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時(shí)間:2022-09-25 06:36:11 端午節(jié) 我要投稿
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  Beijing in Hebei Province to fight the Dragon Boat Festival free water, often in pre-pre-absorbed, is said to be well in order to avoid toxicity. Street hawkers selling on the Dragon Boat Festival Mulberry Cherry, Dragon Boat Festival is said to eat a cherry mulberry can be eaten throughout the year does not fly. Shop the sale of the oven fresh " cake", that is, worm pattern in five of the cake for decoration. Luanxian employed men and women have many relatives Chatham each other gifts on Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival, local officials will gather for a retreat to the South, the city invited literati feast, known as the "Tap Liu."

  ﹝河北省﹞ 北平忌端午節(jié)打井水,往往于節(jié)前預(yù)汲,據(jù)說(shuō)是為了避井毒。市井小販也于端午節(jié)兜售櫻桃桑,據(jù)說(shuō)端午節(jié)吃了櫻桃桑,可全年不誤食蒼蠅。各爐食鋪出售“五毒餅”,即以五種毒蟲花紋為飾的餅。縣已許聘的男女親家咸于端午節(jié)互相饋贈(zèng)禮品。趙縣端午,地方官府會(huì)至城南舉行聚會(huì),邀請(qǐng)城中士大夫宴飲賦詩(shī),稱為“踏柳”。

  Zouping County, Shandong Province, the Dragon Boat Festival, drinking a cup per person is required to get up early, legends can be believed. Sunshine children wrapped around the Dragon Boat Festival to seven-color line has always been to wear the first time to post solutions to rain down before throwing in the rain. Linqing County Dragon Boat Festival, the following seven-year-old boy with at ( doing Michael necklace), girls with but also the mother to wear yellow cloth shoes made by hand, using wool uppers five strokes on the worm. Qu Yuan by means of the ink to kill five worm. Jimo in the Dragon Boat Festival the morning wash your face with dew.

  ﹝山東省﹞ 鄒平縣端午,每人早起均需飲酒一杯,傳說(shuō)可以避邪。日照端午給兒童纏七色線,一直要戴到節(jié)后第一次下雨才解下來(lái)扔在雨水里。臨清縣端午,七歲以下的男孩帶符(麥稓做的項(xiàng)鏈),女孩帶石榴花,還要穿上母親親手做的黃布鞋,鞋面上用毛筆畫上五種毒蟲。意思是借著屈原的墨跡來(lái)殺死五種毒蟲。即墨在端午節(jié)早晨用露水洗臉。

  State solution Dragon Boat Festival, Shanxi Province, Artemsia argyi wear for men and women, known as the "disease to" a hundred children were grade II in the neck, It is said that this is "tied Quyuan dragon." Xi State Dragon Boat Festival, the village festival Longwang and paper hanging in the fields. Dragon Boat Festival, also known as "while the rich." Dingxiang County Dragon Boat Festival, the students need for teachers gifts Boxing. Lu'an House steamed wheat flour to groups, known as the "white group", used in conjunction with each other gifts dumplings.

  ﹝山西省﹞ 解州端午,男女戴艾葉,稱為“去疾”,幼童則系百索于脖子上,據(jù)說(shuō)這是“為屈原縛蛟龍”。州端午,各村祭龍王,并在田間掛紙。懷仁縣端午又名“朱門”。定襄縣端午,學(xué)生需致贈(zèng)節(jié)禮給教師。安府以麥面蒸團(tuán),稱為“白團(tuán)”,與粽子一起拿來(lái)互相饋贈(zèng)。

  Shaanxi Dragon Boat Festival Xing'an state, local officials led by watch races, known as "the stepping-stone." Xingping County Dragon Boat Festival in sewing silk damask millet small angle, then sewing on the following figures, a small, known as "playing dolls." Dragon Boat Festival with county officials to Po Ai, paper paste cattle gate, known as "the town of disease."

  ﹝陜西省﹞ 興安州端午,地方官率領(lǐng)僚屬觀賞競(jìng)渡,稱之“踏石”。興平縣端午以綾帛縫小角黍,下面再縫上一個(gè)小人偶,稱為“耍娃娃”。同官縣端午以蒲艾、紙牛貼門,稱為“鎮(zhèn)病”。

  Jingning Gansu State Dragon Boat Festival to pick a rose for yee pickled honey. Dragon Boat Festival County town of Shannon fan newlyweds gifts, Luo Qi, towel Pago, entertained the children and invited teachers, known as the "festival to enjoy." Zhangxian Dragon Boat Festival, cowboy mountain worship. Hill plot pay, before the cock burning, commonly known as "burning mountain."

