
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-06-10 09:45:23 英語六級 我要投稿





  1.only child獨生子女

  2. self-centered?以自我為中心的

  3. the elderly and the family?老人和家庭

  4. life expectancy?預(yù)期壽命

  5. to become common practice?蔚然成風(fēng)

  6. well-being幸福, 福利

  7. respecting the old and loving the young尊老愛幼

  8. population and family planning人口與計劃生育

  9. incentive?鼓勵, 刺激

  10. curb?限制, 抑制

  11. consumption消費

  12. institute設(shè)立, 制定

  13. penalty懲罰

  14. census人口普查

  15. population density人口密度

  16. densely/sparsely populated人口稠密/稀少

  17. aging of population人口老化

  18. family planning計劃生育

  19. to practice family planning實行計劃生育

  20. to curb population growth控制人口增長

  21. to have fewer and but healthier children少生優(yōu)生

  22. baby boom生育高峰

  23. environment protection環(huán)境保護(hù)

  24. ecological生態(tài)的

  25. prerequisite/precondition先決條件



  1:The time flies, we haven't seen each other for a long time. All the things here are going on pretty well, I just miss you so much!


  2:It is so great to hear from you again. 能再次收到你的來信我很開心。

  3:Long time no see! 好久不見。

  4:I trust that everything is going smoothly for you. 我相信你那里一切都好。

  5:It is a great pleasure for me to have this wonderful chance to put pen to paper and send greetings to you.



  Give advice:

  In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following action: 在下認(rèn)為,如果你能采取以下措施,將是一種明智的選擇。

  I hope you will not find it too forward for me to suggest that you... 請原諒我的直接,不過,希望你能___________。

  In my experience, it seems that _______ would make sense in your situation. 從我的經(jīng)驗來看,針對你的情況,似乎________會有幫助。 At the risk of overstepping my boundaries, allow me to suggest that you____。 請原諒我的冒昧,不過我建議你_____________。 Gratitude I truly appreciate your kindness. 我很欣賞你的仁慈。

  I am grateful to you for... 非常感謝你_________________-。

  I appreciate it more than I can say. 我對你表示萬分感謝。

  I can never thank you enough. 萬分感謝。

  I wish there were a better word than " thanks " to express my appreciation for your generous help.


  It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.


  Many thanks for your kindness and hospitality. 非常感謝你的仁慈和好客。

  Now we have arrived back home safe and sound. 現(xiàn)在我已經(jīng)安全到家。

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for... 我打從心底謝謝你(真誠地感謝你)。

  Thank you again for your kindness. 謝謝你的'好意。

  Please accept my sincerest and deepest apology. 請接受我最誠摯、最深刻的道歉。

  I apologize most sincerely for... 我誠摯地對___________向你道歉。 I am truly sorry to have done...

  我對________向你表示道歉。 Please forgive me... 請原諒我曾__________。

  I owe you an apology... 我為______向你道歉。

  I regret to inform you that I am unable to do.. 很遺憾地告訴你,我沒法___________。

  I am so sorry to have put you through so much trouble... 很抱歉給你帶來這么多麻煩,__________。


  The honor of your presence is requested... 若你能出席________,我(們)將感到萬分榮幸。

  It's a pleasure for me to invite you to... 我很榮幸地邀請你參加__________。

  We sincerely hope that you make it. 我們真誠地希望你能參加。

  We would be honored to have you there with us... 如果您能參加我們的__________,我們將不甚榮幸。

  I will cover all the expense involved. 我將負(fù)擔(dān)所有的費用。


  I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and I want to extend to you my unwavering support.


  Complain I am writing to express my dissatisfaction withat... 我寫這封信是想告訴你們我對________不是很滿意。

  I very much regret to have to inform you that... 很遺憾地通知你,__________。

  I would like to draw the attention of the authorities concerned to the ...我想就_____________問題引起有關(guān)部門的重視。 I feel something ought to be done about... 我覺得________方面還可以作一些努力(需要改進(jìn))。

  I hope that the above situation will be improved as soon as possible. 我希望以上問題(情況)能盡快解決(改進(jìn))。

  Your effort to provide good services will be highly appreciated by all. 我們會很感激您作出的一切努力。

  We will appreciate your willingness to make up for the loss. 我們真的希望你們能對損失作出補償。

  Inquiry I would like to request some information about...


  My first question is... 我的問題就是__________。

  I am greatly concerned about... 我對_________較為關(guān)注。

  Should I need to send further materials, please let me know.


  Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects.



  each bird love to hear himself sing. 孤芳自賞。

  early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起身體好。

  easier said than done. 說得容易,做得難。

  easy come, easy go. 來也匆匆,去也匆匆。

  eat to live, but not live to eat. 人吃飯是為了活著,但活著不是為了吃飯。

  empty vessels make the greatest sound. 實磨無聲空磨響,滿瓶不動半瓶搖。

  envy has no holidays. 忌妒之人無寧日。

  even homer sometimes nods. 智者千慮,必有一失。

  even reckoning makes long friends. 親兄弟,明算賬。

  every advantage has its disadvantage. 有利必有弊。

  everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 人人負(fù)責(zé),等于沒人負(fù)責(zé)。

  every day is not sunday. 好景不常在。

  every dog has his day. 誰都有得意的時候。

  every door may be shut, but death’s door. 人生在世,唯死難逃。

  every heart has its own sorrow. 各人有各人的苦惱。

  every little helps a mickle. 聚沙成塔,集腋成裘。

  every man for himself, and the devil takes the hindmost.人不為己,天誅地滅。

  every man has his faults. 金無足赤,人無完人。

  every man has his hobbyhorse. 蘿卜青菜,各有所愛。

  every man has his weak side. 人人都有弱點。

  every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命運自己掌握。

  every minute counts. 分秒必爭。

  every mother’s child is handsome. 孩子是自己的好。

  every potter praises hit pot. 王婆賣瓜,自賣自夸。

  everything is good when new, but friends when old.東西是新的'好,朋友是老的親。

  example is better then percept.說一遍,不如做一遍。

  experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.經(jīng)驗是智慧之父,記憶是智慧之母。

  experience must be bought. 吃一塹,長一智。



  Credit Cards on College Campus


  Nowadays, an increasing number of students would rather use credit cards than cash to pay for everything. There are at least three factors accounting for the increasing use of credit cards.

  For one thing, a credit card will offer students a safe way to pay their tuition fees,

  thus it diminishes the risk of taking a large sum of money with oneself. For another, most credit cards provide a variety of services, such as a greater convenience of shopping and spending, streamlining collection procedures, etc. In addition, students can draw money with a credit card anytime they want, thus solve the problem of money shortage.

  As to the issue of credit cards on college campus, I am inclined to believe that it is not bad for college students to have credit cards, however, we’d better lay down some rules of the credit cards on college campus to stop the misconduct of credit cards, and only in this way can we enjoy the advantages of credit cards on college campus.


  People always play the joke that love is nothing to do with the age, weight and height. But it is normal for an older man to fall in love with the a young girl, while it is criticized for an older woman to fall in love with a young boy. As far as I am concerned, love is equal in front of two people who love each other.


  In people’s eyes, they will applause for the older man who marries a young girl, because they think the man is such capable. They accept the idea that love is nothing to do with the age. When the situation comes to women, people will look down upon their relationship and speak ill of it. It seems that love has something to do with age.


  There are so many couples show the good example of women can married a person who is younger than them and they live happily. On the contrary, the young couples get the high divorce rate, but the media only cover the former situation, which brings pressure to the women.


  There is no doubt that true love happens when a couple loves each other with their hearts, age is not the problem.



  From the day the first digital product was given birth, unbelievable changes have happened in our life.

  A few years ago, when we read, prints on the paper are the only media which carries meaning. When we listen to music, we have to buy magnetic tapes or CDs which record the sound.

  However, nowadys, our life is a totally different picture. We read books all the same, but many of them are e-books which is more convenient and more cheap. As to music, with a matchbox-sized mp3 player, we can download whatever we like from the boundless music files on the internet. These are only the most insignificant examples how digital products have benefit us. Thanks to indigital products, the variety and quantity of information we can obtain is unprecedented. In everyday work, study and many other aspects, digital products have played a more and more important life in our life.

  However, on the other hand, digital products also cause many negative effects to our lives. As life become more and more convenient, most people become more and more indifferent.

  They close their doors and never go out as soon as they get home from work. If they live alone, they will kill their time by surfing online. They dont have any connections even with their closest neighbors, who seem no different from people they meet everyday in the street.

  For students, they spend much more time than before on listening to the music or playing computer games. These phenomena are no good to our universities, nor to our society. On the whole, it is high time that we recognized the positive effects and also the negative ones of digital products, and used them in the right way.



  1)It has increased(decreased)from...to...

  2)The population in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,000.

  3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.


  With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of people’s income spent on food has dec reased while that spent on education has increased.


  From the graph listed above,itcan be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of less than two hours per week in 1990 to 20 hours in 20xx.



  Self-help Traveling





  Self-help traveling enjoys great popularity among college students today. The reason may be that they can save a lot of money by arranging the routes, booking cheaper hotels and deciding cheaper transportation tools all by themselves.

  Convenient and economical as self-help traveling sounds, they still have some potential problems. Perhaps the most important one is the safety problem. Being alone without a group or a tour guide, a traveler may be helpless in face of danger, i.e. robbery, wild animal attacks, etc. In addition, they are more likely to be at risk of getting lost when traveling alone in a city strange to them or in the remote countryside.

  In my view, self-help traveling can be exciting and challenging and is worth trying. However, before setting out alone, travelers should make good preparations.Besides, they should bear safety and security in mind all the time and keep in touch with their friends or relatives.Thus, they can enjoy both safety and pleasure of exploring different places.


  In an era of information explosion, there is a heated debate over whether we need to develop criticality and make rational judgement. Some prefer following suit, whereas others have the idea that thinking critically is of great necessity. As for me, the latter is more reasonable.

