
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-07-16 08:56:08 辭職信 我要投稿
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  本文是微軟元老級員工Philip Su在2010年離開微軟時寫下的離職信。信中字字珠璣,回顧了自己在微軟工作的12年所感受和領(lǐng)悟到的職場真諦。無論你是職場老手還是職場新人,相信都能從中獲得一些啟發(fā)。

  Today was my last day at Microsoft, after 12 years straight out of college. I will start at Facebook next week as a developer in its Seattle office.

  今天是我在微軟的最后一天。自從大學(xué)畢業(yè),過去的 12 年里我一直都在微軟工作。下周起,我將以一個程序員的身份在Facebook西雅圖的辦公室重新開始。

  Below is the email I sent to Microsoft colleagues on my last day. I loved Microsoft, every one of the past twelve awesome years. Here’s to new adventures!


  ### Original email below ###


  Microsoft has been an awesome place to work over the past twelve years. Today is my last day.

  過去的12 年里,我一直很喜歡在微軟工作,但是今天是我在微軟的最后一天。

  I’ve always been somewhat random, so I’d like to end this whole adventure true to form: quirky, controversial, optimistic, seat-of-the-pants, with rarely a satisfying explanation.


  Don’t look for coherence below – you won’t find it. And if parts of this offend you, it’s probably because you don’t know me well enough – I offend people inadvertently all the time, almost as a rule.


  Thanks for everything.


  In college, I never thought I’d work for Microsoft. Then I interned in 1997 and fell in love: free sodas, individual offices (with doors!), Pentium 66’s – what more could a coder ask? Years later, my manager from the internship quit suddenly when his hard drive crashed, erasing weeks of code that hadn’t been checked in. He said it was a sign from God. I have no idea what he’s doing these days.

  上大學(xué)時,我從來沒有想過在微軟工作。但我1997 年的時候在微軟實習(xí)后,就對它一見鐘情:免費(fèi)的飲料、自己的辦公室、奔騰66... 一個程序員還能要求什么?幾年后,我實習(xí)時的老板突然離職了。他電腦的硬盤當(dāng)時發(fā)生了故障,丟失了幾個月的工作。他說這是一個來自上天的征兆。我不知道他現(xiàn)在人在哪里,在做些什么事情。

  People often complain after getting a “bad” review that their manager has a distorted and inaccurate view of them. Don’t you think that, of all the people in the world, the person reviewed would have the most biased view of their own performance? I sometimes gently suggest this. People don’t believe me.


  Choose carbs. Eat dessert first.


  Use Occam’s Razor in interpersonal relations: look for the simplest, most straightforward explanation that assumes the best of everybody. Stay away from people who always have a conspiracy theory involving twisted office politics, unfulfilled Machiavellian ambitions, and unspoken agendas.


  Anonymous college course evaluations often ask for the student’s grade in the class. Turns out that there’s a strong correlation between a student’s grade and their assessment of the professor’s abilities. I don’t listen too carefully when a poor performer tells me how awful their previous manager was. My ears perk up when a star performer constructively criticizes their management.


  Bias towards action. “Litebulb” will drain your soul.


  Words matter. Connotations matter.


  If you consistently deliver what the business needs most, and you do it well, it’s impossible not to get promoted. People tell me this isn’t true, that it’s all about the people you know and about “visibility.” I have no idea how to consistently deliver impactful business results without becoming visible as a side effect. I hate it when developers ask me how to become “more visible.” They hate it when I tell them to “do great work.” They think I’m mocking them.


  Be genuine. Never give advice for your own advantage. I’ve never once counseled a person to join my team or to stay on my team because I needed them.


  Listen to understand. Speak to be understood.


  Good ideas are a dime a dozen. Great ideas are usually laughed at. Neither sees the light of day without you taking action. Do the work to prove your idea, or stop talking about it. In an entrepreneurship class in college, I pitched the idea of an online grocery delivery service and got laughed off stage. Hurt, but convinced of my great genius, I returned the following week to pitch the idea of online movie rentals using the postal service. I called it NetVideo. Everyone thought it was absurd. I used to tell this story to bolster what I thought was my streak of unrecognized, prognosticating technical genius. These days, I tell the story to remind myself that in the end, only action and execution matter.


  What’s your final level at Microsoft? Please don’t say CEO or Technical Fellow – I can almost guarantee you it’s not. A realistic appraisal helps you aim for the right things, and is also essential to happiness. A VP once told me that he had already attained the highest position he’d ever reach at Microsoft. It wasn’t false humility. It wasn’t sour grapes. He was confident in his abilities and ambitious about doing great work. He was just more grounded and self-aware than many, and thus more content. Don’t give up or sell out. Just know yourself.

