
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-01-08 13:36:07 英語四級 我要投稿


  Part I Writing(30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying"Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission. " You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of lifelong learning. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will bea pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C. and D), and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  1. A. The agenda for the board of directors' meeting.

  B. The details of the meeting to be held next week.

  C. The reason for the man's absence from the meeting.

  D. The time for the man's visit to the woman's company.

  2.A. At a travel agency.

  B. At a department store.

  C. In a library.

  D. In a post office.

  3.A. He cannot hear the woman's call.

  B. He cannot get through to New York.

  C. He cannot recall the phone number.

  D. He cannot find a public phone nearby.

  4.A. Watch a movie with the woman.

  B. Revise his thesis in the office.

  C. Do some shopping with Jane.

  D. Discuss his thesis with Prof. Hudson.

  5. A. He just cannot work properly without a watch.

  B. He has no idea where he can buy a gold watch.

  C. He still does not know where he left his watch.

  D. He is not sure what went wrong with his watch.

  6.A. He forgot all about what he said.

  B. He slipped and hurt his head.

  C. He was sorry for being off sick last week.

  D. He thought the woman's car had been sold.

  7.A. She should try to catch an earlier bus.

  B. She is absent from his class too often.

  C. She is always making excuses for being late.

  D. She should come up with a better excuse.

  8.A. He is going to help the woman out.

  B. He has to move out of the building soon.

  C. He is on his way to see a real estate agent.

  D. He will stay with the woman's brother.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  9.A. From the wanted cohunn.

  B. From some of her friends.

  C. From a telephone directory.

  D. From a television commercial.

  10.A. She received full-time education abroad.

  B. She graduated from an open university.

  C. She fmished her secondary school.

  D. She studied in a vocational college.

  11.A. She is a shorthand-typist.

  B. She works as a tour guide.

  C. She is a policewoman.

  D. She teaches an evening class.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  12.A. It provides him with career opportunities.

  B. It helps enlarge his customer network.

  C. It has been off and on for ten years.

  D. It was interrupted for four years.

  13.A. Individualized service.

  B. Traditional setting.

  C. Home-made beer.

  D. Social games.

  14.A. The quality of beer.

  B. The atmosphere.

  C. The owner's attitude.

  D. The right location.

  15.A. It is a rather tough job.

  B. It is a profitable business.

  C. It helps old people kill time.

  D. It makes retirees feel useful.

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After youhear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A , B ,C. and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  16.A. It is becoming increasingly popular.

  B. It helps the user to escape reality.

  C. It gives rise to serious social instability.

  D. It hurts a person and those around them.

  17.A. They use drugs just for fun.

  B. They take drugs to get high.

  C. They use drugs as medicine.

  D. They keep drug use a secret.

  18. A. It is quite common in entertainment circles.

  B. It is the cause of various social problems.

  C. It is hard to get rid of.

  D. It is fatal to the user.

  Passage Two

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  19.A. Taking up exercises after recovery.

  B. Producing tasty healthy frozen food.

  C. Finding new ways to cure heart disease.

  D. Going on a diet upon leaving the hospital.

  20.A. Itwas carefully tested with consumers.

  B. It was promoted by health organizations.

  C. It was disapproved by many diet experts.

  D. It was highly expected by the general public.

  21.A. Competitive price.

  B. Low expectations.

  C. Vigorous promotion.

  D. Unique ingredients.

  22. A. It was suggested by the firm's vice-president.

  B. It matches the food's dark green packaging.

  C. It has a positive implication for consumers.

  D. It tricks the elders into impulse purchasing.

  Passage Three

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  23.A. It is practiced in most of the states.

  B. It will be abolished sooner or later.

  C. It has drawn a lot of criticism from overseas.

  D. It has to be approved by the Supreme Court.

  24. A. Whether the practice should be allowed to continue in future.

  B. Whether there should be a minimum age limit for execution.

  C. What type of criminals should receive it.

  D. What effect it might have on youngsters.

  25. A. The court sentenced him to life in prison for killing two friends.

  B. The governor changed his death sentence to life in prison.

  C. He was the first minor to be executed in South Carolina.

  D. He was sentenced to death for a crime he committed as a minor.

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with, the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Some people borrow money and "forget" to pay it back.

