蒙古族牧民(herdsmen)的生活方式很有特色。牧民們喜歡吃牛羊肉和奶制品 (dairyproduct),喜歡喝紅茶和磚茶(bricktea)。他們大多住在圓形的蒙古包(ger) 里。蒙古包頂上開有天窗,用來通風(ventilation)和采光。蒙古族是一個能騎善射、能歌善舞的民族。每年七、八月舉行的"那達慕"大會(Nadama Fair),是蒙古族人民一年一度的盛大節(jié)日,大會上有賽馬、摔跤、射箭(archery)比賽和精彩的歌舞表演。
The Mongolian herdsmen's life style hasdistinguishing features. The herdsmen like eating redmeat and dairy products,and drinking black tea andbrick tea. Most of them live in circular gers withwindows on the top, used for ventilation andlighting. The Mongolians are a group talented in riding and shooting,and singing and dancing.The Nadama Fair, which is held in July and August every year,is the Mongolian people's annualgrand festival.There would be horse racing,wrestling,archery race and excellent musical anddance performances on the festival.
景泰藍(Jingtailan)藝術是雕刻、繪畫和塑瓷(porcelainmaking)的獨特融合。據(jù)說景泰藍于元朝時誕生于北京,現(xiàn)存最古老的景泰藍就造于元朝。但是景泰藍在明朝時經(jīng)歷了巨大的變革。那時,人們認為景泰藍最為復雜。然而,由于熔銅技術 (copper-melting techniques)的偉大發(fā)明,景泰藍于清朝時達到頂峰。用景泰藍能夠制成大件物品,如花瓶、其他器皿和裝飾品,也能制成小物品,如耳環(huán)、手鐲或筷子。新中國成立以來,涌現(xiàn)出了很多新品種的景泰藍,在國內(nèi)外享有很高的聲譽。
The art of Jingtailan is a unique combination of sculpture, painting and porcelain making.It is said to have originated in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty. The oldest extant piece was made during the Yuan Dynasty, but Jingtailan had a major change during the Ming Dynasty.At that time, Jingtailan was considered to be the most complicated. However, it reachcd its peak during the Qing Dynasty because of great innovations in copper-melting techniques.Jingtailan can be made into large objects such as vases and other large utensils and decorative items, as well as small items like earrings, bracelets or chopsticks.Since new China was founded, quite a number of new varieties have been created.It enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad.
茶文化是中國傳統(tǒng)文化的重要組成部分,有著悠久的歷史。一代代的種植者和生產(chǎn)者使中國制茶工藝變得日臻完善。茶和中國文化有著極其緊密的聯(lián)系。茶研究涉及的范圍很廣,有著豐富的內(nèi)容。中國茶可以分為五類。每一種都有不同于其他種類的'味道和外觀。綠茶是辦公室職員的最佳選擇,它有助于防止電腦輻射(computer radiation),補充人體水分(moisture content)。
With a long history, tea culture is an important partof Chinese traditional culture. Generations ofgrowers and producers have perfected the Chineseway of manufacturing tea. Tea has an extremelyclose relationship with Chinese culture. The study oftea covers a wide field and has a very rich content. Chinese tea can be classified into fivecategories. Each kind is different from others in flavor and appearance. Green tea is the bestoption for office workers since it can help prevent computer radiation and supplementmoisture content of the human body.
宴會通常在飯店的包間(private rooms)舉行,要么是晚宴,要么是午宴。主賓 (the guest of honor)通常第一個進入房間。在正式的晚宴上,主陪(the main host)和主賓對面坐,主陪背對著門,主賓面對著門?腿藨摰戎灰龑У剿麄兊奈恢蒙,直到主賓和主陪都坐下之后,客人才可以坐下。宴會的主菜通常包括涼菜和熱炒,通常還有象征富足蘊意的整條魚,還有湯。上水果則標志著飯局的結(jié)束。
Banquets are usually held in restaurants in privaterooms,either for dinner or lunch. The guest ofhonor typically enters the room first. At a formaldinner the main host and guest are seated facingeach other,the host with his back to the door andthe guest facing the door. Guests should wait to be guided to their places and should not situntil the main host and guest have done so. Banquets usually have main course which includescold dishes, hot stir fries, often with a whole cooked fish which symbolizes abundance, andsoup. Serving fruit signals the end of the meal.