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  中秋節(jié)習(xí)俗介紹(Introduction to Mid-Autumn Festival):

 。ㄒ唬﹤鹘y(tǒng)活動習(xí)俗(Traditional activities and customs):

  祭月/拜月(Moon worship)

  Offering sacrifices to the moon is a very old custom in China, which is actually a worship activity of the ancients to the "moon God". In ancient times, there was the custom of "autumn twilight evening moon". The evening moon, that is, worship the moon god. Since ancient times, in some parts of Guangdong, people have the custom of worships the moon god (worships the moon mother, worships the moon) on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Worship the moon, set a big incense table, put on the moon cake, watermelon, apple, red dates, plums, grapes and other offerings. Under the moon, the "moon God" tablet is placed in that direction of the moon, the red candle is burning high, and the whole family worships the moon in turn, praying for blessing. Offering the moon and appreciating the moon, holding the month of remembrance and expressing peoples good wishes. As one of the important sacrificial rites of the Mid-Autumn Festival, from ancient times to the present day, it has gradually evolved into the folk activities of appreciating the moon and praising the moon, and has also become the main form of modern peoples desire to reunite and express their good wishes for life.


  燃燈(Light a lamp)

  On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, there is the custom of burning lanterns to help the moonlight. Today, the Huguang area is still used to stack tiles on the tower on the lamp festival custom. The Gangnam area has the festival custom of making lamp boats. The custom of lighting lanterns in modern Mid-Autumn Festival is more prosperous. Today people Zhou Yunjin, He Xiangfei "leisure try to say the season things" article said: "Guangdong lantern is the most prosperous, each family in the festival ten days before, with bamboo lanterns. Do fruit, birds and animals, fish and worms and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and other words, pasted colored paper drawing various colors. The internal combustion candle of the middle autumn night lamp is tied to the bamboo pole with a rope, and is erected on the tile eaves or terraces, or is built into a zigzag shape or various shapes with small lamps, and hung on the height of the house, commonly known as the "tree Mid-Autumn Festival" or "vertical Mid-Autumn Festival". Rich and wealthy families hang the lamp, the height can be counted, the family gathered under the lamp to drink for fun, ordinary people put up a flagpole, two lanterns, also take their own fun. A city full of lights is like a glass world." The scale of the Lantern Festival seems to be second only to the Lantern Festival.


  賞月(Enjoy the full moon)

  The custom of appreciating the moon comes from offering sacrifices to the moon, and serious sacrifices have become relaxed pleasures. It is said that the moon is closest to the earth on this night, and the moon is the largest, roundest and brightest, so there has been the custom of feasting and admiring the moon since ancient times. In ancient times, the customs of the north and the south are different, and the customs of different places are different, and the written records of the Mid-Autumn Festival activities appear in the Wei and Jin dynasties, but it has not become a practice. In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival, enjoying the moon, playing the moon is quite popular, many poets in the famous articles have a poem chanting the moon.


  追月(Moon chase)

  The so-called "chasing the moon", that is, after the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, the excitement is not done, so on the evening of the next day, many people invited relatives and friends to continue to enjoy the moon, called "chasing the moon". According to the preface of Chen Zihous "Lingnan Miscellaneous Bills", "the Cantonese busybody, on the night of August 16, gathered friends and relatives to treat wine and food and appreciate the moon, called chasing the moon."


  觀潮(Tide watching)

  In ancient times, Zhejiang area in addition to the Mid-Autumn moon, tide watching can be described as another Mid-Autumn Festival event. The custom of watching the tide in the Mid-Autumn Festival has a long history, as early as in the Han Dynasty in the "Seven hair" Fu has a quite detailed description. After the Han Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival tide watching wind more prosperous. There are also records of tide watching in Ming Zhu Tinghuans "Adding Old Events of Wu Lin" and Song Wu Zimus "Dream Liang Lu".


  猜謎(Guess a riddle)

  On the night of the full moon, many lanterns are hung in public places, and people gather together to guess the riddles written on the lanterns, because it is a favorite activity of most young men and women, and at the same time, love stories are also transmitted on these activities, so the Mid-Autumn Festival lantern riddles have also been derived from a form of male and female love.


  吃月餅(Eat a mooncake)

  Moon cake, also called moon group, harvest cake, palace cake, reunion cake, etc., is the ancient Mid-Autumn Festival to worship the moon God tribute. Mooncakes were originally used to offer offerings to the god of the moon, and later people gradually came to enjoy the moon and taste mooncakes as a symbol of family reunion. Mooncakes symbolize happy reunion. People regard them as festival food, offering sacrifices to the moon and presenting them to relatives and friends. Today, eating moon cakes has become an indispensable custom in the north and south of China to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. On this day, people will eat moon cakes to show "reunion".


  吃甜薯(Eat sweet potato)

  Sweet potato is the traditional food of the Mid-Autumn Festival, in the Mid-Autumn Festival, some places have the custom of eating sweet potato.


  賞桂花、飲桂花酒(Enjoy osmanthus flowers and drink osmanthus wine)

  People often eat moon cakes to admire osmanthus flowers during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and eat various foods made by osmanthus flowers, with pastries and candies being the most common.


  On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the middle of the Tanggui, smelling the bursts of osmanthus fragrance, drinking a cup of osmanthus nectar wine celebrating the sweet honey of the family, has become a beautiful holiday enjoyment. In modern times, people often use red wine instead.


  樹中秋(Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival)


  In some places in Guangdong Province, the Mid-Autumn Festival has a kind of interesting traditional custom, called "tree Mid-Autumn Festival". The tree is also vertical, that is, the color of the lights is erected, so it is also called "vertical Mid-Autumn Festival". With the help of parents, children use bamboo paper to tie rabbit lights, star fruit lights or square lights, hung in the short pole, and then erected on the high pole, held high, the color light shines, adding a scene for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The children often compete with each other to see who is the highest, the highest, and the most exquisite. At night, the city lights, such as stars, and the moon in the sky to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  耍祿仔(Play the Loc boy)

  "Play Lu Tsai" is a very popular childrens game in the past Mid-Autumn Festival, with pomelo shell carved through flowers, hanging lights, children carrying groups of play, or carrying a variety of animals, melon shaped lights, singing along the street, while singing "play Lu song" : "Play Lu Tsai, play Lu er, point lights. Knowledge of sven heavy sven, the world reading for the first, do not say that the article is useless, Guyun a word is worth a thousand pieces of gold, its own book out of noble people..." The children dispersed after enjoying themselves and went home to eat mooncakes and fruits.


  扎燈籠(Hold a lantern)

  In ancient times in Guangdong, when the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, children with the help of their parents would make rabbit lanterns, star fruit lanterns or square lanterns with bamboo paper. In addition, many children will use the peel to make lanterns. In addition, there are papaya lights, banana lights, etc., the easiest is the "pomelo peel lamp", which almost every familys children can do. In addition to the lanterns used to "tree Mid-Autumn Festival", there are more couples holding lanterns to admire the moon.


  玩花燈(Play with lanterns)

  Mid-Autumn Festival, there are many game activities, the first is to play lanterns. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the three major lantern festivals in China. Of course, the Mid-Autumn Festival does not have a large Lantern Festival like the Lantern Festival, playing with lights is mainly carried out between families and children. As early as the Northern Song Dynasty "Wulin Old Events", recorded in the autumn night festival customs, there is a "little red" lamp into the river rafting play activities. Mid-Autumn Festival play lanterns, mostly concentrated in the south. Such as Foshan Autumn fair, there are all kinds of colorful lights: sesame lamp, eggshell lamp, planing lamp, straw lamp, fish scale lamp, rice husk lamp, melon seed lamp and bird and animal flower tree lamp, etc., amazing. In Nanning, Guangxi, in addition to all kinds of lanterns tied with paper and bamboo for children to play, there are also very simple pomelo lanterns, pumpkin lanterns, orange lanterns. The so-called pomelo lamp is to hollow out the pomelo, carve a simple pattern, put on a rope, and light a candle inside, the light is elegant. Jack-o -lantern, orange lamp is also pulled out of the flesh. Although simple, but easy to make, very popular, some children also float the pomelo lamp into the pond river for games. Guangxi has a simple household autumn lamp, which is tied into six bamboo strips circles, pasted white gauze paper, ed candles, and hung on the altar for the moon, and can be used for children to play. Nowadays, in many areas of Guangdong and Guangxi, lantern fairs are arranged in the autumn night, large modern lanterns lit by electric lamps are made, and all kinds of new lanterns made of plastic are made for children to play, but there is a lack of the simple beauty of the old lanterns.


