
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-06-22 10:23:28 英語四級 我要投稿














  整理床鋪make the bed

  以開始begin with

  在起始,開始at the beginning of

  自始自終from beginning to end

  形成局面;產(chǎn)生come into being

  安全帶a safety belt

  盡力,盡最大的努力do / try ones best

  盡量利用,善用make the best of

  一切順利,萬事如意all the best

  黑體地,粗體地in bold

  鞠躬make a bow

  動動腦子use ones brains

  打破紀(jì)錄break the record

  深吸一口氣take a deep breath

  屏息;憋住氣hold ones breath

  上氣不接下氣out of breath

  刷牙brush ones teeth

  突然哭起來burst into tears

  突然一陣大笑a burst of laughter

  要不是but for

  呼救聲a call for help

  保持鎮(zhèn)靜(別慌)keep calm



  1. 詞語層次











  敲門knock at the door

  遲早sooner or later

  哈哈大笑起來burst into laughter

  違(守)法break / obey the law

  制定一條法律make a law

  擺設(shè)餐具(準(zhǔn)備吃飯)lay the table

  過著簡樸的生活lead a simple life

  忽略,遺漏leave out

  聽關(guān)于的講座attend a lecture on

  給某人一個教訓(xùn)teach sb. a lesson

  從在中吸取教訓(xùn)take a lesson from

  驚訝地叫了一聲let out a cry of surprise

  透漏消息let out the news

  復(fù)活,蘇醒過來come back to life

  交通信號燈traffic lights

  列一張購物清單make a shopping list

  謀生,度日make a living

  喪生,死;犧牲lose ones life

  泄氣;灰心lose heart

  失音lose ones voice

  輸一場lose a game

  及時做某事lose/waste no time in doing sth



  1) a series of 一系列,一連串

  2) above all 首先,尤其是

  3) after all 畢竟,究竟

  4) ahead of 在...之前

  5) ahead of time 提前

  6) all at once 突然,同時

  7) all but 幾乎;除了...都

  8) all of a sudden 突然

  9) all over 遍及

  10) all over again 再一次,重新

  11) all the time 一直,始終

  12) all the same 仍然,照樣的

  13) as regards 關(guān)于,至于

  14) anything but 根本不

  15) as a matter of fact 實際上

  16) apart from 除...外(有/無)

  17) as a rule 通常,照例

  18) as a result(of) 因此,由于

  19) as far as ...be concerned 就...而言

  20) as far as 遠至,到...程度


  21) as for 至于,關(guān)于

  22) as follows 如下

  23) as if 好像,仿怫

  24) as good as 和...幾乎一樣

  25) as usual 像平常一樣,照例

  26) as to 至于,關(guān)于

  27) all right 令人滿意的;可以

  28) as well 同樣,也,還

  29) as well as 除...外(也),即...又

  30) aside from 除...外(還有)

  31) at a loss 茫然,不知所措

  32) at a time 一次,每次

  33) at all 絲毫(不),一點也不

  34) at all costs 不惜一切代價

  35) at all events 不管怎樣,無論如何

  36) at all times 隨時,總是

  37) at any rate 無論如何,至少

  38) at best 充其量,至多

  39) at first 最初,起先

  40) at first sight 乍一看,初看起來


  41) at hand 在手邊,在附近

  42) at heart 內(nèi)心里,本質(zhì)上

  43) at home 在家,在國內(nèi)

  44) at intervals 不時,每隔...

  45) at large 大多數(shù),未被捕獲的`

  46) at least 至少

  47) at last 終于

  48) at length 最終,終于

  49) at most 至多,不超過

  50) at no time 從不,決不

  51) by accident 偶然

  52) at one time 曾經(jīng),一度;同時

  53) at present 目前,現(xiàn)在

  54) at sb’s disposal 任...處理

  55) at the cost of 以...為代價

  56) at the mercy of 任憑...擺布

  57) at the moment 此刻,目前

  58) at this rate 照此速度

  59) at times 有時,間或

  60) back and forth 來回地,反復(fù)地


  61) back of 在...后面

  62) before long 不久以后

  63) beside point 離題的,不相干的

  64) beyond question 毫無疑問

  65) by air 通過航空途徑

  66) by all means 盡一切辦法,務(wù)必

  67) by and by 不久,遲早

  68) by chance 偶然,碰巧

  69) by far 最,...得多

  70) by hand 用手,用體力

  71) by itself 自動地,獨自地

  72) by means of 用,依靠

  73) by mistake 錯誤地,無意地

  74) by no means 決不,并沒有

  75) by oneself 單獨地,獨自地

  76) by reason of 由于

  77) by the way 順便說說

  78) by virtue of 借助,由于

  79) by way of 經(jīng)由,通過...方法

  80) due to 由于,因為


  81) each other 互相

  82) even if/though 即使,雖然

  83) ever so 非常,極其

  84) every now and then 時而,偶爾

  85) every other 每隔一個的

  86) except for 除了...外

  87) face to face 面對面地

  88) far from 遠非,遠離

  89) for ever 永遠

  90) for good 永久地

  91) for the better 好轉(zhuǎn)

