
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-02-11 11:51:37 考試英語 我要投稿





  記敘文是以敘述人物的經(jīng)歷或事物的發(fā)展變化過程為主的一種文體 ,是寫作訓(xùn)練中最普遍、最基本的一種文體。記敘文一般可分為兩類:一是對事件進(jìn)行寫實(shí)性敘述的事實(shí)記敘,如新聞報道、個人經(jīng)歷、人物生平、訪問、游記等;二是虛構(gòu)性記敘,如科幻小說、故事等。







  1. 重組材料,確定要點(diǎn)。敘事類記敘文寫作前要進(jìn)行立意、構(gòu)思和選材等一系列過程,高考中的書面表達(dá)一般為控制性寫作,通常會提供短文的主題和寫作內(nèi)容,考生要 對提供的材料進(jìn)行再加工,確定寫作的順序、要點(diǎn)和重點(diǎn),擬定使用的.句型和詞組。

  2. 結(jié)構(gòu)完整、前后呼應(yīng)。寫記敘文必須有頭有尾,一般來說,記敘時要把與一件事有關(guān)的六要素都交代清楚。文章的主題和內(nèi)容要一致,文章的結(jié)尾與開頭要呼應(yīng)。

  3. 人稱統(tǒng)一、線索明確。記敘文可用“你、我、他”三種人稱,但如果題目要求你使用某種人稱,則必須遵循要求;敘事類記敘文一般按照事件發(fā)展的前后順序進(jìn)行敘述。


  1. 要點(diǎn)不全。要點(diǎn)是否齊全通常決定文章的檔次。書面表達(dá)要上檔次,要點(diǎn)齊全是關(guān)鍵。要點(diǎn)提示類書面表達(dá)一般不會出現(xiàn)這樣的問題,看圖作文則常會由于學(xué)生觀察不細(xì)心等原因遺漏要點(diǎn)。

  2. 線索不清。有些短文條理混亂,主要原因是沒有確定好寫作線索。敘事類文章一般按時間順序來寫。

  3. 時態(tài)不明。敘事時時態(tài)混亂是學(xué)生常犯的錯誤之一。敘事類記敘文所記的一般是過去發(fā)生的事,原則上用過去時,有時也用現(xiàn)在時。

  4. 主次不分。有些同學(xué)寫作時平均用力,面面俱到,寫出來的東西主題不突出,顯得呆板乏味。




  (1)He is a great person in history.

  (2 )Last Sunday,I took the G R E.It was the longest test I had ever taken.

  (3 )My middle school years were the best part of my life.



  1. 期中考試后放了三天假,我看了一場馬戲。


  3. 馬戲是一種力與美結(jié)合的藝術(shù)。通過這次表演,我體會到了中國馬戲藝術(shù)的博大精深。

  參考詞匯:馬戲表演circus show 刺激的thrilling 鋼絲tightrope 平衡桿balancing pole 鋼桿steel bar


  Watching a circus show

  I had a three-day holiday after the mid-term examination, so I decided to relax myself by watching a circus show.

  A girl appeared on the stage. She rode a one-wheel bike on a small table with a lot of flowers on it. She didn’t knock down even one flower. Some little dogs also did a good job. The four little dogs did some amusing tricks and one of them could calculate the number! How clever they were!

  The most thrilling program was to see a young man walking on a tightrope. He stood on the very thin rope with a balancing pole on his hands. On his head sat a little girl. Another two girls sat on the ends of a steel bar on his shoulder. The young man took his first step with great care. The rope held. One step! Two, three.... Every viewer held his breath. All the people were anxious about his safety, because the young actor didn’t fasten a safety belt. Any little carelessness could cost his life! At last he succeeded in walking across the 8-meter-long tightrope.

  The performance lasted about two hours. I had a good time at the show.

  The circus is the art of combination of strength and beauty. The Chinese circus is so cool!


  小作者敘述了一次看馬戲的經(jīng)歷。文章以時間為線索,敘述清楚,詳略得當(dāng),層次分明,描寫生動,過渡自然,顯示了作者相當(dāng)扎實(shí)的語言功底。在文章最后,小作者還談了自己的感想,深化了主題。難能可貴的是小作者使用了較多的高級 表達(dá)方式,使文章增彩不少。如:復(fù)合形容詞(onewheel, 8-meter-long),with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)(with a balancing pole on his hands),倒裝句(On his head sat a little girl),感嘆句(How clever they were!)等。





  Our school has a long history. It is told that it dated from one hundred years ago. From it was founded on, there were more and more students in it. And the former students all did well in their studying. Some of them are outstanding. Because of their good studies and hard work, many of the schoolleavers have become experts in different fields. These years our school has changed great, it becomes more and more beautiful. Besides, the teachers' teaching methods are more advanced than before. At the same time, the students study very hard, and we are determined to make great contribution to our school.

  We like our school very much! We are proud of it!


  1. 第2句:is told 應(yīng)為is said。(以下錯誤均在第一段)

  2. 第2句:dated應(yīng)改為dates。

  3. 第3句:from...on不能表示從過去的某個時間一直到現(xiàn)在的情況,因此這里用since較好。另外,from...on中間應(yīng)是名詞,而不能是從句。

  4. 第3句:主句中應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài),表示從過去一直到現(xiàn)在的情況。把there were改為there have been。

  5. 第4句:studying最好改為studies,指"學(xué)業(yè)"。

  6. 第5句:本句應(yīng)是說以前的學(xué)生的情況,are應(yīng)改為were。

  7. 第7句:great應(yīng)改為greatly。修飾動詞應(yīng)用副詞形式。

  8. 第7句:our school has changed greatly是一個完整的句子,其后也是一個完整的句子,而兩個完整的句子沒有連詞時是不能并列的。最好中間用句號,使各自獨(dú)立成句。

  9. 第9句:study改為are studying更為生動。

  10. 第9句:very hard最好改為even harder,以對應(yīng)前面的比較級。


  優(yōu)點(diǎn) :

  1. 基本寫出了題目要求的幾方面的內(nèi)容。

  2. 這是一篇半開放的寫作。習(xí)作者適當(dāng)?shù)卦鲅a(bǔ)細(xì)節(jié)對內(nèi)容進(jìn)行了展開,使內(nèi)容較為全面、豐富。

  3. 語句表達(dá)較為連貫。


  1. 有一處句與句之間沒有連詞連接的情況,這是不符合英語習(xí)慣的。

  2. 謂語動詞的時態(tài)有幾處運(yùn)用不當(dāng)。


  Our school has a long history. It is said that it dates from one hundred years ago. Since it was founded, there have been more and more students in it. And the former students all did well in their studi es. Some of them were outstanding. Because of their good studies and hard work, many of the schoolleavers have become experts in different fields. These years our school has changed greatly. It becomes more and more beautiful. Besides, the teachers' teaching methods are more advanced than before. At the same time, the students are studying even harder, and we are determined to make great contribution to our school.

  We like our school very much! We are proud of it!










