
我要投稿 投訴建議


時(shí)間:2022-11-10 21:33:55 演講 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦


  There are two important sentences in this film – one is "we made it", and the other one is "you can be part of it". If you remember this, it's already enough.


  We made it!

  "We made it!" What does it mean?

  It means that it's the first time in history that the airplane has been

  able to fly day and night with no fuel, only on solar power.

  It means that the sun gave the energy to run the four electrical motors to charge the batteries, so during the nights the batteries were enough to reach the next sunrise and continue the flight.

  How is that possible?

  People sometimes say "yes it's thanks to solar energy."

  No, not only. Solar energy of course brings the power for the airplane. But if you put solar cells on a regular airplane it will hardly run the

  entertainment system and the video for passengers.

  So, what's different with our airplane?

  Our airplane is an energy efficient airplane. It means that it is built in a

  way that is so efficient, and it flies in a way that is so efficient that the little quantity of energy we get during the day is enough to stay airborne forever: unlimited endurance. And this is the magic of this plane and it is also the symbol and the message that we want to bring.

  Of course, to make it possible, it has to be light: it's the weight of a car, 2,300 kilos, or a minivan. But the wingspan is bigger than a jumbo jet, a Boeing 747.

  Airplane Industry said "impossible"!

  When we asked the airplane industry to build this airplane 12 years ago, they all said "you are nuts. It will never work. It is impossible to do that: so big and so light."

  And when you hear people who say "you are crazy", sometimes you stop because you are afraid. If you are a pioneer, if you are an explorer, you don't stop. You take it as a

  challenge, you take it as additional motivation. If the specialists say "it doesn't work", ask the non-specialist, maybe they will have a much

  wider angle of view.

  But shipyard made it!

  And this is exactly what happened: how can we make this airplane so light? Because we asked a shipyard to help us, a shipyard who has never built an airplane in their entire history, but they knew how to use carbon fiber.

  And the technical team who was led by my friend Andre Borschberg, has designed a plane, had it built to the carbon fiber in such a way that it was so light, that it needed very little energy to stay airborne.

  From there on, we had to develop all the power system:

  Engines - with 97 percent efficiency, electrical engines 97 percent efficiency!

  Batteries - lithium polymer batteries, 260 watt-hours per kilo,the maximum you can get on a large scale.

  LED lamps - like the ones you see for the landing at night, they use the same amount of energy than two light bulbs in your bedroom. For 100 watts we get the 16 landing lamps.

  Insulation foam - extremely light, to keep the batteries warm, to keep the pilot warm.

  Our partners think and do in a different way.

  So at the end we had like a flying laboratory that was built thanks to

  companies and partners that were not from the world of aviation.

  You have seen the partners:

  Solvay - chemical company;

  Omega - watch company;

  Schindler - elevator company;

  ABB - you know ABB?

  [Audience Laugh]

  Bayer MaterialScience; Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, Swisscom, Altran…

  These companies brought the technologies, the knowhow, the expertise.

  And when I think backward and I think about the airplane companies who said it was impossible, I think it’s normal. Because when you are trained to do something always the same way, and to build airplanes always in the same way, you cannot do something different.

  Innovation is a new idea? Not only.

  Innovation needs input from outside the system. It is not the people who were selling candles who invented the light bulb. And the best electrical car today is not made by a car manufacturer. The Tesla is made by an American billionaire who made his fortune on the internet and had no idea how to build a car, so he was open to every solution and he built the Tesla, which is a triumph from the industrial point of view.

  So you see that innovation is not so much a new idea. A lot of people look for new ideas. No! Innovation is an old belief, an old habit that you leave behind. If you are able to analyze on which paradigm your

  strategies are based, if you are able to understand what you have

  learned, which beliefs, which certitudes, which habits you have, then

  you can try to think differently.

  But first you have to be honest

  with yourself: what do I deeply believe? And what you deeply believe is what makes you work today, and today can be a success. If you think of tomorrow, you need to be able to change the angle of view, to leave your beliefs and habits behind, and accept what, what do you need to accept? You need to accept doubts and question marks. You need to accept anxiety. You need to accept uncertainty. This brings creativity. You can never be creative if you are comfortable. You can never be creative if you are comfortable because you are happy with what you have. You will be creative—

  ([Addresses chief of staff] It is the first time I say this, so I have to ask my chief of staff to take notes.)

  If you are happy with what you have, you will never find something else, this is why the pioneer, the explorer, is always somebody who wants to go into the unknown, into the doubts, into the question marks to stipulate creativity; to have other ways of ideas, other ways of thinking, other ways of reacting, and this is what we share in the Solar Impulse team, very much with Andre Borschberg - we are very very close together - and with our partners.

  ABB demonstrates what we say is true.

  ABB shares that spirit with us in a fantastic way. Basically you are demonstrating that what we say is true. Because what do we say?

