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時間:2021-01-10 18:13:14 職場英語 我要投稿


  Forty percent of US workers have dated an office colleague, with 31 percent of them going on to marriage, according to a survey released on Tuesday.


  根據(jù)周二發(fā)布的一項調(diào)查顯示, 有40%的美國公司職員和辦公室的同事約會, 其中有31%的`人會結(jié)婚.

  Ten percent work with someone they would like to date and 18 percent have dated a co-worker twice or more at some time in their careers, the office romance survey for online job website CareerBuilder.com showed.

  職業(yè)締造者公司通過在線工作網(wǎng)對辦公室戀情進行的調(diào)查中顯示, 10%的人愿意和同事約會,而且18%的人在他們職業(yè)生涯中的某個階段已經(jīng)和同事約會過兩次或者更多次了.

  Those eyeing a co-worker was skewed between the sexes, with 14 percent of men but just 5 percent of women saying they would like to date a colleague.

  14%的男人說他們想和同事約會, 但是只有5%的女人說她們想與同事約會.

  Of those who dated a co-worker in the last year, a third said it was someone with a more senior position in the company. Of those, 42 percent have dated their boss.

  在去年和同事約會過的人當中.有三分之一的人說她們和公司中更高職位的人約會. 更高職位的人中有42%是他們的上司.

  Nearly three-quarters said they did not have to keep their romance a secret but 7 percent said they had left a job due to an office romance.

  有接近四分之三的人說他們不必對他們的戀情保密, 但是有7%的人說他們由于辦公室戀情已經(jīng)離開工作.

  The survey of 8,038 full-time adult employees was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of CareerBuilder.com between November 12 and December 1, 2008.


  The overall results have a sampling error of plus or minus 1.09 percentage points, it said. CareerBuilder.com is owned by Gannett Co, Tribune Co, The McClatchy Co and Microsoft Corp.

  據(jù)說,所有的結(jié)果有一個簡單的錯誤--減掉或加上1.09個百分點. 職業(yè)締造者公司隸屬于Gannett Co, Tribune Co, The McClatchy Co and Microsoft Corp.