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時間:2022-10-13 21:10:16 考研英語 我要投稿
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  Section Ⅰ Use of English



  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on Answer Sheet 1. (10 points)

  Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative person who is 1 only among those with whom he is acquainted. When a stranger is at present, he often seems nervous, 2 embarrassed. You have to take a commuter train any morning or evening to 3 the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner. Hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive.

  4 , there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, 5 broken, makes the offender immediately the object of 6 .

  It has been known as a fact that the British has a 7 for the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it 8 . Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom 9 forecast and hence becomes a source of interest and 10 to everyone. This may be so. 11 a British cannot have much 12 in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong 13 a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate-or as inaccurate-as the weathermen in his 14 .

  Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references 15 weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are 16 by comments on the weather. "Nice day, isn't it?" "Beautiful!" may well be heard instead of "Good morning, how are you?" 17 the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. 18 he wants to start a conversation with a British but is 19 to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will 20 an answer from even the most reserved of the British.

  1. [A] relaxed [B] frustrated [C] amused [D] exhausted

  2. [A] yet [B] otherwise [C] even [D] so

  3. [A] experience [B] witness [C] watch [D] undergo

  4. [A] Deliberately [B] Consequently [C] Frequently [D] Apparently

  5. [A] unless [B] once [C] while [D] as

  6. [A] suspicion [B] opposition [C] criticism [D] praise

  7. [A] emotion [B] fancy [C] likeliness [D] judgment

  8. [A] at length [B] to a great extent [C] from his heart [D] by all means

  9. [A] follows [B] predicts [C] defies [D] supports

  10. [A] dedication [B] compassion [C] contemplation [D] speculation

  11. [A] Still [B] Also [C] Certainly [D] Fundamentally

  12. [A] faith [B] reliance [C] honor [D] credit

  13. [A] if [B] once [C] when [D] whereas

  14. [A] propositions [B] predictions [C] approval [D] defiance

  15. [A] about [B] on [C] in [D] to

  16. [A] started [B] conducted [C] replaced [D] proposed

  17. [A] Since [B] Although [C] However [D] Only if

  18. [A] Even if [B] Because [C] If [D] For

  19. [A] at a loss [B] at last [C] in groups [D] on the occasion

  20. [A] stimulate [B] constitute [C] furnish [D] provoke

  Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

  Part A


  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet 1. (40 points)

  Text 1

  Readers of our Christmas issue were invited to nominate the wisest fool of the past 50 years. They responded magnificently, though often predictably. But this was not a popularity contest, or an unpopularity one. Except Jack Kennedy, every eligible president of the United States was nominated, along with every important political leader of the rest of the world. Alan Greenspan was a popular choice, but surprisingly few businessmen were proposed. Donald Trump, Kenneth Lay, Steve Jobs, Sir Richard Branson and Lord Conrad Black were those most often mentioned. Even fewer women were nominated, though Diana, Princess of Wales, was a strong contender.

  Piers Allen of Malta nominated Ronald Reagan, explaining, "A joke-cracking, afternoon-napping, intellectual lightweight whose memory could, in times of crisis, always be relied upon, but only to fail. Although foolish enough to announce, live on radio, that he would be bombing Russia in five minutes and take advice from his wife's astrologer (占星家), he was also wise enough to have survived union leadership and two terms as governor of California to reach the presidency of the United States and end the cold war favourably for the West. Any other wise fools making it to the White House will be hard pressed to fill his cowboy boots. "

  Richard Spencer (address not supplied) chose Yasser Arafat, whose foolishness was in "never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity". "While appearing to his people as a strong leader who could stand up to the Israelis, Arafat was unable to (or simply chose not to) seize the historical moment and forge a compromise solution that would benefit the lot of the Palestinians. Had he been wise enough to make a deal with Israel when the going was good, he likely would have been buried as a bona fide (真正的) world leader in a sovereign state of Palestine. "

