
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2020-12-24 11:38:53 考試英語 我要投稿




  1. Record yourself and then write down your answer 自己錄音再寫下答案

  This is something everyone should try. It is almost certainly a bad idea to write your answer first and then speak it. This is because we speak and write in very different ways and it is a mistake to try and train yourself to speak in the way you write. But you can learn a lot from recording what you say and then writing that down word for word.


  Things you can learn are:


  Do you say enough? Do you give very short answers? In parts 1 and 3, you should say at least a couple of sentences in answer to every question.


  Is what you say organised? Can you see a structure to your answer? Is it possible to put in sentences and paragraph breaks? Do you have some organisation language like “The first point is..”


  Do you speak too slowly or too quickly? Try counting the words in your part 2 answer. Most of my answers as a native speaker are about 240 words long. You should probably aim for around 200 or so. Less than that and you are speaking too slowly, but if you have more than that, it may be that you are speaking too quickly.

  有沒有說得過快或過慢?試著數(shù)一下Part2 你的答案的字數(shù),一般native speaker能說到240字左右,烤鴨們一般要寫到200字左右。如果字數(shù)少于這個值,那說明你講話太慢,如果超過了,說明你講話太快~~

  How long are your pauses? You can pause, but your pauses should generally come between sentences/paragraphs and they shouldn’t be more than 2/3 of seconds


  Did you answer the question?


  Is your pronunciation okay? If you can’t immediately understand what you say, the examiner won’t either!


  Are there some words you repeat a lot? You probably shouldn’t worry too much about content words such as “television” – native speakers will repeat those a lot when speaking. Rather you should look at more functional words/phrases such as “I think”. It’s very easy to repeat these a lot and it is also quite simple to train yourself to use more variety.

  有沒有重復很多詞?不要擔心重復實義詞,即使是native speaker也會一直重復,因為你講的就是這個東西~不過,你應該重點檢查功能詞匯,比如“I think” ,烤鴨們很容易老重復這些詞,不過讓自己練習用不同的詞也不是難事。

  2. Do it first in your own language 先用母語說

  This is perhaps an unusual piece of advice. In the speaking, you should aim to be thinking and speaking in English as much as possible and not translating from your language to English. It can, however, sometimes help to practise the long turn part 2 in your own language first:

  一般來說,最好是能用英語思維思考,并用英語回答。但是像Part2這種比較長的題目, 先用母語說可能會好一點。

  some people struggle to speak in their own language for 2 minutes: they prefer short/concise answers and not longer more discussion type answers. So before you try it in English, make sure you can do it in your first language.


  It helps you understand how long 2 minutes is and how much you need to say to fill that time.


  if you record and listen to yourself in your first language, you will probably find yourself using quite a lot of “structure” language such as “As I mentioned before”. This is a lot of the language you need for part 2.


  3. Don’t practise the whole part 2, do it bit by bit 不要一口吃成胖子,練習第二部分,慢慢來

  Some people find part 2 frightening because they are worried they can’t speak for 2 minutes. Relax. You don’t have to. It’s much easier than that, you need to speak for 20 seconds and 20 seconds and 20 seconds and one minute.


  This is because there are always 4 points for you to talk about on the cue card. You want to try practising talking about the first 3 points on the cue card for about 20 seconds each (the who, where, what type questions). Make sure you don’t say “last year”, but you extend that a little . Then all you need to do is talk for 1 minute on the longer question at the end that is almost always about explaining something.


  4. Practise by describing photographs 通過描述照片來練習

  In the exam of course you don’t get any photograph to help you. It would probably be easier if you did because when you have a photograph, you can see what you need to talk about. The idea is here that if you learn to see pictures as you are speaking, you find more things to say. I suggest:


  find a picture about an IELTS topic e.g. a picture of a wedding – describe what you see 找一些跟考試題目相關(guān)的照片

  then try talking about the same topic without the picture 然后不用照片試著將同樣的事情

  in the exam itself, all you need to do is imagine a picture in your head 在考試中,自己想象一張圖片

  What I strongly suggest is that you look at your own photographs, as what you will need to speak about are your own memories. 而且強烈建議看你自己的照片,因為你需要說的是你自己的memories

  5. Read then speak 先讀再說!

  It helps to practise reading and speaking together because reading gives you words and sometimes ideas. This idea is a very simple one. When you read a passage in English, you should then try and summarise what it says speaking. The ways this works is:


  To summarise a reading text, you are going to need to use some of the words used in it


  If you say the word aloud, you have learnt that word better and are more likely to us fit for yourself in the future


  If the text is longer, you should find yourself having to list the different points it contains. This should help the coherence of your speaking as you will need to use language like “Firstly…then… next …”etc


  Two extremely good sources for this type of reading is 6 minute English and my favourite Words in the News. It sometimes helps to choose 5 words from the text you are reading that you want to use when you speak.


