
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2023-12-05 11:40:54 賽賽 英語四級 我要投稿
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  人口老齡化 (the aging of population) 牽涉到政治、經濟、文化和社會發(fā)展諸多方面,帶來了一系列的問題,如:社會負擔加重,社會文化福利 (welfare) 事業(yè)的發(fā)展與人口老齡化不適應,家庭養(yǎng)老功能 (role of the family in providing for the elderly) 減弱,老年人對醫(yī)療保健、生活服務的需求突出等。為了適應人口老齡化的發(fā)展,目前,許多國家或地區(qū)都在積極探索和制度相應的對策,為老年事業(yè)努力。

  The aging of population, which involves politics, economy, culture and social development, brings about a series of problems such as the increasing burden on society, the incompatibility between the growth of social and cultural welfare programs and an aging population, the diminishing role of the family in providing for the elderly, and the pressing need of the elderly for medical care and living services, etc. Currently, in order to adapt to the ongoing trend of population aging, many countries or regions are actively exploring and formulating countermeasures in an effort to improve the cause of the elderly.


  中國正面臨著人口老齡化和低出生率這些發(fā)達國家擁有的問題。在商業(yè)領域這些問題則顯得更加緊迫。創(chuàng)業(yè)的一代人正在老去,但他們很難說服自己的孩子來繼承遺產,繼續(xù)經營他們的企業(yè)。對家族企業(yè)來說,落實一個清晰有效的繼任計劃(succession plan)是一個令人頭痛的問題。雖然有很多原因可以解釋這種不情愿繼任的情況,但商業(yè)環(huán)境的惡化(deterioration)已被證明是主要因素之一。

  China is facing the developed worlds problems of an ageing population and low birth rate.These problems have taken on even more urgency in the business community.The founding generation is getting older but having great difficulty persuading their children to carry on their legacy and keep their business running.Putting in place a clear and effective succession plan is a headache for family-run businesses.While there are many reasons to explain such reluctance,the deterioration in the business environment has been proven to be one of the main factors.

  1.中國正面臨著人口老齡化和低出生率這些發(fā)達國家擁有的問題:“面臨著”可用face表示,“面臨著…的問題”可譯為facethe problem of;“人口老齡化既可譯為populationageing,也可譯為an ageing population!鞍l(fā)達國家擁有的問題”可用the developed worlds problem of表示。

  2.創(chuàng)業(yè)的一代人正在老去,但他們很難說服自己的孩子來繼承遺產,繼續(xù)經營他們的企業(yè):“老去”即“變老”,可譯getolder!半y以做某事”可用固定表達方式have difficulty (in) doing sth來表示,“很難說服自己的孩子”,可譯為have great difficulty persuading their children!袄^續(xù)經營他們的企業(yè)也就是使他們的企業(yè)可以繼續(xù)經營下去”,故可譯keep their business running。

  3.對家族業(yè)來說,落實一個清晰有效的繼任計劃是一個令人頭痛的問題:“家族企業(yè)”可譯為family-runbusiness,“國有企業(yè)”則為state-run business。


  老齡化社會(an aging society)是指老年人口占總人口達到或超過一定的比例的人口結構模型。按照聯(lián)合國的傳統(tǒng)標準是一個地區(qū)60歲以上老人達到總人口的10%,新標準是65歲老人占總人口的7%,即該地區(qū)視為進入老齡化社會。老齡化的加速對經濟社會都將產生巨大的壓力。2009年10月26日,中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日重陽節(jié)(the Double Ninth Festival)到來之際,中國正式啟動了一項應對人口老齡化戰(zhàn)略研究,以積極應對持續(xù)加劇的人口老齡化危機。

  An aging society refers to a population structure model in which aging population reaches or exceeds a certain proportion. The region is regarded as entering an aging society according to the UN’s traditional standard that an area’s old people over 60 years old takes up 10% of the total population, while the new standard is old people over 65 years old takes up 7% of the total population. The acceleration of aging will bring enormous pressure to both economy and society. On October 26,2009when the Double Ninth Festival, the traditional Chinese festival, came, China formally launched a strategic research on coping with aging of population to deal with increasingly intensifying population aging crisis.










