
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2023-06-24 00:04:57 鐘澄 考研英語 我要投稿
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  1.改革產業(yè)結構 reform the structure of industries

  2. 虧損企業(yè) loss-making enterprises

  3. 搞活企業(yè) enliven enterprises

  4. 加快現(xiàn)代化步伐 quicken the modernization drive

  5. 跨國公司 transnational corporation / multinational corporation

  6. 鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)企業(yè) township enterprises

  7. 國有企業(yè) state-owned enterprises

  8. 合資企業(yè) joint ventures

  9. 解放生產力 emancipate/ liberate productivity

  10.振興國家經濟 invigorate our state economy

  11.實行股份制 introduce the shareholding system

  12.全面深化改革 deepen reform all round

  13.提高經濟效益 improve economic results

  14.增進效益 increase economic returns

  15.宏觀經濟調控 macro-economic control and management

  16. 經濟實力 economic strength

  17. 經濟轉軌 economic transformation

  18. 經營機制 operative mechanism

  19. 整頓經濟秩序 rectify economic order

  20. 引進競爭機制 introduce a competitive mechanism

  21. 建立技術密集型企業(yè) set up technologically-intensive enterprises

  22. 招商引資 canvass business and introduce investment

  23. 房地產 real estate

  24. 經濟特區(qū) special economic zone

  25. 基礎設施 infrastructure facilities

  26. 豆腐工程 jerry-built projects

  27. 投資熱點 investment hot spot

  28. 外向型經濟 export-oriented economy

  29. 按勞分配 distribute according to the work performance

  30. 打破平均主義 break / abandon equalitarian

  31. 沿海開放城市 open coastal cities

  32. 保稅區(qū) bonded zone/ area

  33. 金融改革 banking system

  34. 國民生產總值 Gross National Product

  35. 扶貧項目 anti-poverty project

  36. 下海經商 plunge into the private business

  37. 協(xié)調發(fā)展 coordinate the development

  38. 住房改革 housing reform

  39. 社會保障體系 social security system

  40. 數(shù)字時代 digital times

  41. 信息高速公路 the information superhighway

  42. 虛擬社區(qū) virtual communities

  43. “菜藍子”工程 the “shopping-basket” project ( the non-staple food project)

