
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-01-29 07:42:48 句子 我要投稿
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  1、I am vrey clever.我非常聰明。

  2、Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant run –running swim—swimming 。

  3、What day is it today? 今天星期幾?

  4、Now I have muscles of steel and could easily deal with giving birth. 現在我擁有鋼鐵一般的肌肉,連生孩子都會毫不費力。

  5、The coat matches the dress.外衣和裙子很相配

  6、D. Two years has passed since he joined the League. 與現在進行時的轉換

  7、Mind the form of the verb there: it is present tense intentionally. 注意一下這里動詞的形式:我故意用了。

  8、I don't have enough money.我沒有足夠的錢。

  9、Dear child within each sere dead form There sleeps a living flower And angel-like it shall arise In spring's returning hour. 親愛的孩子,在每一個干枯的死亡形式有睡活花,和天使般的應在春季返回小時出現。

  10、We have six classes every day. 我們每天上六節(jié)課.

  11、I have a Chinese friends.我有一個中國朋友.

  12、Well, the general equations, now, which deal in gravity... 現在一般性方程引入,到了重力的例子里。

  13、We can see some pictures on the wall. 我們能看到墻上的畫。

  14、Does Mike read English every day?

  15、When you weren't thinking about it suddenly the answer has come to you, as a gift from the gods. 當你沒在思考這一問題時,答案如同天賜神助一般,突然出現在 你的腦子里。

  16、這是 sing→singing 這個婦女在我身后唱歌 This woman is singing behind me. (this 可以替換成the。

  17、I am vrey clever.我非常聰明.

  18、He promises me he will go back home early.

  19、Timeand tide wait for no man.時間不等人

  20、They want good jobs .他們想要好工作

  21、He likes animals.他喜歡小動物。

  22、Ilove classical music我喜歡古典音樂

  23、Also, current singular versus plural with nouns and verbs. 然后是名詞和動詞的單復數。

  24、I don't want so much.

  25、This cloth feels soft.這布摸上去很軟

  26、Beijing is a beautiful city.北京是一個美麗的城市.

  27、She has no brother.他沒有兄弟.

  28、This workdoes not satisfy me .這項工作我不滿意

  29、His sister is quite quiet.他的妹妹非常內向。

  30、They were all concerning about the past tense and the present perfect. 那些練習題都是跟一般過去時和現在完成時有關的。

  31、The Philadelphia chromosome (universally present in CML) is lacking in patients with leukemoid reactions. 費城染色體(一般出現在CML)在白血病樣反應中一般不出現。

  32、I am a student.我是一個學生.

  33、I like you, I hope you can accept me 這里用來表示

  34、She is living in a hotel .

  35、Kazim found that the girls weren't as competitive, and their style of play wasn't as fast paced or aggressive as that of the boys. 發(fā)現,在打球的時候,女孩子一般競爭力較弱,她們的風格也不像男孩子那樣迅猛而難以招架。

  36、Her Dad can perform very well.她的爸爸能表演的很好

  37、What is the matter with you ?你怎么了?

  38、I have a very beautiful hat.我有一頂非常漂亮的帽子。

  39、He watches TV every day. ?他每天看電視。

  40、you had better eat more fruit and vegetables. 你最好多吃些水果和蔬菜。

  41、Jack likes Chinese food very much. 杰克很喜歡中國飲食。

  42、rustle of girl, a fragrant, snapping shadow gone as the door slammed shut.現在她開門走出,只見她像影子一般,散發(fā)著香氣,一閃而過,少女的衣裝沙沙作響,待到門關上時她已不見了。

  43、He gets up early every morning。

  44、I have many books.

  45、There are many countries in the world,世界上有很多國家.

  46、A modern mirror is usually a looking glass. 現代的鏡子一般是玻璃鏡。

  47、Now I put the sugar in the cup.

  48、I am a student.我是一個學生。

  49、Sally likes playing with her little brother. Sally喜歡和她的小弟弟玩。

  50、Everyone is in high spirits now.現在大家都情緒高漲

  51、也常和以下時間表達法連用。如:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at noon, at night, every day, on Sunday(s), at seven 等。

  52、Jack likes Chinese food very much. 杰克很喜歡中國飲食.

  53、Do you play the guitar?你彈吉他嗎?

  54、We can see some pictures on the wall. 我們能看到墻上的畫.

  55、You should smile all the time.你應該一直微笑。

  56、you had better not be just playing with her feelings. 你最好不要只是玩弄她的感情。

  57、Shanghai lies in the east of China.上海坐落于中國的東部。

  58、My friend likes to do the same things as I do.我的朋友喜歡和我做一樣的事.

  59、I have a very beautiful hat.我有一頂非常漂亮的帽子.

  60、Danny studiesEnglish,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school.

  61、He lives in Shanghai.他住在上海.

  62、He needs our help.他需要我們的幫助.

  63、I leave home for school at

  64、No, she works very hard. She always reads books after school. 切記:單三形式+always時,后面的動詞同樣是要有變化的跟中的變化一樣.

