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時(shí)間:2021-02-19 15:59:39 自考試題 我要投稿




  英語(一) 試卷



  1.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,l point each)


  1.Every month he sets_____a sum of money for old age.

  A.apart B.aside C.in D.up

  2.We finally_____an agreement after a lot of hard bargaining.

  A.arrived B.decided C.observed D.reached

  3.The factory has increased its_____by l2 percent this year.

  A.product B.output C.goods D.quantity

  4.Charlie had his height and weight_____his favor in the boxing match.

  A.to B.for C.in D.as

  5.If you don't know how to spell a word,look it_____in the dictionary.

  A.after B.for C.out D.up

  6.Jane doesn't eat fish._____.

  A.So doesn't John B.John doesn't,too C.Neither does John D.Nor doesn't John 7._____from your hometown to New York!

  A.How long there is B. What distance is there

  C.How long is it D.What a long way it is

  8.She_____be American because she's got a British passport.

  A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.isn't able to

  9.Doctors recommend that fathers present at their baby's birth.

  A.be B.ought to be C.might be D.have been

  10.I'm sorry to_____you while you're working,but I've got a question to ask you. .

  A.distress B.bother C.disrupt D.interfere

 、。Cloze Test(10 points,1 point each)


  What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one sense,there are as many different kinds of English__11__there are speakers of it.No two speakers speak in exactly the same__12__. We hear different forms of English,and the pronunciation of English__13__a great deal in different geographical areas.How do we decide what sort of English to use as a model? This is not a question that can be__14__in the same way for all foreign learners of English. ___15__you live in a part of the world like India or West Africa,where there is a long___16__0f speaking English for general communication purposes,you may___17__a good variety of the pronunciation of this area.It would be a(n) ___18___in these circumstances to use BBC English as a model.However,if you live in a country___19__there is no tradition of using English,you should choose to learn some form of native English___20__.It does not matter very much which form you choose.The most effective way is to take as your model the sort of English you can hear most often.

  11.A.than B.as C.before D.when

  12.A.type B.form C.sort D.way

  13.A.alters B.varies C.shifts D.distinguishes

  14.A.given B.responded C.satisfied D.answered

  15.A.Because B.Where C.If D.Whether

  16.A.history B.habit C.custom D.hobby

  17.A.inquire B.enquire C.acquire D.require

  18.A.fashion B.manlier C.situation D.occasion.

  19.A.where B.that C.which D.wherever

  20.A.communication B.grammar C.pronunciation D.vocabulary

 、。Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points each)


  Passage One

  Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

  After a long journey from Quebec,Canada in l896,1 was finally in a small office in Kingston,Jamaica.Behind a long table piled with books and papers sat an old man,Mr.Campbell,my new employer and the owner of The Lantern. He stared at me so long,and with such an expression of amazemem,that I became uneasy and embarrassed.And then at last a single sentence came from his lips, "My God!" It seems that he had expected a woman of the then approved type of bluestocking(女知識分子),and now a baby had been dropped into his lap!

  I sat alone with that old man who stared at me as if l were some person of a strange nature.After he had almost stared me down,he began to ask me questlons.

  "How old are you?"

  "Seventeen.I mean-I'm going on eighteen."Eighteen was,in fact,eleven months off.

  ''Have you ever worked before?''

  "I' ve written things.''

  After a silent moment,during which he glared at me more angrily than ever, he demanded:

  "What have you written?"

  "Potetry, " I said, and stopped because he said again in that lost voice,''My God!"

  "What else?"

  "I had a story published in The Star," I said. "I've got it here, if you'd like to see it."

  He made a motion of definite disagreement.

  "I taught myself shorthand,''I said,''and I can take dictation as fast as you can talk."

  "Not a bad idea." And then he added,"What do you think you are going to do here?"

  "Write for your paper,"I said.

  "What?"he inquired curiously.


  He waved his hand in such a dismissing manner that I got up, though it was my poetry, not I, he wished to be rid of just then. I went neaner to him and said, "I know you don't want me an I don't want to stay. I am dory I came."

  "What about the money I paid for you to came here?"he shouted. "I'm going to lose that?"

  21.Mr.Campbell had expected_____.

