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時(shí)間:2021-01-25 08:01:01 英語六級 我要投稿





  The 4t h Of July1—A Day Of Rejoicing

  The 4 th of July is the most important holiday in theUSA, for it commemorates that famous day in 1776when the Americans declared their independence .Congress2 made the declaration in Philadelphia, andthat night in the city there were joyful celebrationsthat soon became nationwide. Ever since, the 4 th ofJuly has been marked in the American calendar asIndependence Day, and there are parades and festivities of all kinds.

  The basic cause of the Americans’ struggle for independence against the mother country,England, was too much interference and intolerance from London and very littleunderstanding of American problems and pride. Most galling to the Americans was theassumption by the English Government and the King that they had a right to tax theirsubjects overseas without their consent and without giving them anything in return. 3

  The British were divided. It was a war inspiring no patriotism.

  As for the troops which the Government sent to fight the rebels, they were unenthusiastic andincompetent, especially their leaders.

  The Americans had no army. In fact, it is quite possible that but for the extraordinary faithand leadership of George Washington, the revolution might have come to nothing. 4 He builtan army that remained loyal to him until the end, despite terrible hardships. He was a truefrontiersman. He had seen lands that he knew would make an independent America a mightynation. He was given valuable support by the two great patriots — Thomas Jefferson andBenjamin Franklin. 5 It was Franklin who helped persuade the French to come into the waragainst the British.

  In 1781 a British army commanded by an exceptionally incompetent general, Lord Cornwallis,surrendered to the Americans at Yorktown6 , Virginia , and the war was over. Not longafterward, the 13 colonies became States and joined together in a Union.

  The effect of the American Revolution was far-reaching. The Declaration of Independence drawnup by Thomas Jefferson is one of the most important documents ever published, and itdropped like a bombshell on the western world. Here are the two sentences which shook theruling classes of Europe.“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are createdequal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among theseare life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ”7 The second sen048 tence was even moredisturbing to them:“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men,deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ”


 、. Chan ge the following verbs in parentheses into the irnoun forms:

  1. Their ________( assume ) that their project under way was something entirely new provedto be untrue .

  2. He showed strong ________( lead) during his first term in office.

  3. The whole book is produced and edited in the ________( pursue) of excellence .

  4. If your neighbors are too noisy then you have cause for ________( complain ) .

  Ⅱ. Are these sta tements True or False according to the article ?

  1. The 4 th of July is a day for rejoicing because Christopher Columbus discovered the NewWorld on this day.

  2. In the British Parliament, there has achieved a consensus on fighting against the Americancolony.

  3. The United States is originally composed of thirteen colonies.

  4. It was Jefferson who persuaded the French to stand with themselves to fight against theBritish together.


 、. 1. assumption 2 . leadership 3 . pursuit4 . complaint Ⅱ. 1. F 2. F 3 . T 4 . F


  7 月4 日——?dú)g慶的一天

  7 月4 日是美國最重要的節(jié)日, 因?yàn)樗o(jì)念了1776 年美國人宣告獨(dú)立的那個(gè)非常重要 的日子。就在那天, 大陸會(huì)議在費(fèi)城發(fā)表《獨(dú)立宣言》, 那天晚上該城還舉行了各種歡慶活 動(dòng), 不久這些活動(dòng)很快就遍及全國。從那以后, 7 月4 日在美國的日歷上就被標(biāo)為獨(dú)立日。 在獨(dú)立日那天, 美國各地會(huì)有形式多樣的游行和慶祝活動(dòng)。

  美國人反對母國英國、爭取獨(dú)立的根本原因是倫敦方面干涉太多, 過于固執(zhí), 而且很少 理解美國人的種種問題和自尊心。最使美國人惱火的是英國政府和國王傲慢地認(rèn)為他們 有權(quán)不經(jīng)他們海外臣民的同意征收稅款, 卻不給予任何回報(bào)。