  你在微軟最終的職位級別是什么?請不要說 CEO 或科技院士,因為我?guī)缀蹩梢员WC你達(dá)不到。對自己能力更現(xiàn)實的認(rèn)識會幫助你更準(zhǔn)確找到目標(biāo),而且也會讓你更加快樂。一位副總裁曾經(jīng)告訴我, 他已經(jīng)做到了他在微軟能做的最高職位。這不是假謙虛,也不是抱怨。他對自己很自信,而且很有事業(yè)心。他只不過是對自己有很清楚的認(rèn)識,而且懂得滿足。不要放棄,也不要出賣自己。但是你要正確認(rèn)識你自己。

  If you only ever implement feedback that you agree with, you probably don’t need the feedback in the first place. For feedback to be useful, you must at least occasionally consider implementing feedback that you don’t initially agree with. How else will you discover your blind spots?


  Good people with good process will outperform good people with no process every time.–Grady Booch


  Don’t fear process. Fear bad people dictating process. Fear process trying to make up for bad people.


  I’ve managed almost 150 people across dev/test/PM. I estimate about 60% of employees think that they belong in the top 20% when ranked against their peers. I have never once had a person say that they belong in the bottom 10%.

  我管理過150 人的開發(fā)團(tuán)隊。我估計60% 的人覺得自己應(yīng)該是排名在前20%。我從來沒有遇見過認(rèn)為自己是排在最后10% 的人。

  What would Mini do? (Incidentally, one of my managers once asked me, in all seriousness, whether I was Mini-Microsoft. I guess you’ll find out after I leave.)

  Mini 會怎么做?(一個經(jīng)理曾經(jīng)很嚴(yán)肅的問我,我是不是Mini-Microsoft。 等我離開微軟后,你們就會知道了。)(小編注:Mini-Microsoft 是一個寫微軟內(nèi)情的匿名博客,在微軟內(nèi)部有很大影響力)

  In a company as large as Microsoft, I guarantee you’ll find someone higher level than you who you think is worse than you. Don’t get stuck in this mental trap – it won’t motivate you to be your best. Look instead towards the person you admire most at your level. What can you learn from them? What unique strengths might you have which they don’t have?


  A person is either passionate or they’re not. People who expect their manager to make their jobs fun and interesting won’t get far.


  Once, at a Pizza Hut counter, I noticed that all the pens meant for signing credit card receipts had little flowers attached to their tops. Stuck together in a cup, the bunch of pens looked like a bouquet. I asked the cashier whether this was a new Pizza Hut policy. She said no – she had done it on her own. What would you pay to have her in your company?


  Cynics don’t get anything done. Stop talking to people whose first response is always skeptical. They will crush you.


  I had a coworker in Money who, by the time I joined in 1998, had already been at Microsoft for 15 years and could probably buy the county I grew up in. He drove a beat-up Datsun and coded every day in his office as an individual contributor. There is no doubt in my mind that he knows what he loves.

  我有一位同事,他在我1998 年加入微軟的時候已經(jīng)在微軟干了15 年,應(yīng)該有足夠的錢來買一棟樓。但是他每天還是開一輛破舊的Datsun 汽車來上班,來編程。說這不是他深愛的事業(yè),會有誰信呢?

  Tony Hsieh’s Delivering Happiness. It may change your life.


  Offer me one great Microsoft engineer for five “solid” ones: I gladly take the exchange.


  Practice articulating positions you disagree with faithfully and persuasively. Unless you can do this, you’re implicitly assuming that people who disagree with you are idiots. Smart people understand why smart people disagree.


  People keep asking for executive accountability when something goes wrong. When’s the last time you saw a line engineer take accountability – real, public accountability, the type that says, “I screwed up. This needs to go on my review. I will make this right, or I will find another position”?


  The team you want to join is the one that’s hard to get into.


  If it seems easy getting a bunch of great reviews, you’re probably working on the wrong team.


  Do you practice specific skills with repetition and intent? Athletes do drills. Musicians hone difficult passages. What do you do?


  Mentees sometimes ask for the secret to my moderate career success. They’re disappointed when I tell them that it’s partially due to hard work. It sounds trite and preachy, like a public service announcement, like I’m commending myself for breaking a light sweat. As if they’d be more satisfied with an answer like, “I clawed my way up to middle management through shameless brownnosing.” My first year at Microsoft, I had a sleeping bag in my office and worked all the time. On weekends, I still write code to learn new technologies. I regularly read books about leadership, communication, management, and technology. Equally smart people fare differently in their careers partly based on the amount they’re willing to put in. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something.


  Follow great people. Work for great people.


  Above all else: Integrity. You must be able to trust who you work with and for. Theodore Roosevelt once fired a rancher who stole some neighboring cattle and added them to Roosevelt’s herd. When asked about this by incredulous friends, Roosevelt simply replied, “A man who steals for me will also steal from me.”

  最重要的是:做人要誠信。你必須信任和你一起工作的人。羅斯福有一次開除了他的牧場主,因為那位牧場主偷了鄰居的牛,然后把它們放到了羅斯福的牛群中。當(dāng)他的朋友詢問他為什么時,羅斯;卮 “為我偷東西的人,也會從我這里偷東西!

