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時間:2022-12-30 15:37:48 職稱英語 我要投稿
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i. vocabulary
  directions: there are some incomplete sentences in this part. beneath each
  sentence you will see four choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the one answer
  that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.
       1. charles is my all-weather friend. when i honestly need his____, he is on my
  a. debates b. permission c. comprehension d. support
  2. after the neutral warm-up, us negotiating partners quickly _____the point.
  a. see to b. get to c. leave out d. go by
  3. plants use the carbon, along with sunlight, for growth, and ~ oxygen into the
  atmosphere in a process known as photosynthesis.
  a. relieve b. relate c. release d. retain
  4. we all gather facts and_____ conclusions, but we have very different styles of
  a. pull b. draw c. take d. receive
  5. alberta __ fourth in population among canadian provinces.
  a. ranks b. occupies c. arranges d. classifies
  6. in a given month, friday is the 21 st day of the month. what day of the week was
  the 5th of the month?
  a. monday b. thursday c. saturday d. wednesday
  7. ~ his high rank and position, the president takes social leadership almost
  over everyone else.
  a. by right of b. by virtue of c. by name of d. by chance of
  8. the ceo needs an assistant that he can __ to take care of problems in his
  a. count in b. count up c. count on d. count out
  9. the beijing government has finally decided to cut subway __ by about 30
  percent to boost public transport.
  a. fees b. fares c. payments d. costs
  10. none of the waiters were when mr. smith wanted to order dishes in the
  a. available b. attainable c. approachable d. applicable
  11. a veteran employee can ~ his knowledge and skills to the next generation.
  a. transform b. translate c. transfer d. transport
  12. when you've finished reading a book, and the pages are filled with your notes in the_____, you know you read actively.
  a. intervals b. borders c. margins d. edges
  13. a complete refining installation must include waste __ and water-treating
  a. dismissal b. survival c. disposal d. range
  14. the fast development of the world economy will __ many new problems.
  a. bring about b. bring around c. bring out d. bring up
  15. many chinese restaurants pride themselves __ their cooking and service.
  a. with b. about c. on d. of
  16. the artist __ his trip to paris because he was ill.
  a. called off b. closed down c. put up d. went off
  17. methanol-fueled vehicles would __ an immediate lessening of urban air
  a. attribute to b. attend to c. contribute to d. devote to
  18. love can __ imperfection.
  a. resist b. sustain c. undergo d. tolerate
  19. a global firm's profits can __ dramatically depending on the strength of its
  home currency and the currencies of the countries in which it operates.
  a. vary b. change c. alter d. convert
  20. sometimes even the smallest thing will upset an __ person.
  a. annoyed b. irritated c. irritable d. angry
  參考答案:dbcba dbcba cccac acdac
ii. grammatical structure
  directions: there are some incomplete sentences in this part. beneath each
  sentence you will see four choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the one answer
  that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.
  21. certain layers of the atmosphere have special names __
  a. which indicated their character properties
  b. whose characteristic properties are indicating
  c. what characterize their indicated properties
  d. that indicate their characteristic properties
  22. __, he had to leave school.
  a. since his father's unemployment
  b. since his father was unemployed
  23. __ astrology and alchemy may be regarded as fundamental aspects of thought
  is indicated by their apparent universality.
  a. both are    b, what both    c. both       d. that both
  24. i wonder how long ago this school __
  a. has begun     b. begins       c. began       d. has started
  25. in 1864 nevada entered the united states as __ thirty-sixth state.
  a. a    b. the       c. that        d. an
  26. because of my poor english, i'm afraid i can't make myself
  a. understanding     b. understand      c. understood      d. to understand
  27. __ the radio, he began to go over his lessons.
  a. turning off b. turned off c. turn off d. having turned off
  28. the central purpose of management is __ every action or decision help
  achieve a carefully chosen goal.
  a. for making b. of making c. to make d. being maken
  29. the grape is the, juicy fruit of a woody wine.