  A.an experienced nurse B.all experienced joumalist

  C.a iournalist with a baby D.a young female secretary

  22.The girl tried to impress the owner of the paper with_____.

  A.her experience B.her innocence C.a younger age D.an older age

  23.Mr.Campbell showed some interest in the girl's ability to_____.

  A.compose poems B.write stories C.take dictation D.travel alone

  24.Based on the information provided in the passage,Mr.Campbell would probably _____.

  A.give the girl the position B.send the girl back to America

  C.ask the girl to show him her poems D.publish the girl's poems and stones

  25.On the whole,Mr.Campbell was_____.

  A.pleased with his new employee B.amazed by the girl'S literary talent

  C.dissatisfied with the girl'S experience D.angry with the rude manner of the girl

  Passage Two

  Questions 26 t030 are based on the following passage.

  A gesture which means one thing in one country may well mean something quite different to those living in another.The ring gesture,where you form an "O" by holding me tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb,means in Britain that you think something is good.Take a trip to France,and you may fail to impress your French host when you use it to tell him your opinion of his new car, for in France it means zero or worthless.Travel further south and you are in even greater trouble,for in Tunisia it means "I'll kill you!" Similar problems occur on the other side of the Atlantic.Although in the US the ring gesture has the same meaning as in Britain,it is used as an insult in Latin America.Unfortunately former US President Richard Nixon was unaware of this.Landing on a visit to one South American country he came out of the aircraft with both hands held high showing the ring gesture.Having just been told to go to hell by their visitor,his hosts gave the puzzled President a somewhat frosty reception.Had he used the same gesture in Japan,his hosts would have been puzzled,for it means money there.

  Try to avoid these misunderstandings by using another gesture to indicate that you think something is good and you may still find yourself in trouble.In Britain and the US the thumbs-up sign is used when you think something is good, but elsewhere,as in Sardinia,it is an insult.In Britain the gesture is also used for hitch-hiking.But if you attempt using it to request a lift from a passing motorist in Greece or Italy,you had better stand well back from the edge of the road.It is quite likely that he will knock you down,for in Greece it is an insult.

  Pulling down the lower lid of your eye with one finger is usually used to indicate alertness.In France and Greece it means much the same as"My eye!" in England,meaning "Don't you think I can see it?"In Spain and Italy it is also related to being alert,but there it is used as a warning:"Keep your eyes open."In South America,it means you think that a woman is "eyeful,"very attractive.

  26.The passage mainly discusses_____.

  A.the benefits of using gestures B.how gestures came into being

  C.the problems in using gestures D.how to avoid using gestures

  27.If an Englishman uses the ring gesture,he will be correctly understood in_____.

  A.France B.Tunisia C.the US D.Japan

  28.Richard Nixon used the ring gesture in the South American country as a sign of_____.

  A.insult B.criticism C.hospitality D.appreciation

  29.You can ask for a lift by using the thumbs-up sign in_____.

  A.Britain B.Sardinia C.Greece D.Italy

  30.If you want to express your appreciation of a woman,you can_____.

  A.use the ring gesture in Italy

  B.use the ring gesture in France

  C.pull down your lower eye lid in Greece

  D.pull down your lower eye lid in South America

  Passage Three

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

  His face is close to the bathroom mirror,getting ready to pop a pimple(粉刺)。"I told you not to do that,"I warn him. "It'll leave scars on your face." He doesn't say anything.No matter how much l warn him,that pimple still has to go.

  "Did you call your mother back last night?''I ask,trying to change the subject.He nods,still concentrating on the pimple.I lean on the side of the door, hoping he'll give me more details about his conversation with his mother.who lives in Korea.

  I've come a long way to get where I am today.I did pretty well in high school and attended Harvard University.We met after I moved to New York City to accept an amazing job offer.Things couldn't have been better,and I thought that I had the perfect life-_until I found myself campaigning for his mother's respect.

  To remind him that I'm still waiting,I uncomfortably ask,"Did my name get mentioned?"He finally looks at me.''Yeah-,as usual,she asked if we'd broken up yet.''For the past three years we've been dating,his mother has told him repeatedly to end our relationship because''there are a lot of nice Korean girls'' she wants him to meet.She complains that I have a career and that I had my own place.She detects flaws everywhere.

