
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-07-25 02:02:09 簽證面試 我要投稿
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  1. 籠統(tǒng)問法

  1) What will you do in USA

  2) What is your purpose for the visa

  2. 關于國家

  1) Are you going to study in USA

  2) How long will you study inUSA

  3) Why do you want to study inUSA

  4) Why do you want go to theUnited Statesfor further study

  5) Many universities in theChinaoffer first--rate graduate programs in xxx.Why do you want to go to theUSAfor graduatestudy

  6) When are you going to enter US

  3. 關于學校

  1) How do you know this Univ.

  2) Why do you choose this Univ.

  3) To how many institutions have youapplied, and who are they Any other school admitsyou

  4) Why did you choose xxxxxx UniversityHow much do you know about the university

  5) Do you know which school is the bestin your major What else

  6) Is xxxxxxx the first universityto give you the offer

  4. 關于專業(yè)

  1) What will you study in the United States

  2) What do you want to study inUSA

  3) Why do you want to study xxx in theUS

  4) What is your ultimate academic goal

  5) What will you study in this majorWhat courses

  6) What‘s the difference betweenyour major now and the major inUSA

  7) Why do you change your major

  5. 關于學位

  1) Why do you want to pursue a master’s/doctoral degree

  2) Why do you think it is time for youto pursue master‘s/doctoral degree now

  6. 關于TA/RA

  1) If you say you will be a teacherin the future, what will you teach

  2) What kind of works you will do forthis assistant ship What’s yourduty as a TA/RA

  3) What will you teach

  4) What will you do if you can not finda position in the big companies/ xxx university


  美國簽證 官還需要考察學生的財務狀況。即學生是否有足夠的資金來支持美國留學,而不會非法打工或給美國社會帶來負擔。


  美國簽證對于學生保證金的存期沒有明確的要求。資金存期長固然方便簽證官相信資金的合法來源,但是只要解釋得通,也一樣會有說服力。尤其是當前大量金融理財產品勢頭強勁,很少有家長會把大額資金長期存在銀行,有的家長在孩子簽證前一個月或者更短時間才準備好存款,簽證官同樣順利給了孩子簽證。 “需要提醒大家的是,即使美國簽證對資金要求較寬松,有條件的話也最好能在專業(yè)留學機構的指導下準備資金!


  1) Have you anyscholarship

  2) Why do you receive financial aidfrom this Univ.

  3) How much do you expect you will haveto spend each year in theUnited States

  4) How do you support yourself duringyour studies in theUnited States

  5) Do you plan to seek Financial supportin theUS

  6) Who will be your sponsor How muchis his annual income and what will be the amountyou will receive annually Do youhave a bank deposit certification

  7) Have you any bank deposit

  8) Can you tell me which assistant ship they give you TA or RA.

  9) Your assistant ship is for one year, then how about the followingyears





  實際上,在美國的大多中國留學生,他們最大的共同感受就是,在美國大學 就讀很自由,但完成學業(yè)并不輕松。美國高校的教學體系主要分為基礎課和專業(yè)課兩個階段,實行學分制,每個專業(yè)都會注明要在完成多少學分以及哪些基礎課程之后,才能選讀。進入專業(yè)課階段,同樣有多門選修課,并且每門課都有相應的學分。


  1. 專業(yè)背景

  1) What is your major In what aspect of your major will you studyWhat is your favorite subjectCan it be used to militaryutilities

  2) When/where did you get your BS/MS

  3) What is your academic background

  4) Why do you like your major

  5) What is the difficult class do youhave

  6) What institution did you attend andwhat was your major

  7) What does your major mean

  8) Can you give an example of your topicthat is applied in our living

  9) Is your transcript original

  10) 課程概述.Can you talk something about the course XX

  11) What is your dissertation aboutwhat is your specific research of your undergraduate paper

  12) What have you done in your research

  13) Are you a top student in your schoolWhat about your ranking in your class

  2. 工作背景

  1) What/where areyou working now

  2) What do you do with your work forMS/phd

  3) What have you done after you graduatedfrom university

  4) How long does it take to commuteto your work place

  5) Are you a worker or a student now

  6) How much do you earn now How muchwill you earn when you come back

  7) What is your current project in yourcompany What are you responsible for in yourpresent post

  8) How many years have your worked

  9) Why did you choose your present job

  10) Where is your company located in

  11) So what development/programming toolsdo you use(CS)

  12) Have you business card Do you havea name card

  13) Why have you quit your job

  14) (Set up my own company about****)Is it difficult

  3. 英語能力

  1) How long have youprepared for GRE Did you cheat

  2) When did you join the T/G test

  3) What score did you get in T/G test

  4) How did you take GRE

  4. 財務能力

  1) Have you anyscholarship

  2) Why do you receive financial aidfrom this Univ.

  3) How much do you expect you will haveto spend each year in theUnited States

  4) How do you support yourself duringyour studies in theUnited States

  5) Do you plan to seek Financial supportin theUS

  6) Who will be your sponsor How muchis his annual income and what will be the amountyou will receive annually Do youhave a bank deposit certification

  7) Have you any bank deposit

  8) Can you tell me which assistant ship they give you TA or RA.

  9) Your assistant ship is for one year, then how about the followingyears






  1. 歸國計劃

  1) What is your plan What will you do after graduation Why whatkind of job can you find in thefuture

  2) Give me three reasons that you willcome back toChina

  3) Can you explain why 90% Chinese studentsdidn‘t come back

  4) Do you plan to seek employment intheUSafter you have completed your studies

  5) What is your dream

  6) You can also make more of this kindof money in US, why don’t you want to earnmore why you come back toChinainsteadof finding a job inAmerica

  7) Will you come back to this companyafter graduation

  2. 中美比較

  1) What is the thing you likebest in America, or the thing you like best in China

  2) Then what is the thing you don‘tlike most inChina

  3) What do you think is the best/worstthing of the U.S










