
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-05-10 11:58:48 演講 我要投稿









  同學們,英語學習的過程是艱苦的,展示英語學習的成果卻是快樂的。只有參與其中,才會收獲更多、快樂更多,讓我們的英語學習在艱苦中煥發(fā)生命和活力。 這次比賽將本著“培養(yǎng)興趣、增強信心、樹立榜樣”的原則,為所有愛好英語的同學提供鍛煉自我、展示自我的平臺。我希望各位評委能以嚴謹、認真、實事求是的工作態(tài)度對參賽選手的臨場表現做出客觀、公正的評判,希望參賽選手充分發(fā)








  比賽以“當蘇格拉底遇上孔子”為主題進行演講。參賽選手們都個個精神飽滿,以流暢的英語表述了自己的觀點,贏得了觀眾的陣陣掌聲。評委也對選手們的演講進行了細致的點評。來自20xx級10班的唐仕飛與陳勇以標準的發(fā)音,抑揚頓挫的語調,流利的口語從比賽中脫穎而出,榮獲了此次比賽的一等獎。 最后,此次比賽在一段精彩的魔術表中落下帷幕。 蔡嚴麗篇二:英語演講比賽活動報道 英語演講比賽活動報道20xx年3月23日,由機械工程學院社團聯合會主辦,英語協會承辦做英語演講比賽在2229舉行,學生會各部長擔任了此次比賽的評委。本次比賽從20xx年3月23日正式來開帷幕,從初賽到決賽,經過激烈的角逐,共有10名優(yōu)勝者從60多名參賽選手中脫穎而出。比賽分為限時自我介紹,隨機話題演講和才藝表演三個部分。參賽選手精心準備,在比賽的每一個環(huán)節(jié),用自信生動的語言真誠飽滿的熱情表達了對世界的看法,更展現了自己的才藝和風采。最后英語協會會長吳天成對整場活動進行了點評。

  此次活動只在活躍校園英語學習氛圍,激發(fā)同學們學英語,說英語的熱情,同時也為同學們展現自信自強的風采提供了舞臺。 篇三:重大城科第二屆英語演講比賽決賽新聞稿 重大城科第二屆英語演講比賽決賽新聞稿 ——放飛激情 燃燒夢想20xx年4月8日晚19:30分,重慶大學城市科技學院在主教學樓111成功隆重舉辦了由重慶大學城市科技學院校團委主辦,e-zone英語協會及人文學院團總支共同承辦的'第二屆英語演講比賽決賽。

  此次比賽目的在于進一步加強當下校園文化建設,引導廣大青年學生強化學習意識,培養(yǎng)國際眼光,提高獨立思考和語言表達等能力,此次決賽是重慶市演講比賽的準備賽,屆時代表我校參加比賽的選手將是本次校園區(qū)演講比賽的優(yōu)勝選手。比賽伴隨著選手的開場秀,英文歌合唱“tomorrow will be better”中隆重拉開帷幕,比賽分為命題演講,即興演講及外教提問三個環(huán)節(jié),經過激烈角逐,最終非專業(yè)組郝永華和專業(yè)組李元杰同學榮獲冠軍。此次比賽邀請到了我校來自美國的外語教師kapala,以及陳宏和林光奕教授等共七位評委老師,對經過初賽和復賽選拔出來的非專業(yè)組及專業(yè)組共計17位優(yōu)秀選手進行了精彩點評。最后由評委老師們?yōu)楂@獎選手頒獎,在現場觀眾熱烈的掌聲中,此次英語演講比賽決賽圓滿結束。 選手風采 ——李亞薇篇四:英語演講比賽新聞稿我院王子鳴同學在外語文化節(jié)演講比賽中取得優(yōu)異 成績11月30日18時30分,我校外語文化節(jié)演講比賽在外國語學院隆重舉行。本次比賽由校團委,國際交流與合作處,學工部以及教務處主辦,外國語學院承辦。應邀出席本次比賽的領導有我校教務處處長林秋華,校團委社團部部長任永明,外國語學院黨委書記許崇波以及文學院高級輔導員孫世友,此外擔任評委的還有趙永梅,王平,顧慧萍等老師。王子鳴同學代表我院參加了本次比賽。 首先由主持人致以慷慨激昂的開場白,并就比賽規(guī)則及評分標準進行了簡要說明。接下來,比賽正式拉開帷幕,比賽分為“演講”和“即興回答”兩個環(huán)節(jié)。此次共有 19 個來自不同學院的同學參加了比賽。我院王子鳴同學的演講《what we can’t afford to lose is process》,或慷慨激昂,或深情低沉,或情感真摯,將青春風采展現得淋漓盡致。并且她憑借清晰流利的口語,聲情并茂的演講獲得了評委老師的一致贊賞。在“即興問答”環(huán)節(jié),王子鳴同學憑借較高的英語水平、較強的臨場發(fā)揮能力和應變能力,從容回答所選問題,贏得觀眾陣陣掌聲。最后我院王子鳴同學獲得比賽的一等獎并接受了許崇波書記的頒獎。 通過本次比賽,不僅給同學們提供發(fā)揮才能的舞臺,充分展現我院學生的優(yōu)秀風采,而且有助于營造我院英語學習氛圍,調動全院學生學習英語的積極性。同時豐富了校園文化,推動我院英語教學建設。篇五:英文演講比賽復賽新聞稿20xx年5月12日晚19:30懷化學院外語系舉辦懷化學院大學生英文演講比賽(專業(yè)組)

