
我要投稿 投訴建議

Ted演講《在我死前,我想... 》

時間:2021-06-19 09:00:05 演講 我要投稿

Ted演講《在我死前,我想... 》

  死亡通常是大家忌諱討論的,你有沒有想在你還在這個世界的時候活著的意義是什么?下面是中國人才網(wǎng)提供的Ted演講《在我死前,我想... 》,供參考借鑒!

Ted演講《在我死前,我想... 》

  before i die i want to...在我死前,我想...

  there are a lot of ways the people around us can help improve our lives. we don't bump into every neighbor, so a lot of wisdom never gets passed on, though we do share the same public spaces.

  我們周圍的人能以很多種方式 來幫我們把生活變得更美好 我們不一定能常常碰到我們的鄰居 所以即使我們生活在同一片公共空間里 鄰居的智慧也難以被傳遞開來

  so over the past few years, i've tried ways to share more with my neighbors in public space, using simple tools like stickers, stencils and chalk. and these projects came from questions i had, like, how much are my neighbors paying for their apartments? (laughter) how can we lend and borrow more things without knocking on each other's doors at a bad time? how can we share more of our memories of our abandoned buildings, and gain a better understanding of our landscape? and how can we share more of our hopes for our vacant storefronts, so our communities can reflect our needs and dreams today?

  所以在過去的幾年里,我嘗試著以不同的方式 如用貼紙、展板和粉筆這些簡單工具 來在公共空間里與鄰居分享更多的東西 這些項目都源自于我自己的一些疑問,如 我的鄰居得付多少房租? (笑聲)我們怎么樣能夠從鄰里間互借到更多的東西 同時避免在不合時宜的時候敲開對方的門? 我們怎樣能夠更好地分享各自的 關于被毀棄的建筑的`回憶 并更好地理解我們居住的這片土地? 怎樣更能表達我們對空置的店面的期待 使我們的社區(qū)能反映出 我們現(xiàn)在的需求和夢想?

  now, i live in new orleans, and i am in love with new orleans. my soul is always soothed by the giant live oak trees, shading lovers, drunks and dreamers for hundreds of years, and i trust a city that always makes way for music. (laughter) i feel like every time someone sneezes, new orleans has a parade. (laughter) the city has some of the most beautiful architecture in the world, but it also has one of the highest amounts of abandoned properties in america.

  我現(xiàn)時住在新奧爾良 并深深地愛上了這座城市 那些生生不息的巨型橡樹總是可以撫慰我的靈魂 幾百年來,情侶、醉漢和追夢人們 總會稍息在樹影下 我深信這一座充滿著音樂律動的城市 每當有人打噴嚏時, 我都感覺新奧爾良來了一只游行隊伍(笑聲) 新奧爾良擁有世界上很多最漂亮的建筑 但同時,她也是全美擁有最多 廢棄建筑的城市

  i live near this house, and i thought about how i could make it a nicer space for my neighborhood, and i also thought about something that changed my life forever.

  我住在這棟房子附近,我就想如何讓它 在這片社區(qū)里成為一個更好的地方 也思考了另一件事 這件事徹底改變了我的人生。

  in 2009, i lost someone i loved very much. her name was joan, and she was a mother to me, and her death was sudden and unexpected. and i thought about death a lot, and this made me feel deep gratitude for the time i've had, and brought clarity to the things that are meaningful to my life now. but i struggle to maintain this perspective in my daily life. i feel like it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, and forget what really matters to you.

  2009年,我失去了一個我摯愛的人 她的名字叫瓊,對我來講,她就像我的母親一樣 她死得很突然,沒有人預料到 然后我思考了很多關于死亡的事 然后這件事讓我對我擁有的時光懷著深切致意 并且 顯現(xiàn)出了那些 對我的生命有真正意義的東西 但我卻很難在日常生活中保持這種心態(tài) 我覺得人們太容易被日復一日的瑣碎困住 而忘記什么才是真正重要的事

  so with help from old and new friends, i turned the side of this abandoned house into a giant chalkboard and stenciled it with a fill-in-the-blank sentence: "before i die, i want to ... " so anyone walking by can pick up a piece of chalk, reflect on their lives, and share their personal aspirations in public space.