  A PM once remarked of a former Microsoft VP known for being ultra-aggressive in meetings: “I’d rather have him pissing from my tent than into my tent.” Everyone within earshot chuckled at this witty political insight. I’d actually rather not have anybody pissing on any tents, mine or otherwise.

  一位PM 曾經(jīng)評價過一位在會議上很具進(jìn)攻性的副總裁,“我寧可讓他從我這邊往別人那里噴,而不是從別人那里往我這里噴!甭牭降乃腥硕夹α。我更希望誰也別噴誰。

  Organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.–Conway’s Law (Melvin Conway)

  康威定律(Conway’s Law):“設(shè)計系統(tǒng)的組織,最終產(chǎn)生的設(shè)計等同于組織之內(nèi)、之間的溝通結(jié)構(gòu)。”

  Don’t ship the org chart.–Steven Sinofsk

  永遠(yuǎn)不要發(fā)出組織的架構(gòu)圖。-Steven Sinofsky(史蒂文·辛諾夫斯基,微軟Windows事業(yè)部主管)

  You can control outcomes with three types of approaches: a) People Control, where you decide who to hire, who to fire, and who to put in what positions; b) Action Control, where you tell people what to do; and c) Results Control, where you define the metrics of success. Know when to use which.

  你可以通過三種方法控制你的結(jié)果:1. 控制人,你可以選擇雇傭誰,解雇誰,把什么人放到什么位置上;2. 行為控制,你可以告訴他們該做什么;C. 結(jié)果控制,你告訴他們需要什么樣的結(jié)果而度量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是什么。你要知道什么時候適合用什么方法。

  Isn’t it a neat feeling when you’re introduced to a coworker’s kids or spouse? For a moment, the bubble of work is burst. You imagine baseball games, music recitals, anniversary dinners. I remind myself of this when I get frustrated at people.


  I love watching exceptional people do what they’re good at. It amazes and inspires me. I once saw an alleyway chef in Shanghai turn a basketball-sized clump of dough into hand-pulled noodles for a table of eight, amid a blur of arm movements in under a minute. Ever watch speed stacking? We each have astonishing potential.

  我喜歡看到有才能的人們做他們最擅長的事情,因為這能夠很好的激勵我。我在上海的一個胡同里面看到一個大廚把一個籃球大小的面團(tuán)用手拉成了8 個人吃的面條,而且整個過程都在一分鐘內(nèi)完成。我們每人都具有驚人的潛能。

  Amidst some LCA controversy around “Dr. Who(m),” a site I worked very hard on creating after hours, I arrived at my office to find a handmade two-foot-high Dalek. Someone had taken the time to print, cut, and tape together a mascot to support me. What inspires people to this sort of kindness? I still don’t know who did this for me – but if you’re reading this, thank you.

  當(dāng)我編寫的Dr. Who 網(wǎng)站(微軟內(nèi)部查詢?nèi)说墓ぞ撸┦艿搅朔墒聞?wù)部的一些抗議時,有人把一個兩英尺高的“Dalek”(小編注:Dalek,中文名為戴立克,是英國BBC著名科幻電視劇《Doctor Who》(神秘博士)中Doctor 最大的機(jī)器人生命體對頭。)塑像放在我的辦公室里,表示支持。我現(xiàn)在還不知道這是誰做的,但是如果你在讀這封信,謝謝。

  Spend time with people whether they’ll be “useful” to you someday or not. Respond to emails whether from a VP or from a campus hire. This advice will likely make you less “efficient.” But it’s good advice nevertheless.


  We used to get Dove Bars and beers all the time. It felt like free food was on offer at least once a week, usually with a pretense of some small milestone to celebrate. Why did we cut stuff like this? (I know the boring fiscal reasons why. I’m asking the deeper why, as in, “Was it worth the savings? Is Microsoft better now that we’ve cut these costs?”)


  One day, a sign appeared on a soda fridge in RedWest saying something to the effect of, “Did you know that drinks cost Microsoft [ed: millions of dollars] a year? Sodas are your perk at work. Don’t bring them home.” This depressed me on too many levels to enumerate, but I’ll toss out a few:

  有一天, 一個標(biāo)貼出現(xiàn)在微軟雷德蒙西區(qū)的冰箱上,它是這樣寫的:“你知道微軟每年在飲料上要花費(fèi)掉幾百萬美金嗎?飲料是公司的,請不要帶回家”。這使我非常郁悶的原因很多,簡單說幾個:

  1.Someone had enough time to get these signs professionally printed and affixed to our fridges.


  2.It was someone’s salaried, 40-hour-a-week job to do things like this.


  3.Someone thought soda smuggling was a big enough “problem” at Microsoft to draw attention to it.