  a. smooth-skinned            b. skinned is smooth
  c. skin, which is smooth    d. smooth skin
  30. this is an old clock that is not only very beautiful but __
  a. also it tells time accurately      b. it too tells time accurately
  c. it accurately tells time also      d. also accurate
  31. if only we __ then the disease was curable.
  a. knew       b. could know       c. had known        d. would have known
  32. the bookcase __ when we were moving it.
  a. damaged                     b. has damaged
  c. was being damaged    d. got damaged
  33. he failed his exam, __ proved that he wasn't working hard enough.
  a. what b. which c. this d. of which
  34. it is human nature to think back to a golden age __ one's country was strong
  and respected.
  a. when b. provided c. as d. unless
  35. alice __ my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.
  a. ought to have received       b. haven't received
  c. has been received              d. couldn't have received
  36. not until the year of 1962 __ made the capital of this country.
  a. the city was b. when the city was
  c. was the city d. was when the city
  37. i need some more volunteers to help clean the classroom.
  a. none   b. any     c. few    d. some
  38. the more he encouraged the boy, __
  a. the more fast he responded          b. he responded more fast
  c. the faster he responded                d. he responded faster
  39. some of the world's best mountain scenery __ available near the southern
  a. is    b. are  c. maybe   d. has been
  40. at fourteen __ at a district school near her home, and when she was sixteen,
  she saw her first article in print.
  a. the first teaching position that marian barrett had
  b. the teaching position was marian barrett's first
  c. when marian barrett had her first teaching position
  d. marian barrett had her first teaching position
  參考答案:dbdcb bdcad cdbad cdcad
iii. reading comprehension
  section a
  directions: there are 5passages in this section. each passage is followed by 4
  questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are four choices marked
  a, b, c and d. you shoum decide on the best choice and mark your answer on theanswer sheet.
  questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage:
  the clean-energy business is turning into the next big investment boom, in
  which risks are lightly ignored. until recently, recalls charlie gay, a 30-year veteran of the solar power business, venture capitalists were far too busy catering to captains of the information-technology industry to waste time on "hippy-dippy tree-huggers" like himself. but now the tree-huggers are in the ascendant and the it barons are busy investing in clean-energy technology.
  investors are falling over themselves to finance start-ups in clean technology,especially in energy. venture business research reckons that investment in the field by venture capitalists and private-equity firms has quadrupled in the past two years, from some $500 m in 2004 to almost $2 billion so far this year. the share of venture capital going into clean energy is rising rapidly.
  clean-energy fever is being fuelled by three things: high oil prices, fears overenergy security and a growing concern about global warming. the provision ofenergy, the industry's cheerleaders say, will change radically over the coming decades. polluting coal and gas-fired power stations will give way to cleaner alternatives such as solar and wind; fuels derived from plants and waste will replace petrol and diesel; and small, local forms of electricity generation will replace big power stations feeding far-flung grids. eventually, it is hoped, fuel cells running on hydrogen will take the place of the internal combustion engine which is available
  everywhere. it is a bold vision, but even if it happens very slowly, or only to a
  limited extent, supporters argue that it will still prompt tremendous growth for firms in the business.
  analysts confidently predict the clean-energy business will grow by 20 %-30 a year for a decade. jefferies, an investment bank that organized a recent conference on the industry in london, asked participants how soon solar power would becomecompetitive with old-fashioned generation technologies: in 2010, 2015 or 2020.
  about three-quarters of those present, one visitor happily observed, were "check-writers". this "megatrend", the keynote speaker advocated, "may be the biggest job and wealth-creation opportunity of the 21 st century."
  such exaggeration might remind people of the dotcom bubble. but clean-energyadvocates insist growth is sustainable because of the likes of mr. schwarzenegger.
  the governor is a hero in green circles because of his enthusiasm for environment regulation. he easily won reelection partly because he seized on global warming as aconcern and signed into law--america's first wide-ranging scheme to cap
  greenhouse-gas emissions.