  燒斗香(Shaodou Xiang)

  Jiangsu autumn night to burn a bucket incense. The incense bucket is surrounded by gauze and painted with the moon palace scenery. There are also incense sticks woven with thread incense, on which there are paper bound giant stars and colored flags. Shanghai people also have the custom of burning incense sticks.


  拜祖先(Ancestor worship)

  Mid-Autumn Festival custom in Chaoshan area of Guangdong province. On the afternoon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the halls set up a platform to offer sacrifices, place the ancestral Gods main plate, and offer various offerings. After the sacrifice, the offerings are cooked one by one, and the family eats a sumptuous dinner together.


  舞火龍(Fire Dragon Dance)

  The fire dragon dance is the most traditional custom of Hong Kong Mid-Autumn Festival. From the evening of August 14 of the lunar calendar every year, the Tai Hang area of Causeway Bay holds a grand fire dragon dance for three consecutive nights. This fire dragon is more than 70 meters long, with pearl grass tied into 32 sections of the dragon body, filled with longevity incense. On the night of the grand event, the streets and alleys in this district, a winding fire dragon dances joyfully under the light and dragon drum music, which is very lively.


  聽香(Listening to incense)

  Listening to incense is an ancient Mid-Autumn Festival custom spread in Taiwan. In ancient times, the girl who wanted to marry, first burned incense in front of the gods at home to worship, tell her heart, pray for the gods to indicate the direction of listening to incense, and then according to the direction of the road accidentally or overheard the first sentence, keep in mind, and then throw a jiao back home, judge to explain the luck of the divination things. For example, a lifetime event, and hear the words are eating cookies or flowers, full moon, it means good luck, happy events near.


  燒塔(Burning tower)

  Mid-Autumn lantern and lantern lantern are not the same. The pagoda lamp is lit in the autumn night, and it is mainly popular in the south. Pagoda lamp, that is, a lamp built into a pagoda shape by village children picking up rubble. In the Qing Dynasty, the villagers of Suzhou used tiles to form seven-level pagodas in the wilderness, with the king of the land in the middle and lights burning around them, called "tower lights". Guangzhou children burn "Fan tower lamp", made of broken tiles; There are pomelo peel lamps, with red pomelo peel carved various figures and flowers, placed in the middle of a glass, red light. In addition, the South is also widely spread burning tile lamp (or burn tower, burn tower, burn tower) game, in Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places have been spread. For example, "Chinese National Customs" volume five: Jiangxi "in the autumn night, the general children pick up tiles in the field, piled into a round tower, porous. Burn it in a wood tower under the moon at dusk. As soon as the tiles burned red, and then poured kerosene, oil on the fire, all the wild red, shining like day. Until late at night, when no one is watching, it begins to pour breath, which is a burning tile lamp." The burning tower in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, is also a hollow tower built with brick tiles, filled with branches and burned. At the same time, they also burn smoke piles, that is, piles of grass and firewood, which are burned after the worship of the moon. In the border area of Guangxi, the Zhaofan Pagoda is similar to this kind of activity. In Jinjiang, Fujian, there is also a "pagoda burning" activity.


  中秋宴俗(Mid-Autumn feast custom)

  In ancient China, the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet is the most refined and elegant in the court. Such as the Ming Dynasty court is popular to eat crabs. After the crab is steamed with the bag, the people sit around to taste, with wine vinegar. Drink Su leaf soup after eating, and wash your hands with it. Around the banquet table area, full of flowers, pomegranates and other seasonal delicacies, performing the Mid-Autumn Festival mythology drama. The Qing Palace mostly put a screen to the east in a certain hospital, on both sides of the screen shelved cockscomb, edamame technology, taro, peanuts, radish, fresh lotus root. In front of the screen, there is an eight-fairy table with an oversized mooncake, surrounded by pastries and fruits. At the end of the festival, the moon cake is cut into several pieces according to the royal population, and each person symbolically tastes a bite, called "eating reunion cake". The moon cake in the Qing Palace is so large that it is hard to imagine. Like the last emperor Pu Yi awarded a moon cake to the chief minister of Internal affairs Shao Ying, is "about two feet in diameter, and weighs about 20 jin."


  玩兔爺(Play with the rabbit)

  Playing rabbit is a Mid-Autumn Festival custom popular in north China. The Mid-Autumn Festival custom of playing rabbit began around the end of the Ming Dynasty. "Old Beijing" Mid-Autumn Festival, in addition to eating moon cakes, there is a custom is for rabbit. "Rabbit boy" rabbit head body, armor, put a guard flag, or sitting or standing, or pestle or riding beast, upright two big ears. Originally, "rabbit boy" was used to worship the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival. In the Qing Dynasty, "rabbit boy" gradually transformed into childrens Mid-Autumn Festival toys.


  Ming Ji Kun (about 1636 around the world) of the "Kao King Cabinet left draft" : "Beijing Mid-Autumn Festival to mud rabbit shape, dress like a person, children worship." By the Qing Dynasty, the function of the rabbit has been transformed from the festival of the moon into childrens Mid-Autumn Festival toys. The rabbit is made of mud, rabbit head body, armor, put guard flag, face with gold mud, body painted, or sitting or standing, or pestle or riding beast, with two big ears, very comical. "Yanjing year of the record" : "Every Mid-Autumn Festival, the city peoples clever, with the loess knead into the image of the rabbit to sell, called the rabbit." The imperial court of the Qing Dynasty called the Jade rabbit in the moon Taiyin Jun. But Beijing residents call him the Rabbit boy. In the folk customs around Beijing, the Mid-Autumn Festival Festival of rabbit children is not serious enough but more games.


 。ǘ┑胤教厣↙ocal characteristics)

  Guangdong Chaoshan all over the Mid-Autumn Festival worship of the custom, mainly women and children, there is "men do not full moon, women do not sacrifice the kitchen" common proverb. There are local Mid-Autumn Festival eating taro habits, Chaoshan has a common saying: "river stream mouth, taro children to eat." In August, it is the harvest time of taro, and farmers are used to worship their ancestors with taro. Mid-Autumn night burning towers are also popular in some places.


  Folk customs in the Gangnam area are also varied during the Chuseok Festival. Nanjing people like to eat mooncakes in the Mid-Autumn Festival, must eat the famous vegetable of Jinling osmanthus duck. "Osmanthus duck" in the cinnamon fragrance of the city, fat but not greasy, delicious taste. Jiangnan women are skillful, the chant in the poem, into the table delicacies. Nanjing people family full moon called "celebration reunion", group sitting together drink called "full moon", travel market called "walking month".


  In Wuxi County, Jiangsu Province, the middle autumn night to burn incense. The incense bucket is surrounded by gauze and painted with the scenery in the moon palace. There are also incense sticks woven with thread incense, on which there are paper bound giant stars and colored flags. Shanghainese Mid-Autumn Festival banquet with osmanthus nectar wine.


  On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Ji an County, Jiangxi Province, POTS are burned with straw in every village. When the pot is red, add the vinegar. Then there will be fragrance wafting through the village. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in Xincheng County, the grass lantern is hung from the night of August 11 until August 17. Wuyuan Mid-Autumn Festival, children build a hollow pagoda with bricks. The tower is hung with curtains and plaques and other decorations, and a table is placed in front of the tower to display all kinds of utensils for respecting the "tower God". At night, candles are lit both inside and outside. Jixi Mid-Autumn Festival children play Mid-Autumn Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival cannon is straw tied into braids, soaked and then picked up to the stone to hit, so that the loud noise and the custom of swimming fire dragon. The fire dragon is a dragon made of straw, with incense sticks stuck in the body. The fire dragon has a gong and drum team, which is sent to the river after traveling through the villages.