  How much soda can a person steal? How much does that same person cost the company per hour in salary and benefits? Our most interesting profits will come from capitalizing on huge opportunities, not from micromanaging costs. I’m sure some finance person will lambast me for this, which would only further depress me. Believe in our upside. Focus on our upside.


  Leadership is the art of getting people to want to do what you know must be done. This was told to me third hand; I’ve unfortunately lost the attribution.


  What have you enjoyed most in your time at Microsoft? What made that experience great? How can you do more of that?


  What would you do if you hit the lottery? How can you do some of that right now?


  Individuals are the sole cause of anything that’s ever happened.


  一般將來時(Simple Future Tense)


  例A:I shall not come if it rains tomorrow.


  例B:My brother will leave for the United States next week.


  解說 從句式我們可以了解一般將來時的表達(dá)須借助于助動詞“shall/will”。關(guān)于“shall/will”的用法,傳統(tǒng)文法談得很多,同時各文法學(xué)家的理論也不很一致。更重要的是英國人和美國人對“shall/will”的用法規(guī)則并不很一致,也不很嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),所以本書擬只提供下面的五個規(guī)則,相信各位只要把下面這五個規(guī)則學(xué)通了,你的“shall/will”的用法就可以中規(guī)中矩了。

 、僬f或?qū)懚急M量使用“I'll, You'll, He'll , She'll , It'll, We'll , They'll …”的簡縮形(如用法例2、3)。


  例A:I won't see him again.


  例B:Who will go and help that poor old man?


  Mary will . (瑪莉愿意。)


  例A:You shall not do that again.


  例B:He shall return that book tomorrow.



  例A:Shall I call you a taxi ?


  例B:Shall we tell her the truth ?


 、輪柧涫恰癝hall…?”,答句就用“shall ~”;問句用“Will …?”,答句就用“will ~ ”。

  例A:Shall you go to school tomorrow ?


  Yes, I shall . We'll have an exam .


  例B:Will you go to school with me tomorrow?


  No, I won't . I'm going on a picnic.


  注:Let's …”的附加疑問通常使用“…, shall we ?”。

  Let's have a rest, shall we?


  一般將來時除了使用“shall/will + V…”以外,也可以使用下列的幾種句式來表達(dá)。

  1.be going to + V … (即將會……;打算將……)

  例A:It is going to rain. Take an umbrella with you.


  例B:The Browns are going to move to Australia.


  2.be about to + V (即將……,指緊接著要發(fā)生的動作。)

  例:Let's wait a minute. He is about to arrive.


  3.be + V-ing …(定于……,指接近的將來動作。)

  例:He is leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow morning.


  4.be + to V (定于……,指預(yù)定的將來動作。)

  例:She is to be here at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.


  5.V-(e)s (定于……,指接近的將來動作,但不如第3項主觀。)

  例:He leaves for Hong Kong tomorrow morning.


  常用于修飾一般將來時的時間副詞有:tomorrow, tomorrow morning (afternoon, evening), next + 時間 (next night, next Monday …, next week, month…, next summer…, next year), in (the) future (將來),soon (不久之后),in +時間 (in five days——再過五天,in two weeks——再過二星期),etc.

  Drilling Square


  1.You ______ not drive through a red light.

  2.I ______ do everything for her.

  3.______ you help me with this heavy bag, John?

  4.______ I help you with that heavy bag, Madam?

  5.Let's go and take a walk after dinner, ______ we?

  6."No one ______ leave the classroom if I haven't said Okay," said the teacher.

  7.It ______ soon be over, I am sure.

  8.Do what you ______ , but don't go out.

  9.I ______ take you there with me, if it's OK with your mother.

  10.Rain or shine, I ______ come.


  1.A:How do you want to go to Hualain, by air or by train?

  B:I am not in a hurry this time, so I (1) take the train.

  2.A:(2) (you like) to go to the game this afternoon?

  B:I'd love to. Where (3) (we meet) ?

  A:You just stay home and wait for me. I (4) drive my car there, so I (5) (pick) you up at about 1:30 .

  3.A:It's a good dictionary . I (6) (buy) it, but I don't have money with me now.

  B:Don't worry. I (7) (lend) you.

  4.A:I hear Miss Chen (8) leave our school and teach in a bigger school in Taipei.

  B:But the principal (校長) (9) not let her go . He says she (10) teach at least for another semester until he finds a new teacher.