  ﹝甘肅省﹞ 靜寧州端午摘玫瑰以蜜腌漬為。鎮(zhèn)原縣端午贈(zèng)新婚夫婦香扇、羅綺、巾帕、艾虎。子弟并邀集父兄宴請(qǐng)師長(zhǎng),稱為“享節(jié)”。漳縣端午,牧童祀山神。積薪丘,在雞鳴前焚燒,俗稱“燒高山”。

  Jiading County, Jiangsu Province, the Dragon Boat Festival, rich or poor, must buy Shishou fish (commonly known as the sturgeon fish) cooking. Yizheng County there are "When the pants, to buy fish," the proverb. Nanjing Dragon Boat Festival, a box of various water are required to add a little Realgar, geese two eyes money, family size were washed with the eyes, known as the "eyes of fire break," said to be a year without eye protection. Wujin play there the night of the dragon boat, surrounded by hanging at the Dragon Boat races on a small lamp, and the songs with drums and flute.

  ﹝江蘇省﹞ 嘉定縣端午,不論貧富,必買石首魚(俗稱魚)煮食。儀征縣也有“當(dāng)褲子、買黃魚”的俗諺。南京端午,各家皆以清水一盒,加入少許雄黃,鵝眼錢兩枚,合家大小均用此水洗眼,稱為“破火眼”,據(jù)說(shuō)可保一年沒(méi)有眼疾。武進(jìn)有夜龍舟之戲,晚上在龍舟四面懸上小燈競(jìng)渡,且有簫鼓歌聲相和。

  The Dragon Boat Festival Gaoyou more special, there are 100 Department of paste, paste the address, sub-put-cured tobacco, eating "Red 12" and custom, child-hing, a "sub-duck network" is selected in a good-looking duck Color lines formed in the sub-network, hanging on his chest.


  Sichuan pillars of "a traditional guy," the custom. From four to two bamboo poles Shop has lifted a large square table紅毯. Bamboo blanket used for a Taoist priest riding a tiger. street processions. Old, western Sichuan are the Dragon Boat Festival "sub-typing" customs. Japanese, Chengdu people are buying plums, downstairs in the city of the southeast corner of the city, up and down on the throwing objects, together tens of thousands of visitors. Guangxu 2021 (1895) because of objects being thrown from Lee and foreign missionaries conflict occurred, and therefore to stop this vulgar. Leshan, Xinjin such as dragon-boat race at the Dragon Boat Festival, also held a grand trade fair.

  ﹝四川省﹞ 石柱有“出端午佬”的習(xí)俗。由四人以兩根竹竿抬起一張鋪有紅毯的大方桌。毯上用竹編一個(gè)騎虎的道士。敲鑼打鼓,街游行。舊時(shí),川西還有端午“打字子”的習(xí)俗。是日,成都人皆買李子,于城東南角城樓下,上下對(duì)擲,聚觀者數(shù)萬(wàn)。光緒二一年(一八九五年)因擲李與外國(guó)傳教士發(fā)生衡突,此俗因而停止。樂(lè)山、新津等地端午賽龍舟時(shí),還舉行盛大商品交易會(huì)。

  Tong Lu, Zhejiang Sook of county and township school, the Dragon Boat Festival a ceremony at the division, known as "silk clothing." Doctors at noon herbs, traditionally the stars overhead medicine days.

  ﹝浙江省﹞ 桐盧縣鄉(xiāng)塾之學(xué)童,端午節(jié)具禮于師長(zhǎng),稱之“衣絲”。醫(yī)家則于午時(shí)采藥,相傳此日天醫(yī)星臨空。

  Jiangxi Jianchang House prudence afternoon Baicao water bath to prevent scabies, XINCHANG to realgar, cinnabar drink of the wine, called "eyes."

  ﹝江西省﹞ 建昌府午節(jié)用百草水洗浴,以防止疥瘡,新昌縣以雄黃、丹砂酒中飲之,稱之“開(kāi)眼”。

  Huanggang City of Hubei Province greet Dragon Boat Festival held in the Palestinian town, and a crown tattoo,鳴金by Phytophthora. Yichang County Dragon Boat Festival races, but in May 13, 14, Sheng十五三日special. May 15, also known as "Big Dragon Boat Festival", eat rice dumplings, Po drink wine, for example, with the Dragon Boat Festival.

