
我要投稿 投訴建議


時(shí)間:2021-06-18 19:14:41 考試英語 我要投稿


  1. 主旨要義題:問對話討論的是什么。


  a. 盡量在腦海中描述出正進(jìn)行的對話:對誰在進(jìn)行對話,在哪里進(jìn)行對話做一定的假設(shè);

  b. 尤其注意聽一些關(guān)鍵詞,被重復(fù)的詞等等;

  c. 對所聽到的內(nèi)容進(jìn)行歸納,什么是中心思想;

  d. 特別注意提問句,因?yàn)閷υ捦ǔJ且粏栆淮穑鸬膬?nèi)容通常是圍繞問題展開的。


  What is the main topic of the conversation?

  What are the speakers mainly discussing?

  What is the subject of this conversation?

  What is the main idea of the conversation?

  Which of the following best summarizes the conversation?

  2. 身份職業(yè)題:問說話者的身份、職業(yè)以及兩者的關(guān)系等。


  What is the person's probable vocation/job?

  Who are the speakers?

  What is the relationship between the two speakers?

  Who is the woman/man speaking to?


  Customer and shop-assistant (salesgirl)

  for sale on sale discount 30 percent off

  selling season size style fashion

  in stock out of stock price change

  refund warranty deliver 交付 sales slip 銷貨單,銷售發(fā)票

  What can I do for you? I'm looking for...

  I'd like to have ... How much ...?

  Professor/teacher and student

  course assignment credit tuition

  freshman sophomore junior senior

  undergraduate postgraduate register graduate

  graduation ceremony term paper mid-exam final

  summer course grade semester/term quiz

  vacation scholarship

  Customer and waiter/waitress

  menu order dessert main course

  delicious taste reservation bill

  Can I help you, sir/madam? Are you ready to order?

  May I take your order now? I'd like to try...

  Can I have my bill, please? How would you like your beef?

  Doctor and patient

  headache stomachache backache catch a cold

  flu running nose fever run a temperature

  symptom examination check-up take one's temperature

  X-ray indigestion blood pressure infection

  diagnose prescribe(prescription) medicine pill

  tablet give an injection operation recover

  What's the matter with you?

  Postman and customer

  parcel/package postcard stamp telegram

  postage airmail registered letter

  Bank clerk and customer

  deposit withdraw draw out savings

  account account number open an account balance

  cash traveler's check cash a check interest rate

  Airport staff and traveler

  check in check out first class economy

  Single/return flight number reservation book a ticket

  Confirm/confirmation arrival departure delay

  Boarding card boarding gate take off transit

  Librarian and student

  Library card periodical journal magazine

  Catalogue call number due renew

  Overdue over-due time

  Hotel staff and customer

  lobby front desk reservation reception desk

  receptionist check in check out single room

  double room rate key card Room Service

  3. 地點(diǎn)方位問題:問對話發(fā)生的地點(diǎn)與場景。

  School: assignment, lecture, paper, exam, campus, dorm, grades

  Bank: account, cash, check, deposit, savings

  Hospital/Clinic: prescription, symptom, temperature, cold, fever, stomachache, pain, trouble

  Restaurant: menu, soup, drink, beverage, dish, beef, chicken, order, bill

  Airport/Station: train, coach, car, timetable, take off, passenger

  Post Office: parcel, package, stamp, letter, airmail, regular mail, postage, rate


  Where does/did the conversation probably take place?

  Where are the man and woman speaking?

  Where are the speakers now?

  Where will the man/the woman go?

  Where is the man/the woman?