  1.同義、近義辨析題 詞匯區(qū)別是詞匯測試的一個重要方面,它主要是對同義詞或近義詞在含義與用法上進(jìn)行區(qū)別。這類試題的選項是四個詞性相同、詞義相同或相近的詞。測試的目的在于檢測考生辨別詞義和運(yùn)用詞匯的能力。詞匯區(qū)別一直是學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)英語過程中遇到的一大難題。這主要是由于他們沒有掌握漢英兩種語言在詞匯方面的差異,往往只注意英語的漢語釋義,而忽略了其本身的內(nèi)在涵義和用法。 eg. The driver of the lorry sustained only minor to legs and arms. A. hurt B. wound C. harm D. injury 答案 D。餐車司機(jī)的腿和胳膊只受了一些輕傷。這道題測試考生對同義詞細(xì)微差別的辨別能力。四個選項中的名詞都含有“傷害”之意,但它們之間還有語義使用范圍上的細(xì)微差別。hurt多指“感情、精神”上的傷害。wound多指由槍炮等武器所造成的傷害。harm指危害、害傷。injury指在事故、戰(zhàn)爭中所受的傷害。根據(jù)題意,答案應(yīng)選D。

  2.近形詞匯題 英語詞匯中,有一些拼寫很相似,但它們的詞義或詞性卻不同。英語六級考試的一條重要命題規(guī)律就是用形近詞來干擾考生作出正確選擇。其目的是要檢測考生辨別詞形和運(yùn)用詞匯的能力。如果考生平時不善于對形近詞進(jìn)行自覺的對比,對它們的差異不甚了解,那就會在答題時緋徊不定,難以作出正確的選擇,甚至張冠李戴。? eg.Though the long term cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee. A.affect B.effect C.effort D.afford 答案 B。盡管工程的遠(yuǎn)期效果還無法預(yù)測,委員會還是批準(zhǔn)了這項工程。這四個詞拼寫相似,但它們的詞義或詞性卻不同。affect動詞,意為“影響”;effect為名詞,意為“效果”;effort名詞,意為“努力”;afford動詞,意為“負(fù)擔(dān)得起;提供”。掌握了它們之間的這些差異,你會毫不猶豫地選擇B。

  3.詞組與習(xí)慣用法辨析題 1)動詞短語搭配 英語動詞短語是英語的難點之一,它是由動詞+副詞、動詞+介詞、動詞+副詞+介詞幾種方式構(gòu)成的慣用組合,具有自己獨特的意義。其意義、語法、用法等常使考生感到困難。首先,動詞短語的詞義不是動詞和副詞、介詞等小品詞的簡單組合,往往難以從字面上理解。其次,動詞短語的使用場合及范圍不易弄清楚。第三,同義、近義和反義的動詞短語容易混淆。要學(xué)好英語,必須學(xué)會使用動詞短語。測試動詞短語的題目在詞匯題中占有很大的比例,其目的是測試考生辨別和運(yùn)用動詞短語,尤其是同一動詞所構(gòu)成的不同動詞短語的能力。? eg.The car won't start because the battery was ._______ A.run up B.run down C.run off D.run over 答案 B。蓄電池電力減弱了,因此汽車無法發(fā)動起來。這是一個因果關(guān)系的句子!捌嚍槭裁窗l(fā)動不起來?”原因是“電池電力減弱”。四個選項中,只有run down有“減弱”之意,其它三個選擇項與本句意思不合。run up表示“增長”,run off“逃離”;run over“溢出”。如果考生掌握了這四個動詞短語的含義,就會作出正確的選擇了。?

  2)習(xí)慣用語題 英語習(xí)語(English idiom)具有特有的、約定俗成的結(jié)構(gòu)形式,如“步行”,可說on foot,不說by foot,而“乘車”要說by bus,不說on bus。再如anything but與nothing but兩個詞組意義完全不同anything but的基本意思是not at all,而nothing but的基本意思是only。英語中的習(xí)語令人眼花繚亂,其構(gòu)成形式有的甚至無規(guī)律可循。它們通常由兩個或兩個以上的詞組成,不能任意拆開。其意義常常不是單詞意義的簡單結(jié)合,而是另外具有新的意義。因此,應(yīng)把詞組作為一個整體來記。測試的目的是檢驗考生對常用詞組的理解和運(yùn)用能力。? eg.Please don't stand in the kitchen door, you're ______ . A.in a way B.by the way C.in no way D.in the way 答案 D。不要站在廚房門口,你擋路了。這四個選擇項都是固定詞組,都有自己的含義。ina way表示“在某種程度上或某點上”;by the way“順便說一下”;in no way“決不”;in the way表示“擋路,妨礙”;“阻止”。根據(jù)題意答案應(yīng)為D。學(xué)生面對這些貌似雜亂無章,沒有規(guī)律可循的習(xí)慣表達(dá)法,一方面要廣讀多看,博詞強(qiáng)記;另一方面還要會尋找規(guī)律,學(xué)會歸納,避免機(jī)械記憶而事倍功半。 總而言之,解答詞匯題的先決條件是對詞匯的理解和辨析。因此考生平時要注意弄清楚詞的內(nèi)涵和外部關(guān)系,尤其是要注意了解名詞、動詞、形容詞等實詞彼此之間以及它們與介詞或副詞之間的搭配關(guān)系。與此同時,還要留心詞的慣用法,把習(xí)語作為一個整體儲存在腦海里。?


