
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-01-30 09:32:09 英語六級 我要投稿






  中國的四大發(fā)明包括指南針、火藥、造紙術(shù)和印刷術(shù),它們是中國在人類文明史上占有重要地位的標(biāo)志之一。第一個指南針產(chǎn)生于戰(zhàn)國時期(the Warring States Period),是利用天然磁石(natural magnet)來辨別方向的一種簡單儀器;鹚幇l(fā)明于隋唐時期,主要應(yīng)用于軍事領(lǐng)域,造紙術(shù)于東漢年間由蔡倫改進,使紙成為人們普遍使用的書寫材料。印刷術(shù),又稱活字印刷術(shù),大大促進了文化的傳播。四大發(fā)明對世界經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展和人類文化的進步做出了巨大的貢獻。


  Four great inventions of China include the compass,gun powder,the paper-making technique and the printing technique.They are one of the marks that China occupies an important position in the history of human civilization.The first compass was invented during the Warring States Period.It was a simple device employing natural magnets to identify directions.Gunpowder was invented in Sui and Tang Dynasties and was mainly used in military areas.The paper-making technique was developed by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty,making paper a commonly used writing material.The Printing technique,also called movable type printing,promoted the spread of culture significantly.The four great inventions of China made tremendous contribution to the development of the world's economy and the progress of the culture of mankind.







  中國菜(cuisine)是中國各地區(qū)、各民族各種菜肴的統(tǒng)稱,也指發(fā)源于中國的烹飪方式。中國菜歷史悠久, 流派(genre)眾多,主要代表菜系有“八大菜系”。每一菜系因氣候、地理、歷史、烹飪技巧和生活方式的差異而風(fēng)格各異。中國菜的調(diào)料(seasoning)豐富多樣,調(diào)料的不同是形成地方特色菜的主要原因之一。中國菜強調(diào)色、香、味俱佳,味是菜肴的靈魂。中國飲食文化博大精深,作為世界三大菜系之一的中國菜,在海內(nèi)外享有盛譽。


  Chinese cuisine is a general term for the various foods from diverse regions and ethnic groups of China.It also refers to cooking styles originating from China.With a long history, Chinese cuisine has a number of different genres,the main representatives of which are "Eight Cuisines".Every cuisine is distinctive from one another due to the differences in climate,geography, history,cooking techniques and lifestyle.Chinese cuisine contains a rich variety of seasonings,which is one of main factors contributing to different local special dishes.Chinese cuisine lays emphasis on the perfect combination of color,flavor,and taste,and the soul of the dishes in taste.Chinese cuisine culture is extensive and profound,and Chinese cuisine,one of the Three World Cuisines,enjoys a reputation home and abroad.

  1.第一句話的漢語由兩個分句組成,句子較長,在譯成英文時,可把它拆分成兩句。“也指發(fā)源于中國的烹飪方式”可單獨譯成一句also refers to cooking styles originating fromChina,這樣可以更好的體現(xiàn)兩句的并列關(guān)系。

  2.第二句話由三個分句組成。翻譯時將“中國菜流派眾多”譯為主句,“歷史悠久”用with a history of...來表達,“主要代表菜系有…”則用非限制性定語從句表示。這樣可以使譯文結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,句式多樣。

  3.第三句中的'“風(fēng)格各異”可以用be distinctive from表達,比用have different styles更地道。






  As early as 100 years ago,studying abroad was seen as a strategy to strengthen the national power.Now,more and more students crave for studying abroad.Students nowadays are a bit aimless and casual when craving for studying abroad, which leads to many problems like exhausting all the savings of their family,wasting their youths but ending up by giving up halfway and even becoming trouble-making students”with many bad habits.It's better not follow the current craze of studying abroad blindly and it's most important to choose the direction fit for oneself,for“one can perform well in any field”.