  Large loans are seldom the issue; they are usually treated as business(26), with the terms spelled out on paper. But many women suffer(27)over problems like Carol's "My friend Ginny is always28cash," she says. "I hate to recall how often I've ' loaned' her a dollar or two for a drink or a movie. Each loan is so small I'd feel really cheap making a big deal out of it; still, I do(29)the fact that she never pays me back. "Carol admits to being "too(30)or something" to demand repayment, but she has resolved tostop lending money to Ginny. "The last time she asked for five dollars to pay for her dry cleaning, I just told her I couldn't(31)it. "Another woman suggests a bolder(32). "When somebody refuses to repay a loan, I(33)byrequesting one myself," she says. "'I left home without my wallet,' I'll say. 'Can you lend meenough to cover lunch?' Then, when the money is safely in hand, I am struck by a sudden(34)Why, this is exactly the amount I loaned you last week ! How(35)! Now you won't have to repay me'" She says it works like a charm.

  1.D. 未聽先知:四個選項均為描述事實狀況的短語,結合選項中多次出現的meeting一詞,以及details,next week和the man's visit等,可以推斷,對話內容與男士的出訪和會面有關,而且此次會面尚未達成。




  3.B. 未聽先知:四個選項均以he cannot開頭,可以推斷對話中男士一定是遇到了某種問題,結合選項中出現的call,get through,phone number和public phone等詞,可以進一步確定男士遇到的問題與電話有關。


  4.D. 未聽先知:四個選項均為表示行為的動詞短語,可以推斷本題考查的內容與行為動作有關。結合選項中出現的with the woman和his thesis等詞,可以進一步判定本題考查的是男士的行為動作,因此男士的話為聽音重點。


  5.C. 未聽先知:四個選項的主語均為he,結合選項中多次出現的watch可以推斷本題考查內容與男士的手表相關,聽錄音時注意與手表相關的內容。


  6.A. 未聽先知:四個選項的主語均為he,結合選項中出現的forgot,slipped and hurt,sorry和sold等詞,可以初步推斷與男士相關的事實并不是特別好的事實,因此聽錄音時要注意捕捉與男士相關的信息。

  詳解:女士說她記得男士說過上周會給她打電話,與她討論一下她要賣的那輛車,男士聽到女士的話后,馬上表示道歉,因為這件事completely slipped my mind,本題的關鍵在于理解短語slip one’s mind的含義,即“忘記”。也就是說,男士把這件事忘得一干二凈,故答案為A.

  7.C. 未聽先知:四個選項均以she開頭,結合選項中出現的absent,class,excuses和being late等詞,可以推斷女士上課出勤情況不好,對話內容應該圍繞女士上課出勤情況展開。


  8.B. 未聽先知:四個選項均以he開頭,結合選項中出現的move out of,buildin9,real estate agent和stay with等詞,可以推斷對話內容與男士的住房情況有關。


  9.How did the woman get to know about the mall’s company?

  B. 詳解:男士問女士是否曾通過他所在的機構找過工作,女士表示沒有,但這家職業(yè)介紹所曾幫助她的朋友們找到過工作,由此推斷,她是從朋友處得知這家職業(yè)介紹所的信息的,故答案為B.

  10.What formal education did the woman receive?

  C. 詳解:對話中男士問女士曾在哪所學校上學,女士說她在South Town上的中學,然后又說,她l8歲之后就沒有再接受過全日制教育,由此可知,女士所接受的最高程度的正規(guī)教育就是中學,故答案為C.

  11.What do we learn about the woinan’s occupation?

  A. 詳解:對話中男士詢問女士目前在哪里工作,女士回答說自己現在的工作是一名速記打字員,故答案為A.

  12.What does the man say about his involvement with pubs?

  C. 詳解,對話中女士問男士他成為酒吧老板有多長時間了,男士回答說已經四年了,不過他從事與酒吧相關的工作斷斷續(xù)續(xù)已經有十年,故答案為C.

  13.What characterizes the old-fashioned pub.according to tlIe man?

  D. 詳解:對話中男士說他現在的酒吧是那種人們普遍認為的傳統(tǒng)酒吧,這種酒吧的特點就是會有很多社交活動,故答案為D。

  14.What does the man say is most important in making a good pub?

  C. 詳解:當女士問男士怎樣才能成為好酒吧時,男士說,首先要有合適的顧客,售賣合適的啤酒,并且酒要好,最重要的是,即使感覺很疲憊,也依然要保持良好的態(tài)度,這樣才能讓酒吧更成功,故答案為C.

  15.What does the woman think of running a country pub?

  A. 詳解:對話結尾時,女士說,很多人都認為經營酒吧是一份很好的工作,每個人都說想在退休以后,開一家鄉(xiāng)村酒吧,但女士卻認為經營酒吧實際上是一份相當辛苦的工作。選項A)中的tough是原文中hard的同義轉述,故答案為A.

  16.What does the speaker say about drug abuse?