  語法結(jié)構(gòu)是考生必須掌握的一個重要部分。在六級考試中,語法內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在詞語用法與語法結(jié)構(gòu)這一部分(Vocabulary and Structure)。從以往考試的全真題來看,語法結(jié)構(gòu)所占的比例略小于詞語用法,但數(shù)目相差并不多。語法測試要求考生根據(jù)題目所提供的某種線索,從給出的四個選擇項中選出在語法規(guī)則上、語意邏輯上及文體上與題干完全吻合的最佳答案。從內(nèi)容上來看,語法部分的測試強(qiáng)調(diào)全面性,除略微偏重虛擬語氣外,教學(xué)大綱語法結(jié)構(gòu)表中的其他語法項目幾乎都涉及到了。語法測試的另一個重要特點是其特殊性,測試的重點多為語法項目中的特殊點,如虛擬語氣中if的省略與倒裝、情態(tài)動詞與完成體的搭配等。 因此,考生必須在全面、準(zhǔn)確、透徹掌握基本語法項目的基礎(chǔ)上,進(jìn)一步鉆研其中特殊的疑難點,并輔以大量的練習(xí),才能順利通過語法難關(guān)。 語法結(jié)構(gòu)部分主要測試時態(tài)和語態(tài)、虛擬語氣、主從復(fù)合句(定語從句、名詞從句、狀語從句等)、句法結(jié)構(gòu)(強(qiáng)調(diào)句型、倒裝語序、獨立結(jié)構(gòu)等)以及一致問題、固定句型等內(nèi)容?忌枰⒁獾氖,在開始答題之前,一定要對選擇項及題干進(jìn)行認(rèn)真的分析,辨明該題所要測試的語法點以及出題者的測試意圖,只有這樣,在應(yīng)試時才能做到心中有數(shù),臨場不亂。


  句號 Period [.]


  Hockey is a popular sport in Canada.

  The federal government is based in Ottawa.


  B.C. is the province located on the West Coast.

  Dr. Bethune was a Canadian who worked in China.

  The company is located at 888 Bay St. in Toronto.

  It is 4:00 p.m. in Halifax right now.

  問號 Question Mark [?]


  How many provinces are there in Canada?


  The teacher asked the class a question.

  Do not ask me why.

  嘆號 Exclamation Mark [!]


  We won the Stanley Cup!

  The forest is on fire!

  逗號 Comma [,]


  Therefore, we should write a letter to the prime minister.


  "I can come today," she said, "but not tomorrow."


  Ontario, Quebec, and B.C. are the three biggest provinces.


  Emily Carr, who was born in 1871, was a great painter.

  單引號 Apostrophe [']


  This is David's computer.

  These are the player's things. (things that belong to the player)

  Note: 對于復(fù)數(shù)形式的名詞,只加'

  These are the players' things. (things that belong to the players)

  縮寫I don't know how to fix it.


  引號Quotation Marks ["]


  The prime minister said, "We will win the election."

  "I can come today," she said, "but not tomorrow."

  冒號Colon [:]


  There are three positions in hockey: goalie, defence, and forward.


  The prime minister said: "We will fight. We will not give up. We will win the next election."

  分號Semicolon [;]


  The festival is very popular; people from all over the world visit each year.


  The three biggest cities in Canada are Toronto, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec; and Vancouver, B.C.

  破折號Dash [-]


  Mild, wet, and cloudy - these are the characteristics of weather in Vancouver.


  The children - Pierre, Laura, and Ashley - went to the store. Most Canadians - but not all - voted in the last election.


  The woman said, "I want to ask - " when the earthquake began to shake the room.

  連字符Hyphen [-]










  三十五個經(jīng)典句型 幫你過寫作關(guān)(英語四級)