  至于英國政府派去與反叛者作戰(zhàn)的部隊(duì), 他們并不熱心, 也無力作戰(zhàn), 他們的頭目更是 如此。

  美國人沒有自己的軍隊(duì)。事實(shí)上, 要是沒有喬治· 華盛頓異常的忠誠和非凡的領(lǐng)導(dǎo), 049 這 場革命本來是很可能會(huì)一事無成的。盡管條件十分艱苦, 他仍然創(chuàng)建了一支始終忠于他 的軍隊(duì)。他是個(gè)名副其實(shí)的邊疆開拓者。他已經(jīng)看出他所熟悉的那些土地將會(huì)使獨(dú)立的 美國成為一個(gè)強(qiáng)大的國家。他還得到了兩位杰出的愛國志士托馬斯· 杰斐遜和本杰明· 富蘭克林的寶貴支持。正是富蘭克林說服了法國人同英國人交戰(zhàn)。

  1781 年, 異常無能的將軍康沃利斯勛爵指揮下的英國軍隊(duì)在弗吉尼亞的約克敦向美 國人投降了, 于是戰(zhàn)爭宣告結(jié)束。之后不久, 13 個(gè)殖民地變成了13 個(gè)州, 共同組成一個(gè) 聯(lián)邦。

  美國獨(dú)立戰(zhàn)爭的影響是深遠(yuǎn)的。由托馬斯· 杰斐遜起草的《獨(dú)立宣言》是有史以來發(fā) 表過的最重要的文獻(xiàn)之一, 它像一顆炸彈一樣扔向西方世界。下面兩句話震撼了歐洲統(tǒng)治 階級———“ 我們認(rèn)為這些真理不言自明: 所有人都是生來平等的, 他們都有上帝賦予的某些 不可剝奪的權(quán)利, 其中包括生存權(quán)、自由權(quán)和追求幸福的權(quán)利。”第二句話甚至更使他們感 到不安,“ 為了保護(hù)這些權(quán)利, 人們便設(shè)立政府, 政府的正當(dāng)權(quán)力來自被統(tǒng)治者的同意。”


  Guy Fawkes Night

  When November 5 th comes, many people feel thatthey should give their dog a sedative, for somedogs get very nervous when they hear loud bangs,and the evening of Guy Fawkes Day is sure to benoisy if there are children living in your neighborhoodin England.

  November 5 th is a day on which, traditionally,children are allowed, under proper supervision, to let off fireworks, to make a bonfire and burnon it the figure of a ragged dummy ( a‘guy2 ’) made of old clothes, straw, and — if possible —one of father’s oldest hats. Even the smaller children are allowed to stay up until it is really dark,so that they can admire the rockets that burst in the sky and send down a shower of many-colored sparks.

  The origin of this custom lies in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 . In that year King James I3 wason the throne . Harsh measures had been taken against members of the Roman Catholic faithand certain Catholics plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament4 on November 5th , whenthe King was to open Parliament and when, of course , all the Members would be present. Theplotters had hired premises adjoining the House of Lords, and had been able to obtain accessto a vault beneath the House. There, they had stored thirty-six barrels of gunpowder. Thesewere to be blown up, when the time came , by a very brave, cool-headed man, Guy Fawkes.Unfortunately, according to the traditional account, the plot was discovered when one of theplotters wrote to warn a relation. On November 4 th the vaults were searched , and Guy Fawkeswas found and arrested. It is said that he had been warned that the plot had been discovered,but he gallantly persisted in his purpose, hoping against hope 5 that he might be favored bychance and be able to rid his country of6 men whom he considered evil. He was condemned tobe hanged, along with others of his fellow conspirators. He met his death with great fortitude .

  It is the failure of this man, who was staunch in his faith though perhaps misguided in actions,that is perpetuated by the children’s fireworks of November 5 th . It is a poor tribute toFawkes’s courage that his Christian name7, Guy, was long used in English to denote a personwho is a figure of fun chiefly because of his odd dress.


 、. Fill in each blank according to the article :

  1. Children are allowed, under proper supervision, to _________( 燃放) fireworks, to make a_________( 篝火) and burn on it the figure of a _________( 衣衫襤褸的) dummy.

