
我要投稿 投訴建議


時(shí)間:2022-09-26 14:30:55 面試英語 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦





  1."What can you tellme about yourself?" ("關(guān)于你自己,你能告訴我些什么?")

  This is not an invitation to giveyour life history. The interviewer is looking for clues about your character,qualifications, ambitions, and motivations.


  The following is a good example of apositive response. "In high school I was involved in competitive sportsand I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a collegestudent, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sellthings easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more importantto make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customerscame back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm verycompetitive and it means a lot to me to be the best."


  2."What would youlike to be doing five years after


  Know what you can realistically accomplish.You can find out by talking to others MBA about what they accomplished in theirfirst five years with a particular company after


  "I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because manyin this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on thatalso."



  3. "What is your greateststrength"?" ("你最突出的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是什么?")


  This is a real opportunity to tootyour own horn. Do not brag or get too egotistical, but let the employer knowthat you believe in yourself and that you know your strengths.

  "I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick tothings to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish ajob and it turns out just as I'd planned. I've set some high goals for myself.For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I hada slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor'sthesis."



  4."What is your greatestweakness?"("你最大的弱點(diǎn)是什么?")

  You cannot avoid this question by saying thatyou do not have any, everyone has weaknesses.

  The best approach is to admit your weakness but show that youare working on it and have a plan to overcome it. If possible, cite a weaknessthat will work to the company's advantage. "I' m such a perfectionist thatI won't stop until a job is well done.



  5."How do you feel about yourprogress to date?" ("對于你至今所取得的進(jìn)步你是怎樣看的?")

  Never apologize for what you havedone.

  "I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number ofcourses I received the highest exam scores in the class." "As anintern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that hadbeen given in years.




  6.Why did you choosepekinguniversity?

  7.Why did you chooseMBA?

  8.What would youlike to be doing five years after graduation?

  9.What has been yourgreatest accomplishment?

  10.Describe yourgreatest strengths and weaknesses.

  11.What have youlearned from the jobs you have held?

  行為面試問題(SampleBehavioral Interview Questions):

  12.Describe the best/worst team of which you have been amember.

  13.Tell me about a time when your course load washeaviest. How did you get all of your work done?

  14.Give me a specific example of a time when you soldsomeone on an idea or concept.

  15.Tell me about a time when you were creative insolving a problem.

  16.Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmateswho dislike each other to work together.

  17.Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision.

  案例面試問題(SampleCase Interview Questions):

  25.A chain of grocery stores currently receives itsstock on a decentralized basis. Each store deals independently with itssuppliers. The president of the chain is wondering whether the firm can benefitfrom a centralized warehouse. What are the key considerations in making thisdecision?

  A magazine publisher is trying to decide how manymagazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order tomaximize profits. She has extensive historical sales volume data for each ofthe outlets. How should she determine delivery quantities?

  最后可以說:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again andsoon. (謝謝您給我機(jī)會(huì),我希望很快能再見到您。)










