
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-07-15 18:25:43 外貿(mào)英語 我要投稿
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  1.certainly,as long as you can ship the goods before dec. 當然可以,只要你能在十二月之前裝貨。

  2.certainly,but you must open the l/c on time. 當然可以,不過你必須按時開證。

  3.certainly,if the conditions turn better. 如果情況好轉(zhuǎn),那當然可以

  4.i don’t mind,as long as it’s necessary to extend the l/c. 只要有必要展證,我不反對。

  5.i don’t mind,but the l/c must be opened before dec. 我不反對,但是信用證要在十二前開出。

  6.i don’t see why not,as long as the price is reasonable. 只要價格合理,我看沒什么不可以的。

  7.i don’t see why not,but the price should be a little bit lower. 我看沒什么不可以的,但價格應(yīng)該低一些。

  8.i’d be happy to ,as long as the quality is satisfactory. 我很高興,只要質(zhì)量讓人滿意。

  9.i’ll have it ,provided the price is reasonable. 只要價格合理,我就把它買下了。

  10.i’m quite prepared to ,if the conditions permit. 我愿意這樣做,只要條件允許。

  11.of course,but don’t increase the price again. 當然可以,不過別再漲價了。

  12.yes,as long as the price is reasonable. 好的,只要價格合理。

  13.yes,but that rather depends on the price level. 好的,但是這還要看價格而定。

  14.i suppose so,but don’t increase the price. 我看可以,但是不要漲價。

  15.i suppose so ,if you cooperate with us . 如果你能與我們合作,我看可以。

  16.no problem,but you must make a good arrangement beforehand. 沒問題,但是你事先必須做好安排。

  17.why not,if the conditions permit. 如果條件允許,沒什么不可以的。

  18.yeah,but you should ask the manager for permission. 好的,不過你應(yīng)該征得經(jīng)理的同意。

  19.by all means,provided that you give us a discount. 只要您給我們一筆折扣,當然可以。

  20.i see no objection whatever,but you should open the l/c at once. 我看沒有什么可反對的,不過您應(yīng)該立即開證。

  21.very well,but you’d better remind him once again. 很好,不過您最好再提醒他一次。

  22.naturally,so long as the users are satisfied with the quality. 當然可以,只要用戶對質(zhì)量滿意。

  23.i’m perfectly willing,but let me have a look. 我完全愿意,不過得讓我看一看。


  1.i didn’t really want to extend the l/c. 我其實不想展證。

  2.i don’t really fancy doning business with him. 我其實并不愿意和他做生意。

  3.i have certain reservations about increasing the price. 對于漲價一事我有某些保留意見。

  4.i wouldn’t be willing. 我不會愿意的。

  5.i’m not sure we would find ourselves able to ship the goods withi this month. 我沒辦法肯定我們能否在本月裝貨。

  6.i’m not really willing to buy it at such a high price. 我其實不愿意以這么高的價格購買它。

  7.i’d be a bit awkward,actually. 實際上這有點棘手。

  8.i’m afraid i can’t possibly open the l/c this month. 恐怕我不能在本月開證。

  9.i’d like to be able to,but your price is not reasonable. 我倒希望能夠如此,但你們的價格不合理。

  10.i wish i could,but i have to ask the manager for permission. 我希望我能,但是我得征得經(jīng)理同意。

  11.it’s not that i don’t want to,but that i can’t. 不是我不想,而是我不能。

  12.i’m not keen on working indoors all day long. 我不喜歡整日里在室內(nèi)工作。


  1.i’d rather not,actually,i have to meet the customer at the airport. 實際上我倒希望不這樣,我得到機場去迎接客戶。

  2.i’m sorry,i could’t possibly accept your suggestion. 對不起,我不能接受你的建議。

  3.can’t really see how i can persuade the customer. 我看不出我怎么才能說服客戶。

  4.only wish i could,but i have already bought some from others. 但愿我能,可是我已經(jīng)從別處買了一些。

  5.would if i could,but cost is too high. 如果我能夠,我是愿意的。不過成本太高。

  6.sorry,i can’t see you off at the airport. 對不起,我不能到機場為你送行。

  7.i regret to say we find ourselves unable to catch the last steamer of this month.


  8.i’ve given this matter a treat deal of thought but we cannot reduce the price. 我已再三考慮過此事,但是我們不能削價。

  9.that’s quite out of the question,i’m afraid. 恐怕這是完全不可能的。

  10.i’m sorry to say it’s not possible to comply with your suggestion. 很抱歉不能遵照您的建議辦。

  11.i’m sorry to say that’s really not possible. 很抱歉,這確實不可能。

  12.i’m sorry to say we cannot wee our way to find a new customer like him. 很抱歉我們沒有可能尋找像他那樣的客戶。

  13.i’m afraid there can be not question of effecting the shipment within a week. 恐怕在本周裝運是不可能的。

  14.well,i think i’d prefer not to come. 我想我還是不來的好。

  15.i’m not sure i could come,actually. 實際上我并不敢肯定我能來。