  44. 拳頭產品 knock-out products/ competitive products

  45. 市場蕭條 slack market

  46. 中國質量萬里行 China’s Long March to Quality campaign

  47. 冒牌產品 fake brand-name products

  48. 假冒偽劣商品 fake and poor quality commodities

  49. 謀取暴力 reap colossal profits

  50. 提出索賠 lodge a claim

  51. 投訴 lodge complaint

  52. 貿易爭端 trade disputes

  53. 亂收費 random charges

  54. 市場疲軟 sluggish market

  55 .貿易順差 favorable trade balance

  56. 貿易逆差 unfavorable trade balance

  57. 實行優(yōu)惠政策 launch a preferential policy

  58. 繁榮市場 flourish the market

  59. 加入世貿組織 accession to the WTO/ entry into the WTO

  60. 最惠國待遇 Most-Favored-Nation treatment

  61. 消費者協(xié)會 consumer’s association

  62. 消費者購買力 consumer purchasing power

  63. 新興市場 emerging market

  64. 抑制消費 control / inhibit consumption

  65. 無形資產 intangible assets

  66. 有形資產 tangible assets

  67. 市場占有率 market share

  68. 嚴重違約 grave breach of contract

  69. 泡沫經濟 bubble economy

  70. 品牌效應 brand effect

  71. 企業(yè)重組 reshuffle of enterprises

  72. 貿易壁壘 trade barrier

  73. 人才流失 brain drain

  74. 清理“三角債” break up the debt chain

  75. 企業(yè)文化 corporate culture

  76. 商業(yè)炒作 commercial speculation

  77. 擴大內需,刺激消費 expand domestic demand and consumption

  78. 拉動經濟增長 fuel economic growth

  79. 連鎖反應 chain reaction / domino effect

  80. 競爭優(yōu)勢 competitive edge

  81. 經濟結構調整 economic restructuring

  82. 經濟增長點 economic growth point ; growth engine

  83. 經濟過熱 overheated economy

  84. 經濟滑坡 economic downturn

  85. 集約化經營 intensive management

  86. 灰色收入 gray income

  87. 福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system

  88. 分期付款 installment payment

  89. 從粗放經濟轉變?yōu)榧s經濟 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy

  90. 按揭購房 buy a house on a mortgage ; mortgage a house

  91. 邊際效益 marginal benefit

  92. 不良貸款 non-performing loan

  93. 裁減冗員 lay off redundant staff; cut down on overstaffing

  94. 產品更新?lián)Q代 upgrade of products

  95. 創(chuàng)業(yè)園 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park

  96. 促進全球經濟一體化 foster integration with the global economy

  97. 家庭聯(lián)產承包責任制 household contract responsibility system

  98. 人才戰(zhàn) competition for talented people

  99. 脫貧致富 shake/cast off poverty and set out a road to prosperity

  100. 資源優(yōu)化配置 optimizing the allocation of resources


  101. 不正之風 bad / harmful practice

  102. 霸權 hegemonism

  103. 奔小康 strive for a better-off life

  104. 論資排輩 assign priority according to seniority

  105. 持續(xù)發(fā)展 sustainable development

  106. 重復建設 redundant project

  107. 大鍋飯 egalitarian practice ( of everyone taking food from the same big pot)

  108. 多極化 multi-polarization

  109. 科學技術是第一生產力 Science and technology are the primary productive force.

  110. 機構臃腫 overstaffing in organization

  111. 機構改革 institutional restructuring; streamlining

  112. 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government

  113. 窗口行業(yè) service trade

  114. 核心競爭力 core competitiveness

  115. 減員增效 downsizing of staff and improving efficiency

  116. 減輕農民負擔 reduce farmer’s burdens; lighten the burden on them

  117. 跨越式發(fā)展 great-leap-forward development

  118. 跨世紀發(fā)展 trans-century project

  119. 民主集中制 democratic centralism

  120. 講誠信﹑反欺詐 honor credibility and oppose cheating

  121. 強權外交 power diplomacy

  122. 人浮于事 overstaffing

  123. 侵吞公款 embezzle public funds

  124. 群帶關系 networking through petticoat influence

  125. 求同存異 seek common ground on major issues while shelving differences on minor ones

  126. 濫用權力 abuse one’s power; misuse one’s authority

  127. 廉政建設 build a clean and honest government

  128. 三步走戰(zhàn)略 the three-step development strategy

  129. 三講教育 three emphases education—emphasize theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct

  130. 三峽工程 Three gorges project

  131. 貪污腐化 corruption and degeneration

  132. 思想僵硬 fossilized concept

  133. 西部開發(fā) the development of China’s west

  134. 發(fā)展是硬道理 Development is an invariable truth

  135. 堅持四項基本原則 uphold the four cardinal principles

  136. 地方保護主義 regional protectionism

  137. 拜金主義 money worship

  138. 行賄 give and take bribery

  139. 走后門 get in by the back door / enter by the back door

  140. 和平演變 peaceful evolution

  141. 貪臟枉法 take bribes and bend the law

  142. 以權謀私 abusing power for money

  143. 拉關系 try to establish a relationship with sb.

  144. 權錢交易 trading power for money

  145. 掃黃運動 anti-pornography campaign

  146. 公款吃喝 enjoy banquet on public funds

  147. “一國兩制”的原則 the principle of “one country, two systems:”

  148. 兩大主題 two principle themes

  149. 堅持一個中國立場 stick to one-China position

  150. 全國人民代表大會 National People’s Congress

  151. 與國際接軌 synchronize with the world; accord with international norms

  152. 社會主義物質文明 socialist material wellbeing

  153. 社會主義精神文明 socialist culture and ideology

  154. 實現(xiàn)中華民族偉大復興 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

  155. 歪風邪氣 unhealthy practices and evil phenomena

  156. 溫暖工程 adequate food and clothing program

  157. 知識產權 intellectual property right

  158. 綜合國力 comprehensive national strength

  159. 最低生活保障制度 systems for ensuring a minimum standard of living

  160. 政企分開 separate government functions from enterprise management

  161. 與時俱進 keep pace with the times

  162. 閑置人員 idle hand

  163. 養(yǎng)老保險 endowment insurance

  164. 以經濟建設為中心 focus on the central task of economic construction

  165. 下崗職工基本生活費 subsistence allowance for laid-off workers

  166. 世界觀﹑人生觀﹑價值觀 world outlook, outlook on life and values

  167. 實事求是 seek truth from facts

  168. 試點工程 pilot project

  169. 政府廉潔高效 clean and efficient government

  170. 戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系 strategic partnership