  一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名詞 + (that) + 主詞 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)

  ~~~ the most + 形容詞 + 名詞 + (that) + 主詞 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)

  例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.


  Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.


  二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V

  Nothing is + more + 形容詞 + than to + V

  例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.


  三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.


  例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.


  四、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否認(rèn)的...)

  例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


  五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道...)

  例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.


  六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫無疑問的...)

  例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


  七、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的優(yōu)點是...)

  例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won‘t create (produce) any pollution.


  八、The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的原因是...)

  例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.

  The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.


  九、So + 形容詞 + be + 主詞 + that + 句子 (如此...以致于...)

  例句:So precious is time that we can‘t afford to waste it.


  十、Adj + as + Subject(主詞)+ be, S + V~~~ (雖然...)

  例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.

  {by no means = in no way = on no account 一點也不}


  十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~ the + ~er + S + V ~~~

  The + more + Adj + S + V, ~~~ the + more + Adj + S + V ~~~(愈...愈...)

  例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.


  The more books we read, the more learned we become.


  十二、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借著...,..能夠..)

  例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.


  十三、~~~ enable + Object(受詞)+ to + V (..使..能夠..)

  例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.


  十四、On no account can we + V ~~~ (我們絕對不能...)

  例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.


  十五、It is time + S + 過去式 (該是...的時候了)

  例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.


  十六、Those who ~~~ (...的人...)

  例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.


  十七、There is no one but ~~~ (沒有人不...)

  例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.


  十八、be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V (不得不...)

  例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports.


  十九、It is conceivable that + 句子 (可想而知的)

  It is obvious that + 句子 (明顯的)

  It is apparent that + 句子 (顯然的)

  例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.


  二十、That is the reason why ~~~ (那就是...的原因)

  例句:Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don‘t like it.


  二十一、For the past + 時間,S + 現(xiàn)在完成式...(過去...年來,...一直...)

  例句:For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination.


  二十二、Since + S + 過去式,S + 現(xiàn)在完成式。

  例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.


  二十三、It pays to + V ~~~ (...是值得的。)

  例句:It pays to help others.


  二十四、be based on (以...為基礎(chǔ))

  例句:The progress of thee society is based on harmony.


  二十五、Spare no effort to + V (不遺余力的)

  We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


  二十六、bring home to + 人 + 事 (讓...明白...事)

  例句:We should bring home to people the value of working hard.


  二十七、be closely related to ~~ (與...息息相關(guān))

  例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health.


  二十八、Get into the habit of + Ving

  = make it a rule to + V (養(yǎng)成...的習(xí)慣)

  We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.


  二十九、Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving, ~~~ (因為...)

  例句:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.


  三十、What a + Adj + N + S + V!= How + Adj + a + N + V!(多么...。

  例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promise!

  How important a thing it is to keep our promise!


  三十一、Leave much to be desired (令人不滿意)

  例句:The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.


  三十二、Have a great influence on ~~~ (對...有很大的影響)

  例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health.


  三十三、do good to (對...有益),do harm to (對...有害)

  例句:Reading does good to our mind.讀書對心靈有益。

  Overwork does harm to health.工作過度對健康有害。

  三十四、Pose a great threat to ~~ (對...造成一大威脅)

  例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.


  三十五、do one‘s utmost to + V = do one‘s best (盡全力去...)

  例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.



  1, It displease my parents when Richard and I stay out late every night. My

  parents don ’ t approve_____.

  A, of me and Richard staying out late every night.

  B, of Richard and me staying out late every night.

  C, of Richard ’ s and my staying out late every night.

  D, when Richard and me stay out late every night.

  2, “ As for their going along with us, “ she said, “________ ”.

  A, my husband and myself certainly have no objection.

  B, certainly my husband and I have no objection.

  C, either I or my husband certainly have no objection.

  D, either my husband or I certainly have no objection.

  3, “ any thing wrong? ”“ there was no objection on the part of ________ p

  resent ”.

  A, this.

  B, those.

  C, these.

  D, who.

  4, Although oriental ideas of woman ’ s subordination to man prevailed in t

  hose days, she_______ meet with men on an equal basis.

  A, did not dared.

  B, dared not

  C, dared not to.

  D, did dare not to.

  5, The stars (awaken) a certain reverence in man because, (though) always (p

  resent), they are beyond (your) reach.

  6, I had hoped( to have learned )French before my trip (to Paris), but I (di

  d not have) any (extra money) for a course.

  7, “ what is the difference? ”

  “ this furniture is different from______ ”.

  A, that book.

  B, your.

  C, that one.

  D, that.

  8,“ we walked twenty miles today. ”“ I never guessed you could have walke

  d _____ ”.

  A, as.

  B, this.

  C, that.

  d. such.

  9,“ what did Jack do last year? ”. “ I heard ____ taught German. ”.

  a, he.

  B, his.

  c. he is.

