As is shown above, on the chair sits a man, buying a bottle of water from the steward, with his phone paying for the cost. Simple as the picture is, the author intends to convey much more complicated and profound meaning.
The purpose of the drawer is to show that mobile payment is playing a significant role in our life. Nowadays, with the development and progress of society, advanced mobile payment technology are not only necessary but also indispensable in modern society. As far as I am concerned, it can promote economic development improve peoples work efficiency and provide better service for everyone. Whats more, the proper and efficient use of mobile payment technology can also largely increase the customer satisfaction when they consume.No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the scene the picture depicted for us above.
The application of modern mobile payment technology can creates a wholly – new payment model. In view of the importance of mobile payment technology, we must, doubtlessly, establish a coordinated mechanism to ensure its everlasting rewarding on our society.
Means of travelling
Means of transportation