Dont raise your hand at this moment. Its embarrassing. Put it down!(這個時候舉手很丟人,給我放下!)

  84、You thought you found us, but actually we found you.(你以為是你們找到我們,其實是我們找到了你們。)

  85、This is our battle.(這是我們的戰(zhàn)斗。)

  86、I wont let anything happen to you.(我不會讓你有事的。)

  87、Trust me, I know what Im doing.(相信我,我知道我在做什么。)

  88、We make a good team.(我們是絕佳的拍檔。)

  89、Im not afraid of anything.(我什么都不怕。)

  90、Lets do this!(我們開始吧。

  91、You cant stop us.(你們阻止不了我們。)

  92、We are unstoppable.(我們是不可阻擋的。)

  93、This is just the beginning.(這只是個開始。)

  94、We will win.(我們會贏的。)


















動漫傷感經典臺詞 動漫經典臺詞04-13