  In addition to eating moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Sichuan people also want to beat rice cakes, kill ducks, eat hemp cakes, honey cakes and so on. Some places also light orange lights, hanging in the door to celebrate. There are also children in the pomelo filled with incense, dancing along the street, called "dancing meteor incense ball." The Mid-Autumn Festival in Jiading County offers sacrifices to the god of the land, plays operas, vocal music, and cultural relics, which are called "watching the meeting".


  "Bo cake", originated in southern Fujian Province for hundreds of years unique Mid-Autumn Festival traditional activities, throwing with 6 dice, dice red four points to determine the outcome of the main, and to the scholar, the man, the second, the first prize for the color name. This folk tradition is still alive in Taiwan, China.


  Some places have formed many special Mid-Autumn Festival customs. In addition to appreciating the moon, offering sacrifices to the moon and eating moon cakes, there are fire dragon dance in Hong Kong, pile pagoda in Anhui, tree Mid-Autumn festival in Guangzhou, burning tower Tsai in Jinjiang, Suzhou Shihu to see the moon, Dai worship, Miao jump, Dong steal moon dishes, and Gaoshan ball dance.


  Landlords in Guanxian, Laiyang, Guangrao and Yucheng in Shandong province also entertained their tenants on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Jimo Mid-Autumn Festival to eat a festival food called "wheat arrow". Lu an, Shanxi Province, hosted a dinner for her son-in-law on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Xixiang County, Shaanxi province in the autumn night men rafting cliff, women arrange a good banquet, regardless of rich and poor, will eat watermelon. The Mid-Autumn Festival has a drummer blowing drums along the door, asking for money.



  中秋節(jié)簡介(About Mid-Autumn Festival):


  The Mid-Autumn Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival), also known as the Moon Festival, moon birthday, Moon night, Autumn Festival, Midautumn Festival, moon worship festival, Moon mother Festival, Moon Festival, Reunion Festival, etc., is a traditional Chinese folk festival, but also popular in many ethnic groups in China and some countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia, especially the local Chinese traditional festival. It originated in ancient times, popular in the Han Dynasty, shaped in the early Tang Dynasty, popular after the Song Dynasty, and the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and known as Chinas four traditional festivals.

  The word "Mid-Autumn Festival" was first seen in "Zhou Rites". According to the ancient Chinese calendar, the lunar August 15th, in the middle of August in the autumn of a year, it is called "Mid-Autumn Festival". There are four seasons in a year, and each season is divided into three parts: Meng, Zhong, and Ji, and the second month of the third autumn is called midautumn, so the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called "midautumn".

  With the continuous development of society, the ancients gave the moon many legends, from the toad in the middle of the month to the jade rabbit to pound medicine, from Wu gang to the laurel to the moon, rich imagination for the moon palace world described a mottled landscape. From the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, poets and poets have intoned the moon and the things in the middle of the month, August 10 and May become the best time to express feelings. To the northern Song Dynasty Taizong years, the official officially set August 15 for the Mid-Autumn Festival, take meaning in the middle of the autumn, when the people celebrate. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is in the sky, and the earth is clear and bright. People regard the full moon as a symbol of reunion, and August 15 as a day for family reunion. Therefore, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as the "Reunion Festival".

  The Mid-Autumn Festival has become a major festival in the year, and has an extremely delicate relationship with the imperial examination. In the feudal society of our country, the ruler has always attached great importance to the opening of the subject and the selection of scholars. And the triennial autumn imperial examinations happened to be held in August. With the combination of scenery and passion, people will take the high school exam, known as the person who won the month. Every Mid-Autumn Festival, must carry out a grand celebration, become an important custom of the people of the whole society, through the dynasties, popular, the Mid-Autumn Festival has gradually become one of the three major festivals of Chinas Han nationality (Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival).

  中秋節(jié)(Mid-Autumn Festival),又稱祭月節(jié)、月光誕、月夕、秋節(jié)、仲秋節(jié)、拜月節(jié)、月娘節(jié)、月亮節(jié)、團(tuán)圓節(jié)等,是中國民間傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日,也是流行于中國眾多民族與東亞和東南亞一些國家尤其是當(dāng)?shù)氐娜A人華僑的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日。其起源于上古時代, 普及于漢代,定型于唐朝初年,盛行于宋朝以后,與春節(jié)、清明節(jié)、端午節(jié)并稱為中國四大傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日。




 。ǘv史起源與發(fā)展(Historical origin and development)


  The origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival is closely related to the moon, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is a relic of the ancient sky worship - the custom of respecting the moon. During the Autumnal equinox, it is the ancient "Moon Festival". Offering sacrifices to the moon is a very old custom in China, which is actually a worship activity of the "moon God" in some places of ancient China in ancient times. The Mid-Autumn Festival comes from the traditional "Autumn equinox offering moon". In traditional culture, the moon and the sun, the two alternate celestial bodies became the objects of worship of the ancestors. The Mid-Autumn Festival originated from ancient peoples sacrifice to the moon, and is the remains and derivatives of the Chinese nations custom of offering sacrifices to the moon. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a synthesis of autumn customs, and most of its festival and custom factors have ancient origins.



  The Mid-Autumn Festival originated from the worship of the sky, and evolved from the ancient autumn festival to the moon. Offering sacrifices to the moon is a very old custom in China, and it is a worship activity of the ancient people in some places of ancient China to the "moon God". In the autumn equinox season of the 24 solar terms, it is the ancient "moon Festival". The Mid-Autumn Festival comes from the traditional "Autumn equinox offering moon". In ancient farming society, the ancients believed that the movement of the moon had a lot to do with agricultural production and seasonal changes, so the moon offering became an important sacrificial activity. Moon worship, as one of the important rites and customs of folk festivals, has gradually evolved into activities such as appreciating the moon and praising the moon.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival was popularized in the Han Dynasty, which was a period of economic and cultural exchange and integration between the north and the south of China. The word "Mid-Autumn Festival" is the earliest existing written record in the Han Dynasty literature, written between the Han Dynasty "Zhou rites" (written by the Duke of Zhou, actually written between the Han Dynasty), said that before the Qin Dynasty had "autumn night to welcome cold", "Mid-Autumn Festival to offer good Qiu Qiu", "Autumn equinox evening moon (worship)" activities. According to records, in the Han Dynasty, there were activities on the Mid-Autumn Festival or the beginning of Autumn to respect the elderly, provide for the elderly, and give male rough cakes. In the Jin Dynasty, there are also written records of appreciating the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival, but they are less common. Mid-Autumn Festival was not popular in northern China before the Jin Dynasty.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival custom became popular in northern China during the Tang Dynasty. The Mid-Autumn Festival became an official national holiday during the Tang Dynasty. The Book of Tang · Taizong records "August 15 Mid-Autumn Festival". The custom of enjoying the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival flourished in Chang an in the Tang Dynasty, and many poets had poems about chanting the moon in their famous articles. And the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chang e to the moon, Wu Gang felling GUI, jade rabbit pound medicine, Yang Guifei into the moon God, Tang Ming Emperor tour moon palace and other mythic stories combined, so that it is full of romantic color, play the moon wind just flourishing. The Tang Dynasty was an important period when the traditional festival customs were mixed and formed, and its main part has been passed down to the present.

  In the Northern Song Dynasty, August 15 of the lunar calendar was officially designated as "Mid-Autumn Festival". Literary works appear in "small cakes such as chewing moon, with crisp and Yi Yi" seasonal food. Such as Meng elder "Tokyo Menghualu" said: "in the autumn night, your home decorated terrace, the folk to occupy the restaurant play month"; And "String heavy boiling, near extended residents, the sound of Sheng taro at night, like clouds outside." Children in the room, even night marriage play; The night market is rhythmical, as well as knowing."

  During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the worldly interest became stronger and stronger every day. The Ming and Qing dynasties of the moon activities, "its offering fruit cake will be round", each family to set up "moonlight position", in the direction of the moon "to the month and worship." Lu Qihongs "Beijing Yuhua Record" says: "In the autumn night, people each place the moon palace symbol, the symbol is free from such as people stand; Chen melon fruit in court, cake surface painting moon palace toad free; Men and women worship and burn incense, and then burn them." "Emperor scenery" also said: "On the fifteenth day of August, the cake will be round, the melon will be wrong teeth, petals carved like lotus. ... It has a woman to return to the home, is the day will return to the husband, said the Reunion Festival also."

