
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-01-15 14:51:44 英語六級 我要投稿





  The newborn can see the difference between various shapes and patterns from birth. He prefers patterns to dull or bright solid colors and looks longer at stripes and angles than at circular patterns. Within three weeks, however, his preference shifts dramatically to the human face.

  Why should a baby with so little visual experience attend more to a human face than to any other kind of pattern’? Some scientists think this preference represents a built in advantage for the human species. The object of prime importance to the physically helpless infant is a human being. Babies seem to have a natural tendency to the human face as potentially rewarding. Researchers also point out that the newborn wisely relies more on pattern than on outline, size, or color. Pattern remains stable, while outline changes with point of view; size, with distance from an object; and brightness and color, with lighting.

  Mothers have always claimed that they could see their newborns looking at them as they held them, despite what they have been told. The experts who thought that perception (知覺) had to await physical development and the consequence of action were wrong for several reasons. Earlier research techniques were less sophisticated than they are today. Physical skills were once used to indicate perception of objects-skills like visual tracking and reaching for an object, both of which the newborn does poorly. Then, too, assumptions that the newborn’s eye and brain were too immature for anything as sophisticated as pattern recognition caused opposing data to be thrown away. Since perception of form was widely believed to follow perception of more “basic” qualities such as color and brightness, the possibility of its presence from birth was rejected.

  31.What does a newborn baby like to see most’?

  A) Bright colors.

  B) Circular patterns.

  C) Stripes and angles.

  D) Various shapes.

  32.The newborn pays more attention to a human face than any other kind of objects because ________.

  A) he sees a human face more often than any other kind of pattern

  B) he has an inherent ability to regard a human being as helpful

  C) a human face is the most complex pattern he can see

  D) a human face is often accompanied by a pleasant voice

  33.Contrary to what they believe, mothers have been told that newborns ________.

  A) care little about a human face

  B) can’t track their movements

  C) can’t see their faces

  D) can easily perceive brightness

  34.In earlier researches on the newborn’s perception, scientists ________.

  A) ignored evidence contrary to their assumptions

  B) believed that perception of form comes before perception of color and brightness

  C) opposed throwing away effective data

  D) proved that physical skills come after visual perception

  35.The main idea of the passage is that ________.

  A) research techniques are of vital importance scientific investigation

  B) the findings of earlier scientific researchers often prove wrong

  C) newborns can perceive forms from birth

  D) more often than not the claims of mothers are reliable




  The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religio, which denotes both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence. In modern usage, religion covers a wide spectrum of meaning that reflects the enormous variety of ways the term can be interpreted. At one extreme, many committed believers recognize only their own tradition as a religion, understanding expressions such as worship and prayer to refer exclusively to the practices of their tradition. Although many believers stop short of claiming an exclusive status for their tradition, they may nevertheless use vague or idealizing terms in defining religion for example, true love of God, or the path of enlightenment. At the other extreme, religion may be equated with ignorance, fanaticism, or wishful thinking.

  By defining religion as a sacred engagement with what is taken to be a spiritual reality, it is possible to consider the importance of religion in human life without making claims about what it really is or ought to be. Religion is not an object with a single, fixed meaning, or even a zone with clear boundaries. It is an aspect of human experience that may intersect, incorporate, or transcend other aspects of life and society. Such a definition avoid the drawbacks of limiting the investigation of religion to Western or biblical categories such as monotheism (belief in one god only) or to church structure, which are not universal. For example, in tribal societies, religion unlike the Christian church usually is not a separate institution but pervades the whole of public and private life.

  In Buddhism, gods are not as central as the idea of a Buddha. In many traditional cultures, the idea of a sacred cosmic order is the most prominent religious belief. Because of this variety, some scholars prefer to use a general term such as the sacred to designate the common foundation of religious life.

  Religion in this understanding includes a complex of activities that cannot be reduced to any single aspect of human experience. It is a part of individual life but also of group dynamics. Religion includes patterns of behavior but also patterns of language and thought. It is sometimes a highly organized institution that sets itself apart from a culture, and it is sometimes an integral part of a culture. Religious experience may be expressed in visual symbols, dance and performance, elaborate philosophical systems, legendary and imaginative stories, formal ceremonies, and detailed rules of ethical conduct and law. Each of these elements assumes innumerable cultural forms. In some ways there are as many forms of religious expression as there are human cultural environments.

  1. What is the passage mainly concerned about?

  A. Religion has a variety of interpretation.

  B. Religion is a reflection of ignorance.

  C. Religion is not only confined to the Christian categories.

  D. Religion includes all kinds of activities.

  2. What does the word “observance” probably convey in Para. 1?

  A. notice

  B. watching

  C. conformity

  D. experience

  3. According to the passage what people generally consider religion to be?

  A. Fantastic observance

  B. Spiritual practice

  C. Individual observance of tradition

  D. A complex of activities

  4. Which of the following is not true?

  A. It is believed by some that religion should be what it ought to be.

  B. “The path of enlightenment” is a definition that the author doesn’t agree to.

  C. According to the author, the committed believers define religion improperly.

  D. The author doesn’t speak in favor of the definition of “the sacred”.

  5. Which of the following is religion according to the passage?

  A. Performance of human beings.

  B. Buddha, monotheism and some tribal tradition.

  C. Practice separated from culture.

  D. All the above.





《家》 閱讀練習附答案02-10






