You will have 3 hours to take this exam. This exam contains 19 pages, and is divided into 4 sections. During this exam, you are NOT allowed to use any computers, calculators, or other electronic devices. Please review the questions first, and pace yourself accordingly. Good luck!
Section 1: Informational only(0 points each, 0% of total score)
This section contains multiple-choice questions. These questions do not count for any points, and are only for informational purposes. Please mark your answers on the answer sheet located on page 12.
1. In applying for this job,what is your first choice of location?
A. Beijing
B. Shanghai
2. What is your second choice of location?
A. Beijing
B. Shanghai
C. None(I am only applying for the first choice location)
3. If your location choices include Beijing, what is your team preference?
A.. Beijing: EMC team
B. Beijing: Vmware team
C. Beijing: No preference(either team)
D. I am only applying for Shanghai position(EMC team only)
4. What is your first choice in terms of position(job role)?
A. Software Development Engineer
B. Software QA Engineer
C. No preference
5. What is your second choice in terms of position(job role)?
A. Software Development Engineer
B. Software QA Engineer
C. None.(I am only applying for the first choice position.)