  So far, eating moon cakes has been a necessary custom for the Mid-Autumn Festival in north and south China. Mooncakes symbolize happy reunion. People regard them as festival food, offering sacrifices to the moon and presenting them to relatives and friends. In addition to mooncakes, a variety of seasonal fresh and dried fruits are also delicacies in the autumn night. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the clouds and fog are less, the moon is bright and bright, and there are a series of festival activities such as enjoying the moon, offering sacrifices to the moon, eating moon cakes, eating sweet potatoes, carrying lanterns, dancing grass dragons, trees and building pagodas.








  中秋節(jié)的來歷(The origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival:):

  The Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, is celebrated every year on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month and is said to commemorate Chang e. The word "Mid-Autumn Festival" first appeared in "Zhou Rites". According to the ancient Chinese calendar, there are four seasons in a year, three months in each season, respectively, known as Meng month, Zhong month, quarter month three parts, because the second month of autumn is called midautumn, and because of the lunar August 15, in the middle of August, it is called the "Mid-Autumn Festival". In the early Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival became a fixed festival.

  "New Tang Book · Volume 15 Chi fifth · Rites and music five" contains "which spring, Mid-Autumn Festival release Dien in Wenxuan King, Wucheng King", and "Kaiyuan nineteen years, the beginning of the Taigong Shangfu Temple, to stay Zhang Liang." In the middle of spring and the Mid-Autumn Festival, the sacrifice and the music are like the text." According to historical records, the ancient emperor festival for the lunar August 15, the time coincides with the third half of autumn, so the name "Mid-Autumn Festival"; And because this festival in autumn August, it is also called "autumn festival", "August Festival", "August meeting" and "Mid-Autumn Festival"; There are also beliefs and related customs to pray for reunion, so it is also called "Reunion Festival" and "Daughters Day". Because the main activities of the Mid-Autumn Festival are carried out around the "moon", it is also commonly known as the "moon festival", "Moon night", "chasing the moon festival", "playing the moon festival" and "worship the moon Festival"; In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival was also called "correct month". The popularity of the Mid-Autumn Festival began in the Song Dynasty, to the Ming and Qing dynasties, has become one of the main festivals with the New Years Day. About the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival, there are roughly three kinds: originated from the ancient worship of the moon, the custom of singing and dancing under the moon to find a mate, and the custom of worshiping the land god in the ancient autumn. The traditional Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. This is the middle of autumn, so it is called the Mid-Autumn Festival. In the Chinese lunar calendar, the year is divided into four seasons, and each quarter is divided into three parts: Meng, Zhong and Ji, so the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called midautumn. The moon of August 15 is rounder and brighter than the full moon of other months, so it is also called "Yuexi" and "August Festival". This night, people look up at the sky as jade as a plate of Lang Lang moon, naturally will look forward to family reunion. The wanderers who are far away from home also take this opportunity to express their missing feelings for their hometown and loved ones. Therefore, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called "Reunion Festival". The people of our country have the custom of "autumn month" in ancient times. The evening moon, that is, worship the moon god. In the Zhou Dynasty, every autumn night was held to welcome the cold and offer sacrifices to the moon. Set a large incense table, put on moon cakes, watermelon, apples, dates, plums, grapes and other offerings, of which moon cakes and watermelon are absolutely not less. Watermelon also cut into lotus shape. Under the moon, the moon god in that direction of the moon, red candle burning, the whole family in turn worship the moon, and then by the housewife cut the reunion moon cake. Cut people in advance to calculate how many people in the whole family, at home, in the field, should be counted together, can not cut more or less, the size should be the same. According to legend, the ugly woman of the ancient state of Qi had no salt, and worshipped the moon when she was young. When she grew up, she entered the palace with superior character, but she was not favored. One August 15 full moon, the son of heaven in the moonlight to see her, think she is beautiful, after she set up as the queen, Mid-Autumn Festival worship from this. Chang e in the middle of the month, known for beauty, so the girl worship the moon, willing to "look like Chang e, face such as bright moon."

  In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival, enjoying the moon, playing the moon is quite popular. In the Northern Song Dynasty. On the night of August 15, people in the city, whether rich or poor, should wear adult clothes, burn incense and worship the moon to say their wishes and pray for the blessing of the moon God. In the Southern Song Dynasty, mooncakes are given to each other by the people, which is the meaning of reunion. In some places, there are activities such as dancing grass dragons and building pagodas. Since Ming and Qing Dynasties, the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival has become more popular; Many places have formed special customs such as burning bucket incense, tree Mid-Autumn Festival, tower lamp, sky lamp, moon walk, fire dragon dance and so on. Today, the custom of playing under the moon is far from popular in the old days. But the banquet is still very popular, people ask the wine to the month, to celebrate the good life of the "toast to invite the moon", or wish distant relatives healthy and happy, and the family "a thousand miles of the moon."





  中秋節(jié)的故事(Mid-Autumn Festival story):

  The Mid-Autumn Festival has a long history, and other traditional festivals, is also slowly developed and formed, the ancient emperors have the Spring Festival, autumn festival rites, as early as in the "Zhou Rites" book, there is a "Mid-Autumn Festival" of the word recorded.

  Later nobles and literati also followed suit, in the Mid-Autumn Festival season, to the sky bright and round a bright moon, viewing worship, express feelings, this custom is transmitted to the people, forming a traditional activity.

  Until the Tang Dynasty, this custom of offering to the moon more attention, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become a fixed festival, "Tang book Taizong record" recorded "August 15 Mid-Autumn Festival", this festival prevailed in the Song Dynasty, to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, has become one of the main festivals in our country.

  The legend of the Mid-Autumn Festival is very rich, Chang e flying to the moon, Wu gang felling GUI, jade rabbit pounding medicine and other mythic stories spread widely.





  故事一:嫦娥奔月(Story one: Chang e flies to the moon)

  In ancient times, there were ten days in the sky at the same time, the crops died in the sun, the people were miserable, a hero named Houyi, the power is infinite, he sympathized with the suffering of the people, opened the bow of God, shot down more than nine SUNS, and ordered the last sun to rise and fall on time, for the benefit of the people.

  Houyis wifes name was Chang e. Houyi spent all day with his wife except for hunting. Many scholars came to learn the art, the heart is not good and mixed in.

  One day, Houyi went to the Kunlun Mountains to visit his friends and ask the Queen Mother for a bag of immortal medicine. It is said that if you take this medicine, you can instantly ascend to heaven and become a fairy. However, Houyi could not bear to leave his wife, and temporarily gave the immortal medicine to Chang e for collection.

  Chang e hid the medicine in a treasure box on the dresser. Three days later, Houyi led his disciples out hunting, and Feng Meng, who had evil intentions, pretended to be ill and did not go out. Shortly after Houyi led the men to leave, Fengmeng broke into the backyard of the inner house with a sword and threatened Chang e to hand over the immortal pill.

  Chang e knew that she was not the opponent of Feng Meng, and when she was in danger, she turned to open the treasure box, took out the immortal medicine and swallowed it. Chang e swallowed the medicine, her body immediately floated off the ground, rushed out of the window, and flew to the sky.

  Because Chang e was concerned about her husband, she flew to the nearest moon from the earth to become a fairy.

  In the evening, Houyi returned home, and the maids cried about what had happened during the day.

  Houyi was shocked and angry, draw the sword to kill the villain, Fengmeng had already fled, Houyi was angry to beat his chest, grief, looking up at the night sky calling Chang e, then he found that todays moon is particularly bright and bright, and there is a shaking figure like Chang e.

  Houyi missed his wife, so he sent someone to Chang es favorite back garden, put on the incense table, put on the honey and fresh fruits Chang e usually loves to eat, and offered a remote sacrifice to Chang e in the moon palace.

  After the people heard the news that Chang e flew to the moon to become a fairy, they arranged incense tables under the moon and prayed for good luck and peace to the good Chang e.