  There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of view. Firstly, college students showing more critique usually make better decisions. They learn to differentiate useful information from various sources rather than accepting all without consid-eration. Therefore, they can draw a relatively comprehensive conclusion and make the best choice based on the information as well as their condition. Moreover, when they graduate and enter the workplace, the ability to think critically can help them assess if the position is suitable for themselves. A suit-able job, rather than a position simply with high salary, is a channel for an employee to realize the potential. Besides, in their daily life, critical thinking enables them to select better friends and expand social ties.

  In sum, thinking critically is of great necessity for college stu-dents. It not only helps them to gain advantages in the compe-tition with peer groups, but also allows them to select an ap-propriate start of the career and establish more positive friendship with others.


  Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree?

  I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too mcuh time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for.

  However, the main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children. These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. The player is usually the hero of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centered and insensitive to others.

  Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction. Spending time with other children and sharing non-virtual experiences is and important part of a childs development that cannot be provided by a computer.

  In spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. Their adult world will be changing constantly in terms of technology and the Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information available in the world today. Therefore it is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipment enthusiastically and with confidence as they will need these skills throughout their studies and working lives.


  Recently a blind date including 20 young men and women has been held by an organization。 Some people see it as a good way to meet different people while others argue that its not possible to find ones partner between two people who have not previously met。 As far as Im concerned, blind dating is worth trying and you can find your true love there!

  First of all, nowadays many young people are always busying with their work; therefore they have little spare time to meet with their future partner, leading to more and more leftover women and men。 According to a study, a happy life includes work and family balance, which means a harmonious family including the couple may contribute to a comparably happy life。

  Whats more, during a blind date, usually the basic information is given to both parts; therefore its more reliable to know a persons family background, his or her job, religion etc。 As is known to all, a couple should have the same belief in value, wealth, thus preventing many potential conflicts。

  Last but not least, through blind dates, one can meet people with different personalities, thus having a clearer idea about which kind of person is suitable for being a lifelong mate。 And blind dates are also great chances to make friends in the same age group。

  To sum up, blind dating can be a good way to find ones future husband or wife。 Its feasible and reliable。 Hope that everyone can find true love in blind dates!


  On Campus Politics Many college students show great enthusiasm in participating into campus political activities nowadays. For example, it,s not rare to see that many students for heads of the Students Union or some student societies on campus. There is no doubt that campus politics has become an important part of college life.

  The fact that college students can benefit a lot from participation in campus politic? contributes to this phenomenon. First of all, by attending campus political activities, students can develop personal critical capabilities,especially management and coordination capacity. Moreover, these activities provide students a stage to show themselves and bring their abilities into full play. Besides, campus political activities help strengthen students sense of responsibility.

  However, campus politics might bring some problems. For one thing, too much participation in campus politics might influence the academic study. For another, some students being keen on campus politics is only for fame and gain, which will do harm to their mental health. Therefore, schools and teachers should give necessary instructions to students on their participation into campus politics.



  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “The most successful persons may not be the smartest ones.” You can give one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

  According to a survey conducted among a group of people who were in the same college 10 years ago, those whose grade—point average was in the middle fifty percent, all become rich or managers of different fields, while not a single young man of the upper ten percent becomes an executive or boss.

  One ingredient, among other things, is good interpersonal skills. With a wide circle of friends who can be trusted to provide information and resources, your chances of success are much higher. On the contrary, if you are competent in your profession, but have difficulty in getting along with your colleagues and even your boss, you can hardly survive the corporation. Another component is the ability to express oneself. In today’s world, what really counts is the ability to express oneself rather than technical competence or professional knowledge. The larger the organization of which you are an employee, and the fiercer the competition, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts and convince others of your ideas.

  To sum up, according to my observation, academic brightness is only part of the story, the other factors are very important.






  other, which gives rise to the heated discussionamong the public concerning the way to achievehappiness.As the saying goes,“Happiness is not theabsence of problems, but the ability to deal withthem.”I personally agree that the ability to copewith complications in. Life is the right path ofpursuing happiness.

  However, how could we deal with daily troublesor even struggles could generate serious concerns?From my perspective, to begin with individualsoptimism could perform an essential character.According to a survey conducted in certaininstitution in China, the percent of people withoptimistic attitudes far outweighs the opposite inthe aspects of overcoming dilemmas, thus havingoetter opportunity to achieve the sense of


  n addition, in terms of the society, certaininstitutions in China should launch relevantcampaigns to strengthen the emphasis putting onthe resolving of a problem, not the way trying toavoid it or even to neglect it.In spite of the fact thatthis may be a long run, these methods of copingwith problems could definitely contribute tohappiness in our consistent efforts


  161. Claiming something is true misses the point , while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness .


  162. Suggesting that one thing ... is better than another thing ... bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white .


  163. Ignoring cause and effect is exactly the same thing as failing to look both ways when crossing a busy intersection .


  164. One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerent stance of opposition forces .


  165. The greatest problem with political and religious zealots is their total inability to consider the views of others .


  166. The basic stumbling block to global peace rests with the self-serving ambitions of many nations .










