
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-08-04 12:43:26 外貿(mào)英語 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦




  accord v.給予

  amendment of contract 合同修改書

  article/clause n.條款

  attachment n.附件

  bankruptcy n.破產(chǎn)

  commercial position 資信狀況

  confidential a.絕密的

  copy n.副本

  countersign v.會簽

  credit standing 資信狀況

  detriment n.危害

  expiration of contract 合同到期

  financial position 財政狀況

  in confidence 秘密地

  in quadruplicate 一式四份

  in triplicate 一式三份

  obligation n.義務(wù)

  obliged a.感激的

  open an account with 建立業(yè)務(wù)聯(lián)系

  original a./n.正本的;原件

  partnership n.合作關(guān)系

  punctual a.守時的

  purchase contract 購買合同

  reference n.證明人

  renewal of a contract 重訂合同

  respecting a.關(guān)于

  sales contract 銷售合同

  straightforward a.直截了當(dāng)?shù)?/p>

  cancel a contract 取消合同

  draft a contract 起草合同

  perform a contract 履行合同

  sign a contract 簽訂合同

  unfavorable a.不利的

  unquestionable a.毫無疑問的


  Letter One

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  We have received an important order from Terry & Derry Co., of Hong Kong, who has given us your name as reference. We should be much obliged if you could give us some information respecting their commercial position.

  It would give us a great pleasure to be able to provide you with a similar service if we should have such an opportunity.

  Yours sincerely,

  Letter Two

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  In reply to your inquiry of the 16th of March, I am pleased to inform you that the firm you inquired about enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world.

  They are prompt and punctual in all their transactions. I am sure that if you open an account with them, you will find them most straightforward people. Personally, I should have no hesitation in according them a credit of several million yen. However, this is without obligation on my part.

  I hope I have been of some use to you in this matter.


  Letter Three

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  We have received your letter of 8 August, concerning the credit standing of Eastern Bank in this city. We regret that we have to reply an unfavorable communication to you.

  Since the bankruptcy of the Kanto Bank, the house has been experiencing great difficulties. Though they are still struggling to survive the hardships, they will be unable to stand their ground long. The house is expected to stop payment in any time.

  We hope you will take this information into consideration with great care and not to our detriment.

  Yours sincerely,









職場英語:Introductions 介紹08-07



