
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-02-22 16:46:21 英語試題 我要投稿


  導(dǎo)語:The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.對明天做好的準(zhǔn)備就是今天做到最好!以下是由CN人才網(wǎng)收集整理的2017年人教版六年級小學(xué)英語試題,歡迎閱讀。




  ( ) 1.[k] A.city B.carry C.pencil D.cinema

  ( ) 2.[e] A.seat B.great C.bread D.meat

  ( ) 3.[a:] A.plate B.change C.many D.dance

  ( ) 4.[u:] A.touch B.round C.through D.grow

  ( ) 5.[iz] A.leaves B.lives C.knives D.pages

  (2)以下對話由三個句子組成,指出這三個句子應(yīng)該用什么語調(diào),選出一個正確答案 填在括號里。

  6.--Is your school far from here?

  --No,it isn't.

  --Where is it?

  A.升調(diào),降調(diào),降調(diào) B.升調(diào),降調(diào),升調(diào) C.降調(diào),降調(diào),升調(diào)

  ( )

  7.--How long did you watch TV last evening?

  --For about two hours.

  --Do you often watch TV in the evening?

  A.升調(diào),降調(diào),升調(diào) B.降調(diào),降調(diào),升調(diào) C.升調(diào),降調(diào),降調(diào)

  ( )

  8. Li Gang is looking for his dictionary.

  A. 尋找 B. 照顧 C. 看見 ( )

  9. Tom,please go to Mr Green's office at once.

  A. 從前 B. 立刻 C. 一次 ( )



  10. lunch

  A.not difficult B.the second meal of the day

  C.man,woman or child D.ask somebody to come ( )

  11. choose

  A.not difficult B.pick out one thing from several things

  C.man,woman or child D.ask somebody to come ( )

  12. among

  A.not difficult B.the second meal of the day

  C.the sixth month of the year D.in the middle of ( )

  13. send for

  A.in the middle of A.man,woman or child

  C.ask somebody to come D.not difficult ( )

  14. person

  A.pick out one thing from several things

  B.man,woman or child

  C.ask somebody to come

  D.not difficult ( )


  15. The boy @.@is able to@.@ draw a good horse in five minutes.

  A.may B.can C.is going to D.must ( )

  16. I want @.@a bit@.@ more milk, not tea.

  A.much B.many C.a little D.a lot of ( )

  17. It @.@started raining@.@ this morning.

  A.stopped raining B.didn't rain

  C.began to rain D.kept raining ( )

  18. Meimei @.@was in@.@ a red dress yesterday.

  A.bought B.wore C.put D.got ( )

  19. Four horses can @.@draw@.@ the car.

  A.pull B.drive C.drop D.start ( )




  20. John 問你:What's the date today?你答: ______.

  A.It's Monday B.It's June 1 C.It's Children's Day ( )

  21.一位外國人在大街上看地圖,你想去幫助他,你該說: ______?

  A.What can I do for you B.Where are you going

  C.What shall I do ( )

  22.你在書店指著一本字典向售貨員問價格,你該說: ______.

  A.Is it cheap B.How many money is it

  C.How much is it ( )

  23. 你的朋友要外出買東西,他對你說:Would you like to go with me?你樂意去,

  就說: ______.

  A.Yes,I'd love to B.I want to go very much

  C.Yes, I like ( )

  24. 一位外國朋友想借你的鋼筆用一下,他對你說:May I use your pen?你樂意借給他, 就說: ______.

  A.Yes,here you are B.That's all right

  C.It doesn't matter ( )


  25.Mr Smith was ______ soldier in the Second World War.

  A.a B.an C.the ( )

  26. ______ any apple trees there?

  A.Is there B.Are there C.There will be ( )

  27. Australia is one of the most beautiful ______ in the world.

  A.country B.countrys C.countries ( )

  28.Spring comes ______winter.

  A.before B.from C.after ( )

  29.Could you tell me ______ bike this is ?

  A.which B.whose C.who's ( )

  30.They ______ the lost child for some hours in the street.

  A.looked up B.looked for C.looked at ( )

  31.Nobody can go into the station ______ a ticket.

  A.with B.without C.except ( )

  32.Do you know which is ______ river in the world?