  92) for the moment 暫時,目前


  彩塑 painted sculpture

  畫塑 dough figurine

  壁畫 mural

  國畫 Chinese traditional painting

  水墨畫 ink and wash painting

  絹畫 silk painting

  木刻畫 wood engraving

  版畫 engraving

  貝雕畫 shell carving painting

  泥人兒 clay figure

  珍珠 pearl

  翡翠 green jade

  琥珀 amber

  玉 jade

  瑪瑙 agate

  珊瑚 coral

  絹扇 silk fan

  檀香扇 sandal wood fan

  折扇 folding fan

  冰雕 ice carving

  石雕 stone carving

  玉雕 jade carving

  木雕 wood carving

  根雕 tree root carving

  骨雕 bones carving

  貝雕 shell carving

  瓷器雕 porcelain carving

  象牙雕 ivory carving


  1、in connection with/to… 關(guān)于…

  2、in consequence因此,結(jié)果

  3、in consequence of… 由于…的緣故

  4、on the contrary反之,正相反

  5、in contrast with/to… 與…成對照

  6、under control被控制住

  7、at all costs不惜任何代價

  8、at the cost of… 以…為代價

  9、in the course of… 在…過程中,在…期間

  10、in detail詳細地

  11、in difficulties處境困難

  12、on earth究竟,到底

  13、at all events無論如何

  14、in any event無論如何

  15、in effect實際上

  16、with the exception of… 除…之外

  17、in the face of… 面對…,不顧…

  18、in favor of… 有利于…,贊成…,支持…

  19、in general通常,大體上

  20、at heart在內(nèi)心,實質(zhì)上



  2、inform. somebody of something通知某人某事

  3、lie in在于…

  4、major in主修…

  5、in the light of… 按照…,根據(jù)…

  6、on account of… 因為…,由于…

  7、in addition to… 除…之外

  8、on (the/an) average平均,一般來說

  9、on the basis of… 根據(jù)…,在…的基礎(chǔ)上

  10、at (the) best充其量,至多

  11、on business因公,因事

  12、in any case無論如何,總之

  13、in case of… 假使…,萬一…

  14、in case假如,以防(萬一)免得

  15、in no case決不

  16、by chance偶然,碰巧

  17、in charge of… 負責(zé)…,主管…

  18、in common共用,共有,共同

  19、in conclusion最后,總之

  20、on condition that在…條件下


  因為某事贊揚某人praise sb. for sth.

  贊揚in praise of

  出席會議be present at a meeting

  眼下at present

  互贈禮物exchange presents

  在壓力下under pressure

  防止某人做某事prevent sb. from doing

  以為代價at the price of

  無論花多少代價(不惜任何代價)at any price

  以為自豪;對感到得意take pride in

  小學(xué)primary school

  入獄,被監(jiān)禁go to prison

  在獄中服刑be in prison

  將某人送進監(jiān)獄throw / put sb. into prison

  越獄escape from prison

  解決問題settle/solve the problem

  回答問題answer the question

  遵守諾言keep ones promise

  答應(yīng),許下諾言make a promise

  以自豪be proud of

  公共事務(wù)public affairs

  輿論public opinion


  提醒某人做某事remind sb. to do sth.

  使某人想起remind sb. of sth.

  應(yīng)請求by request

  因此,結(jié)果as a result

  盛產(chǎn);有大量的be rich in

  除掉get rid of

  搶走某人某物rob sb. of sth.

  起重要作用play an important role

  扮演的.角色play the role of

  給騰出地方make room for

  對某人無禮be rude to sb.

  用完run out of

  高峰時間,擁擠時間rush hour

  滿足某人的需要satisfy ones needs

  節(jié)省體力save ones strength

  也就是說that is to say

  為某事責(zé)備某人scold sb. for sth.

  就座,坐下take ones seat

  不讓人知道某事,保密keep sth. a secret

  抓住小偷的衣領(lǐng)seize a thief by the collar

  與某人握手shake hands with sb.