  暨第十二屆英文演講比賽復賽,此次比賽的目的在于為學生營造良好的英語學習氛圍,提升同學們的綜合語言運用能力,展現外語系學生的良好風貌。 比賽分為主題演講和即興問答兩個環(huán)節(jié),復賽選手按年級分三組進行比賽: 先進行定題演講(限時3分鐘),演講結束后,評委提問一個問題,選手回答限時1分鐘。

  定題演講是參賽選手圍繞賽前給定的主題,寫好演講稿進行演講;評委用英語提問,可以是與選手演講主題有關的問題、選手在演講過程中涉及的問題,也可以是評委感興趣的問題,選手一律用英語進行回答。此次比賽邀請到外語系優(yōu)秀教師姜苓、張弛、汪黎黎、謝錦芳、李靜、向要立、郭嘉蓓、禹淑英、李昌其老師共9位老師擔任評委,對選手進行現場即興提問。比賽分組、分年級設立獎項,最終選取15名選手進入決賽。經過激烈的角逐,15名優(yōu)秀選手脫穎而出晉級決賽,分別為20xx級一等獎1名、20xx級一等獎1名,二等獎4名,三等獎5名、20xx級設立一等獎1名,二等獎2名。 在觀眾的熱烈掌聲中,懷化學院外語系英語演講比賽復賽圓滿結束。 活動細則:



 。3)地點:外語樓 20xx級a-101,20xx級a-304,20xx級a-301。

  (4)主題:i am a college student


  復賽選手按年級分三組進行比賽: 先進行定題演講(限時3分鐘),演講結束后,評委提問一個問題,選手回答限時1分鐘。


 。6)要求:① 演講不得超過規(guī)定時間; ② 緊扣主題,觀點鮮明,邏輯性強; ③ 語言有感染力,得體大方; ④ 問題回答言簡意賅。


  參賽選手的分數由兩部分組成 :定題演講部分(該部分占總分的70%) 回答問題部分

 。ㄔ摬糠终伎偡值30%)評分細則為: 發(fā)音15分內容30分 儀態(tài)儀表10分 語言能力20分應變能力15分 總體印象10分 總分100



  20xx級評委:姜苓、張弛、汪黎黎 20xx級評委:謝錦芳、李靜、向要立 20xx級評委:郭嘉蓓、禹淑英、李昌其









  由校委會研究決定,教導處規(guī)劃實施,英語教研組承辦的桐河一中第五屆英語口語演講比賽即將在這里隆重舉行。首先我代表校委會,向與會的老師和同學表示熱烈歡迎,對籌備和組織這一賽事的英語教研組和相關老師、參與同學表示衷心感謝。 英語學習是我們和外界交流的一門重要的語言工具。學好英語,不僅在于掌握了一種工具,一門技能,更重要的是打開了通向外部世界的大門,讓我們的眼界更寬,視野更廣,更有利于豐富自己、完善自己、快樂自己。英語學習不僅要在課堂上學習和運用,更重要的是在生活和活動中提高、完善。為了推動英語口語教學,我校已經成功舉辦了四屆口語比賽,極大的增強了廣大同學學習英語的興趣和參加社會實踐活動的能力,在此基礎上我們舉辦了今天這次英語口語演講比賽。





  Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Tang WenTing, from class two six ZhanHeQu experimental primary school .

  Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”。

  My dear friends, welcome to our school! My school is very beautiful! It has a big playground. Near the playground, there is a garden. Many trees and flowers are there. So the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. It is so wonderful.

  In our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons. We study hard and listen to teachers carefully. After class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.

  Our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind. We all love it. Dear friends, do you like it?