  A.the long B.the longer C.the longest ( )

  33.The ______ letter in the word “cinema” is “i”.

  A.first B.second C.fourth ( )

  34. Can you tell me why ______ yesterday?

  A.he didn't come B.did he not come C.didn't he come ( )

  35. Look,the baby ______!

  A.smile B.smiled C.is smiling ( )

  36. Everyone tried to work out the problem, but ______ of them could do it.

  A.none B.neither C.each ( )

  37. Do you want to stay at home ______ go shopping with us?

  A.and B.or C.but ( )

  38. Neither he nor I ______ going swimming.

  A.is B.am C.are ( )

  39. Can you ______ English?

  A.say B.talk C.speak ( )


  (1) 用句中加線單詞的反義詞填空。

  40. Short hair is cooler for summer.I don't like ( ) hair.

  41. Take these books to the next room and ( ) me a dictionary.

  42. People meet to buy and ( ) things in the market(市場).

  43. The woman is better today but her husband is ( ).

  44. Both of them like swimming but ( ) of them likes fishing.


  45. We can see many stars in the ( ) at night.

  46. Don't eat too many sweets. They are ( ) for your teeth.

  47. His ( ) stopped beating.He was dead.

  48. Chemistry is one of the most important ( ).

  49. ( ) four is eight.



  One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood (木頭) near a river.Suddenly his old axe(斧子)fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe.Then all at once a beautiful fairy(仙女) came out and asked the man what was the matter.

  “I have lost my axe,”he said.“It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.”

  The fairy showed him a gold(金) axe and asked,“Is this yours?”

  “No,”said the man.

  The fairy then showed him a silver(銀) axe and asked again,“Is this yours?”“No,”again answered the man.

  Then she showed him the old axe.

  “Yes,that is mine,”called out the happy man.

  “I know it well enough,”said the fairy.“I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth,and now I'll give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one.”


  50. One day when the man was cutting something, ______.

  A.he fell into the water

  B.his axe dropped into the river

  C.his axe fell into a lake

  D.he saw a beautiful fairy ( )

  51. The man was sad because ______.

  A.he was poor and had no other axes

  B.he could not go on working

  C.he liked his axe very much

  D.his axe was a gold axe ( )

  52. The fairy gave him a gold axe and a silver axe but he didn't take them.Because he ______.

  A.did not like them

  B.did not know they were made of gold and silver

  C.was very rich

  D.knew these axes were not his ( )

  53. At the end of the story the man had ______.

  A.only one axe B.two axes

  C.three axes D.many axes ( )

  54. The fairy helped the man because he was ______ man.

  A.an old B.a young C. a poor D. an honest(誠實(shí)的) ( )


  Water is very important for living things.Without water there can be no life on the earth.All plants(植物) and animals need water. Man also needs water.We need water to drink, to cook food and to clean ourselves.Water is needed in farms, factories, offices, schools and families.

  Water is found in seas,rivers and lakes.It can be found everywhere in the world,and it can also be found in the air.We cannot see or feel the water when it is part of air.Clouds are also made of water.They are little drops of water.When water freezes(凍結(jié)), it is ice. So ice is also water.

  (1) 判斷下列句子是否符合短文內(nèi)容,符合的在括號內(nèi)選“對”,不符合的填“錯”。

  ( ) 55. Some living things can live without water.

  ( ) 56. Man needs more water than the other living things.

  ( ) 57. Water can be found on the earth and in the air.

  ( ) 58. Farms,factories and schools all need water.

  ( ) 59. Clouds are made of very little drops of water.

  ( ) 60. Water changes into ice when it freezes.

  (2) 下列句子的每一空格里填上一個與短文內(nèi)容有關(guān)的詞,但不限于短文中出現(xiàn)過的詞。

  61. All the living things ( ) water.

  62. If there is ( ) water,there will not be any life in the world.

  63. We can ( ) water everywhere in the world.

  64. Water can turn into ice.So ice is ( ) of water.



  65. We will never forget Dr Bethune.

  We will always ( ) Dr Bethune.

  66. Tell me the way to the station.

  ( ) me the way to the station.