  171. 科技含量 technology content

  172. 科教興國 rely on science, technology and education to rejuvenate the nation

  173. 可持續(xù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略 strategy of sustainable development

  174. 工業(yè)園區(qū) industrial park

  175. 技術密集型產品 technology-intensive product

  176. 新興學科 new branch of science

  177. 邊緣學科 frontier science

  178. 高速寬帶互聯(lián)網 high-speed broadband networks

  179. 電腦病毒 computer viruses

  180. 電子商務 e-commerce; e-business

  181. 黑客 hacker

  182. 數(shù)字地球 digital globe

  183. 局域網 local area network

  184. 人工智能 artificial intelligence

  185. 網上沖浪 web-surfing

  186. 網絡世界 cyber world

  187. 網上犯罪 cyber crime

  188. 信息高速公路 information highland

  189. 網民 netizen

  190. 虛擬現(xiàn)實 virtual reality

  191. 克隆 cloning

  192. 基因工程 genetic engineering

  193. 轉基因食品 genetically modified food

  194. “神舟六號”載人飛船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou VI

  195. 掌上電腦 palm computer

  196. 主頁 home page

  197. 語音信箱 voice mail

  198. 網絡經濟 cyber-economy

  199. 網蟲 netter; Internet geek

  200. 網戀 cyber romance; virtual romance

  201. 高精尖技術 high-grade, high-precision, advanced technology

  202. 科技扶貧 support poor areas using technology

  203. 科研攻關 work towards key technological breakthroughs

  204. 自費研究生 self-supporting graduate student

  205. 委托培養(yǎng) consign the training of personnel to a certain school

  206. 填鴨式教學 cramming method of teaching

  207. 啟發(fā)式教學 heuristic education

  208. 復合型人才 interdisciplinary talent

  209. 論文答辯 thesis oral defense

  210. 素質教育 quality-oriented education

  211. 教書育人 impart knowledge and educate people

  212. 九年制義務教務教育 nine-year compulsory education

  213. 德智體美勞全面發(fā)展

  all around development of moral, intellectual,physical,aesthetics and labor education

  214. 知識產權 intellectual property

  215. 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude

  216. 碩博連讀

  a continuous academic program that involves postgraduate and doctoral study

  217. 雙學位 double degree

  218. 雙向選擇 two-way selection

  219. 人才流失 brain drain

  220. 陶冶情操 cultivate one’s taste and temperament

  221. 學生減負 alleviate the burden on students

  222. 學術交流 academic exchanges

  223. 學科帶頭人 pace-setter in scientific research

  224. 德才兼?zhèn)?have both political integrity and ability

  225. 攻讀碩士學位 study for a doctoral degree

  226. 文科生 students of liberal arts

  227. 理科生 students of science

  228. 愛國主義教育 education in patriotism

  229. 擇優(yōu)錄取 enroll the excellent students

  230. 畢業(yè)論文 graduation thesis

  231. 畢業(yè)設計 graduation project

  232. 義務教育 compulsory education

  233. 高等教育 higher education

  234. 選修課程 optional courses

  235. 主修課程 major courses

  236. 重點學科 key disciplinary areas

  237. 德智體全面發(fā)展的學生

  students who are well developed morally, intellectually and physically

  238. 教育部 Ministry of Education

  239. 博士生導師 doctoral supervisors

  240. 世界觀﹑人生觀﹑價值觀 word outlook, outlook on life and values

  四. 文化社會生活類

  241. 彩票 lottery ticket

  242. 保健食品 health-care food

  243. 暴發(fā)戶 new rich; upstart

  244. 民工潮 farmer’s frenzied hunt for work in cities

  245. 下崗工人 laid-off workers

  246. 人口老齡化 aging/ graying population

  247. 人口高峰 baby boom

  248. 人口負增長 negative population growth

  249. 流動人口 moving population

  250. 收視率 viewing rate

  251. 售后服務 after-sale service

  252. 再就業(yè)工程 re-employment project

  253. 自由職業(yè)者 free lancer

  254. 性別歧視 sexual discrimination

  255. 性價比 cost performance

  256. 水貨 smuggled goods

  257. 水土流失 soil erosion

  258. 文化滲透 cultural infiltration

  259. 跳槽 job-hopping

  260. 搶購 panic buying

  261. 甩賣 clearance sale

  262. 公益廣告 public-interest advertisement

  263. 讓利 offer discounts

  264. 出國熱 craze for going abroad

  265. 社會福利制度 the social welfare system

  266. 享受公費醫(yī)療 enjoy public health care

  267. 世界衛(wèi)生組織 World Health Organization (WHO)