  我于是在一些新老朋友的幫助下 把這棟廢棄的房子的一面墻 做成了一個巨型黑板 我在上面寫滿了同一道填空題 “在死之前,我想??” 所以每一個路過的人都可以撿起一根粉筆 在公共場合里留下一些他們?nèi)松暮圹E 且來分享他們內(nèi)心深處的愿望

  i didn't know what to expect from this experiment, but by the next day, the wall was entirely filled out, and it kept growing. and i'd like to share a few things that people wrote on this wall.

  我并不知道該從這個實驗里期待些什么 但是第二天,整個墻壁都被填滿了 而且不斷有人添加新的答案 我想跟大家分享一些人們在那面墻上 寫的東西

  "before i die, i want to be tried for piracy." (laughter) "before i die, i want to straddle the international date line." "before i die, i want to sing for millions." "before i die, i want to plant a tree." "before i die, i want to live off the grid." "before i die, i want to hold her one more time." "before i die, i want to be someone's cavalry." "before i die, i want to be completely myself."

  “在死之前,我想為我的海盜行為接受審判”(笑聲) “在死之前,我想跨過國際日期變更線” “在死之前,我想在上百萬的觀眾面前唱歌” “在死之前,我想種一棵樹” “在死之前,我想過隱居的生活” “在死之前,我想再抱她一次” “在死之前,我想成為某個人的騎士” “在死之前,我想要做完全真實的自己”

  so this neglected space became a constructive one, and people's hopes and dreams made me laugh out loud, tear up, and they consoled me during my own tough times. it's about knowing you're not alone. it's about understanding our neighbors in new and enlightening ways. it's about making space for reflection and contemplation, and remembering what really matters most to us as we grow and change.

  這個本來被遺忘的建筑變成了一個極具建設性的地方 這些人的希望和夢想 讓我放聲大笑,也黯然落淚 也曾在我經(jīng)歷困境的時候給我安慰 這讓我們相信自己并不孤單 讓我們對鄰居有了全新的 啟發(fā)心智的了解 這為我們營造了一個反省和思考的空間 也提醒我們在不斷成長改變的過程中 什么才是最為重要的

  i made this last year, and started receiving hundreds of messages from passionate people who wanted to make a wall with their community, so my civic center colleagues and i made a tool kit, and now walls have been made in countries around the world, including kazakhstan, south africa, australia, argentina and beyond. together, we've shown how powerful our public spaces can be if we're given the opportunity to have a voice and share more with one another.

  這個黑板是我去年做的,然后我就不斷收到 一些熱情的人們給我發(fā)的信息 說想在他們的社區(qū)里也設立一面這樣的墻壁 所以我和我的同事們就做了一個小型工具箱 現(xiàn)在,這面墻壁已經(jīng)遍布全球 包括哈薩克斯坦,南非 澳大利亞 阿根廷等地 這些跡象表明,如果我們能有一個 表達自己的意愿并與他人分享的機會 那么公共空間將發(fā)揮巨大的作用。

  two of the most valuable things we have are time and our relationships with other people. in our age of increasing distractions, it's more important than ever to find ways to maintain perspective and remember that life is brief and tender. death is something that we're often discouraged to talk about or even think about, but i've realized that preparing for death is one of the most empowering things you can do. thinking about death clarifies your life.

  我們所擁有的最珍貴的兩樣東西,一個是時間 還有一個,是與他人的聯(lián)系 在這個物欲橫流的時代里 努力堅持自我,銘記人生的短暫與生命的脆弱 變得比以往任何時代都更重要 我們總是沒有勇氣談論死亡 甚至沒有勇氣去想著死亡 但是我意識到,為死亡做心理準備 是我們能夠做到的最有力的事情之一 思考死亡能夠讓你對自己的人生有更清醒的認識

  our shared spaces can better reflect what matters to us as individuals and as a community, and with more ways to share our hopes, fears and stories, the people around us can not only help us make better places, they can help us lead better lives. thank you. (applause)

  公共空間可以更好的體現(xiàn)到底什么對我們是真正重要的 無論是對個人來說或者對于整個社區(qū)來說 有了更多的方式來分享我們的希望,恐懼和經(jīng)歷 我們身邊的人不僅能夠幫助我們創(chuàng)造更美好的地方 更幫助我們過上更美好的生活 謝謝(掌聲)

  (applause) thank you. (applause) (applause)

  (掌聲) 謝謝(掌聲) (掌聲)

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