  65、When you weren't thinking about it suddenly the answer has come to you, as a gift from thegods. 然而,忽然之間靈光一閃,當你沒在思考這一問題時,答案如同天賜神助一般,突然出現在你的腦子里。 。

  66、I totally have no idea about that. 我完全不清楚那是怎么回事。

  67、I don't care what she thinks. 我不管她怎么想。

  68、Baishui is femous for apples.白水因為蘋果而出名。

  69、The case of Historic Present is the presentation of present-connectiveness. 英語歷史現在時是現聯性的體現。

  70、My teachers are great.我的老師很好.

  71、He gets up at six o’clock.

  72、I do my homework every day. ?我每天做作業(yè)。

  73、He likes gling to movies with me???? 他喜歡和我一起看電影

  74、He always takes a walk after supper.晚飯后他總是散散步

  75、My hair is black.我的頭發(fā)是黑色的

  76、That red shirt is very nice.那個紅色的襯衫很漂亮。

  77、On average, children at present are much taller than those fifty years ago. 一般來說,現在的孩子比xx年前的孩子個子高多了。

  78、Mike sometimes goes to the park with his sister.

  79、I have lunch every day. ?我每天吃午餐。

  80、I don't think you are right. 我認為你不對.

  81、My parents give ten yuan to my sister every week. Lucy is at home now. 露茜現在在家。

  82、That girl in red is my sister.那個穿著紅色衣服的女孩是我妹妹.

  83、I sometimes go to work on foot.我有時步行去上班。

  84、I don't have enough money.我沒有足夠的錢.

  85、Do you often play football after school?

  86、We use the negative form of the SIMPLE PRESENT to talk about 我們用的否定形式來討論

  87、I have a Chinese friends.我有一個中國朋友。

  88、There are many countries in the world,世界上有很多國家。

  89、Because when things get tough, half way up that mountain, who is holding the other side of the rope? 因為困難出現時,登山登到一般時,誰在握著繩索的另一頭?

  90、Lucy is at home now. 露茜現在在家.

  91、You should believe in youself.你應該相信你自己。

  92、You should believe in youself.你應該相信你自己.

  93、May want to say every time when evil has become the language of only one sentence … 可每當想說時千般言語只化成了一句話…


  95、We have visited her three times. 請給分吧,很辛苦的啊

  96、How do you get along with your classmates?

  97、His sister is quite quiet.他的妹妹非常內向.

  98、We agree with you.我們同意你的看法.

  99、Can I help you ?我可以幫你嗎?

  100、Do you brush your teeth every morning.

  101、Sally likes playing with her little brother. Sally喜歡和她的小弟弟玩.

  102、That red shirt is very nice.那個紅色的襯衫很漂亮.

  103、What eles do you want to buy?你還想買什么?

  104、you had better get going or you will be late for school. 你最好快一點,不然上學要遲到了。

  105、And disappeared when the mountain is, like the fog around the cloud cover in general, in the blue-colored horizon. 時隱時現的山嶺,象云遮霧繞一般,在湛藍色的天邊。

  106、I always play computer games on weekend.我經常在周末玩電腦游戲.

  107、Sound travels faster through water than it does through air.聲音在水中的傳播速度比在空氣中快

  108、For your current job , write accomplishments in past tense and job responsibilities in present tense . 對于現在的工作,取得的成績應該使用一般過去時,而工作職責則應使用。

  109、Breakfast at 8 in general, lunch generally in 12-14, dinner at around 18 commonly. 早餐一般在8時左右,午餐一般在12時-14時,晚餐一般在18時左右。

  110、Helen tries her best to study. Helen盡她最大的努力去學習.

  111、I've asked Mum to take care of Junior for us. 我請了媽媽來照顧我們的兒子。

  112、The earth moves around the sun.

  113、You should smile all the time.你應該一直微笑.

  114、In China, the flower for mother is day lily(萱草花), also known as Nepenthe(忘憂草)。

  115、Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.

  116、Our reply: So how much time do you typically spend on projects now? 我們的回答是:那么您們現在一般在項目上花多少時間?

  117、What does he usually doafter school?

  118、The sunrises in the east and sets in the west.太陽從東方升起在西方落下

  119、At eight at night,she watchesTV with his parents.

  120、My hair is black.我的頭發(fā)是黑色的。

  121、Whatever you think is fine with me. 隨你怎么想,我無所謂。

  122、Here we should use the Present Tense. 這里我們用到了。

  123、We often play in the playgound.

  124、I”ll write you as soon as I get there. 我一到那兒就給你來信。

  125、My teachers are great.我的老師很好。

  126、如果是, The kids have a picnic.

  127、Baishui is femous for apples.白水因為蘋果而出名.

  128、She has no brother.他沒有兄弟。

  129、I have no doubt about that. You can always do whatever you want. 我對此毫不懷疑,你想做的事,總是能做到。

  130、There are five cats.那里有五只貓.

  131、We have six classes every day. 我們每天上六節(jié)課。