  4. 時(shí)間數(shù)字計(jì)算題:對對話中出現(xiàn)的一些時(shí)間和數(shù)字進(jìn)行提問,通常要經(jīng)過一些簡單的運(yùn)算。

  聽力試題所涉及的數(shù)字包括:年代、時(shí)間、年齡、距離、速度、價(jià)格、數(shù)量等,要求回答對話或某事在什么時(shí)間發(fā)生;或某人在什么時(shí)間做某事;或價(jià)格、數(shù)量等。在做數(shù)字計(jì)算題時(shí),考生除了應(yīng)該聽清具體的數(shù)字,還應(yīng)該注意表示倍數(shù)、百分率等的量詞,例如: double, half, dozen, couple, thirty percent, three times, decade, century等等。同時(shí),還要注意與數(shù)字有關(guān)的詞,例如:more, less, before, ago, later等等。此外還要注意文中較長的數(shù)字。


  When/ At what time did the conversation/dialogue take place?

  When is the man/ the woman going to...?

  How much/How many...?

  How long...?

  How often...?


  a. 根據(jù)表示時(shí)間的關(guān)聯(lián)詞來判斷事件發(fā)生的時(shí)間,如:before, after, when, while, then, until, later, right away, immediately, as soon as possible等。

  b. 掌握年、月、日、星期等時(shí)間的表達(dá)方法。注意一些表示時(shí)間的詞,如 quarter, a couple of days, twilight, eve, fortnight(two weeks), dawn(daybreak), dusk(time just before it gets quite back)等。同時(shí)注意英、美不同的時(shí)間表達(dá)方式,如:2:15讀作 a quarter past two(英)或 two fifteen(美);2:30讀作 half past two(英) two thirty(美)等。

  c. 有時(shí)候,文中通過從句或短語表示時(shí)間,而不出現(xiàn)具體表示時(shí)間的數(shù)字或表示時(shí)間概念的單詞,這種情況也要引起注意。例如:"Aren't you glad the semester's over?"可以判斷出時(shí)間為"at the end of the semester"。

  d. 從選擇項(xiàng)看到時(shí)間和數(shù)字題型后,要集中精力獲取時(shí)間和數(shù)字的信息。把聽到的表示時(shí)間的數(shù)字順序記下來,并理解各項(xiàng)數(shù)字之間的關(guān)系。這樣做是因?yàn)槲闹杏袝r(shí)不僅僅出現(xiàn)一個(gè)表示時(shí)間的數(shù)字。如果單靠聽而不做任何記錄,最后很容易混淆數(shù)字間的關(guān)系,無法正確回答問題。

  e. 聽的時(shí)候注意近音的干擾要能準(zhǔn)確區(qū)分:-teen /′ti:n/和/ti/。它們的區(qū)別不僅在于一個(gè)是長元音/i:/,另一個(gè)是短元音/i/;而且/′ti:n/是重讀音節(jié),而/ti/不重讀。

  f. 時(shí)間推算也是對話題目中的考點(diǎn),同學(xué)們要學(xué)會(huì)英語中表示時(shí)間提前或推后的方法,如:提前或提早5分鐘 five minutes ahead of time; five minutes ahead of schedule; five minutes early; early by five minutes.推遲或吃到5分鐘 five minutes later; five minutes behind schedule; late by five minutes; be delayed/postponed for five minutes.

  g. 為了快而準(zhǔn)地對數(shù)字有所反應(yīng),同學(xué)們要熟悉一些單詞和表達(dá)方式:

  時(shí)間:five o'clock sharp (5點(diǎn)整);on the dot(整點(diǎn));the day before yesterday(前天); the day after tomorrow(后天);this time next week(下周此時(shí)); a fortnight(兩周); weekly(每周); monthly(每月);quarterly(每季);yearly/annually(每年); a decade(十年);B.C.(公元前)。

  數(shù)字:one half/ a half; one and half; a quarter/ one fourth; five sixths; zero point five(0.5); one point five two(1.52); a couple of; million; billion。

  貨幣:a dollar/ a buck; five cents/ a nickel; a dime; a quarter/twenty-five cents; a pound; penny。把外語站加入收藏