  d. him.

  10,“ did you see any foreigner present at the party? ”.

  “ he was the only foreigner ____ I saw at the party. ”.

  a, whom.

  B, that .

  C, who.

  d. which.

  11, (Nobody) who will not try to help the other people (develop) (his )abili

  ties (deserves) to have friends.

  12, (there is ) often disagreement( as ) (to whom) is the (better) Shakespea

  rean actor, Evans or Gielgud.

  13, John was ( the only one ) of the boys (whom) as you know ( was) not (eli


  14, The ( irritable) sergeant (was) insistent that nothing (superseded) the

  drilling of ( the forty new men.).

  15, (Still holding) the young man’s hand, he paused, and then (added delibe

  rately): now I am not the man to let a cause (to be lost) ( for want of )a w


  16, “What do you think about these pies?”

  “ I would like to have_____”.

  A, some other.

  B, another.

  c. the other.

  d. other.

  17, The FORMation of snow (must be occurring) (slowly), in calm air, and at

  temperature (near) the ( freezing) point.

  18, Carol said (that) she (went) ( to) the supermarket (before coming) home.

  19, (Weighed) down by a mass of trivial detail, a housewife is fortunate if

  she (did not) soon (lose ) all her charm and (three-quarters )of her intelli


  20, When our neighbor’s daughter( caught) her fingers in the car door, she

  (did not cry) even though it (must) have (hurted) her.

  21, I will employ the man ______ they say is a fluent speaker of English.

  A, who.

  B, that.

  C, which.

  d. whom.

  22, “Then about tolstoy’s great novels”.

  “ who_____ has read his great novels can forget their fascination?”

  a, who.

  B, that.

  c. which

  d. whoever.

  23, Since the earliest ancestors of the whales were land creatures, the ques

  tion has arisen as to how____________.

  A, did the flipper adaptation of the whale originate.

  B, was the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.

  c. the flipper adaptation of the whale originated.

  D, the flipper adaptation of the whale to originate.

  24, Most (aggregate) rocks are fused, and, (as is implied ) by the name, (ha

  s originated) (by the aggregation ) of smaller stones.

  25, The Amish, (whose) culture is (unique) American, have (developed) a (dis

  tinctive) tradition in organic farming.

  26, By the time smith (graduates) from (dental school), he will be (twenty-s

  ix) (years of age).

  27, (standing in the driveway), the house (appeared to be ) much smaller tha

  n (it had seemed ) (to us as children) many years ago.

  28, Kevin is (particularly) (fond of) cooking, and he (really) (cooks) delic

  ious meals.

  29, I held an opinion that ( a honest man) who married and brought (up) a la

  rge family did more service than (he) who continued (single ) and only talke

  d of the population.

  30, After (the church ) ( the men) stood together ( in the churchyard) (sayi

  ng) he must be crazy.

  31, “do you need more water in the pan?”

  “no, it has ___________”.

  A, already enough full.

  B, full already enough.

  C, already had enough.

  D, had already enough.

  32, This is ___________ such a thing.

  A, my first time of seeing.

  B, my first time to see.

  C, the first time I have ever seen.

  D, my first time I have ever seen.

  33, “ after that, what happened to him?”

  “ the chance to enter_____ come and he took it.”

  A, to college.

  B, the college.

  c. for college.

  d. college.

  34, There has been (hardly no sign of ) agreement ( as yet) (between ) the

  management and labor ( in their ) dispute over wages and working conditions.

  35, ________ lessons were not difficult.

  A, our first few short French.

  B, our few first short French.

  c. our few first French short.

  D, few our first French short.

  36, Bill said that he didn’t do _______ paper work.

  A, many.

  B, lots of .

  c. a great deal of .

  d. much.

  37, I waited there for thirty minutes; that seemed ________ hours to me.

  A, many.

  B, very much.

  C, as many.

  d. so many.

  38, No one (on ) the committee had flatly made (some ) such allegation, ( th

  ough) Wayne Morse did come (close) by declaring that the U.S. had irritated

  the North Vietnamese.

  39, There (have been ) (many) an argument (about) (its) proper usage.

  40, ( the social studies), (broad speaking), (deal with) man’s ( relationsh

  ip to other men).

  41, Founded ( in ) 1961 ( and employed) an estimated 35,000 people, the orga

  nization (has gained) a reputation for brutality.

  42, “john had the piano tuned today.”

  “ was it_______?”.

  A, out of tune badly before.

  B, before badly out of tune.

  C, badly out of tune before.

  D, out of tune before badly.

  43, “l(fā)eaving for Chicago?”


  A, soon.

  B, lately.

  c. late.

  d. sooner.

  44, “ jane acts quite unfriendly.”

  “ I think she is ________ than unfriendly.”

  A, shyer.

  B, shy.

  C, more shy rather.

  D, more shy.

  45, “would you like me to go to the doctor with you?”

  “no, you_______ with me.”

  A, need not to go.

  B, do not need go.

  c. need not go.

  D, need to not.

  46, No (other )beverage comes (even) close to rivaling coffee as the (more w

  idely) drunk refreshment in the (world).

  47, Strangers (come) into her city (now) notice what a (clean) place ( it is

  48, Professor Anderson thought that because historical parallels are so ( mu

  ch) used unprecisely and uncritically it (would) be (better) to avoid them a

  ltogether in our themes.

  49,“ I did not go to the party.”

  “did _____ go to the party?”

  a, many john friends.

  B, many john’s friends.

  C, my sister boy friend.

  D, a boy friend of my sister’s.

  50, “what did you see?”

  “ we saw_____ police there”.

  A, many.

  B, much.

  c. little.

  d. the.

  51, (when) and (by whom) the islands of the west Indies were first settled i

  s a matter (of debating) (among) archaeologists.

  52, (Cliff’s and Al’s) car (broke down) again, but (luckily) they knew ( h

  ow to fix) it.

  53, (from the top ) of the tower, Jacob was able ( to clearly and easily see

  ) the (whole ) city (stretching) out below him.

  54, Joan ( decided) that she did not like the (girl eating) an ice-cream con

  e on the bus after (she) ( yelled) at her little brother.
















