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時(shí)間:2022-07-22 00:28:36 飲食文化 我要投稿
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  This is the VOA Special English Education Report.


  About one-fifth of Americans age six to nineteen are considered overweight. To reduce those numbers, some schools are teaching children to make better food choices.

  TEACHER AND STUDENT: "So I can have spinach and what, who can give me one combination. Spinach and -- Diego?" "Eggplant?" "Eggplant. Spinach and eggplant. So here is my first combination."

  Hannah Chen is teaching the eight and nine year olds in this math class in Washington how to make sets.

  HANNAH CHEN: "We just incorporated food into different types of combinations, like with the pizza we had two types of toppings that the kids can provide, and figuring out the different combinations using those toppings."

  The EW Stokes Public Charter School has started to include food topics in its third-grade math and English teaching. The school formed a partnership with Seedling Projects, an environmental group in San Francisco, California.

  Peter Nalli is a curriculum director for the program called Farm to Desk. He says they are doing this in part to address the issue of childhood obesity.

  PETER NALLI: "One of the main components of our program is our belief that if kids are exposed to positive and healthy messaging about food throughout the instructional day, that has the most potential to impact long-term change."

  School chef Makeisha Daye says the school buys most of its food from local farms, but the students grow some themselves.

  MAKEISHA DAYE: "They are replanting everything now so that we will be using fresh herbs, fresh vegetables straight from our garden. So, the children, they love it."

  Teacher Hannah Chen agrees.

  HANNAH CHEN: "We have a salad bar at the school, and now the kids love the salad bar. They love the fruits and vegetables. So I think it is making a big difference in their lives."

  She says the third graders have also learned to read the sugar and fat content listed on food packages. She says the EW Stokes Public Charter School in Washington plans to expand the Farm to Desk program to other grades next year.

  Charter schools get public money but do not have to follow the same rules as traditional public schools.

  Many charter schools have specialized areas of study -- like Environmental Charter High School near Los Angeles. Students learn the importance of protecting the environment. Rigo Estrada says he used to be the kind of person who threw trash on the street.

  RIGO ESTRADA: "But now that I have seen firsthand videos, I have done beach cleanups, I have helped develop like water-catchment systems, I have taught elementary schools like the importance of water conservation, I know the importance of green and that it actually is a really serious topic."

  Students also learn how to prepare a business plan that they can use to help pay for college. They learn from teachers and outside experts like Nancy Gale. She owns an environmentally friendly business that makes handbags.

  NANCY GALE: "The idea behind the program is that if these kids see what they can do together and what they can accomplish, that they recognize that their skills extend into the same real world as kids that go to successful private schools."

  And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, available online at www.tingvoa.com and on the VOA Learning English on Facebook. I'm Steve Ember.


  Contributing: Mike O'Sullivan and June Soh




  Hannah Chen正在華盛頓一個(gè)數(shù)學(xué)班教給八歲和九歲的孩子怎樣對(duì)食品進(jìn)行搭配。

  Hannah Chen:“我們將食品搭配成不同類(lèi)型的組合,例如批薩,我們提供兩種配料,孩子們可以進(jìn)行選擇,看一下用這些配料可以搭配成多少各種各樣的組合。”

  EW Stokes政府特許學(xué)校開(kāi)始在三年級(jí)的數(shù)學(xué)和英語(yǔ)教學(xué)中涉及食物的話題。這所學(xué)校與加州舊金山環(huán)保組織“幼苗項(xiàng)目”達(dá)成了合作伙伴關(guān)系。

  Peter Nalli是“農(nóng)田到課桌”項(xiàng)目的課程主任。他表示,他們這樣做的部分目的是解決兒童肥胖的問(wèn)題。

  Peter Nalli:“我們的項(xiàng)目的一個(gè)重要因素就是,我們相信,如果孩子在教學(xué)過(guò)程中接觸到的是積極的,健康的食物信息,這會(huì)產(chǎn)生長(zhǎng)期的有利影響!

  校長(zhǎng)Makeisha Daye表示,學(xué)校從當(dāng)?shù)剞r(nóng)田購(gòu)買(mǎi)大部分食物,但是也有一些由學(xué)生親手種植。

  Makeisha Daye:“他們現(xiàn)在正在移植所有作物,這樣我們就可以使用來(lái)自我們的菜園的新鮮的香料和蔬菜。孩子們非常喜歡。”

  教師Hannah Chen贊同這種說(shuō)法。

  HANNAH CHEN:“我們學(xué)校有一個(gè)色拉吧,孩子們非常喜歡。他們喜歡那里的水果和蔬菜。所以我認(rèn)為,這對(duì)他們的生活產(chǎn)生了重要的影響。”

  她說(shuō),三年級(jí)的學(xué)生還學(xué)會(huì)了怎樣閱讀食品包裝上的糖和脂肪含量。她說(shuō),EW Stokes政府特許學(xué)校計(jì)劃明年將“從農(nóng)田到課桌”項(xiàng)目擴(kuò)大到其他年級(jí)。


  許多政府特許學(xué)校有專門(mén)的研究領(lǐng)域——例如洛杉磯附近的環(huán)境特許高中。學(xué)生們學(xué)習(xí)保護(hù)環(huán)境的重要性。Rigo Estrada說(shuō),過(guò)去他常常在街上亂扔垃圾。

  Rigo Estrada:“但是現(xiàn)在我看了第一手錄像資料,我經(jīng)常到沙灘上進(jìn)行清潔,我?guī)椭_(kāi)發(fā)了排水系統(tǒng),我還教給小學(xué)生節(jié)約用水的重要性,我了解了環(huán)保的重要性,這確實(shí)是一個(gè)非常嚴(yán)肅的話題。”

  學(xué)生們還學(xué)習(xí)怎樣準(zhǔn)備商業(yè)計(jì)劃,幫助自己支付讀大學(xué)的費(fèi)用。他們從教師和學(xué)校以外的專家那里學(xué)習(xí),例如Nancy Gale。她擁有一家制作手袋的環(huán)保型企業(yè)。

  Nancy Gale:“該項(xiàng)目的想法是,如果這些孩子看到他們能夠一起進(jìn)行什么活動(dòng),能夠取得什么樣的成績(jī),他們就會(huì)意識(shí)到,和在成功的公立學(xué)校就讀的孩子一樣,他們的技能一定能夠延伸到現(xiàn)實(shí)世界!










