
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-02-28 17:31:41 職場英語 我要投稿


  Below are the 10 differences between successful people and unsuccessful people.



  1. Embrace change vs. Fear change

  1. 接受改變 vs. 懼怕改變

  Embracing change is one of the hardest things a person can do. With the world moving so fast and constantly changing, and technologyaccelerating faster than ever, we need to embrace what’s coming and adapt, rather than fear it, deny it or hide from it.


  2. Want others to succeed vs. Secretly hope others fail

  2. 希望他人成功 vs. 暗地里希望他人失敗

  When you’re in an organization with a group of people, in order to be successful, you all have to be successful. We need to want to see our co-workers succeed and grow. If you wish for their demise, why even work with them at all?


  3. Accept responsibly for your failures vs. Blame others for your failures

  3.勇于承擔(dān)失敗的`責(zé)任 vs. 因失敗抱怨他人

  Where there are ups, there are most always downs. Being a leader and successful businessperson means always having to accept responsibility for your failures. Blaming others solves nothing; it just puts other people down and absolutely no good comes from it.


  4. Talk about ideas vs. Talk about people

  4. 談?wù)撓敕?vs. 談?wù)撍?/strong>

  What did we all learn in high school? Gossip gets you nowhere. Instead of gossiping about people, successful people talk about ideas. Sharing ideas with others will only make them better.


  5. Set goals and life plans vs. Do not set goals

  5. 確立目標(biāo)和人生計劃 vs. 沒有目標(biāo)

  You can't possibly be successful without knowing where you're going in life. A life vision board, 10 year plan, 3 year forecast, annual strategic plan, and daily goal lists are useful tools of the mega-successful people. Get your vision and goals down on paper!


  6. Keep a journal vs. Say you keep a journal but don’t

  6. 寫日記 vs. 說自己要寫日記但從來沒寫過

  Keeping a journal is a great way to jot down quick ideas or thoughts. Writing them down can lead to something even greater. You can even use mobile apps or your Notes function in your phone. But don’t fool yourself by saying you keep a journal and not following through.


  7. Read every day vs. Watch TV every day

  7. 每天讀書 vs. 每天看電視

  Reading every day educates you on new subjects. Whether you are reading a blog, your favorite magazine or a good book, you can learn and become more knowledgeable as you read. Watching television, on the other hand, may be good entertainment or an escape, but you'll rarely get anything out of TV to help you become more successful.


  8. Continuously learn vs. Fly by the seat of your pants

  8. 不斷學(xué)習(xí) vs. 三分鐘熱度

  Continuously learning and improving is the only way to grow. You can be a step above your competition and become more flexible because you know more. If you just fly by the seat of your pants, you could be passing up opportunities that prevent you from learning (and growing!)


  9. Forgive others vs. Hold a grudge

  9. 原諒他人 vs. 不斷抱怨

  Everybody makes mistakes; it’s human. The only way to get past the mistake is to forgive and move on. Dwelling on anger only makes things worse - for you.


  10. Keep a “To-Be” list vs. Don’t know what you want to be

  10. 擁有夢想 vs. 前路迷茫

  A “To-Be” list is a great way to strategize for the future. I want to be an elected official one day. I want to be a TED speaker. I want to be the CEO of a public company. I want to be a great father and husband. Unsuccessful people have no idea what they want to be. If you don’t know what you want to be, how can you achieve success? What do you want to be?












