
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-07-24 00:25:29 辦公室英語 我要投稿
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  Most people engaged in competitive sports have experienced soundly beating an opponent with apparent ease, only to be crushed by the same foe on a later date. They are left wondering: what did I do differently?



  According to Alan Watkins, a British medical doctor who also has degrees in psychology and immunology, it is all about the signals your heart is sending to your brain. Dr Watkins has developed a speciality in teaching athletes and business leaders about the science of heart rate coherence to help them achieve more consistent performance.

  擁有心理學和免疫學學位的英國醫(yī)生艾倫•沃特金斯(Alan Watkins)認為,這都是你的心臟向大腦發(fā)送的信號造成的。沃特金斯醫(yī)生發(fā)展了一個?疲合蜻\動員和商界領袖講授心率相干性的科學原理,幫助他們實現(xiàn)更穩(wěn)定的表現(xiàn)。

  What is coherence? I’ve written before about heart rate variability, which reflects the fact that your heart beats at different rates over time. The interval between heartbeats is your HRV and measuring this can help you determine when your body is fully rested.


  When the HRV falls within a relatively tight pattern, it is said to be more coherent. There is a growing body of research that says this coherence can have a profound impact on your mental and physical state.


  Dr Watkins likens the body to an orchestra, with different organs representing the sections. If the string section is the heart, HRV is the lead violin, with the ability to influence the tempo of the entire orchestra. The key takeaway, says Dr Watkins, is that it is possible to train the HRV to be more coherent using slow, rhythmic breaths. It is then easier to achieve what psychologists call “flow,” a mental state often described as runner’s high.


  We have all had the experience of drawing a mental blank in high-stress situations such as a job interview or a big sporting event. According to the HRV theory, anxiety causes the heart to beat erratically, which sends powerful signals to the brain that effectively shut down the normal reasoning portions.


  His company, Complete Coherence, has developed smartphone apps and computer software to help control the heart’s chaotic signals. While measuring coherence in the past cost hundreds of dollars, it is now possible with a $6.95 app and a heart rate strap. In addition, a US organisation called the Heart Math Institute, also sells devices to measure HRV and help train coherence.

  沃特金斯的公司Complete Coherence已開發(fā)出有助于控制心臟混沌信號的智能手機應用和計算機軟件。過去測量心率相干性要花上數(shù)百美元,現(xiàn)在用一條心率帶和一款6.95美元的應用就可以了。此外,美國一家名為Heart Math Institute的組織也出售測量HRV,并幫助訓練相干性的設備。

  Both systems use a pattern of deep, rhythmic breaths slowed to about 10 seconds each. This breathing pattern eventually entrains the heartbeat and helps athletes and executives alike achieve greater control. Dr Watkins says practising the breathing three times a day for five-minute sessions can achieve coherence in a relatively short time. He does this in a Ted Talk with a volunteer in just minutes.

  這兩套系統(tǒng)都采用一種有節(jié)奏的深呼吸模式,將呼吸頻率放慢到10秒左右一次。這種呼吸模式最終改變心跳節(jié)奏,幫助運動員和及高管等職業(yè)人員實現(xiàn)更好的自我控制。沃特金斯醫(yī)生表示,每天做三次呼吸練習,每次5分鐘,就可以在相對較短的時間內實現(xiàn)相干性。在TED演講(Ted Talk)中,他在短短幾分鐘內就讓一名自愿者實現(xiàn)了相干性。

  Golfers who use the system perform smoother strokes on difficult shots, he says. He coaches Olympic rowers and says they overcome race anxiety using his technique.


  Often athletes try to psych themselves up before an event by using mantras or other self-hypnosis techniques. Dr Watkins says these have mixed success because they remain on the conscious level of cognition and do not address underlying emotions.


  “Coherence makes performance less hit and miss,” he says. “We get below cognition to the three levels of feelings, emotions and biology to help you get your A-game every single time you step out on the pitch or court.”