  有關(guān)計(jì)算的表達(dá):plus/add/addition(加); minus/take off(減); ,multiply(乘); divide(除); double(翻倍); triple(增加倒三倍); two more(多兩個(gè)); three less(少三個(gè)); half the price(半價(jià)); thirty percent off/ discount of 30%(打七折); at 15% discount(打八五折)。

  5. 事實(shí)推理題:對對話中出現(xiàn)的一些細(xì)節(jié)進(jìn)行提問,或者要求考生通過所聽到的細(xì)節(jié)進(jìn)行推理。

  a. 以事實(shí)為依據(jù)的問題要求考生回憶對話中的細(xì)節(jié);盡量從上下文中推測不熟悉的單詞的含義;在聽的過程中盡快瀏覽各項(xiàng)選擇,以便預(yù)測一些問題;并對聽到的'信息進(jìn)行分析、判斷。


  What does sb. do?

  What is sb. going to do?

  What/Which of the following is not mentioned in the dialogue?

  What does the speaker/listener seem most concerned about?

  What does the conversation say about...?

  Why does sb. do sth.?

  What is the purpose of ...?

  What is the cause of ...?

  b. 推理引申問題要求考生推測出某些細(xì)節(jié)的結(jié)果或?qū)δ承┘?xì)節(jié)進(jìn)行比較。



  It can be inferred from the conversation that...

  The man/woman most probably...

  What will the man/woman probably do next?

  What can be concluded from the dialogue/conversation?

  What does the speaker mean?

  6. 觀點(diǎn)態(tài)度題:問說話者對某事或者某話題的看法和觀點(diǎn)。


  a. 語音語調(diào)。英語中,語調(diào)主要有升調(diào)、降調(diào)兩種,另外還有升降調(diào)和降升調(diào)。不同的語調(diào)表達(dá)不同的含義。例如,陳述句用升調(diào)表示說話者抱有遲疑、猶豫的態(tài)度;用降調(diào)表示肯定。反意疑問句如果反意部分是降調(diào),就表示肯定,希望得到贊同或支持;反之,則表示征求對方的意見或不耐煩。

  b. 提示詞和關(guān)鍵詞。考生可以根據(jù)一些提示性的語言或一些相關(guān)的詞語進(jìn)行判斷,如 I think...; It seems to me that...; As far as I'm concerned, I could say...; It is/sounds true that...同時(shí)還要注意表示否定、轉(zhuǎn)折和虛擬等含義的指示詞。如,I'd be sacked if I accepted your offer.所表達(dá)的是拒絕。

  c. 從字里行間判斷。錄音材料的內(nèi)容、材料中不會(huì)直接說明態(tài)度,但在字里行間會(huì)有滲透,考生在聽懂對話的基礎(chǔ)上,依據(jù)語氣,充分理解其言外之意和所反映出來的態(tài)度。


  What is the man's/woman's attitude toward the conversation?

  How does the man/woman feel?

  The man's/woman's feeling toward the subject can be best described as...?







  學(xué)會(huì)邊聽邊記筆記,不是聽寫,而是寫下關(guān)鍵信息,如關(guān)鍵詞、時(shí)間等,便于作參考。在平時(shí)訓(xùn)練聽新聞時(shí),注意新聞中的幾個(gè)重要因素,如what, who, where, when, how, and why等,在考試中再結(jié)合問題內(nèi)容,就能很快做出正確選擇。


  新聞中,許多人名、地名、組織機(jī)構(gòu)等出現(xiàn)的頻率較多,而對這些內(nèi)容不熟悉,有可能降低反應(yīng)速度,所以,考生平時(shí)多讀些如China Daily, New York Times, 《參考消息》之類的報(bào)刊雜志,并適當(dāng)?shù)淖鲂┯涗洠绕涫浅3霈F(xiàn)的國際人物、國名、地名、事件等,從而多些儲(chǔ)存信息,有利于考試中快速聽懂內(nèi)容。











