
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-01-18 20:51:32 實習證明 我要投稿






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  茲有 XXXX 大學通信工程系 XXX 同學于 20xx年 05 月 04 日至 20xx 年 08 月 31 日在 北京市工業(yè)設計研究院實習。

  該學生實習期間工作認真,善于思考,能夠舉一反三,能夠將在學校所學的知識 靈活應用到具體的工作中去,保質保量完成工作任務。實習期間熟練掌握 PCB 操作流 程,運用 CAD 完成指定的`設計任務,同時在計算機網(wǎng)絡應用方面有顯著提高。在工作 中遇到不懂的地方,能夠積極向富有經(jīng)驗的前輩請教。對于別人提出的工作建議,可 以虛心聽取。同時,該同學與公司同事和睦相處,展現(xiàn)了優(yōu)秀團隊合作精神和溝通能 力,與其一同工作的員工均對該學生的表現(xiàn)予以肯定。



  20xx 年 08 月 31 日

  Internship Certificate

  XXX, student from XXX University of Communication Engineering, started his internship in Beijing Industrial Designing and Researching Institute on May 04, 20xx and ended on August 31, 20xx.

  During the student’s internship he put much effort into his work and study. He had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. This student never hesitates asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. He has acquired various techniques, such as the manufacture process of PCB, and can use CAD to finish certain tasks, and meanwhile has improvement in the field of Computer Networks. At the same time, the student gets along with others well and co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.

  Now the student has already concluded in my company, this is a certification.

  Beijing Industrial Designing and Researching Institute

  August 31, 20xx