  Denis Papathanasiou of Hoboken, New Jersey, nominated Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra, baseball player for the New York Yankees (1946-63). "Mr Berra hardly qualifies as an intellectual: he is famous for such remarks as 'You don't look so hot yourself' (in response to a comment that he looked cool in his summer suit), 'What? You mean right now? (when asked for the time of day), and 'I take a two-hour nap, from one o'clock to four. ' On second glance, however, his utterances depict a certain honest Zen-like(類似禪宗) wisdom: If you don't know where you're going, you'll wind up somewhere else? It was hard to have a conversation with anyone-there were so many people talking. Those qualities have inspired a miniature popular cult (崇拜) of books and seminars. Not bad for a humble baseball player of modest education. "

  Mr Papathanasiou takes first prize.

  21. Dennis Papathasiou's comment suggests .

  [A] Lawrence Berra is no doubt a confused character.

  [B] It is hard to have a conversation with Lawrence Berra.

  [C] It is wrong to underestimate a person of modest education.

  [D] The baseball player is philosophical about life.

  22. What is NOT true of Ronald Reagan?

  [A] He was a trade union leader before assuming the governorship of California.

  [B] He threatened to bomb the Soviet Union on the advise of an astrologer.

  [C] He projected an image of tough guy when he was the U.S. president.

  [D] His memory could only be relied on in times of crisis.

  23. The possible reason to drop the U.S. presidents from the contest is that .

  [A] The magazine deliberately disregarded popularity in the contest

  [B] most of the readers endorsed Dennis Papathanasiou's choice

  [C] The editors decided that they were not strong contenders

  [D] The purpose of the contest was to outwit the readers

  24. Richard Spencer's comment implies that the Palestinian leader .

  [A] should have declared the formation of a Palestinian state

  [B] failed to identify a historical opportunity when it arose

  [C] failed to live up to his image as a strong leader

  [D] should have been flexible in his approach to dealing with the Israelis

  25. The word "humble" (Line 9, Para. 4) denotes .

  [A] self-importance in bearing [B] modesty in behavior

  [C] a free of care character [D] easy-goingness in manners

  Text 2

  The aging process may not be the result of a rigid genetic program that in itself dictates longevity. On the contrary, what we see as maximum life span may simply be the complex and indirect result of multiple traits in the organism that are internally tied to normal development. In other words, it is not that the body is somehow pre-programmed to acquire gray hair, wrinkles, or diminished metabolic(新陳代謝的) functions. Rather, these signs of aging are simply telltale side effects of activities of the organism.

  Consider the analogy of an "aging car". Suppose a distinctive "species" of automobile were designed to burn fuel at a fixed temperature with an efficient rate of combustion(燃燒). That specific rate of combustion is required for appropriate acceleration, cruising speed, fuel mileage(油耗), and so on. But, when the car functions in this way over a period of time, the car also, of necessity, produces certain emission by-products that, over time, begin to clog the cylinders, reduce automotive efficiency, and lead to the breakdown and final collapse of the machine.

  In the case of the human "car", it could be the burning oxygen in normal metabolism generates harmful by-products in free radicals that prove toxic to the organism. What we see here may be a basic trade-off: oxygen is essential for life yet harmful to our eventual well-being. In this view, the human "car" is not intentionally designed to accumulate toxic emissions in order to collapse. But there seems to be no way for the car to function at optimum levels without the destructive by-products.

  But suppose we could find some special "fuel additive" that eliminates toxic emissions. Would we then have an "immortal" car? Probably not. Changing the fuel used in your car won't prevent accidents, nor would any fuel additive prevent rusting or the wearing down of springs and shock absorbers. The human "car" analogy, of course, is misleading, because an organism, unlike a manufactured object, has a capacity for repair and self-generation, at least up to certain point. The whole question about why we grow old is finding out why that capacity for self-repair ultimately seems unable to keep up with the damage rate: in short, why aging and death seem to be universal.