  11月30日18時30分,我校外語文化節(jié)演講比賽在外國語學院隆重舉行。本次比賽由校團委,國際交流與合作處,學工部以及教務處主辦,外國語學院承辦。應邀出席本次比賽的領導有我校教務處處長林秋華,校團委社團部部長任永明,外國語學院黨委書記許崇波以及文學院高級輔導員孫世友,此外擔任評委的還有趙永梅,王平,顧慧萍等老師。王子鳴同學代表我院參加了本次比賽。 首先由主持人致以慷慨激昂的開場白,并就比賽規(guī)則及評分標準進行了簡要說明。接下來,比賽正式拉開帷幕,比賽分為“演講”和“即興回答”兩個環(huán)節(jié)。此次共有 19 個來自不同學院的同學參加了比賽。我院王子鳴同學的演講《what we can’t afford to lose is process》,或慷慨激昂,或深情低沉,或情感真摯,將青春風采展現得淋漓盡致。并且她憑借清晰流利的口語,聲情并茂的演講獲得了評委老師的一致贊賞。在“即興問答”環(huán)節(jié),王子鳴同學憑借較高的英語水平、較強的臨場發(fā)揮能力和應變能力,從容回答所選問題,贏得觀眾陣陣掌聲。最后我院王子鳴同學獲得比賽的`一等獎并接受了許崇波書記的頒獎。



  Hello, everyone! I am Chai Yun from Class 11, Grade 7. Today I am going to tell you a story called “Two heads are better than one”. I am sure you can learn something from it. One day, an elephant met a monkey. “Look, how big and strong I am!” the elephant said. “I can break a tree, can you break a tree?” “Look, how quickly I can run and climb!”said the monkey.“Can you climb a tree?”

  The elephant was very proud because he was so strong, and the monkey was also proud because he was so quick. But which is better, to be strong or to be quick? They didn’t know.

  “The rabbit will tell us. Let’s go to her .”said the monkey. And they went to the rabbit and said.“Tell us what you think about it. Which is better, to be strong or to be quick?” The rabbit said to them, “Do what I tell you, and then you will see which is better. Do you see that big apple tree across the river? Go and pick some apples for me.”So the elephant and the monkey went to the river. The river was so deep and the monkey was afraid to swim.

  “I can carry you ,” said the elephant. “I’m big and strong so I’m not afraid to swim.” The monkey sat down the elephant’s back, and they swam to the bank. Elephant tried to pick apples from it, but the apples were too high, so he can’t reach them.

  “I can climb up the tree.”said the monkey. He climbed up the tree and threw some apples to the ground. The elephant picked them up. Then they gave some apples to the rabbit. “Now tell us.”they said.“Which is better, to be strong or to be quick?”

  “How can I tell you which is better?”answered the rabbit.“You, elephant, you, monkey, you couldn’t get the apples without anyone. Everybody has his own good points. But two heads are better than one.”

  The story is over. Do you like it? That’s all. Thank you.


  Dream is beautiful, it is the bottom of my heart the most beautifulexpectations, so the dream also become our long-held beliefs.

  Dream is the sun, it makes people from impetuous to solid, from thehesitation to the firm, and on the road to success.

  Dream is powerful, it is the life source of forward momentum; Lofty dreamscan inspire a life all potential. Because of this we will go to dream, to graspthe dream, the pursuit of dreams.

  Our new president Xi Jinping came up with the dream of the Chinese nation'srejuvenation on December 29, 20__. He said: the Chinese dream is a dream ofnational strength prosperity and people's happiness. Our people have an ardentlove for life. They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, moreincome, greater social security , better medical and health care, improvedhousing conditions and better environment, They want their children to growwell, have ideal jobs and lead a more enjoyable life. To meet their desire for ahappy life is our mission."

  I always ask myself what can I do for our great Chinese dream ? As we allknow that the wiser the youths are ,the wiser the nation will be;the wealthierthe youths are ,the wealthier the nation will be;the stronger the youths are,the stronger the nation will be. Here the word wealthy means: enriching ourknowledge reserve. As a new generation of youth , every one here shouldering thegreat historical mission of making china powerful and strong. You may say thatthis may exaggerate our role, but I want to say you are wrong. If I am a littlescrew our great dream may be a multifunction and complex machine. Through thisexample I just want to say I am very tiny but I am indispensable .

  I believe that as long as all of our young people unite together andperform our own functions that study hard in school and work hard after wegraduating from university . We must be able to achieve our great dreammeanwhile enrich ourselves unwittingly!

  My dream, our dream, to improve the Chinese dream. Let us unite together torealize Chinese nation's great rejuvenation to struggle! To you the day of mydreams to realize, is standing at the time of China.