  41. according to the first two paragraphs we can learn that __
  a. clean energy business is booming while the risks are totally overlooked
  b. venture capitalists have wasted much money on "hippy-dippy tree hungers"
  c. clean energy business is surging and changes the venture capital market
  d. the it barons are disinterested in clean-energy technology
  42. which of the following is true of para.3?
  a. clean energy fever is fuelled mainly by human psychological weakness.
  b. the energy provision for the coming decades will change slowly.
  c. hydrogen as a new energy will replace traditional energy forms like coal and gas.
  d. supporters of clean energy business are pretty optimistic about its future.
  43. the word "check-writers" (line 6, para.4) is closest in meaning to __
  a. tycoons
  b. donators
  c. investors
  d. celebrities
  44. it can be inferred from the last paragraph that __
  a. clean energy industry and the dotcom industry have the same business model
  b. the dotcom industry might have undergone a rapid but unsustainable development
  c. schwarzenegger insisted that growth in clean energy business isn't sustainable
  d. global warming has become a popular and decisive issue in political elections all over the world
  questions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage:
  development of the kelly's hero restaurant chain in the latin america region is going strong as the chain announces the opening of its 50th location in mexico, doubling the number of its operating locations there in 12 months.
  kelly's hero's presence in mexico dates back to 1999, and now the market is the philadelphia-based company's third largest in the world.
  "the development pace for kelly's hero in mexico that we projected in 2004 is at full speed. and by gaining more than 25 new locations during one year, we're telling the competition and investors that we're hitting our targets and really mean business," says kelly's hero's latin america regional director, francis mendes.
  "everyone is proud of this accomplishment. it shows that anything is possible when a great team works together. and we expect the strong growth to continue."
  the milestone sandwich shop opened in the mexico city district of polanco and it is owned and operated by kelly's hero franchisees maura and lucas hendricks,who now own two kelly's hero restaurants and have another under construction.
  the hendricks chose to open a kelly's hero restaurant because they frequented the chain while traveling and liked the food.
  the kelly's hero restaurant chain, celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, isthe world's fourth largest sandwich franchise, with more than 1,900 locations in 75
  countries. the company is headquartered in philadelphia, pa, and has regionaloffices in brussels, melbourne, atlanta, rio de janeiro, and tokyo.
  45. what is learned about the store that has recently opened in mexico?
  a. it is the company's largest store there.
  b. its menu is different from the rest of the company's stores.
  c. its sales are lower than expected.
  d. it is the company's 50th store there.
  46. when did kelly's hero first open in mexico?
  a. in 1985
  b. in 1999
  c. in 2004
  d. in 2005
  47. how can francis mendez's statements best be described?
  a. as nervous
  b. as confident
  c. as disappointed
  d. as helpful
  48. which of the following cities is not home to a kelly's hero regional
  a. melbourne
  b. mexico city
  c. tokyo
  d. atlanta
  questions 49 to 52 are based on the following passage:
  one of the earliest and most influential proponents of the idea of continentaldrift was a german astronomer, meteorologist, and explorer named alfred wegener.in 1912 he advanced good arguments to support the idea that at one time there was noatlantic ocean. the americas and greenland were welded with europe, africa, australia andantarctica into one large continent, pangaea.
  his strongest argument seemed to be the remarkable similarity of thecontinental margins on opposite sides of the atlantic. but he also looked at similarities in ancient geologic structures, fossil records, and ancient climates to support his hypothesis. he pointed out that some unique geological structures in the americas terminate abruptly in the atlantic ocean and then continue again on the other side of the atlantic, as if the structures had formed when the continents were together and then were cleaved as the continents tore apart. he showed that the fossil records on both sides of the atlantic were similar up to about a hundred million years ago and then showed divergence, indicating that the continents had become isolated from each other at that time. finally, by using fossils and sediments, he was able to demonstrate that ancient climates on both sides of the atlantic were similar, although they were quite different from those presently found in the respective regions.
  wegener's interesting ideas were too revolutionary to be easily accepted orseriously considered at the time. he died in 1930, more than two decades before
  further evidence forced reconsideration and eventual acceptance of his revolutionary way of looking at our world.
