
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-07-22 11:45:54 商務英語 我要投稿
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  Ever experienced that moment after you press send and reread your email only to realize you've let some typos sneak in? Avoid that icky feeling from here on out by being hyper aware of some of the most common missteps. Whether you're applying for a job (don't forget to triple check that cover letter!) or sending emails to the boss, you don't want to look unprofessional by making mistakes that can easily be avoided. Here are some words you're bound to use in the working world and how to master them.



  Misspellings to keep in mind


  Amateur: The vowels at the end can get tricky, but pretend you are texting an Australian friend and say, "a mate u r."

  Amateur:這個詞末尾的元音頗具欺騙性,不過你可以想象你在和一個澳洲朋友發(fā)信息,“a mate u r”(你是個好伙計)。

  Definitely: Just think of the word "definite" and add an -ly to the end. Never put an "A" in definitely.


  Referred: Some people spell it refferred or refered, but remember it as a combination of two words: refer + red.


  Separate: Not spelled "seperate," separate will be easy to write out if you think of a grade-school trick — there is always "a rat" in the word.

  Separate:不要按照發(fā)音而拼成“seperate”,如果你在拼寫時想到這個詞里始終有“a rat”,就很容易把它拼對了。

  Occurrence: Ditch the singles and double up on the first two consonants for this one. Pretty soon it will become a regular occurrence.


  Common Mix-Ups


  Affect vs effect: This one is tricky because just one letter can throw you off. Typically, "affect" is a verb and "effect" is a noun. If you can substitute a verb for affect, then you'll know that you're using it right (I was affected by the merger; I was surprised by the merger).

  Affect和Effect:這兩個詞很容易混淆,因為只有一個字母的區(qū)別。通常來說,“affect”是一個動詞而“effect”是一個名詞。假如你換一個詞來代替affect,你就會知道你是否把它用對了(I was affected by the merger; I was surprised by the merger 我對這次收購驚呆了)。

  Loose vs. lose: Saying these words out loud will help you distinguish the two. "Loose" means not tight (The letter on my keyboard is loose). "Lose" is the opposite of win (We will lose this client if we don't pay him more attention).

  Loose和Lose:大聲喊出這兩個詞能幫助你把它們區(qū)別開來。“loose”的意思是不緊(The letter on my keyboard is loose 我鍵盤上的這個按鍵很松)。“lose”是win的反義詞(We will lose this client if we don't pay him more attention 如果我們不多關注這位客戶我們就會失去他)。

  Its vs. it's: "It's" is a contraction for "it is" or "it has," whereas "its" signals possession. Actually saying "it is" aloud will remind you of the difference.

  Its和It's:“it's”是“it is”或“it has”的縮寫,而“its”是所有格。實際上大聲念出“it is”能夠幫助你記住他們的區(qū)別。

  Every day vs. everyday: They key here is to know that "everyday" is an adjective, and "every day" is a phrase. If you can replace "every" with "each," then what you mean to use is the two-word phrase.

  Every day和Everyday:關鍵在于要知道“everyday”是一個形容詞,而“every day”是一個詞組。假如你可以用“each”來代替“every”,你就會知道你應該用的是那個兩個字母組成的詞組。

  Than vs. then: These two words are easy to confuse because they sound almost identical. But remember that "than" is used to compare something (I think this partnership is a better bet than the other), while "then" is used for time (First we called her, then we followed up with an email).

  Than和Then:這兩個詞很容易搞混,因為他們聽起來簡直一模一樣。但你要記住“than”是用來比較某些東西的(I think this partnership is a better bet than the other 我認為這個合作伙伴比另一個好),而“then”是用來表示時間的(First we called her, then we followed up with an email 我們先給她打了個電話,但后來通過email交流)。

  You're vs. your: Although you probably learned this one in grade school, it's easy to type one word when you really mean the other. "You're" is shorthand for "you are." The word "your" indicates possession (You're not going to believe how much they loved your presentation).

  You're和Your:雖然你可能小學就學過這兩個詞了,但你還是很有可能會把它們拼錯。“you're”是“you are”的縮寫。而“your”是所有格。(You're not going to believe how much they loved your presentation 你不會相信他們有多喜歡你的演講)。

  Who vs. whom: Even a grammar wiz can get these two confused from time to time. But if you can switch the sentence around so that you use the word "him" as opposed to "he," then "whom" is the way to go. For example, instead of saying, "Sam is the guy whom we interviewed for the position," you could say "We interviewed him for the position." But in reversing the sentence "Sam is the guy who got the job," you would say, "He is the guy who got the job."

  Who和Whom:就算是語法大師也很容易把這兩個詞搞混。不過要是你能想一想同一句話用“him”和“he”會怎么表述,你就很容易就能去區(qū)別出這兩個詞了。比如說,“Sam is the guy whom we interviewed for the position Sam是我們?yōu)檫@個職位面試過的人”這句話你也可以說成“We interviewed him for the position 我們?yōu)檫@個職位面試了他”。然而“Sam is the guy who got the job Sam是獲得這個職位的人”這句話則會表述為“He is the guy who got the job 他是獲得這個職位的人”。