  67. Be careful!The milk is not cool enough to drink.

  Be careful!The milk is ( ) hot ( ) drink.

  68. She has to look after her child at home.

  She has to stay at home to ( )( ) of her child.

  69. I need money.Please lend me some.

  I am ( ) ( ) of money.please lend me some.

  70. I'm afraid you are wrong.

  I ( ) you are wrong.

  71. You can't go shopping without money.

  You can't go shopping if you ( )( ) money.

  72. Don't trouble yourself with such small things.

  Don't ( )( ) such small things.

  73. We'll go to Shanghai tomorrow.

  We'll ( )( ) shanghai tomorrow.

  74. Have you chosen where to go?

  Have you ( ) where to go?



  75. 我母親正忙于做飯。

  My mother is ( )( ).

  76. 他在學(xué)校里交了不少好朋友。

  He ( )( ) quite a few good ( ) at school.

  77. 他驚奇地問:“你一定要這么匆忙離開嗎?”

  “Must you leave in such a hurry?” he asked ( )( )

  78. 醫(yī)院位于河邊。

  The hospital ( )( ) the river.

  79. 今天各個領(lǐng)域都在應(yīng)用電腦。

  Today computers ( )( ) in many fields.




  (1) Tom和 Bob是同學(xué),下面是他們在課前的一段對話。T是Tom,B是Bob。 T: Hello,Bob.

  B: ( ), Tom.There's going to be an English test this morning.

  T: Really? Let's go and get ( ) for it.

  (Tom opens his school-bag.)

  T: Oh,that's too bad!

  B: What's the matter,Tom?

  T: I ( ) to bring the pencil-box with me. What can I do

  without a pen, then?

  B: ( ) mind.I've got two pens.I can ( ) one to you.Here

  you are.

  T: thank you, Bob.

  根據(jù)提示和對話內(nèi)容,在每個括號內(nèi)填上適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,使對話意思完整, 每個括號內(nèi)只準(zhǔn)填一個單詞。

  (2) A是一個游客,在街上A問B到最近的一間銀行怎么走。下面是他們的對話。 A: ( ) me.Is there a bank near here?

  B: Yes,there is ( ) near the station.

  A: How can I ( ) there?

  B: Go along this road, ( ) left at the second crossing.It's next

  to the station.

  A: ( ) a lot.

  B: Not at all.




  You should ( )( ) him.


  Mr Green ( )( )( ) China for several times.


  Our English teacher was ( )( ) us.


  John ( )( ) when he saw Mary.


  Computers ( ) widely ( ) in the world today.



  一、(1) 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D

  (2) 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B

  二、(1) 10. B 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. B

  (2) 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. A

  三、(1) 20. B 21.A 22.C 23.A 24.A

  (2) 25.A 26. B 27.C 28.C 29.B 30.B 31.B 32.C

  33.B 34. A 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. B 39. C

  四、(1) 40. ( long ) 41. ( bring ) 42. ( sell ) 43. ( worse )

  44. ( neither )

  (2) 45. ( sky ) 46. ( bad ) 47. ( heart ) 48. ( subjects )

  49. ( Twice )

  五、Ⅰ50. B 51. A 52. D 53. C 54. D

 、(1) 55.錯 56. 錯 57. 對 58. 對 59. 對 60. 對

  (2) 61. ( need ) 62. ( no ) 63. ( find ) 64. ( made ) 六、65. ( remember ) 66. ( Show ) 67. ( too ) ( to )

  68. ( take ) ( care ) 69. ( in ) ( need ) 70. ( think )

  71. ( have ) ( no ) 72. ( worry ) ( about ) 73. ( leave ) ( for )

  74. ( decided )

  七、75. ( busy ) ( cooking ) 76. ( has ) ( made )( friends )

  77. ( in ) ( surprise ) 78. ( lies ) ( beside ) 79. ( are ) ( used )

  八、(1) ( Hello ) ( ready )

  ( forgot ) ( Never ) ( lend )

  (2) ( Excuse ) ( one )

  ( get ) ( turn )

  ( Thanks )

  九、( learn ) ( from )

  ( has ) ( been ) ( to )

  ( strict ) ( with )

  ( was ) ( surprised )

  ( are ) ( used )