  26. From the passage, we learn that .

  [A] the aging process becomes quicker as people live longer

  [B] one's life span has nothing to do with his genetic constitution

  [C] aging may not be caused by the body's genetic program

  [D] normal development dictates the maximum age of a person

  27. The example of the "aging car" is used to make the point that .

  [A] aging is actually a by-product of the life process

  [B] any car may break down or collapse over time

  [C] no car can function at optimum levels due to inferior fuel

  [D] efficient rate of combustion is most important to the car

  28. A "basic trade-off" (Line 3, Para. 3) is a process .

  [A] by which old cars are traded off for new ones

  [B] by which any organism depends on others for oxygen

  [C] through which an organism gets rid of harmful substances

  [D] in which any use carries with it an inherent side effect

  29. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  [A] Aging would never take place if we developed a special fuel additive.

  [B] We would live forever if we developed a magic medicine for longevity.

  [C] Longevity is determined by diverse kinds of factors.

  [D] Nothing can be done to prolong a life when it comes to its natural end.

  30. The "human car" analogy is faulty in the way that .

  [A] unlike a person, a car does not have a life span

  [B] a human being has a self-repairing capacity

  [C] no can is expected to last longer than a life

  [D] a car cannot be restored to its original state once damaged

  Text 3

  The most effective attacks against globalization are usually not those related to economics. Instead, they are social, ethical and, above all, cultural. These arguments surfaced amid the protests in Seattle in 1999 and more recently in Davos, Bangkok and Prague. They say this: the disappearance of national borders and the establishment of a world interconnected by markets will deal a death blow to regional and national cultures, and to the traditions, customs, myths and mores that determine each country's or region's cultural identity. Since most of the world is incapable of resisting the invasion of cultural products from developed countries that inevitably trails the great transnational corporations, North American culture will ultimately impose itself, standardizing the world and annihilating its richness of diverse cultures. In this manner, all other peoples, and not just the small and weak ones, will lose their identity, their soul, and will become no more than 21st-century colonies modeled after the cultural norms of a new imperialism that, in addition to ruling over the planet with its capital, military might and scientific knowledge, will impose on others its language and its ways of thinking, believing, enjoying and dreaming.

  Even though I believe this cultural argument against globalization is unacceptable, we should recognize that deep within it lies an unquestionable truth. This century, the world in which we will live will be less picturesque and filled with less local color than the one we left behind. The festivals, attire(穿著), customs, ceremonies, rites and beliefs that in the past gave humanity its culturally and racially variety are progressively disappearing or confining themselves to minority sectors, while the bulk of society abandons them and adopts others more suited to the reality of our time.

  All countries of the earth experience this process, some more quickly than others, but it is not due to globalization. Rather, it is due to modernization, of which the former is effect, not cause. It is possible to lament, certainly, that this process occurs, and to feel nostalgia(戀舊) for the past ways of life that, particularly from our comfortable vantage point of the present, seem full of amusement, originality and color. But this process is unavoidable. In theory, perhaps, a country could keep this identity, but only if-like certain remote tribes in Africa or the Amazon-it decides to live in total isolation, cutting off all exchange with other nations and practicing selfufficiency. A cultural identity preserved in this form would take that society black to prehistoric standards of living.

  It is true that modernization makes many forms of traditional life disappear. But at the same time, it opens opportunities and constitutes an important step forward for a society as a whole. That is why, when given the option to choose freely, peoples, sometimes counter to what their leaders or intellectual traditionalists would like, opt for modernization without the slightest ambiguity.

  31. Which of the following is the argument against globalization?

  [A] The world will become a globalized economic entity.

  [B] Cultural identities in some countries will be compromised.

  [C] Transnational corporations will take advantage of the poor countries.

  [D] Poor countries will be dominated by the powerful ones.

