

  1. What is the flaw with the Stack class?

  2. Explain the Java Class loader mechanism. How would you prevent someone from overriding the java.lang.Object class?

  3. Can interfaces contain inner classes?

  4. Explain how you would get a Thread Deadlock with a code example?

  5. What happens when you try to serialize a class whose base class does not implement serializable?

  6. What happens if you try to pass an int variable to a function that accepts only:

  a) long b) Double() c) Number() ?

  7. How can you prevent flow of control to a finally { } clause?

  8. I write two classes : I write a static method in the base class and override that static method in the child class. Will this code compile?

  9. Write a program that prints a.b.c.a.b.c…and so on 100 times using threads?

  10. What happens if you try to start a thread thats already been started?

上一篇:常見面試題及回答提示 下一篇:讓你腦洞大開的蘋果奇葩面試題