  Since then, the custom of worshiping the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival has spread among the people.












  故事二:吳剛伐桂(Story Two: Wu Gang felled the GUI)

  Legend has laurel in the middle of the month, "Huainan Zi" has said "laurel in the middle of the month", later the legend is more specific, and added a laurel tree next to the man Wu Gang.

  The legend of cassia in the middle of the month and Wu Gang, with the Tang Dynasty Duan Chengshi "Youyang Zhuan" before the volume of a "day" contained the most specific, its cloud: "the old word in the month of laurel, there are toad, so the different book laurel high five hundred zhangs, there is a person often chopped, tree creation with. People surnamed Wu, name Gang, Xihe people, learning immortals have, banished to cut down trees."

  This means that Wu Gang had followed the immortal to cultivate, but he made a mistake, the immortal sent him to the moon, ordered him to cut down the immortal tree - laurel. Laurel as high as 500 zhangs, with the cut is combined, Yan Emperor is the use of this endless labor for Wu Gang punishment.

  There is a record in Li Bais poem that "to be hacked with the middle month GUI, to hold it as the salary of those who are cold".





  故事三:玉兔搗藥(Story Three: The Jade Rabbit crushes medicine)

  This legend was first seen in the "Han Yuefu Dong Escape" : "The jade rabbit long kneel to crush medicine toad pills, offer your Majesty a jade plate, take this medicine can be immortal."

  According to legend, there is a rabbit in the moon, white as jade, so it is called "Jade rabbit". This white rabbit holds a jade pestle, kneels down to pound medicine, into toad pills, take these pills can be immortal. The Jade Rabbit is probably Chang es earliest playmate in the Guanghan Palace.

  Summary: The first three Mid-Autumn Festival stories are full of myths and legends of the shadow, about the link between the three, there is such a saying: according to legend, Yi from the West queen Mother got the immortal medicine, handed over to the Heng for safekeeping. Fengmeng went to steal after hearing, stealing is not going to harm the Heng.

  In an emergency, the Heng swallowed the medicine and flew to the sky. Unwilling to leave Yi, the Heng stayed in the moon Moon Moon Palace.

  The loneliness of the Moon Palace was unbearable, so he urged Wu Gang to cut down the laurel tree and let the Jade rabbit crush the medicine, hoping to mix it into the medicine of soaring, so that he could return to earth and reunite with Yi as soon as possible.

  The following three legends have certain historical prototypes and are closely related to well-known historical figures and historical records. Lets continue to taste!







  故事四:玄宗覽月(Story four: Xuanzong Watching the Moon)

  According to legend, Tang Xuanzong and Shen Tianshi and Taoist Hong are all Mid-Autumn moon, suddenly Xuanzong rose the idea of touring the moon palace, so Tianshi practice, three people started on the Qingyun, roaming the moon palace.

  However, the front of the palace is heavily guarded and cannot be entered, and can only overlook the imperial city of Chang an outside. On this occasion, suddenly heard the immortal bursts of sound, beautiful and beautiful, as moving!

  Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty was always familiar with the rhythm of music, so he memorized it in his heart. This is exactly "this song should only exist in heaven, and the world can hear it several times!"

  In the future, Xuanzong recalled the music and singing of the moon palace fairy, and composed music and choreography himself, which is the famous "Nishang Yuyi song" in history.





  故事五:貂蟬拜月(Story five: The Diao Cicada worships the moon)

  Diao Chan was the song girl of Situ Wang Yun in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  According to legend, Diao Cicada was born, and within three years, the local peach blossom was withered; Mink cicada midnight worship moon, moon in the Chang e ashamed, hurriedly hidden into the clouds; Diao cicada beautiful body, thin ears green ring, when the wind swing willow, quiet gentle, the beauty of Diao cicada, is a great view.

  It is because of this beauty that Dong Zhuo, who plays power as a force, and Lu Bu, who is brave and without a plan, turn against each other, making the chaotic court and opposition a little peaceful.




  故事六:月下獨(dú)酌(Story Six: Drinking alone under the moon)

  The poet Li Bai wrote about drinking alone under the flower moon. "To the film into three people" sentence wonderful conception, showing his lonely and bold feelings. "Li Shi straight solution" : "This on the month alone to drink, let loose to enjoy yourself."

  When the poet plays, the background is a flower, the prop is a pot of wine, the role is just his own person, the action is drinking alone, plus "no blind date" three words, the scene is very monotonous.

  So the poet suddenly had a whim, the horizon of the moon, and his shadow under the moon, pulled over, even himself, into three people, drinking together, the quiet scene, it was lively.




  故事七:月餅起義(Story Seven: Mooncake Uprising)

  The tradition of eating moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival began in the Yuan Dynasty. At that time, the vast majority of people in the Central Plains could not bear the cruel rule of the ruling class of the Yuan Dynasty, and they rose up against the Yuan. Unite the opposing forces and prepare for an uprising.

  However, the court officers and soldiers search is very strict, and it is very difficult to convey information. The military adviser Liu Bowen came up with a plan to order his subordinates to hide the "August 15 night uprising" note into the cake inside, and then send people to separate and transmit to the rebels around the country, informing them of the uprising response on the night of August 15.

  On the day of the uprising, the rebel armies responded together. Soon, Xu Da captured the Yuan Dadu and the uprising was successful.

  The news came, Zhu Yuanzhang was happy to quickly pass down the next command, in the coming Mid-Autumn Festival, let all the soldiers and the people enjoy, and will start the year to secretly convey the message of the "moon cake", as a seasonal cake reward of ministers.

  Since then, the production of "moon cakes" has become more and more sophisticated, and more varieties have been produced, and the custom of eating moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival has spread among the people.







  中秋節(jié)日別稱(Mid-Autumn Festival another name)

  Initially, the festival of the "Moon Festival" was on the day of the "Autumn Equinox" of the 24 solar terms of the Ganzhi calendar, and later it was transferred to the 15th of August of the Xia calendar (lunar calendar). According to the Chinese calendar, August is in the middle of autumn, the second month of autumn, called "Mid-Autumn", and August 15 is in the "Mid-Autumn", so it is called "Mid-Autumn Festival".

  There are many other names for the Mid-Autumn Festival: in ancient times, there were autumn equinox night (worship) activities, so it is called "Moon night" or "festival of offering moon". Because the festival is on August 15, it is called "August Festival" and "August half"; Because the main activities of the Mid-Autumn Festival are carried out around the "moon", so it is also commonly known as "moon festival"; Mid-Autumn Festival The moon is complete, symbolizing reunion, so it is also called "Reunion Festival". The Mid-Autumn Festival moon is complete, family reunion, married daughter home reunion, so it is also called "Reunion Festival", "daughters Day". In Guangfu area, the Mid-Autumn Festival is commonly known as "Moonlight Festival". In Mid-Autumn, all kinds of melons and fruits are ripe and listed, because they are called "fruit Festival". Dong people called "pumpkin festival", Mulam people called "afterlife festival" and so on.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as "correct month". The record of "Reunion Festival" first appeared in Ming Dynasty literature. "West Lake tour Chi Yu" said: "August 15 is called the Mid-Autumn Festival, folk to send moon cakes, take the meaning of reunion." "Emperor scenery" also said: "On the fifteenth day of August, the cake will be round, the melon will be wrong teeth, petals carved like lotus. ... It has a woman to return to the home, is the day will return to the husband, said the Reunion Festival also."





  中秋節(jié)日含義(Mid-Autumn Festival meaning):

  The biggest feature of the Mid-Autumn Festival is to place the good wishes of people and nature in the sky. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the harvest season of agriculture, mooncakes and fruits are not only the medium of offering sacrifices to God, but also the concrete symbol of celebrating the good mood of harvest. While people seek to enjoy the beautiful scenery, they strengthen their family ties, so this traditional festival is of great value to the construction of a harmonious society. At the same time, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a reunion and lively festival, although its advocating content is fading, but entertainment, holiday food and other activities are still quite active.