  32. According to the author, .

  [A] globalization will enrich cultural diversity

  [B] countries should strive to reserve their unique customs and practices

  [C] modernization will succeed in some countries but not in others

  [D] the world will be culturally less diversified because of globalization

  33. The author would agree with which of the following statements?

  [A] A country should try to retain its cultural identity in its modernization drive.

  [B] Cultural identity may work against the aspiration for modernization.

  [C] People should understand what may contribute to modernization.

  [D] It's impossible for a country to modernize and keep its cultural identity intact.

  34. The author main purpose is to .

  [A] discuss globalization and cultural identity

  [B] refute the cultural argument against globalization

  [C] explain why modernization is inevitable

  [D] discuss the consequences of globalization

  35. The author mentions the remote tribes in Africa and the Amazon to illustrate .

  [A] the resistance that people put up against globalization

  [B] the marginalization brought forth by globalization

  [C] the importance of self-reliance and self-sufficiency

  [D] the insurmountable difficulty of retaining cultural identity

  Text 4

  What our society suffers from most today is the absence of consensus about what it and life in it ought to be. Such consensus cannot be gained from society's present stage, or from fantasies about what it ought to be, for that the present is too close and too diversified, and the future too uncertain, to make believable claims about it. A consensus in the present hence can be achieved only through a shared understanding of the past, as Homer's epics (史詩) informed those who lived centuries later what it meant to be Greek, and by what images and ideals they were to live their lives and organize their societies.

  Most societies derive consensus from a long history, a language all their own, a common religion, common ancestry. The myths by which they live are based on all of these. But the United States is a country of immigrants, coming from a great variety of nations. Lately, it has been emphasized that an asocial(反社會的), narcissistic (自戀) personality has become characteristic of Americans, and that it is this type of personality that prevents us from achieving consensus that would counteract a tendency to withdraw into private worlds. In his study of narcissism, Christopher Lasch says that modern man, "tortured by self-consciousness, turns to new therapies not to free himself of his personal worries but to find meaning and purpose in life, to find something to live for". There is widespread distress because national morale has declined, and we have lost an earlier sense of national vision and purpose.

  Contrary to rigid religions or political beliefs, as are found in totalitarian (極權主義的) societies, our culture is one of great individual differences, at least in principle and in theory. But this leads to disunity, even chaos. Americans believe in the value of diversity, but just because ours is a society based on individual diversity, it needs consensus about some dominating ideas more than societies based on uniform origin of their citizens. Hence, if we are to have consensus, it must be based on a myth-a vision-about a common experience, a conquest that made us Americans, as the myth about the conquest of Troy formed the Greeks. Only a common myth can offer relief from the fear that life is without meaning or purpose. Myths permit us to examine our place in the world by comparing it to a shared idea. Myths are shared fantasies that form the tie that binds the individual to other members of his group. Such myths help to fight off feelings of isolation, guilt, anxiety, and purposelessness-in short, they combat isolation and the breakdown of social standards and values.





  Section Ⅰ Use of English

  1. [答案] A形容詞辨析。 )relaxed意為 "放松的,不受拘束的";B)frustrated意為"失敗的";C)amused意為"開心的";D)exhausted意為"疲憊的"。只有A是正確的選項,表明英國人只有和認識的人在一起才會不受拘束。

  2. [答案] C副詞辨析。此句意思是: "當有陌生人在場時,他會緊張,甚至局促不安。"根據句意應選C。

  3. [答案] B動詞辨析。A)experience意為 "經歷";B)witness意為"目擊";C)watch意為"觀看";D)undergo意為"經歷,遭受"。只有witness 能與the truth of this搭配。

  4. [答案] D副詞辨析?崭窈蟮木渥语@然是對前面的內容進行總結,故選D,意為 "顯然"。A)Deliberately意為"故意地";B)Consequently意為"因此";C)Frequently意為"經常地"。