  1.被視為:可譯為be seen as或be regarded as,be considered as等。

  2.越來越多的:除了用more and more翻譯以外,還可以用an increasing number of。

  3.留學(xué)熱:可譯為craze of studying abroad。其中craze意為“狂熱”。

  4.惡習(xí)纏身的“問題學(xué)生”:可譯為“trouble-making students”with many bad habits。

  5.最好不要盲目跟隨…:可譯為It's better not follow...blindly。



  助人為樂,是中華民族優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng)之一。通過“助人”,既向別人提供了幫助,又體現(xiàn)了一種自尊。幫助他人要擯棄私心雜念,不能處處為個人利益著想。遇事要多替別人考慮,主動伸手幫助那些需要幫助的人。做到助人為樂,要偷快面對生活,不能自尋煩惱。在幫助別人的同時,自己收獲快樂,享受生活的樂趣。做到助人為樂,要積極行動起來,不能只說不做。要腳踏實地(be down-to-earth),熱情周到地為他人服務(wù),哪怕是簡單的小事,也要從一點一滴做起。


  Being ready to help others is one of the fine traditions of Chinese nation.By helping others,one not only offered help to others,but also expressed one kind of self-respect.To help others,one should give up selfishness and shouldn't consider his own interest all the time.Think more of others and initiatively give a hand to those that need help.To be ready to help others,one should live happily and avoid asking for trouble.When helping others, one can get happiness at the same time and enjoy the pleasure of life.To be ready to help others,one should take action actively instead of just saying it.Be down-to-earth, and offer service to others with passion.Even for the simple things,just start doing them bit by bit.


  1.體現(xiàn)了一種自尊:可譯為express one kind of self-respect。

  2.擯棄私心雜念:“擯棄”可譯為give up,也可用abandon或get rid of表達。“私心雜念”可理解為“自私”,因此可簡單譯為selfishness。

  3.主動伸手幫助那些需要幫助的人:可譯為initiatively give a hand to those that need help。

  4.自尋煩惱:可譯為ask for trouble。ask for有“自找”的意思。



  宮保雞丁(Kung Pao Chicken)由雞丁、花生和紅辣椒做成,是著名的傳統(tǒng)川菜。這道菜以晚清時期的官員丁寶楨的名字命名。據(jù)說,丁寶楨很喜歡吃,尤其是 “爆炒雞丁”。丁寶楨在四川做巡撫(governor)時,他常常以爆炒雞丁宴請賓客。為了迎合四川賓客的口味,丁寶楨改良了他最愛的“爆炒雞丁”,加入了紅辣椒。結(jié)果, 辣的雞丁比以前更美味。丁寶楨后來被授予“太子少保(Palace Guardian)”的官銜, 也就是“宮保”。為了紀(jì)念丁寶楨,人們把他最愛的這道菜命名為“宮保雞丁”。


  Kung Pao Chicken, made with diced chicken, peanuts and chili pepper, is a famous traditional Sichuan dish. It was named after Ding Baozhen, a court official in the late Qing Dynasty. It is said that Mr.Ding was fond of food, especially “stir-fried diced chicken”. While he was governor in Sichuan Province, he often entertained his guests with this dish. In order to cater to his Sichuan guests' taste, Ding improved his favorite “stir-fried diced chicken” by putting chili pepper into the ingredients. As a result, the dish with its spicy flavor was more delicious than ever. Since Ding was later granted the title “Palace Guardian”,also called Kung Pao, people named his favorite dish “Kung Pao Chicken” in order to commemorate him.


  1.著名的傳統(tǒng)川菜:可譯為a famous traditional Sichuan dish。其中dish思為“一道菜”。

  2.喜歡吃:可譯為be fond of food。be fond o德為“愛好,喜愛”。


  4.宴請賓客:“宴請”可以用動詞entertain或treat表達。“用…款待”可用entertain with或treat with表達;“賓客”即guests。

  5.迎合四川賓客的口味:“迎合”可譯為cater to,故“迎合某人的口味”即cater to one,s taste。

  6.被授予…官銜:可譯為be granted the title。






英語六級翻譯能力怎么提高 有哪些答題技巧02-09