  The formation and development of festivals and their folk activities are the result of political policy, belief culture, folk economy and other factors in a certain period. It not only reflects the thinking mode and aesthetic taste of a nation and a group, but also is an important mechanism to deepen ethnic ties and continue national culture. The evolution of festivals and the changing process of various customs and symbols are of great significance for us to deeply understand the connotation of Chinese culture and build a strong sense of national community.

  A period of political policy, religious culture, private economy and other factors together the result. It not only reflects the thinking mode and aesthetic taste of a nation and a group, but also deepens the association of ethnic groups





  中秋節(jié)文學(xué)記述(Mid-Autumn Festival literary description):

  民謠(Folk song)

  There are many ballads and nursery rhymes about the Mid-Autumn Festival, such as "Moon Maid", "Chair girl", "Moon Song", "Moon Goddess", "The whole family", "Autumn Night", "Moon sister", "Moonlight Light", "Moon cake"; Taiwan folk songs "Mid-Autumn Festival Travel", "Moonlight Night Homesickness", "Suffering" and so on.



  July 15th Ghost Festival, August 15th Peoples Festival (Zhangjiakou)

  August 10 South of May, full of fruits and pomegranates (Xingtai)

  Men do not worship the moon, women do not worship the stove (Shijiazhuang)

  Eat disorderly moon cake death father-in-law (Ji County, Ji county custom: the first year of the new daughter-in-law in her husbands family Mid-Autumn Festival, it is necessary to continue for several years, in her family is the same, otherwise even eat disorderly moon cake)

  Return to Hong Kong to dragon-boat racing in May, harvest money in June, burn paper on the Orchid Festival in July, make money to buy cakes in August, Mid-Autumn Festival (Maoming)

  Winter is not full, summer is not full, August 15 to eat full (Guangzhou, Mid-Autumn Festival, rich fruit)

  August 15 stop living, Winter solstice festival, teaching (Shanxi, Mid-Autumn Festival do workers stop living, winter solstice banquet teachers)

  To the Mid-Autumn Festival, race touch autumn (West Hubei · Tujia)

  Touch a autumn in August, picking pomelo and holding melon is not stealing (touch autumn: custom, moonlight night to steal others to report the loss of fruit is not regarded as stealing. It is believed that the mother of the child will descend to the world on this day, so unmarried married women can get children early if they are not found in the autumn.)










  歇后語(A two-part allegorical saying)

  The moon of August 15 - fair and square

  Eat mooncakes on August 15 - the food of the festival

  August 15 do happy events - people and months together

  Give birth on August 15 - its time for the holidays

  August 15 to see osmanthus - flower full moon

  August 15 for rice cakes -- still early

  Look at the lanterns on August 15 - most half a year late

  August 15 Chinese New Year - the difference between the solar terms











  中秋節(jié)作文(Composition for Mid-Autumn Festival):


  "Mid-Autumn Festival moonlight, the whole family watch the moon..." Whenever I sing this song, I think of the happy scene of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  On the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, the annual Mid-Autumn Festival is coming again. On this night, the bright moon is in the sky. Some people get together happily to eat moon cakes and enjoy the full moon.

  Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as Yuexi, autumn festival, autumn festival, August Festival, August meeting, chasing moon festival, playing moon festival, worship festival, daughters day or reunion festival, people have many customs in such a reunion festival, such as offering moon, appreciating the moon, worships the moon, eating moon cakes, appreciating osmanthus, drinking osmanthus wine.

  There is another legend about Mid-Autumn Festival. Houyi shot the sun and became a hero, received the respect and love of the people, married a beautiful and kind wife Chang e, and the two people lived in love. One day, Hou Yi accidentally met the Queen Mother to get the immortal pill, originally intended to become immortal with his wife. Unexpectedly be the villain about, the villain want to take advantage of Houyi not at home when the snatch, Chang e helpless under swallow the immortal medicine, fairy fly to the sky. Houyi knew what had happened and missed his wife even more, so he put an incense table in the back garden, put on the honey and fresh fruit that his wife loved to eat, and offered a remote sacrifice in the moon palace, missing his Chang e. After the people heard the news that Chang e became a fairy, they arranged incense tables under the moon and prayed for good luck and peace to the good Chang e.

  "Mid-Autumn Festival moonlight, the whole family watch the moon..." Wish people in this Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, peace, happy!







  The Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival with unique customs for the Chinese people, and it is also one of the four traditional festivals, representing the family reunion.

  There are many customs in this festival, such as eating moon cakes, burning lanterns and enjoying the moon. Dongpo once wrote: "Small cakes like chewing moon, there are crisp and filling." It can be seen that since ancient times, people have attached great importance to this festival.

  In kindergarten, I also began to pay attention to these holidays. The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the teacher asked everyone to make a unique lantern of their own. We each picked up a variety of tools to process their own lanterns, there are rabbit lights, bear lights, dog lights and other cute and durable lanterns.

  During the production process, the teacher also told about the source of the Mid-Autumn Festival: "The Mid-Autumn Festival has a very long history, it is like other traditional festivals, are slowly formed. The ancient emperors had the rites of spring and autumn. As early as in the book "Zhou Rites" there is the word "Mid-Autumn Festival" recorded. Later, there were also noble people, scholars and scholars to follow suit. The poet Li Bai was one of them. The custom of worship to the moon will be spread to tomorrow and under the moon, play in many Mid-Autumn Festival customs, are peoples infinite love for life, yearning for a better life." How was I supposed to understand? When I grew up, I found these words interesting.

  That night, I was hanging out with my family. To the street full of colorful lanterns, we walked in the world of lanterns, carefully watching the lifelike jade rabbit lamp, vivid image of the moon lamp. Simple classical function, all kinds of lanterns, beautiful shape, dazzling. At that time, I was young, and I didnt pay much attention to it. I just hung the lamp on the high place. Under the light, the lanterns are vivid. Coupled with our careful lantern riddles, these lanterns become even more interesting. When looking out, it is like a star, faintly visible and dazzling.

  After swinging for a long time, we reluctantly left this brightly lit street.

  When I grow up, I think back to these past events, and I cant help laughing out.









  Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. It is a traditional festival in China. On this day, there is the custom of eating moon cakes and enjoying the full moon. This evening, our family after dinner, went to Yingze Park to enjoy the moon.

  To Yingze park, I saw a lot of people, and many children, so I played with my friends. When we were having a good time, suddenly my mother shouted: "Come and see the moon!" Heard the shouts, I immediately ran to my mothers side, in the direction of my mothers fingers to look, only to see a bright moon rising from the east, the moon exposed half a big red face, the face increased from time to time, while the moon all exposed, constantly rising to the sky. The moon was so big, round and bright that it was beautiful.

  The children danced and sang in the light of the moon. The adults were also talking about the things in life, their faces from time to time showing a happy mood, and there was a burst of laughter in the park. As the moon rose high in the sky and drifted westward, the people in the park began to leave. My father and mother and I also walked to the gate of the park, looking at the moon in the sky, I was very reluctant to leave, thinking that this is how wonderful a night, really unforgettable.





  The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, Autumn Festival, Autumn Festival, began in the early Tang Dynasty, popular in the Song Dynasty, to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, has become one of the Chinese traditional festivals with the Spring Festival. Since ancient times, the Mid-Autumn Festival has the custom of offering sacrifices to the moon, appreciating the moon, worshipping the moon, eating moon cakes, appreciating osmanthus flowers, drinking osmanthus wine and so on. Mid-Autumn Festival to the full moon reunion of people, as the sustenance of missing home, missing loved ones.

  I dont know so much when I was a child, only know that the Mid-Autumn Festival, grandma will put a small table in the yard, on the table on the moon cake, a variety of fruits, lotus root, peanuts, water chestnut and a bowl of water, I always curious to ask grandma, why also put a bowl of water, do Chang e thirsty, will come to my home to drink? Grandma mysteriously said: "This is the moon of the water, drink will not wet the bed," so this bowl of water is always I secretly drink, make grandma laugh.

  When I watched the moon with my family in the yard, I looked at the big and round moon and always thought: Is there really a moon palace on this moon? Is there really a Chang e? Is there really a lovely jade rabbit? Is there really an endless osmanthus tree that Wu Gang is chopping down? I really want to see the moon with my own eyes one day, now I firmly believe that there will be such a day, for that day I must study hard.

