
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-02-10 15:28:08 其他節(jié)日 我要投稿




  1.Get chocolate.給自己買巧克力

  Who says you need someone to buy it for you? Get a box of chocolate and enjoy it. Chocolate releases endorphins in the brain to make you feel good! So a little chocolate will actually improve your mood and make you feel better.誰說你只能讓別人給你買巧克力?你完全可以買一盒巧克力送給自己,并且好好享受巧克力的美妙滋味。巧克力可以刺激大腦釋放內(nèi)啡肽,使你感覺身心愉快!所以,只要吃一點巧克力就可以使你心情舒暢,感覺良好。

  2.Send yourself roses.送自己玫瑰花

  Order the set a couple weeks before Valentine's Day. Sign the card "From A Special Admirer." and send it for you to get on Valentine's Day. Even if you remember it's you who really sent it to yourself, it will still make your day.在情人節(jié)前幾周給自己預(yù)訂一束玫瑰花,并附上一張卡片,上面寫著“來自一位特殊的仰慕者”,要求于情人節(jié)當天送到。即使你知道這位送花人就是自己,你在收到花的時候也會感覺心情大好。

  3.Spend time with those you love.和你所愛之人共度好時光

  Instead, spend time with different kinds of love - your friends and your family. See a movie with some friends, eat dinner at the local diner with a handful of family, whatever you do, love is love, and Valentine's Day is there to represent it. You don't need to be in a romantic relationship to enjoy V-day.愛分很多種,你可以在情人節(jié)那天和家人朋友一起度過。和好友一起去看場電影,和一大家子人一起去下館子,做什么都可以。情人節(jié)的意義就在于分享你的愛,所以,你不一定要和另一半膩味在一起才叫過情人節(jié)。

  4.Don't feel sorry for yourself.別為自己感到難過

  This will just make the day depressing and dreaded. Instead, be excited for this day. After all, it only comes once a year! And it's still a holiday!為自己感到難過只會使你自己傷心壓抑,相反,你應(yīng)該為過情人節(jié)而感到高興。畢竟情人節(jié)一年只有一次,而且不管怎樣,它好歹也算是個節(jié)日!


  Try out a fun recipe and spend time on it! And make it a goal to eat all yourself!找個有趣的烘焙配方,嘗試自己動手做小點心,并給自己定一個目標:把自己做的所有東西吃光光!

  6.Do something nice for another person.為別人做件好事

  Open a door for someone who needs it, volunteer at a church, buy a rose and give it to someone random in the street, whatever you do, will make you feel full of love inside.為別人開個門,在教堂做義工,買枝玫瑰花并把它送給路人,不管你做什么,為別人做件好事都會讓你覺得內(nèi)心充滿愛。

  7.Visit somebody.走親訪友

  A friend, a relative you haven't seen in a while, whoever it is, visit them. Offer to help out a little bit. This is your day, spend it on someone worth spending on.去看望一個許久不見的老朋友、好親戚,不管是誰,去拜訪他們就可以。給他們幫點小忙。你要把你的情人節(jié)時光花在做有意義的`事情上。

  8.Don’t compare yourself to other people.別去和別人比

  If you’re the type who imagines folks secretly pointing at you on the street and laughing at your single status, you’re spending way too much time measuring yourself against supposedly happy, snuggling couples. Remember: just because a person is partnered up on V-Day doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she is blissed out.情人節(jié),你一個人走在路上,旁邊路過的相依偎的甜蜜情侶們就會在背后對你指手畫腳。如果你這么想,那么你就真的是想太多了。記。呵槿斯(jié)有情人的人,不一定就是幸?鞓返摹









