
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-01-29 11:58:20 考試英語 我要投稿





  1. 當(dāng)陳述句謂語動詞為have作“有”解時,反意疑問句可用have,也可用do。

  Humans have two legs,haven't they?人有兩條腿,不是嗎?

  Hollywood has many old movie sets,hasn't it?好萊塢有許多老式電影布景,不是嗎?

  He doesn't have skill at writing,does he?他沒有寫作技巧,不是嗎?

  They don't have the sense to admit defeat,do they?他們不懂得承認失敗,不是嗎??

  2. 當(dāng)陳述句謂語動詞為have作“經(jīng)歷,遭受,得到,吃”等解時,疑問部分只用do的適當(dāng)形式。

  You had a wonderful time in park yesterday,didn't you?昨天你們在公園玩得愉快極了,是嗎?

  That day he did not have a bite of food from five in the morning till nine in the evening,did he?那天,他從早晨5點到晚上9點連一口飯都沒吃,是嗎?

  Lots of girls here have influenza,don't they? 這兒好些女孩患了流感,是嗎??

  3. 當(dāng)陳述句謂語動詞含有have/has/had to時,疑問部分用do的適當(dāng)形式。

  Children have to learn to join up their letters,don't they?孩子們得學(xué)會拼寫單詞,不是嗎?

  You have to live with the fact that you've lost all your money,don't you?你不得不接受你丟了所有的錢這個事實,不是嗎?

  We had to find somewhere to stop for lunch,didn't we?我們得找個地方停下來吃午飯,不是嗎?

  He had to satisfy all claims for the damage he had caused,didn't he?他必須賠償他造成的所有損失,不是嗎??

  4. 當(dāng)陳述句謂語動詞為系動詞時,疑問部分要重復(fù)這些系動詞。陳述句謂語若是am,疑問部分要用aren't I(或ain't I)否定,而不用an't I或am not I。

  You weren't very nice to me last Saturday,were you?上星期六你對我不太好,是不是?

  The circus were very good,weren't they?這個馬戲團很不錯,不是嗎?

  Loneliness was a matter of feeling time hanging heavy on your hands,wasn't it?寂寞這玩意兒就是自覺閑得無聊的感受,不是嗎?

  Mary's new boyfriend is quite a dish,isn't he?瑪麗新交的男朋友挺帥的,是不是?

  You're very fast,aren't you?你動作很快,對吧?

  You're not going out in those clothes,are you?你們沒有穿那些衣服外出,是嗎?

  I'm very pleased with what he has done,aren't I?我對他所做的一切感到很滿意,不是嗎?

  I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television,ain't I?那些重復(fù)的電視節(jié)目我都看膩了,不是嗎??

  5. 當(dāng)陳述句謂語動詞為“助動詞/情態(tài)動詞+實義動詞”時,疑問部分要重復(fù)這些助動詞或情態(tài)動詞。

  You won't go swimming tomorrow,will you?你明天不去游泳,是嗎?

  You'll only tell it to Father,won't you?你只會把這件事告訴爸爸,不是嗎?

  You will remember about watering the flowers,won't you?記住給花澆水,行嗎?

  You can't see people starve without trying to help them,can you?你不會坐視人們挨餓而不去想辦法幫助他們的,是吧?

  6. need和dare用作情態(tài)動詞時,疑問部分用need或dare。

  We needn't hurry with our meeting,need we?我們用不著匆忙開會,是嗎?

  He needn't have gone there yesterday,need he?他昨天其實不必去那兒,是嗎?

  She daren't touch lobster,dare she?她不敢吃龍蝦,是嗎?

  He dare do it,daren't he?他敢做這件事,不是嗎??

  7. need和dare用作行為動詞時,疑問部分用do或does。

  He dares any danger,doesn't he?他敢于冒任何風(fēng)險,不是嗎?

  He didn't dare to speak to her,did he?他不敢和她說話,是嗎?

  He didn't need to be reminded about it,did he?不必向他提醒那件事,是嗎??

  8. 當(dāng)陳述句謂語部分含有used to時,疑問部分常用usedn't或didn't兩種形式。但是,如果是there used to be...句型,反意疑問句用wasn't/weren't there。

  In former times,people used to fight with swords,usedn't they?早些時候,人們用劍格斗,是嗎?

  He used to be quite a good player,didn't he?他曾是個相當(dāng)好的運動員,不是嗎?

  There used to be a hole in the fence,wasn't there?以前籬笆上有一個口子,是嗎?

  There used to be a big and beautiful garden at the back of their house,wasn't there?以前在他們房子的后方是一個美麗的大花園,是嗎??

  9. 謂語部分含有had better的陳述句的反意疑問句用hadn't。

  You had better discuss with her the disposal of the furniture,hadn't you?你最好和她討論一下如何布置家具,不是嗎?

  We had better treat it as a joke,hadn't we?我們最好把它當(dāng)作玩笑,不是嗎??

  10. 謂語部分含有would rather的陳述句的反意疑問句用wouldn't。

  He'd rather that it hadn't happened,wouldn't he?他寧愿沒有發(fā)生過這樣的事,不是嗎?

  11. 謂語部分含有would like的陳述句的反意疑問句用wouldn't。

  He would like to back out of the contract,wouldn't he?他想取消這個合同,是嗎?

  She'd like to be a film actress,wouldn't she?她想當(dāng)電影演員,是嗎?

  He'd like to go,wouldn't he?他要走,是嗎??

  12. 謂語部分含有ought to的陳述句的反意疑問句用shouldn't或oughtn't。

  He ought to be in London by now,shouldn't he?此刻他應(yīng)該在倫敦了,不是嗎?

  You ought to keep your passions under control,oughtn't you?你應(yīng)該抑制住你的憤怒,不是嗎??

  13. 當(dāng)陳述句的謂語動詞是表示愿望的wish時,反意疑問句中謂語要用may,而且前后兩個部分均用肯定形式。

  I wish to change some pocket money,may I?我希望換些零錢,行嗎?

  I wish to speak to you in private,may I?我希望私下和你談?wù)?可以嗎?

  I wish to use your car,may I?我想借你的`車用一下,行嗎??

  14. 陳述句中must表猜測時,其后動詞的類屬和時態(tài)不同,反意疑問句也不同;must表必要性時,反意疑問句常用must或need的適當(dāng)形式。

  Your mother must be anxious to know the particulars,isn't she?你的母親一定急于了解詳情,是嗎?

  The student must be working very hard,isn't he?這個學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)一定很刻苦,是嗎?

  You must have seen the film last week,didn't you?你上星期一定看過這部電影了,是嗎?

  The thief must have entered by the rear door,hasn't he?小偷一定是從后門進來的,不是嗎?

  You mustn't sort with thieves,must you?你絕不能與盜賊為伍,不是嗎?

  A judge must deal out justice to all men,needn't he?法官必須對每個人都公正,不是嗎??

  15. 當(dāng)陳述句中的謂語動詞含有may或might時,反意疑問句要用may或might的適當(dāng)形式(偶爾也用will表示請求)。

  I may have made a mistake in the count,mayn't I?我在數(shù)的過程中有可能數(shù)錯了,不是嗎?

  The experience may have been long in your memory,mayn't it?經(jīng)驗在你的記憶中可能會永存,不是嗎?

  You might have tried to be a little quieter last night,mightn't you?昨晚你本應(yīng)該安靜點的,不是嗎?

  You might tell them that I hope to be back tomorrow night,will you?你可以告訴他們,我希望明晚回來,行嗎?










