
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-08-03 14:47:01 面試問題 我要投稿
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  One of the most awkward questions you can be asked in a job interview is "What are your salary requirements?" or "How much are you making in your current job?"


  As in many uncomfortable situations, your immediate reaction may be to immediately give an answer, stating how much you make and then explaining what range you'd be looking for in this job。在許多不適不安的情況下,你的即時反應(yīng)就是立刻給予回答,闡述你現(xiàn)在的薪資,并且說明你對這份工作的工資預(yù)期。

  It's a trap, argues Ramit Sethi, the bestselling personal—finance writer and teacher。個人理財暢銷書作者兼教師拉米特?塞西認為這是一個陷阱。

  When experienced hiring managers hear a direct answer to that salary question, Sethi says, they immediately think, "OK, gotcha。" Because, for example, maybe they were willing to offer you $90,000。 But when they hear you were making $60,000, they'll know they won't have to let go of as much of the company's money to appeal to you。當經(jīng)驗豐富的人事部經(jīng)理聽到對于薪資問題的直接回答時,塞西說,他們馬上就會思考,并且說道“好的,明白”。為什么會這樣呢?打個比方來說,或許他們本來愿意為你提供90000美元的工資,但是當知道你之前的工資是60000美元時,他們就明白并不需要花大價錢來吸引你為這家公司工作。

  If you flatly refuse to answer the question, you might give your interviewer a bad impression。 But you won't need to do that。 Borrow a tactic from politicians and dodge it instead。如果你斷然拒絕回答薪資問題,你可能就會給面試官留下一個不好的印象。但是你并不需要這么做。你可以借鑒政客們的策略來回避這個問題。If you're in a job interview and a hiring manager asks you how much you make or how much you're looking for, Sethi says, answer something like, "You know what, I'm happy to discuss money down the road, but right now I'm just trying to see if there's a good fit for both of us。 I'm sure you're trying to do the same thing。"如果在求職面試中,人事部經(jīng)理問你現(xiàn)在的工資收入情況或者你預(yù)期的薪資是多少時,塞西說,你可以給出一些諸如此類的回答,“你知道的,我很樂意在以后討論工資的問題,但是現(xiàn)在我想的問題是我入職對于我們雙方是否都有益處。我確信您和我一樣都在思考這個問題!

  Sethi says that this communicates confidence to the interviewer and can suggest that you have multiple offers on the table。


  His advice is to hold off on salary negotiations until the hiring manager comes at you with a job offer, but, people being people, you may run into an interviewer who will keep pushing until they get an answer。


  In an interview with Business Insider in May, HR consultant Lynn Taylor also recommended the dodge tactic, but said that if you get an insistent interviewer, answer truthfully but with an explanation。


  That is, answer the range question based on what people already in that position make at the company — which you should know from your research — and answer the current—salary question by fleshing out your other benefits and the possibility of recently increased duties that have yet to be reflected in a raise。也就是說,回答收入預(yù)期問題時,應(yīng)基于這家公司的此崗位職員的收入——這是你應(yīng)該做好的功課——并且通過描述你的其他員工福利以及最近新增的工作職責(zé)尚未體現(xiàn)到薪資方面等情況。

  Whatever the case, never answer directly。不管怎樣,切記不要直接回答這個問題。Otherwise, you've already lost the edge in a negotiation before it even began。否則,在協(xié)商談判開始前,你就已經(jīng)失去了優(yōu)勢。