  店員;營業(yè)員shop assistant


  1、as far as ...be concerned 就...而言

  2、as to… 至于…,關(guān)于…

  3、at best 充其量,至多

  4、before long 不久以后

  5、beyond question 毫無疑問

  6、by all means 盡一切辦法,務(wù)必

  7、every now and then 時而,偶爾

  8、in itself 本質(zhì)上,就其本身而言

  9、sooner or later 遲早,早晚

  10、abide by… 遵守…,信守…

  11、agree with與…相一致 同意…

  12、be beneficial to… 有利于…,有益于…

  13、turn a blind eye to… 對…視而不見

  14、by leaps and bounds飛速地,突飛猛進地

  15、when it comes to一談到…,就…而論

  16、disagree with… 與…意見不一致 不同意…

  17、give an opinion on… 對…發(fā)表意見

  18、adapt oneself to…=adjust oneself to…使自己適應(yīng)于…


  20、comment on…評論…


  1、京劇 Peking opera

  2、昆曲 Kunqu opera

  3、中國畫 traditional Chinese painting

  4、人物畫 portrait

  5、秦腔 Qin opera


  7、太極Tai Chi

  8、口 技 ventriloquism

  9、木偶戲puppet show

  10、皮影戲 shadow play

  11、折子戲 opera highlights

  12、雜技 acrobatics

  13、相聲 witty dialogue comedy

  14、刺繡 embroidery

  15、蘇繡 Suzhou embroidery

  16、泥人 clay figure

  17、書法 calligraphy

  18、中國畫 traditional Chinese painting

  19、水墨畫 Chinese brush painting

  20、中國結(jié) Chinese knot

  21、山水 landscape painting

  22、花鳥 flower and bird

  23、草蟲 grass and insect

  24、潑墨 paint-splashing style

  25、寫意 impressionistic style

  26、工筆 elaborate style

  27、毛筆 writing brush

  28、書法 calligraphic art

  29、書法家 calligraphic artist

  30、楷體 formal script/regular script

  31、行書 running script

  32、宋體 Song-dynasty script


  總需求aggregate demand

  總供給aggregate supply

  企業(yè)文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture

  企業(yè)形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image

  跨國公司cross-national corporation

  創(chuàng)業(yè)精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit

  外資企業(yè)foreign-funded enterprise


  假日經(jīng)濟holiday economy

  人力資本human capital

  航空和航天工業(yè)aerospace industry

  飛機制造工業(yè)aircraft industry

  電子工業(yè)electronic industry

  汽車制造工業(yè)car industry

  娛樂業(yè)entertainment industry

  信息產(chǎn)業(yè)information industry

  知識密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)knowledge-intensive industry

  國有大中型企業(yè)large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises

  輕工業(yè)light industry

  制造業(yè)manufacturing industry

  壟斷行業(yè)monopoly industries

  市場多元化market diversification

  市場經(jīng)濟market economy

  市場監(jiān)管market supervision

  購買力purchasing power

  熊市bear market

  牛市bull market


  房地產(chǎn)real estate


  業(yè)主home owner

  個人購房貸款individual housing loan

  經(jīng)濟全球化economic globalization

  經(jīng)濟特區(qū)special economic zones (SEZ)

  經(jīng)濟增長economic growth

  泡沫經(jīng)濟bubble economy

  關(guān)稅tariff納稅人tax payer

  宏觀經(jīng)濟macro economy

  貨幣投放量the size of money supply

  流動性過剩excess liquidity

  經(jīng)濟過熱overheated economy

  小康水平a well-off standard


  深夜deep into the night

  毫不耽擱,立刻without delay

  發(fā)表(演說等)deliver a speech

  滿足要求meet the demands

  外語系foreign language department

  百貨商店department store

  難以形容beyond description

  決心做某事be determined to do sth.

  隨著工業(yè)的'發(fā)展with the development of industry

  獻身于,致力于devote oneself to

  處于滅亡的危險中be in danger of dying out

  沒作用,沒影響make no difference

  做有困難,難以have difficulty in doing sth.

  向四面八方in all directions

  正在討論中under discussion

  在遠方,在遠處in the distance

  對有益do good to

  做壞事,犯罪do wrong

  挨門挨戶from door to door

  隔壁的next door

  下樓go downstairs

  到市區(qū)去go downtown


  1. 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的 above all

  2. 偶然,無意中 by accident

  3. 對(于)很積極 be active in

  4. 合計為 add up to

  5. 承讓錯誤 admit ones mistake

  6. 接受某人的建議 take / follow ones advice

  7. 就提出建議 give advice on sth.

  8. 建議某人做某事 advice sb. to do sth.

  9. 后天 the day after tomorrow

  10. 畢竟;終究 after all

  11. 違背意愿 against ones will

  12. 在歲時 at the age of

  13. 實現(xiàn)目標(biāo) achieve ones aim

  14. 在戶外,在露天里 in the open air

  15. 在機場 at the airport

  16. 火警 the fire alarm

  17. 滿腔怒火 be filled with anger

  18. 因某人之言行而生氣 be angry at sth.

  19. 生某人的.氣 be angry with sb.

  20. 通知 make an announcement

  21. 相繼地,按順序地 one after another










