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時間:2022-11-12 14:05:24 精品文摘 我要投稿
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Too shy to voice your feelings?


People who are too shy to work up the courage to say "I Love You," or at least want a little surprise, have a new option: a bean plant that sprouts to read a special message...

People who are too shy to work up the courage to say "I Love You," or at least want a little surprise, have a new option: a bean plant that sprouts to read a special message.


Japan#39;s second largest toy maker Takara will on February 10 start nationwide marketing of the gift cans, which hold soil and the small plant bearing a message that sprouts up in about five days.

日本的第二大玩具商Takara 在2月20號時會在全國范圍內(nèi)銷售這種盆栽豆芽。這種盆栽豆芽在五天后會發(fā)芽并顯示出特別的信息!灸F(xiàn)在閱讀的文章來自“中國人才指南網(wǎng)”,請記住我們的永久域名:www.ardmore-hotel.com 】

It offers six different messages, which are inscribed through a laser beam, with one side of the bean carrying words such as "I Love You" and "Good Luck!" and the other side a smiley face.


Another toy maker, Tomy, offers its own version of message beans set in a calcium-made white egg that "hatches" soon after it is put in water.

另一個日本的Tomy公司也推出概念相似的吉祥雞蛋,鈣制的白色雞蛋殼里裹埋了豆芽種子, 在放入水中后,雞蛋很快會“ 孵出”祝福語來。

"You can have the fun of fortune telling as you don#39;t know what message will come out until the bean sprouts," Tomy said, adding the egg would also be suitable for a gift as this is the Chinese year of the cock.