  5. [答案] B連詞辨析。此句的意思為: "(行為準則)一旦打破"。故B正確。

  6. [答案] C名詞辨析。此句的意思為: "冒犯者立即遭到批評。"A)suspicion意為"懷疑";B)opposition意為"敵對";C)criticism意為"批評";D)praise意為"贊揚"。故C正確。

  7. [答案] B短語辨析。have a fancy for意為 "喜歡,入迷",是習慣用語。

  8. [答案] A短語辨析。此句意思是: "如果有機會,他會詳細地談論它。"A)at length意為"詳細地";B)to a great extent意為"很大程度上";C)from his heart意為"從他的心里";D)by all means意為"盡一切辦法"。根據句意A正確。

  9. [答案] A動詞辨析。此句的意思是: "一些人認為其原因是英國的天氣很少和預報的一致。" A)follows意為"遵循,跟隨";B)predicts意為"預報";C)defies意為"違抗";D)supports意為"支持"。由句意可知A正確。

  10. [答案] D名詞辨析。此句意思為: "因此(天氣)成了興趣的來源,每個人都去猜測它。"A)dedication意為"奉獻"; B)compassion意為"同情";C)contemplation意為"思考";D)speculation"猜測"。故D正確。

  11. [答案] C副詞辨析?崭窈缶渥拥拇笠馐牵河瞬豢赡軐μ鞖忸A報有多大的信心。根據上下文和句意可知C正確。

  12. [答案] A名詞搭配辨析。have faith in表示 "相信, 信任"這是習慣用語,其他三個選項都不能和這兩個詞同時連用。故A正確。

  13. [答案] C連詞辨析。 此句的意思是: "當大西洋上空的云給全國各地都帶來雨水的時候。"故C正確。

  14. [答案] B名詞辨析。此句意思為: "在街上的那個人似乎和天氣預報一樣準確或者不準確。" A)propositions意為"建議";B)predictions意為"預報";C)approval意為"贊成";D)defiance意為"挑戰(zhàn)"。由此可知 B正確。

  15. [答案] D介詞搭配。references與to連用,意思為 "提及,涉及"。故D正確。

  16. [答案] C動詞辨析。該句的意思是: "互相問候經常會被對天氣的評論所代替。" A)started意為"開始";B)conducted意為"指揮,引導" C)replaced意為"代替"D)proposed意為"建議"。 顯然C正確。

  17. [答案] B連詞辨析。此句表達一種轉折關系,顯然B正確。

  18. [答案] C名詞辨析。此句的意思為: "如果他想和一個英國人開始交談……。"因此C正確。

  19. [答案] A短語辨析。只有at a loss 可以接不定式,因此應選A。at a loss意為 "不知所措,困惑"。

  20. [答案] D動詞辨析。這句話的主語是subject, 賓語是answer, 因此只能選擇provoke 作謂語動詞。故D正確。

  Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

  Part A

  Text 1

  文章概要:某雜志邀請讀者評選近五十年來最聰明的傻瓜。有人提名里根,有人提名阿拉法特,Denis Papathanasiou 提名棒球選手Lawrence,理由是他在接受采訪時,常常是看似答非所問的回答卻包含著誠實的禪宗智慧。