  6. Improve your memory – write your life history 提高記憶力,寫自己的故事

  Parts 1 and 2 of the speaking test are personal questions about who you are (part 1) and what you have done (part 2). One reason why some candidates have problems is not the language, but that they can’t think of things to say. The solution is simple – refresh your memory about important events in your life before the test.

  Part1 和Part2 主要是關(guān)于你自己的一些問題,有些烤鴨的問題不在于用什么語言說,而是他們根本想不到要說什么。。那么就在考試前重溫一下、回憶一下你生活中的重要事情吧!

  The idea is not so much to practise exam questions (it’s hard to predict those), but to practise speaking about your memories of people, events, places and things. Do that and the exam should be simpler as you have memories you can use. Write down some personal memories and then try speaking about them. Some ideas here are:


  Think of important/interesting people in your life: Ask yourself: When did you meet them? How long have you known them? Why are they important/interesting? Can you remember something you did together? What about a conversation you had with them?


  Think of important events in your life: Ask yourself: What it was? Where did it happen? Who were you with at the time? What else was happening in your life then? What one thing stands out in your memory about it? How well do you remember it?


  Think of places you have been to: Ask yourself: Where it was? How did you get there? In what detail can you describe the place? Can you describe the general area it is in? Would you want to go back there?


  Think of your possessions: Ask yourself: How long have you owned it? Where did you get it? Is it special or something normal? How often do you use it? Do you associate with someone else?


  7. Practise saying “I don’t know” 練習說“I don’t know”

  Another reason why some candidates go wrong in the exam is that they feel they have to give a complete answer to very question and they think of IELTS as some academic test. It isn’t. It’s simply a test of your language. In parts 1 and 3, you may well be asked questions that you have very little to say about. That’s not a problem, there’s always another question coming. The big mistake is to try and give a full answer when you have nothing to say. What happens is that your language becomes confused and so do you, with the result that things get and worse and worse.


  All you need to do is say you don’t know and explain why and then wait for the next question. This may take a little practice. You want to build a set of phrases such as:


  Q. What colour is your favourite room and why did you choose that colour?

  A. I’m not sure what to say about that. It’s not a question I’ve ever thought about before. I suppose yellow is just my favourite colour and so I painted my room yellow?

  8. Talk to a mirror拿個鏡子

  This is another strange sounding piece of advice, but it can be very practical – especially if you don’t have a speaking partner. The idea is that when you practise speaking, you should sit in front of a mirror and speak to yourself. It can work because:


  Eye contact is extremely important in all parts of the test. As a former speaking examiner for other exams, I can promise you that examiners are influenced by candidates who make eye contact - even though they may not be aware of this. Typically, the candidate who makes good eye contact gets a more generous mark because they seem to be communicating better as body language is around 70% of all communication.


  the other point is that, for most people, sitting and looking at themselves in a mirror is an uncomfortable experience. After that, the exam will seem easy!


  9. Write your own questions寫下你自己的問題

  This is another activity that I suggest everyone should try at least once. You should of course practise with “real” exam questions too, but there is a lot to be learnt from writing the questions first and then trying to answer them. The way it works is that if you write the question yourself:


  you are more likely to try and answer it properly and give a full answer because you understand what the question is asking – good practice


  you learn to add details to your answers by thinking of more question words. So when you answer the question “Are you a student or do you have a job?”, you are more likely to say “I’m a student at Wuhan University and I have been studying there for the last 3 years” – adding information by thinking of the question “How long” even though you weren’t asked it.


  10. Improve your coherence and fluency – easy as 1-2-3 0r 3-2-1 提高你的連貫性和流利度

  This is another of my favourite classroom speaking activities. Ideally, you need one or two more people to practise this with, but you can do it by yourself. The idea is that you don’t just practise speaking for 2 minutes. Rather, you start off by speaking for 3 minutes about that topic, then you do the same thing for 2 minutes, then for 1 minute. In the perfect world, you would also speak to a different person each time.


  How does it work? The first time your answer is probably slightly incoherent and lacks fluency. The next time you speak though, you know what you want to say and, if you have listened to someone else speak, you now have more ideas. The result is that when you speak, you answer becomes more fluent and coherent. Then when you do it for 1 minute, your answer needs to become even more coherent because you now have lots of things to say but not very much time to say it.


  I should add that this activity works best if you have different people to speak to. It works because each time you speak to someone different, it becomes a different conversation – even if you are talking about the same thing.