  268. 黃昏戀 twilight love

  269. 賀歲片 New Year film

  270. 記者招待會 press/ news conference

  271. 賣淫prostitute oneself and visit prostitutes

  272. 制造假鈔 make the false notes

  273. 吸毒者 a drug addict

  274. 出售黃色錄像 sell obscene video tapes

  275.傳銷 pyramid-selling; multi-level marketing


  276. 溫室效應 green-house effect

  277. 沙漠化 desertification

  278. 過度放牧 overgrazing

  279. 過度捕魚 over-fishing

  280. 濫砍亂伐 clear-cutting

  281. 退耕還林 return cultivated land to forest

  282. 沙塵暴 sand storm

  283. 生態(tài)危機 ecological forest

  284. 破壞生態(tài)平衡 destroy / upset the ecological balance

  285. 自然保護區(qū) nature reserve

  286. 環(huán)境綠化 environmental greening

  287. 禽流感 bird flu

  288. 瘋牛病 mad cow disease/ BSE

  289. 口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease

  290. 非典 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

  291. 偷稅﹑騙稅 tax evasion and tax fraud

  292. 掃黃打非 eliminate pornography and illegal publications

  293. 嚴打斗爭 strike-hard campaign

  294. 公正合理的`國際政治經濟新秩序

  a new and rational new international political and economic order

  295. 外交紛爭 diplomatic disputes

  296. 維護世界和平 safeguard world peace

  297. 國際慣例 international common practice

  298. 民族分裂主義 ethnic separatism

  299. 宗教極端主義 religious extremism

  300. 世界的基本格局 basic world pattern


  1. architectural industry 建筑工業(yè)

  2. map out 制定出

  3. city designing 城市設計

  4. beautify our life 美化我們的生活

  5. human civilization 人類文明

  6. cradle of culture 文化搖籃

  7. mainstream culture 主流文化

  8. cultural traditions 文化傳統(tǒng)

  9. national pride 民族自豪

  10. local customs and practices 風土人情

  11. attract people’s eyes 吸引人們的眼球

  12. artistic taste 藝術品味

  13. cornerstone 基石

  14. be closely interrelated with… 與…有密切關系

  15. adhere to the tradition 堅持傳統(tǒng)

  16. architectural vandalism 破壞建筑行為

  17. carry forward … 弘揚…

  18. cultural needs 文化需求

  19. reputation 聲望

  20. maintain the world peace 維護世界和平

  21. cultural diversity 文化多元化

  22. cultural treasures 文化寶藏

  23. cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流

  24. cultural reconstruction 文化重建

  25. spiritual civilization 精神文明

  26. heritage 遺產

  27. achievements of art 藝術成就

  28. tear down 拆除

  29. humane historical sites 人文歷史遺址

  30. preserve the cultural relics 保護文化遺產

  31. blueprint 藍圖

  32. skyscraper 摩天大樓

  33. high-rise office buildings 高層寫字樓

  34. city construction 城市建設

  35. well-structured 結構良好的

  36. crystallization 結晶

  37. visual enjoyment 視覺享受

  38. driving force 驅動力

  39. reconstruct 重建

  40. destruct 破壞

  41. artistic reflection 藝術反映

  42. give publicity to… 宣傳…

  43. burden 負擔

  44. cause irreversible damage 造成不可逆轉的.損失

  45. national identity and value 民族特性和價值觀

  46. remove prejudice and misunderstanding 消除偏見和誤解

  47. symbol 象征

  48. artistic standards 藝術水準

  49. enjoy great popularity 廣受歡迎

  50.cultural devolution 文化退化



  2、經得住挑戰(zhàn):withstand challenges



  5、進取精神:striving spirit


  7、增長見識:widen one’s knowledge





  1 lab n.(laboratory)實驗室

  2 label n.標簽 v.把...稱為;用標簽于;用標簽標明

  3 labor n.(labour)工作,勞動;勞力 v.勞動,苦干

  4 lace n.花邊;帶子,鞋帶 v.系帶,扎帶

  5 lack n./v.缺乏,不足

  6 lad n.男孩,小伙子

  7 ladder n.梯子,階梯

  8 lady n.女士,夫人

  9 lag v./n.落后,滯后 vt.用隔熱材料覆蓋(鍋爐等)