  I have a career because I want to fulfill my dreams、not because I dislike raising a family.I got my own place because my job required me to move,not because I hated my family.As a Filipino-American born in the Philippines and raised in America,I haven't forgotten the importance of family values and traditions.

  Still concentrating on the pimple,he doesn't notice how depressed I have become.I feel as if l'd become the pimple,only I'm receiving less attention each day.I walk quietly back to the bedroom and start packing my things.I loosen the beautiful ring on my finger and leave it on top of the bureau(梳妝臺)。I walk past the bathroom and out the door, locking it behind me.

  31.The Korean mother dislikes the author mainly because she_____.

  A.does not respect the mother B.does not have a well paid job

  C.has not attended a good university D.is not a traditional Korean girl

  32."I got my own place''(para.5)implies that the author_____.

  A.was a respectable figure B.didn't live with her parents

  C.was not a successful girl D.didn't live with her boyfriend

  33.Which of the following is true?

  A.The author hates her boyfriend'S mother.

  B.The boyfriend dislikes her independence.

  C.The boyfriend is in love with a Korean girl.

  D.The author is a successful career woman.

  34.The sentence omitted at the end of the story might be_____.

  A.All of a sudden,I feel free. B.What on earth can I do?

  C.I will come back some day. D.At last,I got rid of him.

  35.The word that best describes the author is_____.

  A.radical B.independent C.dependent D.old-fashioned


 、。Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two words)


  36.修訂 v. r _ _ _ _ _ 37.爵士樂船 n. j _ _ _

  38.第九 num. n _ _ _ _ 39.放棄;辭職v. q _ _ _

  40.否認(rèn);否定 v. d _ _ _ 41.逮捕v. a _ _ _ _ _

  42.山峰;項(xiàng)點(diǎn) n. p _ _ _ 43.出現(xiàn);涌現(xiàn)v. e _ _ _ _ _

  44.美德;優(yōu)點(diǎn) n. v _ _ _ _ _ 45.目標(biāo);對象n. t _ _ _ _ _

  46.理想的,完美的`a. i _ _ _ _ 47.密集的a. d _ _ _ _

  48.地平線;眼界 n. h _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.反對;使對抗v. o _ _ _ _ _

  50.著手做;從事 v. u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51.年長的;上級a. n.s _ _ _ _ _

  52.感激的,感謝的 a. g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53.變長;使延長v.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  54.在更遠(yuǎn)處;遠(yuǎn)于ad.prep. b _ _ _ _ _ 55.成熟的;使成熟a.v.m _ _ _ _ _

  V. Word Form (10 points,1 point each)


  56.He had a _____(youth) appearance even in his middle age.

  57.His work is a _____(mix) of photography and painting.

  58.The university welcomes _____(apply) from overseas students.

  59.The group is made up of local _____(music) who have been performing together for years.

  60.She comes from a _____(wealth) family, who own houses in London and Paris.

  61.Lots of people in urban areas are now concerned about the quality of the air they_____ (breath)。

  62.Traveling allows young people to _____ (deep) their understanding of other cultures.

  63.Recent developments in computer aided design have _____(able) us to produce more cost-effective magazines.

  64.The Internet has opened up a marketplace where sellers and buyers are virtually _____ (know) to each other.

  65.Sixty percent of voters supported the proposal and said they would _____ (willing) pay higher taxes for better health care.

 、。Translation from Chinese into English (15 points,3 points each)







 、鳌ranslation from English into Chinese (15 points)


  Withholding feelings,that is,keeping them inside and not giving any verbal or nonverbal clues to their exstence,iS generally an inappropriate means of dealing with feelings.Psychologists believe that when people withhold feelings,they Can develop physical problems such as cancers,high blood pressure,heart disease and psychological problems.Moreover, people who withhold feelings are often regarded as cold,unsociable,and not much fun to be around.However, there are occasions where withholding is appropriate.When a situation is unimportant,you may well choose to withhold your feelings.For instance,a stranger's inconsiderate behavior at a party may annoy you,but as you can move to another part of the room,withholding your feelings might be a way out.