  21. [答案] D細節(jié)題。答案的依據在第四段里。Denis認為 Lawrence在接受采訪時常常似答非所問,但是話里卻包含誠實的禪宗智慧。故D正確。

  22. [答案] B判斷題。 里根總統(tǒng)雖然曾在廣播中宣布要在五分鐘內轟炸俄羅斯,但這是個玩笑,并不是根據某個占星家的建議所作的決定。故B正確。

  23. [答案] A細節(jié)理解題。 答案的依據在第一段的第三句里,表明這次推選并不是看誰最受歡迎。故A正確。

  24. [答案] D細節(jié)理解題。在文章的第三段里,Richard說Arafat沒能夠抓住歷史的契機,由此可判斷D正確。

  25. [答案] B詞意理解題。 humble 意思是 "謙虛的,謙遜的",顯然B正確。

  Text 2


  26. [答案] C細節(jié)理解題。作者在文章的一開始就說,衰老的過程可能不是基因程序的結果。故C正確,因為其它三項內容文章根本就沒有涉及。

  27. [答案] A細節(jié)理解題。作者在第二段以汽車為例,說明汽車用久了也會徹底損壞。由此可推斷A正確。

  28. [答案] D細節(jié)理解題。作者在第三段里解釋了有用的東西也會有內在的副作用。故D正確。

  29. [答案] C判斷題。文章最后一段實際上排除了B和C項。因為衰老和死亡是必然的。作者把人與汽車進行比較,汽車的 "壽命"是由各種因素決定的,因此人的壽命也是如此。故C正確。

  30. [答案] B細節(jié)理解題。作者在最后一段倒數(shù)第二句里說,把人和車類比容易讓人誤解,因為生物體有自我修復和自生的能力,至少在某種程度上是如此。故B正確。

  Text 3


  31. [答案] B細節(jié)理解題。作者在第一段說明,反全球化的人認為在全球化的過程中,隨著國界的消失,市場把世界連接成一體,國家和地區(qū)的文化特征受到沉重的打擊。因此B正確。

  32. [答案] D細節(jié)理解題。作者在第二段里指出,我們生活的世界將越來越少地方特色,這是一個毫無疑問的事實。故D正確。

  33. [答案] D細節(jié)理解題。作者在第三段里說,放棄傳統(tǒng)的東西去采納適合我們時代的東西是所有國家正在經歷的過程。故D正確。

  34. [答案] B主旨題。作者雖然承認我們現(xiàn)在生活的世界是比以前少了地方特色,但他指出全球化是果不是因。故B正確。

  35. [答案] D細節(jié)理解題。作者在第三段倒數(shù)第二句里說,理論上講一個國家是可以完全保持自己的特色,但必須像非洲或亞馬遜河某個偏遠的部落一樣, 過著與世隔絕、自給自足的史前生活。因此D正確。

  Text 4


  36. [答案] B細節(jié)理解題。B項中的 unanimity on the forms the society should take (社會應是什么樣式)實際上是對consensus 的解釋,故B為正確答案。

  37. [答案] C細節(jié)理解題。作者在第一段以Homer餾 Epics (荷馬史詩)為例說明神話可以幫助構建今天的民族共識,因此C正確。

  38. [答案] A細節(jié)理解題。作者說明社會的共識來自共同的歷史、語言、信仰、祖先等,而美國是一個移民國家,無此基礎,因此美國人形成了反社會的個性。由此可判斷A說法正確。B、C兩項只是局部原因。D項說法籠統(tǒng)、模糊。

  39. [答案] D推斷題。作者在第二段里談到narcissism 的起源,Lasch 對它的研究以及他對美國人目前的心態(tài)與過去的比較等,這些表明他是一位社會歷史學家。故D正確。其余三項皆無依據。

  40. [答案] C細節(jié)理解題。作者在第三段后半部分談到神話即古代傳下來的故事,尤指有關于一個民族早期歷史的觀念或信仰等。作者最后說,這些神話有助于驅除隔絕、內疚、焦慮和失落感。由此可知C為正確答案。

  Part B

  人們對生物多樣性的認識在過去十年已經發(fā)生了變化。 簡單地說,生物圈的多樣性超出了我們的想象。


  41. [答案] C第一段已經說明生物的多樣性超出我們的想象。為了說明生物多樣性的豐富與多彩,作者用了magnitude和diverse這樣一些單詞。注意選項C的狀語 "In the midst of this richness of life forms",它實際上起到了上下文的銜接作用。另外C段第一句的however也是上下段落的銜接手段。從語意上來講,C就更是正確的選項了。作者強調,盡管存在著豐富多彩的物種,但是物種滅絕的速度正在加快,主要的原因是物種的棲息地被毀。

