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時間:2021-01-14 12:07:09 職場英語 我要投稿


  Hillary Clinton smashed one of the remaining glass ceilings in politics this week, when she became the first woman to secure her party’s nomination for US president.


  希拉里•克林頓(Hillary Clinton)最近成為了首位被其所在政黨提名為總統(tǒng)候選人的女性,打破了政壇剩余的玻璃天花板之一。

  It has taken 227 years for a woman to get this far in a US election and the ascent of women on the corporate ladder has been almost as slow. There are still very few female chief executives, and women remain under-represented in senior business roles. Workplace sexism still exists.


  Recent events suggest the challenges facing women are particularly acute in media and technology companies.


  When Gretchen Carlson, a former Fox News Channel presenter, alleged that she had been sexually harassed by Roger Ailes, who ran the network, other women came forward alleging similar treatment by other executives. One woman told the New York Times this week that she had been afraid to complain. “There is a culture where, not that you accept it, you just deal with it,” she said.

  當(dāng)福克斯新聞頻道(Fox News Channel)前主持人格蕾琴•卡爾森(Gretchen Carlson)指控她受到老板羅杰•艾爾斯(Roger Ailes)性騷擾的時候,其他女性紛紛站出來指控其他高管的類似做法。一位女性最近告訴《紐約時報》(New York Times),之前她不敢投訴。她說:“這里的文化是,有些事情你不一定接受,但你得忍受。”

  Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox, which owns Fox News, parted company with Mr Ailes last week after an internal investigation. Mr Murdoch and his sons, James and Lachlan, now have two tasks: replacing Mr Ailes and reforming what appears to have been a boorish, macho culture at Fox News.

  魯珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)的21世紀(jì)?怂(21st Century Fox)上周在內(nèi)部調(diào)查之后解聘了艾爾斯——福克斯新聞隸屬21世紀(jì)?怂蛊煜隆D嗫撕退膬鹤诱材匪(James)和拉克倫(Lachlan)現(xiàn)在有兩個任務(wù):接替艾爾斯,并且改革福克斯新聞似乎存在的粗野的大男子主義文化。

  Hiring more women to senior positions would help and is something that all media and technology companies should do. The US’s biggest media groups — Walt Disney, Comcast, 21st Century Fox, Time Warner, CBS and Viacom — are all led by men. It is the same story in tech: Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook all have male chief executives.

  雇傭更多女性擔(dān)任高級職位將會有所幫助,也是所有媒體和科技公司應(yīng)該做的事情。華特迪士尼(Walt Disney)、康卡斯特(Comcast)、21世紀(jì)?怂埂r代華納(Time Warner)、哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)以及維亞康姆(Viacom),這些美國最大的`媒體集團全都由男性領(lǐng)導(dǎo)?萍脊就瑯尤绱耍簛嗰R遜(Amazon)、蘋果(Apple)、Google以及Facebook的首席執(zhí)行官全都是男性。

  Yahoo, in the process of being acquired by Verizon, is an exception. But Marissa Mayer, its chief executive, spoke this week of how her efforts to revive the internet group had been plagued by sexist stereotyping. “I’ve tried to be gender-blind and believe tech is a gender-neutral zone but think there has been gender-charged reporting,” she said, referring to media coverage of her tenure at the group.

  正在被Verizon收購的雅虎(Yahoo)是一個例外。但雅虎首席執(zhí)行官瑪麗薩•邁耶(Marissa Mayer)最近談到她重振這家互聯(lián)網(wǎng)集團的努力受到性別歧視觀念的困擾。她在提到媒體報道她領(lǐng)導(dǎo)雅虎的工作時表示:“我曾經(jīng)努力無視性別,相信科技是不帶有性別色彩的領(lǐng)域,但我的確認(rèn)為存在性別色彩濃厚的報道。”

  Appointing more women to senior positions is unlikely to eradicate workplace sexism. But it would be a start. Media and technology companies create products and content for both sexes. Why should women not be appointed to run them too?


  Long ago, the advertising industry woke up to the fact that women were responsible for most household spending decisions, so they tailored marketing messages to them.


  Yet women continue to be under-represented at advertising agencies — particularly in senior creative roles.


  A group called The 3% Conference has been attempting to change that. It takes its name from an alarming statistic from a decade ago, when just 3 per cent of creative directors at advertising companies were women. It has had some success: by 2014, that proportion had risen to 11.5 per cent.

  一個名為3% Conference的團體一直在努力改變這種局面。它的名字源于10年前令人警醒的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù),即廣告公司只有3%的創(chuàng)意總監(jiān)是女性。該團體取得了一些成功:到2014年,這一比例已上升至11.5%。

  Glass ceilings continue to be smashed but the pace of change is slow.


  J Walter Thompson, the 152-year-old ad agency now owned by WPP, recently appointed Tamara Ingramas chief executive — the first woman to have ever held the position.

  有著152年歷史的廣告公司、如今隸屬WPP旗下的智威湯遜(J Walter Thompson)最近任命塔瑪拉•英格拉瑪(Tamara Ingramas)擔(dān)任首席執(zhí)行官,這是有史以來首位擔(dān)任該職的女性。

  JWT’s workforce is 47 per cent female and the company has female regional chief executives in places such as Sri Lanka, Mexico and Canada. But Ms Ingram told the FT recently she would not be satisfied until half of all the company’s senior leadership positions were held by women. This is the right goal to set. Would a male chief executive set such a target? Possibly. But a woman is actually doing it.


  Ms Ingram succeeded Gustavo Martinez as chief executive. He resigned this year after Erin Johnson, JWT’s head of communications, filed a lawsuit accusing him of an “unending stream of racist and sexist comments as well as unwanted touching and other unlawful conduct”.

  英格拉瑪接替古斯塔沃•馬丁內(nèi)斯(Gustavo Martinez)擔(dān)任首席執(zhí)行官。馬丁內(nèi)斯今年辭職,此前智威湯遜公關(guān)主管埃琳•約翰遜(Erin Johnson)對其提起訴訟,指控其“發(fā)布一系列種族主義和性別歧視言論,并存在不受歡迎的觸摸行為以及其他非法行為”。

  Mr Martinez has denied all the allegations. Still, the case has echoes of Mr Ailes’s departure from Fox News. JWT has moved on from the episode by appointing someone who wants to transform the outlook for women at the agency. As they set out to replace Mr Ailes, will Mr Murdoch and his sons do the same?