  We say: clean technologies can make a better quality of life; clean technologies are like the one who allows this airplane to fly around the world with no fuel; these technologies can be used everywhere.

  And if you make a quick calculation, you see that already today, with the technologies available, we can divide by two the energy consumption of the world, and divide by two the CO2 emissions by replacing all the polluting technologies with new clean technologies. This would be possible, very practically speaking! But if I say it like this, people don’t believe me: I need proofs!

  ABB proves that the world can be more energy efficient.

  So one proof is Solar Impulse: the people of course understand it is an adventure, it's an experience, it's not the commercial application.

  But ABB does the commercial applications that demonstrate that it's possible.

  The energy efficiency that you introduce in your products, and the result on the quality of life of people is extraordinary. When you see the equivalent of millions of households who are saved, energy saved, by your type of products: for example the DC high voltage transport of electricity.

  I remember when people said it will never work, and now you do it. The converters, electrical motors, you are living proof that the world can be more energy efficient.

  We share that with other partners, like Schindler, the elevators, we work a lot together to make lighter structures, more efficient systems, and now people start to buy Schindler elevators because it is cheaper to use due to the energy saving.

  And this brings to such an important point: it is not only about protecting the environment, it is also making business, it is also creating jobs, it is also making profits, it is also developing and assisting in growth of the industry, but in a clean way: this is what the world needs.

  Saving energy is more important than producing more.

  So you see what we stand for with Solar Impulse. It is pioneering spirit, building an airplane that is so energy efficient that it becomes an example for the world on how to make the future and which type of product can be used to save energy. And saving energy is more important than producing more energy.

  You know, as a metaphor, I believe that human beings today are like in the bathtub, and there is a leak in the bathtub. And instead of solving the leak, they open the tap wide open to add water in the bathtub. So each time we speak of energy you hear people saying we have to produce more. It is not by producing more that we will save the planet, and it is not by producing more that we will make more profit. The best profit, it will be energy saving technologies, the one that divides by two the energy consumption of the world. And here we bring solutions to climate change.

  When you hear all the Heads of States in the United Nation's conferences saying: "we have a big problem", "the climate is changing", "we have to reduce the height of temperature", "we have to reduce the height of sea-level." They only speak of problems, we never motivate people when we speak of problems, we motivate people when we speak of solutions.

  Clean technologies are solutions.

  Clean technologies are solutions. Clean energy are solutions. What you do are solutions. And this is why I have a profound respect and admiration for what you're doing. And this is why I am always proud to carry the ABB logo, because it is the sprit that we share.

  Your CEO, Ulrich Spiesshofer, is a visionary. When we met, we immediately expressed wish to work together. And the result is this flight around the world with Solar Impulse exists.

  Solar Impulse 2 arrived in China!

  So we started from Abu Dhabi on the 9th of March, first leg to Muscat, second leg to Ahmedabad, then Varanasi, Mandalay in Myanmar, then Chongqing.

  We arrived in Chongqing and that was fantastic. Arriving in China. Can you imagine? The biggest country in the world and we arrived in a Solar airplane with all the permissions, and we needed a lot of special permissions. But we got them all. Very good relationship between Switzerland and the Chinese authorities.

  When I heard the air-traffic controller from Kunming saying “Kunming Control calling Solar Impulse” I said: “Wow, I am in China”, and then I could change the badge that I had Myanmar and I could put China on and continue the flight.

  Wow. This is a country that knows how much we need clean technologies. And China is already first in solar power, first in wind energy, and it will soon, I believe, be first in clean technologies. So, I know there is a big receptivity, big listening to this type of message here in China, and it is really a pleasure to be able to share all this with you.

  For a clean future, you can be part of it!

  But, I also have a request for you: it’s too easy to be sitting in your arm chair and listen to me, you have to work a bit for that, you have to do more than that.

  We have our big campaign—big action—which is called Future is Clean and we are trying to have the highest number of people as possible in every country to support this action, to support Future is Clean, to put their voice and say: “yes, I believe we need more clean technologies in the world”, and with the number of people in China, maybe China can be the country who brings the most support for this action.

  And can you imagine what would be the reaction of the rest of the world? Because the rest of the world is always saying: “oh China is having too much pollution.”

  No. We can say: "wait, China is the country who brought the highest number of voices to support clean technology." That would be a fantastic message to the world. So I encourage you to sign. So you can support it and you can be part of it. This is why I said the sentence: "you can be a part of it" is so important. Because it is not my project: it is your project, it is our project. It is a project with our partners, it is a project with ABB so it belongs to you.

  So if you sign up for supporting the concrete actions with clean technologies everywhere in the world, then it is a way to really share our values and spread them to as many people as possible: to your families, to your friends, to everybody. This is a way to be part of it. So, thank you and good luck!











