
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-02-19 09:46:24 說說大全 我要投稿
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  1、其實我也不想這么難過,但是沒人來救我。In fact, I don't want to be so sad, but no one came to help me.

  2、懂得關(guān)懷別人,是成長的真正開始。Caring for others is the real beginning of growth.

  3、在過去的某一刻,我們心里都有彼此的名字。At some point in the past, we all have each other's names in our hearts.

  4、我們要的未來從未更改,只是你不在。The future we want has never changed, but you are not here.

  5、我倒要看看,任何事我拼盡全力去做會怎樣。I'll see what happens if I try my best to do anything.

  6、那些美好,依然在時光里閃爍,又何懼涼薄?Those good still twinkle in the time, why fear cold thin?

  7、有很多遺憾,但是沒有什么好后悔的。There are many regrets, but there is nothing to regret.

  8、沒人能夠替你悲傷,你卻為他人哭紅了眼眶。No one can be sad for you, but you cry for others red eyes.

  9、愛情就像霧,怎么抓也抓不住。Love is like fog, it can't be grasped.

  10、沒有天生就適合的兩個人,只有相互包容的兩顆心。There are no two people who are naturally suitable for each other, only two hearts that are tolerant of each other.

  11、你許我青年朝氣瘋狂,我陪你老年相伴到老。You allow me to be young and crazy, and I will accompany you to old age.

  12、這個世界不是因為你能做什么,而是你該做什么。The world is not about what you can do, it's about what you should do.

  13、人不能做得太假,假了,難以交心。People can't be too fake, fake, difficult to heart to heart.