  10 lake n.湖泊,湖水

  11 lamb n.羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉

  12 lame a.跛的,(辯解、論據(jù)等)無說服力的

  13 lamp n.燈

  14 land n.陸地,土地,國家 v.(使)靠岸(登陸,降落)

  15 landlady n.女房東,女地主

  16 landlord n.房東,地主

  17 lane n.小路,小巷,行車道

  18 language n.語言,術語,(運用語言的)方式、風格

  19 lantern n.燈,燈籠

  20 lap n.大腿,(跑道的)一圈,一段路程,工作階段

  21 lapse n.失誤,流逝,喪失,下降 v.失效,偏離,流逝

  22 laptop n.膝上型電腦

  23 large a.大的,廣大的,大規(guī)模的

  24 largely ad.主要地,基本上;大量地,大規(guī)模地

  25 laser n.激光

  26 lash v.鞭打,擺動,捆扎 n.鞭子,鞭打,睫毛,諷刺

  27 last a.最后的',剛過去的 ad.最后 n.最后 v.持續(xù)

  28 late a.遲的,晚的,晚期的;已故的 ad.遲,晚

  29 lately ad.最近,不久前

  30 latent a.潛在的,潛伏的,不易察覺的

  31 later ad.后來,過后

  32 lateral n.側面的,旁邊的

  33 Latin a.拉丁的,拉丁文的 n.拉丁語

  34 latitude n.緯度,行動或言論的自由(范圍),(pl.)地區(qū)

  35 latter a.后者的;后一半的,接近終了的 n.后者

  36 laugh v.笑;(on)譏笑 n.笑,笑聲

  37 laughter n.笑,笑聲

  38 launch v.發(fā)射;使(船)下水,發(fā)動,開展 n.發(fā)射,下水

  39 laundry n.洗衣房(店);待洗衣物,所洗衣物

  40 lavatory n.廁所,盥洗室

  41 law n.法律,法規(guī),法學,規(guī)律,定律

  42 lawn n.草地,草坪

  43 lawyer n.律師

  44 lay v.放,擱;下(蛋);鋪設,敷設;設置,布置

  45 layer n.層,層次;鋪設者

  46 layman n.外行

  47 layoff n.臨時解雇,操作停止,活動停止期間,失業(yè)期

  48 layout n.安排,布局,設計;規(guī)劃圖,布局圖

  49 lazy a.懶惰的,懶散的

  50 lead v.領導;領先;通向,導致 n.帶領,引導;鉛


  1 influence n.(on)影響,感化;勢力,權勢 v.影響,感化

  2 influential a.有影響的;有權勢的

  3 inform v.(of,about)通知,告訴,報告;告發(fā),告密

  4 information n.通知,報告;情報,資料,消息;信息

  5 infrared a./n.紅外線(的)

  6 infrastructure n.基礎結構,基礎設施

  7 ingenious a.機敏的;有獨創(chuàng)性的;精致的;精巧制成的

  8 ingredient n.(混合物的)組成部分,配料;成份,要素

  9 inhabit vt.居住于,存在于;棲息于

  10 inhabitant n.居民,住戶

  11 inhale v.吸入(氣體等),吸(煙)

  12 inherent a.固有的,內在的,天生的

  13 inherit vt.繼承(金錢等),經遺傳而得(性格、特征)