  49. wegener's ideas about continental drift are properly termed a "hypothesis" (line 9) because魏格納大陸漂移是正常的想法稱為一個“假說”,因為…
  a. his written records state it as such.
  b. absolute proof did not exist in his day.
  c. he was just beginning a scientific study of the topic.
  d. that is what all scientific theories are called.
  50. which of the following best describe the organization of this passage?
  a. a typical biographical sketch focusing on a person's main achievement
  b. thesis, supporting statements, conclusion
  c. general material first, followed by specific points
  d. problem statement broken down into separate components
  51. wegener advanced all of the following in support of his theory except
  a. continental edge lands on either side of the atlantic.
  b. ancient earth and land structures.
  c. ancient data and recorded history.
  d. ancient climates on both sides of the atlantic.
  52. based on information in the passage, we can see that acceptance of wegener's 1912 theory was hindered by
  a. failure of the media to present his theory.
  b. his failure to document similarities on either side of the atlantic.
  c. its own revolution in scientific thought.
  d. utter lack of interest from colleagues.
  questions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:
  as more americans do more things online, intemet identity theft is a
  growing--and very costly--problem. consider the following six aspects and learn
  the best ways to protect yourself.
  guard your personal information. never respond to requests for personal or
  account information online (or over the phone). when your social security number is requested as an identifier, ask if you can provide alternate information. watch out for convincing imitations of banks, card companies, charities and government agencies.
  use legitimate sources of contact information to verify requests for information,
  such as your financial institution's official website or the telephone number listed on statements.
  don't overshare. don't divulge your birth date, mother's maiden name, pet'sname or any other identifying information on social media websites such as facebook, linkedin or twitter.
  beware of fake online sweepstakes and contests. all offers that require payment or private information before giving an award are bogus. take the time to check out the validity of an offer. ask for contact information from the sender and details about the company running the contest. once you start asking a lot of questions and make it clear you won't be pushed to make an immediate decision, most scammers will go away.
  ask what your bank is doing to protect you. understand banks' guarantees for fraud protection: all large providers now offer zero-liability protection for debit and credit cards, while a few offer a guarantee for online banking transactions.
  keep a close eye on your finances. monitor your bank and credit card accounts weekly. sign up for alerts to be sent to your mobile phone or email.monitor your credit and public information online to spot unauthorized activity. free credit reports from each of the three major credit bureaus are available each year through annualcreditreport.com. optional fee-based services offer more extensive monitoring of credit information, personal identity records, social security numbers and online transactions.
  report it. if you're a victim of online fraud, contact the authorities. you can file an online report with the intemet crime complaint center (ic3)--a partnership between the fbi, the national white collar crime center, and the bureau of justice assistance. also contact your local police to file a report. the more people who report such crimes, the more criminals are arrested.
  53. according to tips one and two, which of the followings is incorrect?
  a. when a net-pal asks for your phone number, you decline politely.
  b. check it up to ensure that a request for information intends no harm.
  c. provide your birthday date as an identifier to substitute security number.
  d. don't divulge your private information when you register for a social media website.
  54. according to tip three, the cheaters tend to make use of people's
  a. innocence.
  b. kindness.
  c. ignorance,
  d. greediness.
  55. according to tips four and five, people should resort to their banks for help by
  a. mobile phone or email alerts
  b. extensive monitoring
  c. free credit reports
  d. credit bureaus
  56. what does the author call for in the last paragraph?
  a. the punishment on criminals.
  b. the public's legal consciousness.
  c. the legal authorities' assistance.
  d. the local police's alertness.
  questions 57 to 60 are based on the following passage:
  more people than ever before are now going to dentists' office, but half of the united states population will not see a dentist. the reason is quite simple. as most dentists believe, they are scared. and really, what experience is worse than seeing a traditional dentist? you wait in silence, thumbing through old magazines, in a sterile white waiting room in which no one ever speaks. all is silent until an assistant calls your name and leads you back to another white room, this one filled with machinery to frighten you still further.
