
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-11-05 00:30:49 辦公室英語 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦


  ●First of all, I'd like to thankyou all for coming here today。

  ●My name is X and I am the (yourposition) at (your company)。

  1、Points to Remember 你需要記住的是

  Try to make eye contact witheveryone you are speaking to if possible. You can also smile at individualmembers of the audience to put them at their ease。


  ●I'd briefly like to take youthrough today's presentation。

  ●First, we're going to .。。

  ●After that, we'll be taking a lookat .。。

  ●Once we've identified ourchallenges we will be able to .。。

  ●Finally, I'll outline what 。。

  Make sure to indicate each pointon your presentation as you introduce each topic. This can be done with a slide(Power Point) presentation, or by pointing to each point on the display deviceyou are using。


  2、Askingfor Questions 提出問題

  ●Please feel free to interrupt mewith any questions you may have during the presentation。

  ●I'd like to ask you to keep anyquestions you may have for the end of the presentation。

  Points to Remember 你需要記住的是

  You can also request theparticipants to leave questions to the end of the presentation. However, it isimportant to let participants know that you are willing to answer any questionsthey may have。


  3、Presentingthe Current Situation 展示現(xiàn)狀

  ●I'd like to begin by outliningour present situation。

  ●As you know .。。

  ●You may not know that .。。

  Points to Remember 你需要記住的是

  'As you know' or 'You may not knowthat' are polite ways of informing those who don't know without offending thosewho do know certain facts。

  "As you know"或者是" You may not know that",都是禮貌地表達出觀眾所不知道的事情的方式,而且不會讓可能知道事情的人感到不舒服。

  4、MovingForward 轉(zhuǎn)向下一個議題

  ●Let's take a look at some of theimplications of this。

  ●Taking into consideration what wehave said about X, we can see that Y .。。

  ●The main reason for these actionsis .。。

  ●We have to keep in mind that ...when we consider .。。

  ●As a result of X, Y will .。。

  Points to Remember 你需要記住的是

  As you continue through thepresentation, often remind the listeners of the relationship between thecurrent subject and what has been said before during the presentation。


  5、UsingVisual Aids 采用視覺輔助工具

  ●As you can see from this graphrepresenting .。。

  ●If you could just take a look at.。。

  ●Looking at X we can see that .。。

  Points to Remember 你需要記住的是

  Use visual aids to emphasize yourmain points in a conversation. Fewer visual aids that are meaningful leave astronger impression than using a lot of visual aids that might also confuselisteners。


  6、MentioningProblems 提及問題

  ●Obviously, this has led to someproblems with .。。

  ●Unfortunately, this means that .。。

  ●As a direct result of X, we arehaving problems with Y.。。

  ●This also causes .。。

  Points to Remember 你需要注意的是

  Always provide examples ofevidence to prove your point。


  7、ListingOptions 羅列選擇

  ●There are a number ofalternatives in this case. We can .。。

  ●If we had ... , we would .。。

  ●Had we ... , we could have ... Dowe need to X or Y?

  ●I think we can clearly see thatwe can either ... or .。。

  ●We have been considering .。。

  ●What if we .。。

  Points to Remember 你需要記住的是

  Use the second conditional form toconsider present options and the third conditional for considering differentoutcomes based on past actions. Use hypothetical questions as a way ofintroducing considerations into the presentation。


  8、Proposinga Solution 提出解決方案

  ●The solution to X is .。。

  ●I suggest we .。。

  ●Based on ... the answer is to .。。

  ●If we keep in mind that ... , Yis the best solution to our problem。

  Points to Remember 你需要記住的是

  When providing your solutions tovarious problems, remember to refer to the evidence that you have previouslypresented. Try to make your solution a clear answer to what has been discussedduring the presentation。


  ●So, how does this all relate toX?

  ●How long will this take toimplement?

  ●How much is this all going tocost?

  Use questions to introduceconcerns that you know the listeners will have. Answer these questions clearlyand efficiently。



  ●We've discussed many pointstoday. Let me quickly summarize the principal points:

  ●I'd like to quickly go over themain points of today's topic:

  ●Before we end, let me brieflyrecap what we have discussed here today。

  Points to Remember你需要記住的是

  Itis important to repeat the main points of your presentation quickly. This recapshould be brief and, if possible, using different vocabulary than that usedduring the presentation. Make sure to focus only on the most important areas ofthe presentation。


  10、Finishingthe Presentation 結(jié)束演示

  ● Thanks for your attention. Now,if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them。

  ●I think that's about it. I'd liketo thank you all for coming in today. Do you have any questions?

  Points to Remember 你需要記住的是

  Make sure to thank everybody andleave the discussion open for further questions from participants。











關(guān)于再也不想愛了的說說 再也不會愛了的說說02-02