  D. 詳解:短文中提到,藥物濫用是指合法或非法地使用藥物,并對使用者本人或者與其親近的人造成傷害,故答案為D.

  17.What does the speaker say about recreational drug users?

  B. 詳解:短文中提到了不同類型的人使用藥物的目的。其中提到,Recreational users take drugs to get high.即娛樂性毒品使用者吸毒是為了讓自己興奮,故答案為B.

  18.What does the speaker say about drug dependence?


  19.What did Charles Harper think of while he was in hospital?

  B. 詳解:短文中提到,當查爾斯·哈柏因為心臟病發(fā)作而躺在醫(yī)院康復時,他想象著一排健康美味的冷凍食品,故答案為B.

  20.What does the passage say about the Healthy Choice product line before it went to market?

  A. 詳解:短文中提到,在真正投放到市場面向大眾之前,Healthy Choice系列的食品經過了消費者的認真測試,故答案為A.

  21.What is said to contribute to ConAgra’s business success?

  B. 詳解:短文中提到,ConAgra公司負責市場營銷的副總裁認為,他們從低期待值中受益,產品比人們想象的更出色,故答案為B.

  22.What does the speaker say about the naule Healthy Choice?

  C. 詳解:短文中提到,選擇使用Healthy Choice這個商品名稱,是因為它能給消費者以正面暗示,故答案為C.

  23.What does the speaker say about the death penalty in the United States?

  A. 詳解:短文開頭明確指出,在美國,目前有36個州允許對嚴重罪行執(zhí)行死刑,比如謀殺。也就是說,美國大部分地區(qū)有死刑的存在,故答案為A.

  24.Whatisthe focus of tlle debate around the death penalty?

  B. 詳解:短文提到,目前關于死刑存在一個重大問題:是否應該對被執(zhí)行死刑的罪犯設置一個最低年齡限制,故答案為B.

  25.What does the speaker say about James Terry Roach?

  D. 詳解:短文最后提到,1977年,詹姆斯·特里·羅奇當時l7歲,與兩個朋友一起殘忍地殺害了三個人,因此被判死刑。雖然他的律師提起上訴,但該州州長拒絕撤銷死刑,最終他于l986年被執(zhí)行死刑。由此可知,雖然羅奇在犯罪時仍是未成年人,但依然被執(zhí)行了死刑。故答案為D.

  26.transactions。詳解:本句主語they為復數,因此空格處應該填入名詞復數形式,作介詞as的賓語?崭袼诰浞痔柷疤岬剑蠊P借款通常不是問題,而空格所在部分后半句中說條款都已經被白紙黑字地記錄下來。由此可見,大筆借款被看作商業(yè) 交易。結合錄音填人transactions,意為“交易,業(yè)務”。

  27.in silence。詳解:本句主干結構完整,此處應該填人副詞或副詞短語,充當狀語,修飾動詞suffer。由該句之后卡蘿爾對自己遭遇的描述可以看出,她的朋友金尼經常向她借錢,但從來沒有還過,雖然數目不大,而卡蘿爾也覺得不好意思,沒有要求她還錢,也就是說,她對朋友的行為是默默地忍受:結合錄音填入in silence,意為“默默地”。

  28.short of。詳解:此處填入的`詞或詞組應該能夠連接系動詞is和空格后的名詞cash,描述主語金尼與金錢之間的關系。空格所在句后一句中說,金尼經常向卡蘿爾借上一兩美元買飲料或者電影票,也就是說,金尼比較缺錢。結合錄音填入short of,意為“缺少,缺乏”。



  31.spare。詳解:空格前是情態(tài)動詞的否定形式couldn't,因此,此處應該填入動詞原形,與couldn’t起作從句的謂語。由于朋友總是借錢不還,而卡蘿爾又不好意思向朋友要求還錢,時間長了,卡蘿爾決定不再借錢給朋友,再結合本句句首的the last time可以判斷,從這一次起,卡蘿爾拒絕借錢給朋友。因此,她告訴朋友她沒錢可借。結合錄音填入spare,意為“提供(時間、錢等);勻出,分出”。


  33.turn the tables。詳解:此處應該填入動詞或動詞短語,充當句子的謂語。這位女士的回答更為大膽,當有人借錢不還時,她不是被動忍受,而是扭轉局面,主動出擊,向朋友提出要求。結合錄音填入turn the tables,意為“扭轉局面,轉敗為勝”。