  at the medical college of georgia, dentists are taught principles of behavior and techniques of office design that should help reduce the patient's anxiety and tension. assistants and receptionists are taught to smile and speak to the patient. this helps create an atmosphere of trust. dentists themselves are being taught to communicate more fully with the patient. a phrase such as "you're doing fine" tells the patient that the dentist is appreciative of the patient's predicament. these phrases also help by rewarding the tolerance of pain.
  dentists' offices are being repainted in "earth tones," brown, green, tan and other soothing colors. a startling color such as red should be avoided at all costs; red brings to mind blood and pain. paintings and other distractions are strategically located; music is piped in to help the patients ignore his or her pain. until recently, dentists had ignored the fact that most patients never see much more than the ceiling of the practice room. most of the time, patients are lying flat on their backs with little to busy their minds other than their pains. now dentists are not only building ceilings with fancy patterns, but also distracting their patients with ceiling tv set, computer games and mazes, and mobile sculptures. one quick technique involves placing mirrors so patients can distract themselves by watching fish in a tank located near the ceiling.
  less drastic changes include redoing the practice rooms to include less of the sterile color white and redesigning the machinery a dentist must use to make it appear less frightening. uniforms are also being made in pastel and earth colors, no longer in white. some dentists go much further. they take an active role in teachingtheir patients to relax; some are teaching their patients deep muscle relaxation and breathing control. some use advanced techniques, such as hypnosis and biofeedback to help their patients relax in the chair. drugs and painkillers may still be used to ease physical pain, but all these techniques of relaxation help the patient relax and avoid anxiety over their pain.
  57. the main idea of this passage is that
  a. most people are anxious about physical pain.
  b. physical surroundings affects people's emotional reactions.
  c. decoration is the primary factor in relieving the patient's fears.
  d. earth tones are soothing colors.
  58. some dentists distract their patients with
  a. mobile sculptures
  b. television sets
  c. computer games
  d. all of the above
  59. we can conclude from the passage that
  a. being anxious and tense increase the pain a patient feels.
  b. being anxious and tense cause the pain a patient feels.
  c. relaxation blocks out all pain.
  d. patients feel more pain if they think the dentist is concerned with their feelings.
  60. the passage suggests that
  a. most pain associated with dentistry is caused by unprofessional dentists.
  b. some of the pain felt by patients may be psychological.
  c. dentists' offices are usually painted white because they must be kept sterile.
  d. warm colors ease physical pain.
  section b
  directions: there are 10 blanks in the following passage. for each blank there are
  four choices marked a, b, c and d. you shoum choose the one that best fits into the passage. then mark your answer on the answer sheet.
  people communicate for many reasons. they communicate in order to giveinformation, to ask help, to give orders, to 61 promises, to provide amusement, toexpress their 62 . much of the communicating that people do is 63 to persuadesomeone to change his attitudes or the way he behaves.
  the study of persuasion is interesting both on scientific and on practicalgrounds. on the scientific side, it helps us to understand 64 why people behave the way they do and why their 65 sometimes changes. on the practical side, an understanding of persuasive techniques would have obvious 66 to an advertiser, a politician, and educator--to anyone 67 job is to change what people think and do. it is probably not 68, therefore, that the 69 of research devoted each year to this topic has been growing even faster than the burgeoning rate of psychology as a whole. there have been literally hundreds of experiments on persuasive communication during 70 of the past decades.
  61. a. make b. keep c. ask d. give
  62. a. worries b. ideas c. problems d. words
  63. a. intended b. intending c. said d. saying
  64. a. easily b. simply c. best d. better
  65. a. behavior b. appearance c. thought d. opinion
  66. a. value b. good c. worth d. merit
  67. a. his b. which c. whose d. that
  68. a. surprised b. surprising c. be surprised d. surprise
  69. a. sum b. figure c. amount d. number
  70. a. every b. each c. one d. some
                   61-70abbda acbcb
iv. translation
  directions: there are some passages in this part of the test. you are to translate the
  passages into chinese on your answer sheet.
  71. (~)the chief executive of a large hotel became aware that his company was experiencing annual employee turnover of about 50 percent, at an annual cost estimated between $10 to $12 million.…….