  I think whether it is Zhang Jiulings "moonlight on the sea, the end of the world at this time", or Su Shis "I hope people for a long time, a thousand miles of total moon", all express the same meaning, that is, I hope to be reunited in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I would like to be with my family every day, like moon cakes, sweet and round.






  The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is coming again. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four traditional festivals in China. The Mid-Autumn Festival means that the family will be together in the evening to eat moon cakes and enjoy the full moon. Because my relatives live close to each other, so we all go to grandmas house for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  In the morning, after we had breakfast, my grandmother and I went to the cake shop to buy moon cakes. There were so many people at the shop door

  Aaargh! Everyone is choosing mooncakes. After grandma bought the moon cake, we came to Grandmas house, and our relatives also arrived.

  In the evening, the sky was not perfect, and the moon was not in sight. We had to eat moon cakes in the living room, while watching the Mid-Autumn evening party. In the meantime, we also made a funny game called idiom Solitay. The rule is that each person does not take more than two minutes to answer the idiom, the timeout is counted as failure, and the loser is punished with a glass of water. At first, everyone picked it up quickly, but after that, I was a little out of tricks, so I didnt stop drinking water and went to the bathroom a lot.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is different every year, and this years Mid-Autumn Festival has a different flavor!







  The Mid-Autumn Festival is a variety of ways, and with strong local characteristics.

  Guangdong Chaoshan has the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival worship, mainly women and children, there is a "men are not full moon, women do not sacrifice the stove" common proverb. In the evening, the bright moon rises, the women will set a prayer in the courtyard and on the balcony. Silver candles burned high, cigarettes curled, and the table was filled with good fruit and bread as a sacrifice. There are local Mid-Autumn Festival eating taro habits, Chaoshan has a common saying: "river stream mouth, taro children to eat." In August, it is the harvest time of taro, and farmers are used to worship their ancestors with taro. Although this is related to farming, there is also a widespread folk legend: in 1279, the Mongolian aristocrats destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty and established the Yuan Dynasty, which carried out a brutal rule over the Han people. Ma Fa defended Chaozhou against Yuan, after the city was destroyed, the people were slaughtered. In order not to forget the bitter rule of the Hu people, later generations took taro and "Hu head" homophonic, and shaped like a human head, in order to pay tribute to the ancestors, from generation to generation, and still exist today.

  Nanjing people like to eat mooncakes in the Mid-Autumn Festival, must eat the famous dish of Jinling osmanthus duck. Osmanthus duck "in the time of the fragrance of osmanthus, fat but not greasy, delicious taste. Drink will eat a small sugar taro, poured with cinnamon pulp, beautiful not to be said." Cinnamon pulp, a sugar osmanthus flower, picked around the Mid-Autumn Festival, with sugar and sour plum pickling. Jiangnan women are skillful, the chant in the poem, into the table delicacies. Nanjing people enjoy the full moon called "celebrating reunion", sit together to drink called "full moon", travel markets called "walking moon".

  On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Ji an County, Jiangxi Province, POTS are burned with straw in every village. When the pot is red, add the vinegar. Then there will be fragrance wafting through the village. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in Xincheng County, the grass lantern is hung from the night of August 11 until August 17.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, I hope this year in the autumn moon more round, more bright, more pray for my relatives more healthy, my hometown more beautiful, rich; Also from the heart to hope that the motherland more prosperous and prosperous.







  The 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the traditional Chinese festival - Mid-Autumn Festival, which is a reunion festival.

  It is said that the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival has a beautiful legend: it is said that Hou Yi, who shot the sun, sought the elixir of immortality from the Queen Mother of the West. One day Chang e took advantage of Yis absence to steal the elixir and became a fairy and flew to the moon palace. She is very lonely, with only one jade rabbit accompanying her all the year round. After that, Houyi missed her very much, and every August 15th night, he looked at the moon in the sky and took out a moon cake to commemorate her. This custom continues to this day.

  On August 15 this year, my father bought many flavors of mooncakes, including cantaloupe, peach, black sesame... Our family in the moonlight while eating moon cakes, while enjoying the moon, I seem to see Chang e dancing.

  After August 15 every year became our Chinese national reunion festival.






  During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the clouds are sparse, the moon is bright and bright, in addition to the folk to hold a series of activities such as enjoying the moon, offering sacrifices to the moon, eating moon cakes and blessing reunion, some places have dancing grass dragons, building pagodas and other activities. In addition to mooncakes, a variety of seasonal fresh and dried fruits are also delicacies in the autumn night.

  One of the origins of the Mid-Autumn Festival is that the 15th day of the eighth lunar month happens to be the time when rice is ripe and families worship the earth god. The Mid-Autumn Festival may be a relic of the autumn newspaper.

  In the autumn night, in addition to worship, there are moon cakes and lanterns for the festival. Of course, the worship is in the sky Chang e, also known as the moon mother. The old man said that children should not point at the moon, or they will cut off their ears.

  Today, the original meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival has not many people know, for the new generation, the Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake is the most symbolic of reunion, is the Mid-Autumn Festival must eat. On the night of the festival, people also like to eat some watermelon, fruit and other reunion fruits, and wish the family a happy life, sweet and peace.

  Moon cake, also known as Hu cake, palace cake, small cake, moon group, reunion cake, etc., is the ancient Mid-Autumn Festival to worship the moon God offerings, passed down, it formed the custom of eating moon cakes in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  Eating moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival, eating dumplings on the Lantern Festival, is a traditional custom of our folk. Through the ages, people regard mooncakes as a symbol of good luck and reunion. Every Mid-Autumn Festival, the bright moon in the sky, family reunion, cake and moon, talk, enjoy the joy of family.








  Every year on the 15th of August in the lunar calendar, it is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival in China. Because this time is the middle of autumn of the year, it is called the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is also the second largest traditional festival in China after the Spring Festival.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as "Midautumn Festival", "chasing the Moon Festival", "Reunion Festival". It is a traditional cultural festival popular among many ethnic groups in the country. On this night, people look up at the sky like a jade plate of the Lang Lang moon, naturally will look forward to family reunion. Even the wanderers who are far away from home also use it to express their missing feelings for their relatives in their hometown.

  Some people say that the moon is closest to the Earth on this night, and the moon is the largest and brightest. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, there is the custom of feasting and enjoying the moon, in order to symbolize the meaning of perfection and auspiciousness. Every Mid-Autumn Festival, people put flowers, vegetables, moon cakes. To commemorate the goddess Chang e in the fairy tale.

  Mooncakes symbolize reunion and are a must for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Mooncakes also have a history. According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty, General Li Jing won the battle against Hungary on August 15 and returned in triumph. At that time, Turpan, a businessman, offered cakes to the Tang emperor to congratulate him on his victory. Gaozu Li Yuan took the gorgeous cake box, took out a round cake, smiling pointed to the sky moon said: "should be Hu cake invited toad." Then he divided the cake among the ministers to eat.

  Since then, the production of mooncakes has become more sophisticated. Su Dongpo wrote a poem: "Small cakes such as chewing moon, there is crisp and Yi." Mooncakes are indeed very popular in our country.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is really an informative festival.








  Mid-autumn day is a traditional festival in china.

  Almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day. Most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival. A saying goes, "the moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest". Many people who live far away from homes want to go back to have a family reunion.

  How happy it is to enjoy the moon cakes while watching the full moon with your family members.





  Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese festival. It usually es in September or October .On that day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes. It is said "Hou Yi" missed his wife,so he made mooncakes. It looks like the moon.

  There are many kinds of mooncakes. They are small round cakes with meat, nuts or something sweet inside . eating mooncakes has been our custom. Families stay outside in the open air eat a big dinner and mooncakes. The most important thing is looking at the moon, On that day, the moon kooks brighter and rounder. We call this moon the full moon.

  On that day, families get together, so we call this day getting together. This is Mid-autumn Day. I love it very much. Because on that day I can eat mooncakes. And my brother es back home. He works outside all year. Only that day and the Spring Festival. He es back. So that day I am especially happy. On that day my family gets together.