  42. [答案] A上一段講到生物的滅絕是一場災難。那么,對此我們是否應該采取行動呢?選項A給出了肯定的答案:熱心的公民和科學家開始采取行動。人們不僅在區(qū)域范圍內采取行動,而且也在全球的范圍內采取行動。從1985年,保護生物多樣性的行動有了以下幾個特點:目標上更明確(precisely charted)、經濟上更有效(economically efficient)、政治上更敏感(politically sensitive)。

  43. [答案] E選項E和A的銜接關系體現(xiàn)在E段的主語(The increasing attention given to the biodiversity crisis)上,因為這正好是A段所講的內容。人們對生物多樣性的重視更加說明了生物多樣性研究的不足。

  44. [答案] D注意選項E的最后一句:By far the greatest fraction of the unknown species will be insects and microorganisms.(從目前的情況來看,最大一批未知的物種將是昆蟲和微生物。)因此,我們可以從現(xiàn)有的選項中尋找包含相同或相近的用詞,當然最好能夠找到語意銜接的句子。選項D是最恰當?shù)模@一段的內容正好是對選項[E]最后一句的解釋,即為什么說最大一批未知的物種將是昆蟲和微生物。

  45. [答案] G選項D介紹余下90%的物種將在25年內被發(fā)現(xiàn)。之所以會在這么短的時間內發(fā)現(xiàn)這么多的物種,其原因是因為人類可以借助(生物學)兩個突破(developments)加速生物多樣性的研究。那么,選項G正好是介紹這兩個突破。

  Part C

  46. 根據最近的幾份關于美國公立學校缺陷的報告,最讓人擔憂的問題之一是,教師職業(yè)對優(yōu)秀大學生缺乏吸引力。

  47. 教師流失是由諸如教室暴力、肆意破壞行為、工資待遇低、非自愿的調動、家長橫加干涉、班級過大以及作業(yè)繁重等多種問題引起的。

  48. 盡管將來的收入會更加有限,美國大眾對教師的態(tài)度會越來越差,搗亂的學生會制造麻煩,但是許多優(yōu)秀學生仍然希望從事教師職業(yè)。

  49. 未來的教師會發(fā)現(xiàn)全國性的教師組織、各州的發(fā)證機構和地方政府會加大力度,提高教師的地位,并且增加教師的工資。

  50. 雖然在從教生涯中,通常第一年最讓人有挫折感,但在處理涉及教學與學生、家長、學校領導和同事的問題時所積累的經驗對于將來的成功有著不可估量的價值。

  Section Ⅲ Writing

  Part A

  Dear Sir,

  My name is Li Ming. We met last Tuesday afternoon. It is very kind of you to offer me a job interview this Thursday afternoon (December 20). But I am very sorry to write to you and tell you that I can't meet the appointment. My supervisor has rescheduled his lecture to Thursday afternoon, so I won't be able to excuse myself then.

  I'll be very grateful if you could kindly schedule my job interview to anytime Friday afternoon. You see, I've been looking forward to the interview.

  Please spare a little time of yours to send me a message or give me a call and inform me of your decision.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Ming

  Part B

  Let Love Stay

  In the drawing, we can see that a man is about to kill himself by jumping down from the tall building. Some rescuers are doing their best to save him. A large crowd has gathered on the ground, watching. What hurts me and makes my blood hot is the young guy. He is such a money maniac that he starts his money-making by renting out telescope there. And some people seem to be more interested in the spectacle than concerned about the death of a desperate person. What a heartless lot they are.

  The picture reveals a saddening phenomenon in our society that the obsession of money in some people has driven away the humanity in them.

  Look at the picture: a life is at stake. Let's do something to save him. Encouraging remarks may cheer him up to give up the foolish idea. Heart-to-heart talks may remove the thought that has troubled him. The call of love will wake up the hope in his heart. The love from our society will certainly give him the courage to live. So I call to people to stretch out our helping hands. Let love stay and let life stay.