  What is a smile? Some people say that the expression is the heart. I think that smile is a heart, is a strong It is a detached charm; smile is a grace, it has a warm and friendly, with acceptance and caring, with tolerance and open-minded with a relaxed and optimistic. Therefore, in working and living in a smile treat everyone around them has become my greatest wish. I smiled through every day.

  Every day, I smile, I love the education of students. Early in the morning, accompanied by sun, we are ushering in a group of group of students, they have lovely, and some naughty naughty, some clever, some wood satisfied, ... ..., no matter who, no matter what he is from the family, No matter how his performance, I smiled and treat each of them.

  Mischievous and occasionally also to blame, because of deterioration and while the loss due to discipline, but the office really does not keep ideas and personal considerations, the children will really be you, bit by bit to see their progress, you will more to bloom broad smiles on their faces.

  Normal years, no matter what kind of class, as a teacher, guides the efforts of the children's mental and physical immersion in between the lines, so that high-spirited children from the passion straightforward, and so it goes, teachers and students do not stress and worry, so naturally, such a statement to the words to, so that the soul of the teachers and students mingled with the class as What is Education?

  His seventeen years of education told me that education is a dynamic process of human spiritual encounter and dialogue. Education is looking forward to that education is in hand, education is the clarity, education is exciting, full of education with regards to the truth, education filled with smiling faces. The face of my students, I would like to smile every day.

  Every day, I smile, to live together with my colleagues. People encounter is a margin of its own. Moreover, today, we have a common cause to come together, how can we not smile to cherish? Smile is the一泓spring water from the bottom of my heart, the soul of a tacit understanding friends, and strangers is to shorten the distance.

  In November, I bid farewell to each other overnight partner, leaving the plants in the chest clear Xinzhuang Town primary school, went to a new collective --- a small aircraft to China. Lonely? Regret it?

  When friends heard of the sorry and asked with concern, I always smile to tell you: all could hang good! School teachers and soon familiar, it's a sincere heart to the smiling face of a sincere life, in the face of work: Every day, we smiled and talked about the cause of the school, the school's development, all other schools; a smile on the shuttle classrooms, inter-office, even though every day seems to have endless things busy, but its music also fills the air with warmth! I am happy, I smile.

  Every day, I smile to face itself. I think that there is no heart murmur smile flow, there will be no free and easy life. ,Functions, regardless of how high or how inconspicuous impressive, I do not have the time ecstasy, nor dismissive of secretly laughing, I smiled frankly accepted the blessing of his companions.

  I know that school is my lucky love, duty and destiny of the appointment is lucky, I have to smile thanks to all! Difficulty comes, I have discouraged, but also thought of retreat, but in the end I was the courage to meet the challenges of a smile, because I believe that with a smile the face of suffering, then tomorrow, if you will like the bright smile today. Nevertheless, every day, every day, I also can not own them smile?

  Teachers with a sincere smile treatment of students, to treat themselves, to treat everyone around you, we will have a life unmatched beauty and free and easy. Let us hope that smiled torch, go together like a glorious tomorrow, let us smile, the life of a brilliant show shine. Dear teachers, please let a smile every day!


  hello,everyone. good afternoon. thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about my top concern. i'm no.26, i'll talk about friend.

  everyone of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends. my friend will listen to me when i want to speak, will help me when i need,will take care of me when i am sick,and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.

  when i was ten, i was suddenly confronted with the anguish of transferring to other school. i had to left my friends i had ever known. as a kid,i feel lonely when i study in a new environment without a person i had known. nobody i could talk,nobody could know when i feel lonely. the time when i couldn't sleep, i'll always miss them, then the tears filled my eyes.

  later, i became familar with the environment ,and made some friends ,which became my best friends then. they talked with me when i felt lonely, they helped me when i needed, they took care of me when i was sick. even through we were part, we still keep in touch with each other.

  in our whole lives,we'll meet too much people but only a few can be our best friends. when staying with them,we can release ourself completely. we can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry together. i should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.

  but in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. more and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of friendship. they work hard in order to gain a higher position in the society and to earn more money for their work. they have few time to share with their friends. with the time goes by, they will be far away from each other.

  friend is kind of treasure in our lives. it's actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. it also likes a cup of hot tea, when we are in bed time, it will warm our broken hearts.

  friends,especially best friends. it is what we should have in our lives,and it can make our lives be colorful go beyond our imagination.

  thanks for your listening. this is what i concerned.






英語演講比賽稿:the spirit of sports10-15




