
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-01-06 17:05:40 英語六級 我要投稿


  In Church


  Not only politeness but also an attitude ofreverence is demanded in church. If one is notfamiliar with1 the service, he may maintain arespectful silence, standing when others stand,sitting when they sit, and bowing during prayer. Onentering a church an usher2 will probably show youto a seat and it is polite to take the one indicated byhim, though it is quite proper to whisper a suggestion that one does not want to sit too far tothe front, or that one is a little deaf and would like to sit well forward.

  It is usual for anyone attending church to take some money along for the offering, as it is aregular part of every church service and is used for the work of the church. Good clothes, butnever evening clothes, are worn to a church service. In some churches it is improper for a ladynot to wear a hat. It is impolite and disrespectful to talk or whisper, to eat or chew3anything, or to enter or leave during the service. One must come on time and stay till theservice is over. When the service is over, one passes quietly out of the church with the otherworshippers. In many churches it is considered irreverent to talk before one has reached theentrance hall.

  Sometimes the "Lord's Supper" or "Communion4" is observed at the end of the service. This isa special service for the fellowship of Christians, and one is not supposed to5 participateunless he is a Christian. He may sit quietly and observe the service if he wishes.


 、. Please add the exact p re fix ( 前綴) to the following words to change them into theirantonyms ( 反義詞) :

  A. im- B. ir- C. il- D. dis 1. reverent ( ) 2. respectful ( ) 3 . proper ( ) 4. polite ( ) 5. regular ( ) 6. legal ( )

  Ⅱ. Are these statements True or False according to the article?

  1. It is necessary to take some money when going to church. 2. In some churches it isacceptable for one to wear evening clothes. 3. It is forbidden for non-Christians to attendand watch the Communion.


 、. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4 . A 5. B 6. C

 、. 1. T 2. F 3 . F


  Buddhism is the only important foreign religiousinfluence that has become part and parcel2 ofChinese life. The influence is so deep that we nowspeak of children’s dolls, and sometimes the childrenthemselves, as“ little Buddha ”, and the EmpressDowager3 herself was addressed as“Old Buddha”.The Goddess of Mercy and the laughing Buddha 4have become Chinese household words. Buddhism has affected our language , our food, ourarts, our sculpture and directly inspired the characteristic pagoda5 . It has stimulated ourliterature and our whole world of imagination. The little monkish figure, with his bald head andhis gray robes, forms an intimate part of any panorama of society, and Buddhist temples,rather than those of Confucius, are the center of the town and village life, where the eldersgather to decide on6 village matters and annual celebrations. Its monks and nuns penetratethe privacies of Chinese households, on all occasions of births, deaths and weddings, as noother persons are allowed to do, and hardly a widow or virgin can be seduced , according to theChinese novels, without the help of these religious figures.

  Buddhism has conquered China as a philosophy and as a religion, as a philosophy for thescholars and as a religion for the common people. Whereas Confucianism has only a philosophyof moral conduct, Buddhism possesses a logical method, a metaphysics7 , and a theory ofknowledge . Besides, it is fortunate in having a high tradition of scholarship in the translationsof Buddhist classics, and the language of these translations, so succinct and often sodistinguished by a beautiful lucidity of language and reasoning, cannot but attract scholarswith a philosophical bias. Hence Buddhism has always enjoyed a prestige among the Chinesescholars, which so far Christianity has failed to achieve.


 、. Fill in each blank with the proper form of the words given in the brackets :

  1. The injury to their key player could be a________ ( decide ) factor in the basketball game .

  2. The president is paying a ________ ( privacy) visit to Europe.

  3. She had the good ________ ( fortunate) to be free from the disease.

  4. Some ________ ( influence) politicians change the world chaotic situation.

  5. The offer of a high salary and a free house is very________ ( seduce) . 6. He is a truly________ ( religion ) man who goes to church every day.

  Ⅱ. Answer the following question in your own words :

  Why can Buddhism win the favor of Chinese scholars?


 、. 1. decisive / deciding 2. private 3 . fortune 4.influential 5 . seductive 6. religious

  Ⅱ. Because Buddhism possesses a logical method, ametaphysics, and a theory of knowledge, inaddition, Buddhist classics have been translatedinto brief and beautiful Chinese .


  The number of Muslims worldwide is estimated to bein excess of one billion, making Islam the largestfaith community after Christianity. Of this numberthe overwhelming majority would identifythemselves as Sunni2 Muslims whilst about 15 percent follow a variety of Shiah3 Muslim persuasions.The Arabic word islam means the willingrecognition of and active submission to the guiding command of the One God, Allah4.Whoever acts in this manner is called a muslim, one who acknowledges and submits to the sole, unique God. The Islamic tradition or din( a word which conveys the sense of obedienceclosely related to islam ) is founded upon the guiding command of Allah as contained in theKoran5 . Muslims hold the Koran to be the word of God delivered to Muhammad6, God’s electedmessenger. The revelations were received in just over a twenty-year period , first in Mecca7 ,the Prophet’s birthplace , and later in Medina8 where the first community was established.Both these cities are in present day Saudi Arabia and are regarded by all Muslims as the centralholy places of their faith.

  A Muslim must make formal prayers each day at five appointed times: at daybreak, at noon, inmidafternoon, at sunset and after nightfall. The mosque is the place of public worship in Islam.If a mosque is too far away, a Muslim may pray in his own home or elsewhere on a specialprayer rug or mat. He takes formal postures for each statement in the prayer, until heachieves full prostration in the direction of Mecca. Mecca is the holy city and the center ofworship for Muslims. It is not only because Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad, but alsobecause there exist the Kaaba 9— the holiest shrine, and the Black Stone. It is believed thatthe Kaaba was built by Abraham and the Stone was brought out of Paradise by Adam. Everyyear numerous pilgrims go to Mecca to pay homage. Thus the word“Mecca”has come intoEnglish language, meaning“place one aspires to visit”


 、. Are the sestatements True or False according to the article ?

  1. Shiah is the biggest sect of Islam.

  2. Muhammad founded the religion of Islam and he was the messenger of Allah.

  3. Every Muslim must go to mosque every day to say his prayers. )

  Ⅱ. Translate the Chinese into English , using the word or phrase in paren theses :

  1. 花錢切勿超過你的收入。( in excess of) 2. 他拒絕服從不公正的決定。( submit to) 3. 我們對莎士比亞的天才表示敬仰。( pay homage to)


 、. 1. F 2. T 3 . F

 、. 1. Never spend in excess of your income. 2. Herefused to submit to an unjust decision. 3. We payhomage to the genius of Shakespeare.