  14 inhibit vt.抑制,約束

  15 initial a.最初的,開頭的;詞首的 n.詞首大寫字母

  16 initiate vt.開始,創(chuàng)始,發(fā)動;啟蒙,使入門;引入

  17 initiative a.創(chuàng)始的,起始的 n.第一步,創(chuàng)始,主動精神

  18 inject vt.注射(藥液等);注入

  19 injure v.損害,損傷,傷害

  20 injury n.傷害,損害

  21 ink n.墨水,油墨

  22 inland a./ad.國內,內地,內陸

  23 inlet n.水灣,小灣;進口,入口

  24 inn n.小旅館,客棧

  25 inner a.內部的,里面的;內心的

  26 innocent a.(of)清白的,無罪的;無害的;單純的,無知的

  27 innovation n.改革,革新;新觀念,新方法,新發(fā)明

  28 innumerable a.無數(shù)的`,數(shù)不清的

  29 input n./v.輸入

  30 inquiry n.(enquiry)詢問,打聽,調查

  31 insect n.昆蟲

  32 v.插入,嵌入;登載 n.插入物

  33 inside a.里面的 ad.在里面 n.內部 prep.在…里

  34 insight n.洞察力,見識

  35 insist vi.(on)堅持要求,堅決主張,堅持

  36 inspect vt.檢查,調查,視察

  37 inspiration n.靈感;鼓舞,激勵

  38 inspire vt.鼓舞,激起;使產生靈感

  39 install vt.(instal)安裝,設置,安置;使就職,任命

  40 installation n.安裝,設置;裝置,設備

  41 installment n.(instalment)分期付款;(連載的)一期

  42 instance n.例子,事例,例證

  43 instant a.立即的;緊迫的;(食品)速溶的 n.瞬間,時刻

  44 instantaneous a.瞬間的,即刻的

  45 instead ad.代替,頂替

  46 instinct n.本能,直覺,天性

  47 institute n.學會,研究所;學院 v.設立,設置,制定

  48 institution n.公共機構;協(xié)會;學校;研究所;制度;慣例

  49 instruct v.教,教授;命令,指示

  50 instruction n.教授;指導;(pl.)用法說明(書),操作指南


  1 toxic a.有毒的;中毒的

  2 toy n.玩具 vi.(with)漫不經心地考慮;擺弄

  3 trace n.痕跡,蹤跡;極少量 v.描繪;跟蹤,追蹤

  4 track n.跑道,小路;軌跡,輪跡 v.跟蹤,追蹤

  5 tractor n.拖拉機,牽引車

  6 trade n.貿易,商業(yè);職業(yè),行業(yè) v.經商,交易

  7 trademark n.商標;特征 vt.注冊的…商標

  8 tradition n.傳統(tǒng); 慣例; 傳說

  9 traffic n.交通,交通量

  10 tragedy n.悲劇;慘事,災難

  11 tragic a.悲劇的,悲慘的

  12 trail n.蹤跡,痕跡;小路 v.追蹤,跟蹤;拖,拖曳;

  13 train n.列車;行列,系列,一串 v.訓練,培養(yǎng)

  14 training n.訓練,培養(yǎng)

  15 trait n.特征,特點,特性

  16 traitor n.叛徒,賣國賊

  17 tram n.有軌電車

  18 tramp n./v步行;沉重的腳步聲(走)v.踐踏n.流浪者

  19 transaction n.辦理,處理;交易,事務;(pl.)會報,學報

  20 transcend vt.超出,超越(經驗、知識、能力的范圍等)

  21 transfer vt./n.轉移;轉換;轉讓;過戶;遷移;改乘

  22 transform vt.改變,變換;變壓;轉化;改造,改造

  23 transient a.短暫的',轉瞬即逝的;臨時的,暫住的

  24 transistor n.晶體管;晶體管收音機

  25 transition n.轉變,變遷,過渡(時期)

  26 translate v.翻譯,解釋;轉化,

  27 translation n.翻譯;譯文,譯本

  28 transmission n.播送,發(fā)射;傳動,傳送

  29 transmit vt.傳輸/導;轉送;發(fā)射 vi.發(fā)射信號;發(fā)報

  30 transparent a.透明的,透光的;易理解的;明顯的

  31 transplant n./v.移植(植物;組織,器官等);遷移;

  32 transport v.運輸,運送,搬運n.運輸;運輸系統(tǒng),運載工具

  33 trap n.陷阱,圈套 vt.誘捕;使中圈套 vi.設圈套

  34 trash n.垃圾;拙劣的作品;渣滓,敗類

  35 travel n.旅行 v.旅行;行進,傳播

  36 tray n.盤,碟,托盤

  37 treason n.謀反,通敵,叛國

  38 treasure n.財寶,財富;珍品 v.珍愛,珍惜

  39 treat v.對待;治療;論述;款待,請客 n.款待,請客

  40 treaty n.條約,協(xié)議,協(xié)商

  41 tree n.樹,樹狀物 vi.爬上樹

  42 tremble n.戰(zhàn)栗,顫抖 v.發(fā)抖,顫抖;搖動;焦慮

  43 tremendous a.巨大的,極大的

  44 trench n.&v.(挖)溝,(挖)戰(zhàn)壕

  45 trend n.傾向,趨勢 vi.伸向,傾向

  46 trial n.訊問,審訊;試驗;試用;嘗試

  47 triangle n.三角(形)

  48 tribe n.種族,部落;(植物,動物)族,類

  49 tribute n.貢品;頌詞,稱贊,(表示敬意的)禮物

  50 trick n.詭計,騙局;惡作劇;竅門 vt.欺騙,哄騙