  Every country has its own festival of reunion. In China, every August 15 of the lunar calendar is a good day for family reunion - Mid-Autumn Festival.

  During the Mid-Autumn Festival, you should eat pomegranates, Chinese chestnuts, boiled edamame beans... The most important thing is moon cakes, I know mooncakes are round, meaning everyone is reunited "I have eaten: ham moon cake, fruit moon cake, egg yolk moon cake, bean paste moon cake, five kernel moon cake... My favorite is egg yolk moon cake. It is not as sweet as fruit moon cake, nor as greasy as ham moon cake. It is a little salty, fragrant and soft. I heard my mother told a story. When my mother was young, she and my aunt turned over the moon cake that my grandmother had prepared for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but my mother couldnt stop eating it During the holiday, my grandmother discovered that some of the mooncakes had been stolen. She asked who stole them, but she didnt admit any of them. As a result, my aunt was also punished by my grandmother. We are not as worried about food and clothing as we used to be. Please dont eat too many mooncakes during the holiday, otherwise its easy to have diarrhea.

  Another custom of Mid-Autumn Festival is to watch the moon, but it was cloudy that day in Yuxi, and it was a pity that we didnt see the moon!





  Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese people, commonly known as the 15th day of the eighth month. It is a form inherited by the ancients to worship the moon. The customs of Mid-Autumn Festival in each province are different. The Mid-Autumn Festival in Qinghai is very special. The mooncakes in Qinghai are very different from those in other places. They are steamed in a cage.

  Mid-Autumn Festival is a great time to reflect the skills of women in Qinghai. To make mooncakes, you need to use the dough and first knock it out into a large surface. After applying oil, sprinkle the red yeast, fragrant beans, and turmeric ingredients onto the dough separately. Roll the dough layer by layer into strips and make a pulp. Wrap a layer of white dough on the outermost layer, and some even use colored dough on the dough of large mooncakes to create the shape of frogs, snakes, or flowers and birds. After making it, steam it on a cage drawer with a diameter of forty to fifty centimeters.

  After the mooncakes were steamed, they went down with the drawers and placed them on the table in the courtyard to offer to the moon. The moon on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival is round and big. At this time, the whole family is eating moon cakes in the yard and admiring the moon.





  The Chinese nation has many traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, as well as the Double Seventh Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, among which my favorite festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  There are many origins of the Mid-Autumn Festival, about agricultural production; Relating to folklore; There are messages about the war... But my favorite story is this one. Legend has it that a king defeated Hunghun, and on his return to the palace a merchant gave him a piece of bread. Suddenly, the king pointed to the moon in the sky and said, "You see how much this cake looks like the moon in the sky!" It happened to be the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, so the king designated this day as "Mid-Autumn Festival."

  The Mid-Autumn Festival also has many customs, such as appreciating the moon, offering sacrifices to the moon, eating reunion dinners, eating moon cakes, drinking osmanthus wine, and appreciating lanterns. There are so many flavors of mooncakes now! There are bean paste, bacon filling, egg yolk, and my favorite pineapple mooncake. After the reunion dinner, it is time to enjoy the lanterns. There are lanterns in the shape of a lotus flower, a rabbit, a moon, and a story lamp that turns. These beautiful lanterns dazzled me and filled me with joy.

  This is my favorite Mid-Autumn Festival, what is your favorite festival? Come and tell me!






  The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. It originated in the Tang Dynasty, when the moon was centered, and became a "folk festival" in the Qing Dynasty.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is second only to the Spring Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for "spending the full moon". From the moon in the sky, people think of the reunion of the earth. Therefore, the Mid-Autumn Festival was called the "Reunion Festival" in ancient times. People yearn for circle and circle. Reunion is an ideal in life for Chinese people. "I hope people for a long time, a thousand miles of moon", the good wishes of people. The Mid-Autumn Festival attaches great importance to the cultivation and expression of family affection, which plays an irreplaceable role in promoting social harmony.

  I like the Mid-Autumn Festival very much. When it comes to the Mid-Autumn Festival, our family will get together to enjoy the moon, eat moon cakes and watch the Mid-Autumn Evening Party. This years Mid-Autumn Festival, our family reunion, we talk and laugh, can be happy...

  The moon is sometimes like a naughty child, exposing its face to peek at our holidays!

  Well, after listening to my introduction, do you know anything about the Mid-Autumn Festival?







  Mid-autumn day is a special festival in China, which is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. It falls on the 15th day of Augustlunar month every year. Our Chinese will celebrate it on that day. I think there are not too many people can reject the temptation of it. I like this festival very much. I have two reasons.

  First of all, Mid-autumn has the deep meaning of reunion. In China, people regard Mid-autumn day as very important, so no matter where they are, they will come back to their family if there is a chance. They don’t like celebrate this festival outside, which will make them feel lonely. Thus, they will go home by all means. Luckily, the government also pays great attention to this traditional festival. There are laws tomake sure people have holidays on that special day. In the other word, mid-autumn festival gives a chance for family get together.

  Secondly, every family will prepare a big meal on that day. All the food is delicious. It is good to have a big meal. I think nobody will not interested in delicious food. The mooncake is a necessary decoration forMid-autumn day. It tastes good, too. It is the tradition for a long time. How pleased to enjoy the glorious full moon with mooncake!

  This is why I love Mid-autumn festival so much.






  Mid-autumn Festival is a popular and important lunar harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people.

  The festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar. There are some traditions in this holiday. For example,people would have a big dinner with there families.

  After dinner,they often enjoy the full moon which is round and bright. The other tradition of mid-autumn festival is eating moon cake.

  Moon cake is the essential of that day,which means reunion. As time goes by,there are various kinds of moon cakes,but they are much more expensive than before. I like mid-autumn festival because my families will get together and have a big dinner on that day.






  Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China. It used to be as important as Spring Festival .It is usually celebrated in September or October. This festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon light. On this day, people usually get together with their families and have a nice meal. After that, people always eat delicious mooncakes, and watch the moon.

  The moon is always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relatives and friends.

  It is a day of pleasure and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful Mid-Autumn festival!





  The Mid-Autumn Day August 15th in ChineSe Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion . Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon. The moon is the brightest this night.

  People ate the delicious food while they were enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about thO rabbit. The children really believed that there was a rabbit on the moon. They wanted to go to the moon and have a look one day. What a great festival!




  The Chinese Mid-Autumn festival love to eat moon cakes, must eat the golden ling and GUI duck.

  The "osmanthus duck" should be used in the fragrance of osmanthus, not greasy and delicious. After drinking, you will eat a small amount of taro and water it with cinnamon. The "cinnamon", named after qu yuans "the chu ci", "help the north to close the GUI pulp". Cinnamon, a sugar osmanthus, gathered around the Mid-Autumn festival, salted with sugar and sour plum. The women of the south of the Yangtze river have made a good practice of turning the poems into delicacies on the table. In nanjing, the family of the Chinese people said "happy reunion". The group sat together and called "the month of the moon".




  The Moon Festival, always celebrated on August 15 of the lunar calendar, is one of the most traditional of Chinese holiday. It is several hundred years old and many beautiful tales about it have been handed down from generation to generation. On this day we eat a special kind of pastry called Moon Cake--it represents the moon and also means family reunion.

  It has long been a practice in our family to get together for a small moonlight party at the New Park on the evening of August 15. Cousins and some friends sometimes join us.

  Sitting or lying on the soft grass, some of us chat happily and others listen to music. And amidst shouts and laughter of children chasing around excitedly, I sit quietly at a corner watching the bright, beautiful moon.





  Mid-autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people, which even occupies the same position with Spring Festival.

  It is said that the festival originated from a love story. A man with great strength shot nine suns and left only one, while his wife ate the pills by curious heart. At last, she flied to the moon and had to be separated with her lover. Nowadays, the meaning of Mid-autumn festival is to let the families get together and enjoy the time to appreciate the full moon. My families always prepare for some snacks. When we finish the dinner, all the members will come to the balcony and sit down, appreciating the full moon.

  We talk and enjoy the chatting hour. I have a good time with my families.













