
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-01-25 14:05:00 英語六級 我要投稿


  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.


  Many bankers may be worried about whether some fancy product dreamed up might yetlead to a visit from the police. Daniel Dantas, a financier, who has profited by operating at themiddle place where business and government meet in Brazil, has been opening the door to findthe police outside for much of the

  past decade. On December 2nd he was convicted of a less sophisticated crime: trying tobribe police officers. Mr. Dantas, who has acquired great notoriety in Brazil, was fined $ 5million and sentenced to ten years in prison. He has appealed against his conviction.

  The charge stems from a police investigation into money-laundering (洗錢)known asOperation Satiagraha. It grew out of a previous investigation into Mr. Dantas' use of Kroll, asecurity consultancy, to watch over his business partners. During this investigation the policeseized a computer from Opportunity, Mr. Dantas's investment bank, which contained datafrom the mid-1990s to 2004 and apparently showed suspicious movements of money.

  The judge found that Mr. Dantas tried to pay bribes, via two go-betweens, to keep hisname out of the Satiagraha investigation. A man fitted with a bugging device was offered $1million in cash, with another $ 4 million to follow, the police say. They claim that Mr. Dantas'strick involved money travelling to the Cayman Islands, then via the British Virgin Islands to anaccount in Ireland, on to Delaware, and then re-entering Brazil as foreign investment.

  For Mr. Dantas his crime is a steep fall from grace. A man who sleeps little and socializesless, he is a vegetarian and self-made billionaire, a gifted financier who has serially fallen outwith his business partners. He once controlled a large telecoms firm, acting for investors whoincluded Citigroup. He says he is the victim of a conspiracy mounted by the government.

  It is Mr. Dantas' supposed influence in government circles that has added to his notoriety.During the1990s, when many state-owned businesses were privatized, Mr. Dantas positionedhimself as the man with the needed expertise and contacts. He enjoyed easy access to thegovernment of President Femando Henrique Cardoso, including meetings with the presidenthimself. That influence carried through into the government of President Luiz Inacio Lula daSilva. Mr. Dantas is alleged to have been one of the funders of a cash-for-votes scheme inBrazil's  Congress mounted by leaders of Lula's Workers' Party in 2003-2004. Many of thosewho have had dealings with Mr. Dantas insist that these have been legitimate and conducted ingood faith. They include Luiz Eduardo Greenhalgh, a lawyer and PT politician, whom he hired asa consultant.

  1. What kind of crime was Daniel Dantas convicted of according to the passage?

  A.A crime quite experienced and tactful.

  B.A crime by operating at the middle place.

  C.A crime attempting to temper police to work for him.

  D.A crime in money-laundering.

  2. How did the police convict the charge against Mr. Dantas according to the passage?

  A.They seized a computer by chance and got some evidence.

  B.They directly conducted a probe into him.

  C.They found he tempered police officers to  his name.

  D.They questioned him and made sure the process of money-laundering.

  3. Mr. Dantas' relationship with his business partners is that __

  A.he usually gets along well with them

  B.he does not have a good relationship with them

  C.he totally trusts all of his business partners

  D.he believes that they make him a victim

  4. What can we learn about Mr. Dantas according to the passage?

  A.He is a gifted financier and less socialized person.

  B.He always enjoys notorious fame in economic and political field.

  C.He is a vegetarian who likes making food by himself.

  D.His tragedy was mounted by the government conspiracy.

  5. What kind of relationship is reflected between Mr. Dantas and government in thepassage?

  A.His influence on government may reduce his notoriety and crime.

  B.In business privatization, he participated with demanding expertise.

  C.He never meets the President himself.

  D.People knowing him deem that he was sheer evil.



  2.C)。由定位句可知,作者從第二段開始講述丹塔斯先生的定罪過程。其中第三段第一句提到The judge found that Mr.Dantas tried to pay bribes…to ke his name out of the Satiagrahainvestigation,可見是因為法官發(fā)現(xiàn)丹塔斯先生試圖賄賂警官,將其從調(diào)查的黑名單中刪除才定的罪,C)符合題意。


  4.A)。由定位句可知,他是很有天賦的金融家,卻少社交,A)符合題意。第四段第一句提到For Mr.Dantas his crime is a steep fall from grace,可見其原來有很好的.聲譽;而且有很多事跡:self-made billionaire,a gifted financier,controlled a large telecoms firm,the man with theneeded expertise and contacts,one of the funders of a cash—for-votes scheme,這些都說明他的聲譽不錯,故排除B);由定位句可知,他是個素食主義者,依靠自己的力量發(fā)家致富,并沒有說他自己做飯,故排除C);第四段最后一句提到He says he is the victim of a conspiracy mounted by thegovernment,這只是他本人這么認為,并沒有得到證實,故排除D)。

  5.B)。由定位句中supposed influence in government可知,本段是對丹塔斯先生和政府關(guān) 系的描述。其中第二句提到During the l990s,when many state-owned businesses wereprivatized,Mr. Dantas positioned himself as the man with the needed expertise andcontacts,可見在私有化改革時,丹塔斯先生參與并提供了專家型的指導(dǎo)意見,B)符合題意。










