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時(shí)間:2021-01-06 12:16:31 英語(yǔ)六級(jí) 我要投稿


  Old Race, New Places


  The drums beat as the dragon boats race . Thismust be mainland China or Taiwan, right? Thinkagain. These days the traditional Chinese boats areracing in places as unlikely as England and Italy.Dragon -boat racing was introduced to the world in1982, when the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival1included international competitors. In the 1990s,dragon-boat racing caught on2 in many non-Asian countries. It quickly became the world’sfastest-growing water sport. What’s the appeal3 ? Dragon-boat racing combines athleticcompetition , cultural interest and just plain fun.

  The boats are manned4 by 20 paddlers, one drummer and one person who steers. Nearly 18meters long, the colorful boats resemble dragons with elaborate heads and tails. The teampaddles to the beat of the drum. The boats speed along, rising high and moving smoothlyalong the water. In about three to six minutes, they cross the finish line.

  The races recall Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet in ancient China. When he drowned in the Mi LuoRiver, the people raced out to save him. But they were too late .

  Dragon boats are now racing in towns and cities around the world. Students, working peopleand older people race for fun and exercise . Serious paddlers compete for cups and medals. Inthe United States, the Pacific Northwest International Dragon Cup is in its 11 th year. InToronto, about 250, 000 spectators turn out for dragon-boat races each summer. Swedenhas over 400 teams. Poland, too, has several dragon-boat clubs.

  There are even consulting businesses to help people organize local dragon-boat events. Theyhelp with site selection, team training and safety. Besides that, non-profit organizations holdcompetitions to raise money.

  And various regional and worldwide races — too many to name — keep serious paddlers busy.In September 2003 , Rome hosted the Club Crews World Championship. In 2004, world-classteams gathered in Shanghai for the fifth International Dragon Boat Federation races. In 2005 . . .

  Going to Europe this summer? If so, just remember: When in Rome, do as the Chinese do! 5


 、. Complete each sentence with a pro per word , making changes where necessary: ( catch on,appeal, man, patriotic , spectator, consult, amateur, worldclass)

  1. Lily is an _________tennis player.

  2. Several thousand _________watched the basketball game.

  3. That new hairstyle has really_________ . Many people have that hairstyle now.

  4. This company does _________work. It helps people start business.

  5. The girls _________will the radar till we get back.

  6. Kim really loves her country. She is very_________ .

  7. This is a _________restaurant. It is known for having excellent quality.

  8. The new fashion soon lost its_________ .

 、. An swe r the followin g que stio n in your own words :

  Why does the Dragon-boat Racing become so popular in the world ?


 、. 1. amateur 2. spectators 3. caught on 4 .consulting 5. man 6. patriotic 7 . world-class 8.appeal

 、. Because it combines athletic competition,cultural interest and just plain fun, and people of allages can take part in this activity.

  Craze In First Run Of Bulls

  Bulls and humans alike slipped and slid on thecobblestone streets, but the first of Pamplona'sannual runs with the bulls was largely free of injuryas thousands of daredevils2 sprinted with the half-ton animals.

  Some runners, sounding disappointed, said theywould seek out greater danger in coming days as thewidely popular, centuries-old San Fermin3 festival serves up six more runs this week.

  “ It was a bit timid, to be honest. Nowhere near as scary as in the books, ”said Johnny, 26,from New Zealand, here for the first time after reading about San Fermin on a website.

  “Tomorrow we are going to try and run a bit closer to the bulls and get a bit more adrenaline, ”added his friend, Richard, 26 , cradling the day's first beer.

  The streets were slightly slick with morning dew as six fighting bulls and six steers dashedfrom a corral along the 900 -yard course through the city’s old quarter to the bull ring.

  At two sharp turns, several bulls slipped and went down with a heavy thud, and two bulls wereseparated from the pack. And a minor pileup of fallen runners formed at the tunnel leadinginto the bullring. Bulls jumped or stepped over the runners.

  Thousands of people watching in the street and from balconies shouted as the bulls rumbledthrough the city’s old quarter, taking just over two and a half minutes to cover course.

  No one was gored, although four people who were trampled were hospitalized for treatment ofhead, chest, rib or leg injuries. None was seriously hurt.

  The steers are meant to keep the bulls more or less in a cluster — a spooked, isolated bull isvery dangerous

  The fiesta 4, famed for its all-night street parties, dates back to the late 16 th century butgained world fame from Ernest Hemingway5's novel The Sun Also Rises. Tens of thousandsfrom all over the world have been pouring into Pamplona for the annual festival ever since .


 、. Find the words in the pass age with meaning similar to the following phrases :

  1. happening every year ( )

  2. causing fear and alarm ( )

  3. move suddenly and quickly; rush ( )

  4. travel a certain distance ( )

  5. ( cause people or things to) come or go in a continuous stream ( )

  Ⅱ. Are these statements True or False a ccording to the article?

  1. On the first day of Pamplona's annual runs with bulls, no one was serious hurt.

  2. A lot of runners were gored by bulls.

  3. It only took the bulls two minutes to cover the 900-yard course .

  4. The annual San Fermin festival attracts thousands of people all over the world to Pamplona. 5. The fiesta gained world fame in the late 16 th century.


 、. 1. annual 2. scary 3. dash 4. cover 5 . pour

  Ⅱ. 1. T 2. F 3 . F 4 . T 5 . F

  Culture Shock

  Culture shock is precipitated1 by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. Those signs or cues include the thousand and one 2 ways in which we orient3 ourselves to the situation of daily life ; when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people , when and how to give tips, how to make purchases, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not. These cues, which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, or norms, are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept. All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues, most of which we do not carry on the level of conscious awareness.

  Now when an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water4 . No matter how broad-minded5 or full of good will you may be , a series of props6 have been knocked from under you, followed by a feeling of frustration7 and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way. First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort.“The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad. ”When foreigners in a strange land get together to grouse about8 the host country and its people , you can be sure they are suffering from culture shock. Another phase of culture shock is regression. The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance. To the foreigner everything becomes irrationally glorified. All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.

  Some of the symptoms of culture shock are excessive washing of the hands, excessive concern over drinking water, food dishes, and bedding; fear of physical contact with attendants, the absent-minded stare; a feeling of helplessness and a desire for dependence on long-term residents of one’s own nationality; fits of anger over minor frustrations; great concern over minor pains and eruptions of the skin; and finally, that terrible longing to be back home. 9


 、. Replace the underlined words with the phrases in the passage with the same meaning:

  1 . Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse .

  2 . Those signs and cues include a lot of ways in which we act.

  3 . Entering a new company with no friends help him, he feels uncomfortable.

  4 . Although living abroad for 5 years, she still feels homesick now and then.

 、. Question :

  What are the symptoms of culture shock?


 、. 1. precipitated 2. the thousand and one 3. like afish out of water 4 . longing to be back home

  Ⅱ. Some of the symptoms of culture shock areexcessive washing of the hands, excessive 033concern over drinking water, food dishes, andbedding; fear of physical contact with attendants,the absent-minded stare; a feeling of helplessnessand a desire for dependence on long-term residents of one’s own nationality; fits of angerover minor frustrations; great concern over minor pains and eruptions of the skin; and finally,that terrible longing to be back home .