  2. Certain Catholics _________( 密謀, 策劃) to ( 炸毀) the Houses of Parliament on November 5th .

  3. He was_________ ( 判刑) to be_________ ( 絞死) , along with others of his fellow_________( 陰謀者) .

  4. He met his death with great_________ ( 剛毅, 堅(jiān)忍) .

  5. It is the failure of this man, who was ( 堅(jiān)定的) in his faith though perhaps misguided inactions, that is _________( 使不朽) by the children’s fireworks of November 5 th.

 、. Choose the item which best explains the meaning of the underlined word :

  1. They’ve long been plotting to kill him.

  A. 構(gòu)思情節(jié)B. 密謀C. 標(biāo)出……的位置

  2. The newly built apartment house blocks our view.

  A. 視野B. 觀點(diǎn)C. 視圖

  3. They condemned him for his treacherous behavior.

  A. 判刑B. 譴責(zé)C. 迫使( 某人) 陷于不幸的境地


  Ⅰ. 1. let off / bonfire / ragged 2. plotted / blow up 3.condemned / hanged / conspirators 4. fortitude 5.staunch / perpetuated

 、. 1. B 2. A 3 . B



  每逢11 月5 日, 許多人就會(huì)想到: 該給狗服鎮(zhèn)靜藥了。這是因?yàn)楣芬宦牭秸鸲@的` 爆竹聲, 就會(huì)緊張不安, 嚇得魂飛魄散。在英國, 要是鄰家住有小孩的話, 蓋伊·?怂构(jié)之夜就一定十分喧鬧。

  按照傳統(tǒng)的習(xí)慣, 11 月5 日這天, 孩子可以在大人的監(jiān)護(hù)下放煙花, 點(diǎn)篝火, 還可以把 一個(gè)衣衫襤褸的假人像( 蓋伊像) 放在上面燒, 它是用舊衣服、稻草、以及父親的舊帽子( 如果弄得到的話) 做成的。在那天, 甚至年齡很小的小孩也準(zhǔn)許玩到很晚, 這樣孩子就可以觀 賞直沖天空的花炮和五彩繽紛的煙花了。

  這一風(fēng)俗起源于1605 年的“ 炸藥事件”。那年, 詹姆士一世國王在位。當(dāng)時(shí), 他對羅馬 天主教徒采取了殘酷的鎮(zhèn)壓手段, 于是, 一些天主教徒密謀策劃于11 月5 日這天, 趁全體 議員到會(huì)國王宣布議會(huì)開幕之時(shí), 炸掉議會(huì)大廈。密謀者租借了與上議院相鄰的屋子, 他 們還找到了通往上議院地下室的路。在那里, 他們貯藏了36 桶炸藥。等時(shí)間一到, 就由一 位非常勇敢、頭腦冷靜的名叫蓋伊· 福克斯的人將炸藥點(diǎn)燃。據(jù)說, 不幸的是有一個(gè)密謀 者預(yù)先寫信警告了他的一位親戚, 以致事情敗露。11 月4 日, 議會(huì)大廈的所有地下室都被 搜查, 蓋伊· ?怂贡话l(fā)現(xiàn)并遭逮捕。據(jù)說, 事先有人警告過他計(jì)劃已經(jīng)被人發(fā)覺, 但他仍 然勇敢地堅(jiān)持自己的目標(biāo), 希望能僥幸成功, 把國家從他視為惡魔的那些人手中解救出來。 他和他的同謀者一起被處以絞刑。面對死亡, 他毫無懼色。

  蓋伊的失敗因每年11 月5 日孩子們的煙火而被人們永遠(yuǎn)記了下來。盡管他在行動(dòng)時(shí) 可能受了錯(cuò)誤指引, 可他對自己的信念是堅(jiān)定不移的。蓋伊是?怂沟慕堂, 長期以來, 蓋 伊這個(gè)詞在英語中主要是指因穿著古怪而顯得滑稽的人, 這對于贊頌?怂沟挠職獠⒉缓线m。