  ﹝湖北省﹞ 黃岡市端午節(jié)巴河鎮(zhèn)迎儺人,花冠文身,鳴金逐疫。宜昌縣端午競(jìng)渡,但以五月十三、十四、十五三日特盛。五月十五又稱“大端陽(yáng)”,食粽、飲蒲酒,例同端午。

  Youxian Hunan Dragon Boat Festival, pregnant women who used to spend Andrew currency, the poor preparation of the chicken liquor to Penny folder Broussonetia money, for the dragon in the dragon boat to pray before the first production-an. Yue state races that Ruang disaster to disease. Also for pan of water, referred to as the "send pestilence."

  ﹝湖南省﹞ 攸縣端午,孕婦家富者用花幣酒食,貧者備雞酒,以竹夾錢,供于龍舟之龍首前祈求安產(chǎn)。岳州府競(jìng)渡以為禳災(zāi)、去疾。又作草船泛水,稱為“送瘟”。

  Fuzhou, Fujian Province, the Dragon Boat Festival old customs, daughter-in-law was on a shroud, footwear, mission brown, fan-laws into the offer. County to build on the 5th Cyphotheca for drying Manual, the others are here for the sauce on. Shanghang County Dragon Boat Festival with boat tie-shaped reed plays Zuolong waterfront, known as the Boat Race. Xianyou County Dragon Boat Festival races, the wreath of paper in the Tam Tigers to read Jiajing suspended decane female soldiers this year Qi. Shaowu House before the Dragon Boat Festival, women in purple-red yarn for the Fu-sheng capsule. Goshiki again for FANG Sheng-rong, the color line in, line in the hairpin. The girl was hanging on the back, known as the "sinus mother."

  ﹝福建省﹞ 福州端午舊俗,媳婦于是日以壽衣、鞋襪、團(tuán)粽、扇子進(jìn)獻(xiàn)公婆。建陽(yáng)縣以五日為藥王曬藥囊日,人家皆于此日作醬。上杭縣端午用小艇縛蘆葦作龍形戲于水濱,稱為競(jìng)渡。仙游縣端午競(jìng)渡后,獻(xiàn)紙于虎嘯潭,以吊念嘉靖癸年戚繼光于此溺兵。邵武府端午節(jié)前,婦女以絳紗為囊盛符。又以五色絨作方勝,聯(lián)以彩線,系于釵上。幼女則懸之于背,稱為“竇娘”。

  Guangdong Province, the Dragon Boat Festival Conghua County noon to burning eyes and wash hands after the spill on the Road, known as the "send a disaster." Dragon Boat Festival, people close to the temple from its advocacy of statues greet tour guide. Wizards and water law, who posted at the expulsion of evil magic. Dragon Boat Festival, children's kite-flying, known as the "release calamity."

  ﹝廣東省﹞ 從化縣端午節(jié)正午以燒符水洗手眼后,潑灑于道,稱為“送災(zāi)難”。新興縣端午,人家各從其鄰近廟宇鼓吹迎導(dǎo)神像出巡。巫師并以法水、貼符驅(qū)逐邪凡魅。石城縣端午,兒童放風(fēng)箏,稱為“放殃”。

  (Hainan Province) during the Dragon Boat Festival, Hainan general throughout the Central Plains will be held, such as dragon boat races and other activities. In today's best preserved ancient city wall governance Dingan County, five hundred years the history of the ancient city of Ming Dynasty within the openings, there are still two stone mounted stacked two bright, slender, high-spirited dragon boat. Island ancestors, the Dragon Boat Festival season, picking up of the boat, toward the river, in ... ... history of the ancient color from a Dragon Boat Festival, the running time staggered to Today. Known as "coconut Township," said Wen, is the ancestral home of Soong Ching Ling, the sea along the riverside. Since ancient times, the local coastal residents along the river during the Dragon Boat Festival, will host the activities of the dragon-boat race, to pray for safety. Hainan and the mainland in addition to the same dragon boat racing, eating dumplings, hanging calamus and Wormwood, as well as an island people are all familiar with the content, that is, washing water and washing-long herbal bath.






















